
Inner Child Quotes

There are 556 quotes

"Do not let the little kid in you die. You have to fight to keep that little child alive."
"Our adult selves have to care for those little babies [our inner child]."
"How can we best access and heal the wounded inner child? It seems that it will boycott any lasting change if left behind, throwing us back to square one over and over again."
"This is the healing of the inner child. This is true happiness."
"Awakening your inner self-confidence is like being in the spotlight, awakening that inner child, and feeling inspired by the things that make you feel like a kid again."
"When you find that inner child, parent it, nurture it, and look after it. That action of itself will grant you all the power and security you will ever need."
"Honor your inner child and embrace childlike enthusiasm."
"Play. Stop being so serious. Find your inner child. Go find fun today."
"Our true power comes from our own recognition of the free child inside of each of us and what that free child truly desired and dreamt and wanted in the world."
"Knowing your inner child... is so absolutely crucial when it comes to glowing up into the best version of yourself."
"Release your inner child and rediscover your wondrous sense of play."
"Allow me to know it's okay to make mistakes. Let me always take care of the inner child so he or she feels loved, no matter what."
"Embrace the inner child that is not constrained by how one should behave, speak, and think in the adult world."
"Your inner child is not protected by you understanding what happened; they are in pain, and that pain needs to be dealt with, addressed, and felt through."
"Often when we feel like we've been rejected or abandoned...it's like our inner child can blame ourselves, like we feel like someone's rejected us and we tell ourselves it's because we're not good enough."
"Identify inner child behaviors and what triggers those behaviors. The third step is to begin to identify and rehearse new responses to old triggers."
"Develop a secure attachment with yourself. This is the same kind of attachment you want to develop with other people eventually, but first, you need to develop it with that inner child."
"As I was sitting here and meditating, I felt a really big opening within the heart. It wasn't just the heart, it was a deeper part of the soul, the inner child, the past."
"It's important to take care of that inner child."
"Loneliness comes from a disconnect to your own soul, to your inner child."
"Healing the inner child is one of the most important things you can do to completely transform your life and relationships."
"A wounded inner child can completely destroy our lives and make us feel unsafe in the world."
"The most important thing that your inner child needs from you is to be seen, heard, and loved."
"I choose my words very carefully because my topics are very triggering, and I know that when people are triggered, their inner child can come to the forefront."
"When I say triggered, I mean that our inner child is up and running our present from a place of being activated, and our adult self, the adult part of us, is gone."
"But to be honest, there is work to do with our inner child about not letting them feel like they are responsible for everyone's emotional experiences."
"I really think it comes from having a deeper, deeper relationship with our inner child so that we can feel secure to ourselves."
"You have this very pure connection to your inner child."
"Step into your inner child... start having more fun, start living."
"Heal your inner child, heal from your childhood wounds."
"What does my inner child want for me right now?"
"It's a clear incoming, a cutting and a clearing that's going to allow your inner child out to play."
"Every day find a way to gently and wisely parent that little boy or a little girl inside your head that lived through hard times."
"The inner child figure as a piece of the psyche holding on to past pain and wounds."
"Your inner child is going to be alive, your inner child who's not afraid of the boogeyman, your inner child who's not afraid to try something."
"That little wounded child within him is so desperate for recognition and love."
"Reasonable-seeming but dysfunctional patterns with childlike characteristics are signs of an inner child."
"Provide a safe holding environment... for the inner child to manifest."
"They feel you have a playful and joyful spirit, letting your inner child shine."
"That part of you that's scared is the kid. The kid is [ __ ] scared."
"Get in touch with your childhood, with your past self. This is about doing inner child work."
"We all became who we needed to while still keeping our inner child alive and that's important as we grow up, you know?"
"The child in you has to be in there because that's why we played music in the first place."
"If we don't learn to heal our inner child as adults, what will happen to us?"
"Recognizing the child within, nurturing the need to be seen and loved."
"Your inner child wants to be addressed. You are loved."
"Inner child work is essential. Embrace your inner child for personal growth."
"A lot of inner children think if they just get the magic code right, then they can cause a toxic person to not be toxic."
"Your inner child is not going to like speaking up when you don't want to speak up and your inner child is going to not like toning things down."
"It's kind of like your inner child, you know, just letting her out."
"Embrace your inner child and trust in your ability."
"Tap into your inner child, explore possibilities, and try different things. Something new will be sparked within you."
"Connecting more with your inner child, finding happiness within yourself."
"A moment of weakness isn't a weakness. It's allowing your body and your inner child to release something that's been pent up."
"That inner child part of you that's taking control and that inner part of you is not really convinced and can't see it fully that what this behavior is doing is not helpful for you anymore."
"The person you are scolding is a three-year-old child within you if you are a person who gets angry."
"That person should be able to help you connect and open up that portal to where your inner child is."
"You all have a little child in there who might be stuck or is getting unstuck. Find him, find her, hold her hand, and make the both of you learn about self-love."
"Let the wall fall that separates me from my own vulnerable inner child. I long to take care of myself like never before."
"Nurture your inner child, live with the childlike sense of wonder."
"Letting the child inside of you die is why people don't have happy lives as adults."
"You might even free the child inside you that doesn't even know it was rescued. You could do it for you too."
"This is your inner child coming in and saying yes you can, this is a hundred percent your path."
"Embrace the new beginning and embrace your inner child."
"Have fun! Let your inner child come out and play."
"By holding this inner flame of passion like an inner child and embracing that child, we can release all of this energy in an actually constructive way."
"Get some Wellies and honor your inner child by jumping in puddles."
"Use this full moon energy to tap into your inner child and remind yourself of the things that you love to do that make you light up."
"Connecting with our inner child, that's the most powerful version of ourselves."
"Recapture the wonder, innocence, and unapologetic truth within. Allow yourself to dream and imagine."
"Your inner child is really striving right now."
"The little guy or the little girl in you doing everything it can to live and that's what's living through you. That's not you because that thing can disappear and you'll still be here."
"What does my inner child need me to do for them?"
"Just maintain this energy of still allowing your inner child to shine."
"It taps into that recess, that child part of you that likes to play."
"You're committed to seeing your shadow side... for your inner child, for little you."
"Allow your inner child back into your heart, they are the true version of you, and it is time to come home."
"Keep that innocence about you, stay in that inner child."
"I want you to start being closer to your inner child and get comfortable with having more fun because you're allowed to, and it's okay."
"The fairy within is our inner child."
"This is all about trust: trusting your inner child, trusting your purity, trusting your path, and trusting your intuition."
"That kind of stuff really brings out the big kid in me, you know?"
"The biggest thing that your inner child needs, and that you need, is to be able to sit with uncomfortable emotions without shaming yourself."
"The inner child is linked to longevity and healing."
"It's very important to give yourself permission to just revert to that inner nature of yours that is childlike and free."
"If you are healing your inner child, you are shining, and if you are shining, you are inspiring other people to light up."
"The more you're leaning into your inner child, into your sacral chakra, into creativity, into letting your inner child lead you."
"Follow your inner child, follow where he, she, or they take you."
"Sometimes to be the best man, you gotta let the inner child out."
"It's someone coming towards you that is also really in touch with their inner child."
"We all have an inner childhood inside of us. That from childhood feel like we either weren't heard, weren't seen, weren't comforted, didn't feel worthy or enough."
"The inner child within you seeks comfort and warmth, and it's time to let your soul speak and breathe freely."
"I believe adults can have fun like kids too and unleash their inner child."
"Parent your children in ways that your inner child longed for."
"You will feel like you can be yourself, and in a way, almost like you are healing your inner child with this person."
"They may even make your inner child feel safe because there's a level of safety here."
"My inner child deserves the world. My inner child deserves to go to Disneyland. My inner child deserves to go on vacation, to have a Netflix and chill this weekend. Period."
"You're gonna feel safe, I think your inner child is going to feel safe."
"It's okay to come back now, little inner child, come on back."
"Don't forget to have some fun, don't forget to connect with your inner child today."
"There's no such thing as lonely. Lonely is you're in the now and your mind is constantly avoiding your inner child in a constant nothing quest for the answer outside of you."
"My inner child is craving all sorts of delicious treats."
"You helped them heal their inner child wounds."
"There's a feeling here of like I just feel like you are someone that's very genuine, very connected with your inner child."
"Inner child healing work can lead to transformation."
"I've been getting the energy a lot, but it's like this energy of losing touch with the inner child."
"You make people feel like a kid again. You wake up their inner child, and this is very addictive."
"You bring out their inner child, and your inner child is with you strongly, and that's something this person has as a favorite trait about you."
"Your inner child is running adult relationships."
"You remind them of the happiness of the inner child, like you two were kids again."
"Embrace your inner child, be more playful, and find fulfillment."
"By embracing your inner child and learning to follow its guidance, you will get so many cool insights and ideas."
"Allow it to be there because it is the younger version of you asking for your attention."
"Let out your inner child and let your imagination run free."
"I feel like kid Jules inside would have a good time with this."
"I feel like this person's going to be really, really healing and nurturing to your inner child."
"Let that little child out, the little child that's in all of us that wants to play."
"Try to have compassion for the child within you, the little parts of you that the reason why you've stayed in this is because you so long to be seen and protected and loved and safe."
"The way that they see you is someone who's matured a lot, but hasn't lost their inner child."
"Your true self is this little child inside of you that has only love and acceptance for everything in the world."
"All of us have a wounded child in us all of us developed an adapted wounded child many stay mostly the disempowered many stay mostly the falsely empowered and many bounce between the two."
"Viewing yourself as you with your inner child."
"They will protect and heal your inner child."
"Don't forget to take extra good care of yourself and your inner child so that you can be the most effective version of yourself as you do your work in the world."
"Connect with your inner child and listen to what your child's self has to say."
"The inner child has the key to joy. Reconnect with your inner child, ask permission, and let them guide you. They bring joy from the heart, from the back of the heart. It's delicious."
"Your ability to maintain healthy romantic relationships or close relationships of any form as an adult rests upon your ability to retrain your inner child."
"Your inner child is triggered. Advice: Allow yourself a new beginning."
"It's really finding that younger version of yourself that was hurt and going back and seeing them, hearing them, loving them, and protecting them."
"It's time to really reconnect with your inner child and allow yourself to open up and live again. Feel the magic, believe in the magic, experience the magic."
"Every time you guys heal your inner child, you guys bring like a new level, a new octave of happiness into people's lives."
"This person is also someone who's very like focused on business and stuff like that but they also have this aspect of their personality where they're very connected into their inner child."
"Protect your peace, protect your inner child."
"I feel like people that have that wounded inner child are really gonna like whatever content you put out there."
"It's like your inner child is reminding you that things don't have to be so serious, and that you're free to go, you're not leashed, you're not chained."
"It was a moment of realization again, like 'wow', my inner child is so happy right now."
"Your inner child doesn't feel safe."
"And I can just feel my inner child coming up like, yeah this [__] is actually happening."
"Engaging in dialogue with yourself, positive and compassionate dialogue, is one other active way in which you can work on your inner child healing."
"Your future self is saying that's not you; remember who we are. Step into that inner child energy."
"This is about you taking the time that is necessary to really nurture yourself because that to me is the inner child that's asking for that."
"Bring back your inner child, exactly."
"It's like they saw you with this very pure light, like this very feminine, in touch with inner child magical energy."
"Recovery requires connecting with that traumatized inner child and helping them feel safe."
"Developing a relationship with your inner child helps them feel seen, heard, and nurtured."
"Your inner child is still with you."
"The wounded child feels very small, disempowered, and sees itself as less than others."
"Within stillness... it is also helpful in connecting with our inner child as sometimes we need stillness to hear the voice within."
"You're gonna bring so much abundance not just to yourself, but to your inner child."
"There's such like an inner child. It's like two wounded parts of two people and it's being brought up through this connection to trigger."
"The key is holding breathing with our inner child breathing with our inner self breathing nurturing and soothing that aspect of ourselves that wasn't held soothed or nurtured as a kid."
"Imagine yourself as a child... Spirit guides are wanting you to put on your superhero cape here Taurus, and they want you to fly."
"Nurture your own inner child, as you nurture a child."
"When an inner child kicks up, you want to put them on your lap, put your arms around them, hear what they have to say, love them up, and take their sticky hands off the steering wheel."
"You guys bring out the child in each other."
"We need to jump into the inner child work, we need to understand what little you thought, felt all that stuff, we need to get in contact with her or him, we need to have those conversations."
"Your inner child knows exactly where you need to go and what you need to do."
"Don't rush to start a relationship with your inner child."
"Take a look at your inner child, know that she is inside of you and understand that she deserves the absolute best."
"Always remember that your inner child is inside of you saying please take care of us, that should give you the discipline to do whatever it is that you're struggling with."
"The little girl in you is not getting what she deserves from what I'm hearing and the more you stand up and be a stand for her and comfort her as opposed to comforting a man that doesn't trust you the more in alignment you will live in life."
"At heart, we're all still a kid. Honestly doesn't matter how old you are, you still have that kid inside of you. Mine comes out a lot and I'm okay with that because I'm just a big kid half the time."
"Prove positive that you don't ever have to grow up. You can still buy your inner child a present."
"Your inner children can come out to play. You feel playful, goofy, and silly."
"The kid in me could not be happier right now."
"If you're feeling these feelings of unworthiness, treat yourself as if you're taking care of your younger self, your inner child."
"There is a need to connect with your inner child more."
"Inner child work is key. Repairing childhood wounds can help untangle ourselves from shame."
"I wanted to prioritize little Emmy, the little girl inside of me that hasn't been hurt, that hasn't been validated, that hasn't been seen."
"Love yourself without conditions, be the ideal parent to your wounded self which usually is going to go back to before age seven."
"The inner child to me is saying keep that, keep that, keep that."
"That child inside of you saying, 'I'm over here. Are you gonna pay attention to me?'"
"This person hasn't lost their inner child; they're tapped into their inner child's energy."
"Their inner child influences them, making their life more magical and fulfilling."
"Your future spouse didn't lose their inner child. They still have their inner child, meaning they still maybe have some hobbies from their childhood or they are just somebody who's gonna make you feel like a kid again."
"The autistic person in your life is living with a wounded inner child."
"Your inner child seeks love and healing. Embrace self-love and nurture your inner child."
"You awaken people's inner child and teach them to look through a different lens."
"...our inner children are the kind of raw impulsive emotional parts of ourselves."
"We have neglected the child in us for a long time. We have to come back and comfort, love, and care for the child within us."
"Breathing in, I see myself as a five-year-old child. Breathing out, I smile with compassion to the five-year-old child in me."
"We have to talk to the child and just as important, we have to let the child speak. Let the child express himself."
"You can also write a letter of one, two, or three pages to the little child in you to say that you recognize his or her presence and you will do everything you can to heal his wounds."
"When you climb a beautiful mountain, invite your child within to climb with you."
"Healthy adulthood involves good enough parenting of the inner child. You cannot be a healthy adult if you deny your inner child."
"The only way to be healthy as an adult is to maintain a line of communication with your inner child, a joyful acceptance of the gifts that the inner child brings to the table."
"Another way we can make sure that the little child within us feels safe is to invite the child within to come out with us and to play on the ground of the present moment."
"They like to connect with their inner child and they are responsible when they need to be."
"Your inner child's like this. Maybe you were holding back. It's almost like you're in this energy of questioning God, 'Why? What do I got to learn from this?'"
"It's ridiculous to let that little child inside of you die."
"The ego is really the inner child."
"I actually think the ego comes from the unmet needs of the inner child."
"That's why this felt so intense to you. Your reaction was because it was like that younger self that didn't feel safe almost like thrashing around in your adult body."
"My entire career is based on inner child."
"My inner child is doing cartwheels."
"Inner bonding is about reconnecting with your inner child and being able to work in harmony with them because a lot of the time when we're freaking out, our inner child is like 'ah we are so scared right now'."
"Let's do something fun today. A lot of people who have a wounded inner child have forgotten how to have fun."
"Tap into your inner child's creativity and imagination."
"I always find doing stuff like this kind of brings out like your inner child it's the sort of thing that you would love to do as a kid"
"There is a little boy in you, and I love him."