
Curse Quotes

There are 585 quotes

"Devil Fruit users wield profound powers and crazy curses."
"Every giant is red of hair, and Rigan was said to have despised his own red locks, perhaps that was a curse of their kind."
"That is actually a curse. That is disgusting."
"The flavor text of the armor is heartbreakingly awesome: 'The Winged shape ornaments on its back evoke the death bird, a self-inflicted curse.'"
"An immortal body is a curse, not some special gift."
"This game is cursed. Once you open the portal, there will be grave consequences."
"This was a curse. The player who drinks the potion isn't immortal, but the player who kills them is."
"The effects of the curse will result in a rapid accumulation of money as no matter how or where you try to spend money it will always be returned to you with interest."
"Once you are cursed, that's the rest of your life, baby."
"My spirit will live forever, and it will live in this house. Nobody else will be able to live in this house. I put a curse on it."
"Returning home from your discovery of the 7th continent and something dark has been eating away at you, a curse which can only be lifted by returning to the continent and uncovering its mysteries."
"What if God said that if you curse, you can finally be happy?"
"The person she cursed begins to freak out, seeing everyone as demons and passes out on the spot. The curse is real, but this revenge plot is about to backfire hard."
"The new curse is all the attention the tomb gets."
"You'll have access to amazing power but at the cost of being cursed with a fairly miserable existence."
"He works desperately not only to save his own son Tsurugi but to fully break the curse that has been haunting his family for years."
"Time has no effect on the curse. Once it's in position, it's just waiting on someone to activate it."
"The affliction is a curse that runs rampant in their blood, bringing great agony and then ultimately either death or a transformation into something monstrous."
"It's the Beaver Creek curse... it's a thing."
"Perhaps the curse laid by Demise was realized. Perhaps Link was forced to repeat a chain of events that started many years before his own birth."
"The world is cursed, James, and there have been whole chapters lived and closed before the dawn of our organic life."
"Rumors of strange voices, distorted faces—'kamaitachi no yoro 2' was a cursed game."
"Richard Bethel, Lord Carnarvon's secretary, passed away mysteriously at his London club then Bethel's father Lord Westbury wrote a suicide note blaming the curse."
"Tutankhamen's treasures hold many clues that may help explain the existence of a curse."
"If it's a curse then no, but if I continue as I am now and just look like a skeleton every time the moonlight touches me then I'd do it."
"May the curse of the great spirit rest upon this land, may it be blighted by nature."
"Memory is a curse more often than a blessing."
"Roy decides to use this curse in a positive way."
"This city is absolutely cursed, a constant cycle of brutality."
"A curse only holds as much power as the one who speaks it."
"Reminiscing about our time together, I wondered if our closeness had only been driven by my desire to break the curse." - Hanah
"They have effectively stopped the curse for good."
"If your pastor tells you if you don't pay tithe, you are cursed, then he is cursed."
"He was a good man. His power was not a gift but a curse, yet still, he devoted his life to helping mankind." - Martian Manhunter
"Seven men must die before one who deserves the treasure will find it."
"I am ruined... this just lays me bare. Woe to me, woe meaning a curse."
"You should be careful about what you pick up during your trips; you'll never know if the thing you just picked up is cursed until it's too late."
"The gift that can be a curse but it is a gift."
"If you made it this far into the video, I got cursed with a voodoo doll."
"If you are being afflicted by a curse, according to the knowledge of God, you're causing it, or something in your lineage or whatever, but there's sin that's giving this thing the right to not just visit you, but to run its course in your life."
"Invisibility might not be a superpower, but it sure feels like a curse sometimes."
"Even a man who is pure in heart and says his prayers by Night may become a wolf when the wolf's ban blooms and the Autumn Moon is bright."
"The Demon King sent a curse shrouding the entire world."
"You are the first one in your family to break this curse."
"If the girl could learn to love herself, the curse would be lifted."
"I could be cursed by these unnatural abominations, plagued to the end of times, or I could do something about this."
"If you stab the heart, yours must take its place, and you will sail the seas for eternity."
"Having Demons take place in a theater, where the movie being watched is the origin of the demonic curse that's about to be let loose, is a fantastic way to quietly get past the sense of security viewers have while watching film."
"Oh, what a pass! He's a cursed spirit, but he can communicate clearly."
"...Shakespeare has a curse etched into his Tombstone."
"What if you could live forever? Is eternal life a blessing or a curse?"
"The curse is only lifted when Ymir realizes that she did have true love; she did have her feelings reciprocated by her children."
"I think I broke my family curse, or perhaps it never existed to begin with, and my family is just really complicated," I said.
"Love is the most powerful curse there is."
"It's like the population like a gift from the curse."
"It's like this curse was showing itself to the world."
"The question is whether it's a curse or a blessing."
"A curse that gathers in that place of death, those that encounter it will be consumed by its fury."
"He then reveals that his curse was meant to last only until someone judged him worthy of being rewarded for his work."
"Oscar remains steadfast in the quest for the Blue Moon witch to uncover how to break his curse."
"When people envy you, they unknowingly put a curse on you."
"We're going to unravel a curse in the One Piece world so powerful even Blackbeard can't avoid it."
"Madagascar's worse with this curse remaining alive and perverse."
"Is it the curse of Colleen Ballinger?"
"It feels like that title is jinxed."
"This time he received the curse of corruption, an authority that can only be described as evil."
"True love's kiss will break any curse."
"A curse will descend on you unless the hat is returned to its owner immediately."
"Being born into the world is a blessing and curse you're born not knowing a single thing."
"Understanding the Eay clan's curse."
"Even though it might seem cool to have such a superpower, in reality it is a curse."
"People were under the impression that certain parties could curse an individual by giving them a supernatural glare."
"He has these cursed artifacts with him all this time."
"The curse is so powerful that it fills the air all around her, and she wasn't even the target of the curse."
"Blessed be he that blesseth thee and cursed be every nation that curseth thee."
"The spirit is a curse, but it's a curse I have to live with."
"You cannot afford for your unforgiveness to be the thing that allows the curse to come."
"The hollow is in fact the creator of the original werewolf curse."
"...the demon is there because the demon was invited, okay? And it was invited either by the individual or in the case of a curse..."
"Cursed be he that makes the blind to wander out of the way."
"The curse has twisted it, trapped us in a loop, an eternal twilight."
"Every sickness and every disease, even the ones that are not listed in the book, are all part of the curse."
"Can a car be cursed? How can billions of dollars go into the design, launch, and marketing of a vehicle, only for it to be... not good?"
"Suca is the true and only disaster curse."
"If you take a cursed item and throw it on top of the pentagram and it breaks, you break the curse."
"May the hordes of demons bear you from heel to crown!"
"'A curse is the correct attribute to place upon it. I'm indeed cursed,' the creature murmured."
"I think we may have broke our 11in curse here."
"Morgoth’s curse upon the House of Hador was broken for good and all"
"Character development and believing in curses by the end of the movie is superb."
"The Austrian Habsburgs lived on but they would get a fresh curse and even more calamities."
"The Shahs of Nepal: Cursed for ten Generations."
"But if historic Legends are to be believed, he was cursed to be the final king of Nepal."
"Conspiracy theorists are more and more convinced that Glee is cursed."
"She told her that she'd always be cursed and that the next man she marries will die."
"...sensitivity has been a blessing and a curse for me..."
"The ring, known as the destiny ring, is said to be cursed."
"Whether the curse was real remains an unsolved mystery."
"Turns out Luke was under a curse, and after he helped defeat evil, he said 'alright, well you know what, turn your glass back again'."
"I curse perfectionism in the name of Jesus."
"The evil queen cursed Wonderland, causing the wonderlandians to leave their homeland and flee to the world of Ever After."
"A curse is only a curse if we allow it to be if we allow something to take hold of us then it is effective but if we don't allow that with our free will to happen then we can course correct or banish that frequency Cast Away negativity from our energetic field."
"The curse will be broken right okay that makes sense they're going to break the curse but does knowing the curse mean that you can reverse like are all curses reversible what if it is reversible but the way to do so has nothing to do with how it was made in the first place."
"The powers were not a gift from the Wizards, but a curse."
"The Dark Lord places a curse upon Hurin and his kin saying - But upon all whom you love my thought shall weigh as a cloud of Doom, and it shall bring them down into darkness and despair."
"Whatever you keep you lose is cursed whatever you give to God is blessed."
"Money without the lessons and the sweat and the muscle tissue built to handle it can just be a curse. Absolutely."
"The defendant may go free, but you, Alexander Hamilton, and you, Aaron Burr, will be forever accursed."
"Cursed item, refrain from accepting gifts at this time, dispose of anything suspicious."
"That's their personal oath, but it's also their curse."
"You never heard of the curse of the Von Erics? This is definitely going to come back. This curse. You can be the one to bring it home for us."
"Meliodas is planning to be the Demon King to break Elizabeth's curse."
"After the battle ends meliodas immediately breaks Elizabeth and his curse."
"They talk about the Chelsea Striker curse but top Chelsea Wingers usually fade in their late 20s very early 30s. They always have a dramatic drop off."
"They did a really good job visualizing this idea of a curse that may or may not be real."
"By returning it to its natural place, it will stop the curse. Right, okay, by just burning it?"
"He had weakened the curse significantly."
"Sometimes our visions can feel like a curse, but they are a gift."
"Even if it scratches you on your ankle, a poisonous curse will work its way up your body and grab your heart and stop it."
"The true danger of this sword is the fact that Murasame's curse also works on the wielder."
"This is the time I break the curse."
"Cursed is the man who follows a celebrity, thinking his life will change."
"True love proves more powerful than any curse."
"Whatever curse is left on the belt will be erased, and at the end of UFC 300, the 205 nightmare will be over, and we'll be looking at the true king."
"There's some type of generational curse that has been broken here."
"With the serpent tied to the land, cursing the king means cursing the land itself."
"You are now suffering from the goblin curse."
"He had done it, he defied the curse of the Lokis, he had finally won."
"However, the curse came with a side effect: every time Amanda transforms, her cells would overwrite themselves, and in the process of repairing, she would appear to become younger over time."
"Singleness is not a curse. Trust that God is a good God and he does have someone out there for you."
"Creates Hollow purple an enormous ball of curse energy that literally applies the concept of zero to an opponent, crushing and repelling them into nothing."
"Cloaked in mystery and romance, it is said to be cursed, bringing misfortune to those who possess it."
"The Giants who gave their life were fated to an endless cruel as their failure released them from their solitary curse."
"'He's suffering from a curse,' Arc deduces."
"'An Everlasting curse,' the consequences of the spell remained in effect and unbreakable."
"The evil eye is a symbol, an alleged curse that goes way back to around 3,000 BC."
"When the gods play so deep a part in our affairs, we should count ourselves cursed."
"The Destroyer curse... where they seek to only drag all other life forms into the abyss with them."
"Only by dispelling this cursed power could they live a normal life. Lena decided to return to her kingdom, find her twin sister, so that hell could help her remove this power."
"The curse can only be broken when a girl is willing to sacrifice the most precious thing for you."
"'I am Grimsley, the greatest fairy of evil, and I curse you.'"
"I feel like a giant doing magic is really cursed."
"It's a blessing and a curse. I really just can't explain it to be gifted with just so much lyrical talent."
"Sometimes people who earn more, their wealth can become a curse."
"But the wendigos greatest curse is that no matter how much flesh it consumes, it only grows hungrier."
"A curse is always bad, and Kramps' curses are the worst."
"I hate myself for what I've done to my family. This curse that follows me has brought nothing but pain and fear to them."
"But the one that most agreed on was, a curse."
"I'm not a superstitious guy, but this fight's been cursed."
"Ah, sweet child of Kos, it turns to the ocean. The bottomless curse, a bottomless sea, accepting of all that there is and can be."
"May the fox build his nest on your Hearthstone. May the light fade from your eyes so you never see what you love. May the sweetest drink you take be the bitterest Cup of Sorrow."
"I curse all of your confusion and bless your understanding so that you would come into a knowledge of this."
"If your sickness is directly due to a curse, if you are released from the curse, you qualify for healing from your sickness."
"Shame on the persons who stole our beautiful onions. May the fleas of a thousand camels infest your armpits."
"You need to quit magnifying what you call a curse on your family, man. See, question, when you've got the Holy Ghost, you don't think the Holy Ghost is more powerful than that curse."
"You really think you could break the curse once and for all? I guess we'll find out," he said, lowering his head and tasting her mouth.
"Many believe Ham's act of seeing his father Noah naked wasn't grave enough to merit the harsh curse that followed."
"Blessed is he that blesseth thee and cursed is he that curseth thee."
"...each sibling would suddenly be plagued by such problems after having visited the tomb."
"Superficiality is the curse of our age."
"No curse or enchantment shall prevail against you."
"You truly were cursed, the curse of the Fourth Hokage."
"Was the curse real? Maybe this time we shouldn't have meddled."
"He told me of the legendary curse of the House of Kralitz."
"God will curse curse your family God will curse this nation and if we bless that Nation God will bless you."
"Long ago a local witch was sentenced to death and before she was hanged she cursed the town to burn three times."
"One famous legend tells of a dreadful curse. As the story goes, the wife of a well-respected city judge was supposed to be the first to cross the bridge when it was brand new. She died days before the bridge opened and was carried across instead in her coffin."
"The absence of the presence of God indicates a curse."
"...you wouldn’t want to be under a curse."
"I was given a gift and a curse, and the gift is starting to really wear off."
"It's the curse, and he also said like 'No curse works on me' or whatever."
"The evil is the house itself, I think. It has enchained and destroyed its people and their lives."
"You don't break a curse by rebuking, by canceling."
"May you rot in hell the rest of your days here on Earth and when you die may your soul rot in the pits of hell where you and people like you belong."
"Cursed, like many films before it, was just a prime example of a studio getting too heavily involved and ruining their own product."
"God gave man work to do long before the fall of Man happened. It's the productivity that God cursed, it was the soil that he cursed. Work is not a curse."
"I refuse to be under the curse, bitterness is a part of the curse, I refuse to be under the curse."
"A curse so old that everybody had forgotten its Origins."
"A curse works for the remainder portion of the life. It starts at a particular point of time... and for the rest of the life, that's gone, the life is destroyed till death."
"The solution lies in please do the mantras that have been taught. Take out a slot of 40 days during the month when the Sun would transit the planet which is causing the curse in your natal chart."
"God is not pleased with jeconiah...God does an interesting thing...God himself is just in his anger pronounced a blood curse on jeconiah."
"Speaking of magic, everyone hates the curse of binding."
"The curse is to disable what I was equipped to do. In essence, it is to limit me, allow me to go so far to the point where I cannot even go nowhere anymore."
"It bothers me so much, oh why am I cursed to see these awful things?"
"The curse of The Omen: not being welcomed."
"It is this cursing does not come because he Noah became drunk."
"her vision has been both her blessing and her curse"
"...he warned everyone, whoever opens my tomb will be cursed."
"This vase, also known as The Unlucky vase, has a creepy reputation for causing terrible luck and even death to its owners."
"We're free from the curse, both additions of it."
"Dating apps can be an absolute blessing when it comes to finding partners, or in my case, they can be an absolute curse."
"Hope you die joy, I hope you die I hope I could have a god damn grenade with your mouth."
"There is one power stronger than your curse, and it is the power of love."
"Fame is like it's crazy. It's a gift and a curse."
"If somebody had something that was yours, they automatically are cursed, 'cause you took it. They stole it from you, unbeknownst to you, or took something from you, it's like they feel cursed right now, y'all. Somebody really feels cursed."
"Dracula, the founder of the Ordo Dracul, was cursed by God himself with vampirism."
"...the region has been closed off to explorers and there may be a good reason - Genghis Khan's tomb is thought to be protected by a curse."
"There's a thousand times more power in his blessing than in their curse."
"We overturn the curse, we break the curse."
"I never thought this Dam skill will be a cursed skill."