
Self-integration Quotes

There are 80 quotes

"Healthy transcendence is defined as a harmonious integration of the whole self in the service of realizing the good society."
"You will come closer and closer to your genuine authenticity throughout the process of integration of your parts and the inevitable self-awareness that that process brings."
"Balance is not about dividing yourself up; it's about learning how to become all of yourself, your whole self, and then giving your best self to those things."
"Trauma is like taking a rock and throwing it in the windshield... what we're trying to do is bring parts of ourselves back to ourselves."
"Everything matters. Every thought, every action, every decision. It all integrates together to make up the whole you."
"We want to be able to merge all of the parts of ourselves... and fully be embodied."
"Connect with the nature because we are the nature."
"Fulfilling your purpose and stepping into your goodness is not about detaching from yourself; it's about integrating all parts of yourself and developing the type of empathy for yourself that you were once never given."
"You can still have the full circle circus and fit it all into who you are as one person."
"To dream about sex refers to the integration and merging of contrasting aspects of yourself, it represents psychological completion."
"Your soul integrating itself into this present life in reality is the most crucial step in embracing who you are."
"Integration creates an integral sovereign being."
"Learning to integrate that inner masculine and inner feminine... allows us to create a kind of magnetic field around us from that space of integration."
"Fusing two seemingly opposing aspects of yourself into one thing is a unique way to succeed."
"When your head and your heart become one, you will be successful."
"Align your head, your heart, and your hands."
"I want to do something that integrates all facets of who I am."
"Bring those two sides of yourself that have been separated, bring them back together."
"The process of individuation leads to a whole, integrated, calm, fertile, and happy life."
"Bridging two parts of yourself together may feel crazy at first, but it's necessary for dynamic change."
"Tarot helps accelerate the process of individuation, guiding us towards integrity."
"The Merkava is not something separate from you; it is you."
"This is the rock, when he takes the two parts, the good you and the bad you, and he puts them back together."
"Ultimately what makes us worth watching is the integration of both masculine and feminine energies."
"We can let go of those tensions so that we can arise as our most fully integrated and strong selves."
"As you get older, you just tend to integrate more of your functions in a more well-rounded way."
"The journey towards embracing our dark side is transformative; it involves acknowledging, accepting, and integrating all parts of ourselves."
"Integrating our dark side isn't about eliminating these darker aspects or striving for an ideal state of perfection; it's about harmonizing our inner world."
"You kind of feel like the exact same person. Except that you feel a little bit more integrated."
"Having loyalty to all parts of yourself could actually help you gain success easier."
"My whole life has been an attempt to work with the dissonance and the attempt to integrate my inner truth with the way I live."
"Keep shining that light, keep shifting, keep changing, keep, you know, integrating yourself, keep being kind, keep being unique because that is what makes you you, you know?"
"You've healed past abandonment wounds and integrated light and shadow."
"You can't always be torn in two. You have to be one and whole for many years."
"Integration means finding the common thread that links all of the different parts of myself and kind of bringing them in together to form a complex whole."
"When we're able to show up as more whole and integrated versions of ourselves, it's actually a lot easier to foster those real connections."
"If you have taken his message of forgiveness and unifying yourself and taking all the different parts of yourself and making them into a Unity if you have taken that message in by bringing the play into yourself then you're you become a creative person"
"The North Node and the South Node need to be integrated in this lifetime for you to feel really truly fulfilled."
"Temperance has brought the fool to appreciate moderation and to combine all aspects of himself into a centered whole."
"The world represents completion and unity, a symbol of the harmonious integration of all aspects of the self."
"If you've ever wanted to integrate your shadow, this is honestly the way to do it."
"When you meditate, you can integrate this part and you can interact with it and notice that in some sense, it is you."
"Jesus and Shakespeare are fragments of the soul, and by love, I conquer and incorporate them in my own conscious domain."
"Our natural activity is to integrate experiences into what we are, to really know them, to come to terms with them, to allow them to be a part of us without any barrier."
"Only by accepting your shadows can you integrate your fractured self."
"That which you have not integrated in yourself, you will seek in another."
"The urge to make friends between these polar opposite parts of you leads to you stretching your soul."
"Shadow work is how you integrate the aspects of your unconscious psyche into your conscious experience and allow the positive aspects of the shadow self to express themselves."
"Integration is about letting go of all of that and just being authentic."
"What does it mean to integrate a past version of yourself into the identity that you're building today?"
"Meditation can help you to bring into harmony those two selves."
"The goal of the individuation process is the synthesis of the self."
"When that child feels gratitude towards it, it starts coming out of its shell, its protective shell, and then you become whole."
"The heart is where the animal self and the higher self are integrated into the body for one unique experience."
"You've integrated a part of your shadow, Capricorn."
"All individuals and couples can aspire to become their true and integrated selves by recognizing the marriage of their masculine and feminine natures."
"This is a time where we can work out how we can integrate these into our conscious lives to accept the duality of our being."
"It's a story of needing to integrate your shadow as a human being."
"When the crystal is healed, they come back together and they form the one being, and it's the integration of those sides of yourself that we all must do as human beings."
"This is really a message... talking about integrating these kind of hidden, shadow, unknown aspects of ourselves."
"Full integration of the self is what this one represents."
"There's no way to actually achieve sacred union with a person until you have become an integrated soul, a balanced soul, a complete soul in and of yourself."
"Feeling whole and not fragmented."
"Finding that balance is also a connection with the masculine and feminine aspects of yourself."
"When the real you is the same version that the rest of the world sees, you are living an integrated life."
"The balance of the divine, the sacred masculine and feminine within yourself is going to be very important in order for you to move forward with your creative endeavors."
"Finding that integral self here is one of the best things we can do for ourselves."
"Past you, present you, future you, all blending together."
"There is a merging now of your feminine and your masculine within you, that's why you are getting this balance that's coming in."