
Cleanliness Quotes

There are 8722 quotes

"You've experienced this: when you get the floor cleaned up in a space, even if you don't get the other stuff done, it feels really good."
"My wonderful and extremely intelligent actualized friends who all have clean rooms."
"To relax, I like to clean my room. To me, having a dirty room is extremely overwhelming."
"I want my slippers. I'm not walking on these floors. They're drug-infested."
"Clean your house. It just makes you feel better."
"We can have both cleanliness and freedom of speech. There doesn't have to be a trade-off."
"An Amish home is expected to be a reflection of the family's values, and keeping it clean is seen as a reflection of the family's commitment to living a life of simplicity and humility."
"Cleaning... it's a lot harder to focus and be productive when everything around you is in chaos."
"Keep your car clean, stay nice, calm, and composed."
"It's therapeutic for me. I love cleaning up the van and getting stuff done."
"If you're feeling really stressed out and really distracted, it's probably because there's dirt on your countertops that's subconsciously impacting your energy."
"Investing in cleaning a cup this morning, when you come in at night, you made sure your future was better because the cup was clean as soon as you arrived in the house."
"If we all spend half an hour cleaning, this kitchen becomes spotless."
"Cleanliness is next to Godliness, that's what they say, right? So you're supposed to be like that."
"Everyone should have enough clean, safe water to meet their fundamental daily needs."
"Islam aims to be a comprehensive religion in terms of purity and being clean. There are two kinds of purity. There's a spiritual purity, which is the most important."
"Islam prescribed basic solutions for how to clean yourself. Water is purifier, and it purifies."
"I treat my social media like my home, I keep it tidy, I keep it nice."
"Everything is so thoroughly washed in the United States... and so we've become deluded that somehow sterility or cleanliness is some sort of proxy for health."
"Cleanliness matters the most. It doesn't have to be well decorated or well furnished, but cleanliness tops all of the factors."
"I get such a burst of joy walking into a room that's light, airy, and clean with uncluttered space and surfaces."
"Japan is a very clean place; Japanese people are very considerate, they're very proud people, they respect their belongings."
"If we all do our part, it's easy to keep the forest clean."
"Chasing after the perfectionism of being a clean person will lead most people to never succeed at being any level of clean."
"The state of your bed is the state of your head."
"If you stick to your daily routine, your average experience of your home will be of a comfortable degree of order and cleanliness."
"The clean sink rule... often becomes a habit that ripples into other habits."
"Let's get rid of all that trash. Let's get rid of it together."
"Cleanliness in Japan is something that's taught since childhood."
"The tradition is based on the 17th-century philosophy that says a clear mind comes from keeping things clean and tidy around you."
"Cleanliness is so very important; the tub is perfectly clean, the rocks are perfectly clean."
"I am quite obsessive. I'm a fantastic cleaner. My standards are so high, they hit Venus."
"Ahri's bathroom was so immaculate, and he takes pride in himself and pride in the bathroom."
"There's nothing like waking up to a nice clean house in the morning."
"Having a clean and calm space just makes me feel so much more relaxed when I'm in my home."
"This is a fresh and clean room, and I am so grateful for it. I know it's not much to look at decor-wise, but I am so happy that it's at least clean."
"Always keep your station clean when there's downtime."
"Let every man sweep his own front porch and the world will be clean."
"Flat surfaces... tend to become the most cluttered and when we have clean flat surfaces it's one of the things can make our house feel so much cleaner and so much more spacious."
"Remember, the body needs to be cleaned. Some people like to hit the hot spots — under the arms, down in the genitals — and that's real cute until the other spots start to stink."
"Nothing grows in disinfectant. Right, when you clean something up that much, right, you need a bit of dirt for things to grow."
"The Hudson River today is the cleanest it's been since the 1860s."
"Just making your bed makes a huge, huge difference in how your room feels and how much cleaner it feels."
"The magic of a clean space is not just in the appearance but in the peace of mind it brings."
"The water is now even cleaner than that in normal taps and is ready for the next shower again and again."
"If you make a mess, clean it up. It's that simple."
"If you can see the dirt on them, clean them. Otherwise, there's no point." - Ashton Kutcher
"The basics of body care is to thoroughly bathe regularly with soap... and getting the washcloth nice and soapy and then using that to scrub a dub will get the sweat, product buildup, and any dead skin buffed away."
"In fact, cleanliness and hygiene were more common in the Middle Ages than after the Renaissance."
"It is such a joy to wake up to a clean, wonderful house."
"Cleaning our house is kind of like brushing your teeth and eating Oreos at the same time. You can't get it clean as fast as it gets dirty, but you try. You at least try."
"The more your environment is clean, the more likely you are to be lean."
"Fortunately, there's no taint in my place. That's great."
"We try and keep things very clean and organized throughout the house."
"It's spring cleaning. Get everything downstairs taken care of. You will look better, you will feel better, and you will smell better."
"The secret is like, clean your damn bathroom."
"There's nothing that makes me angrier than a dirty colony."
"I love how you move. I love that you're not messy. I love your level of confidence."
"I found an invite in the trash can while I was cleaning Office Buildings nearby."
"It's like when my space is clean, I have more mental clarity."
"It makes me feel happier when things look clean and they look like clinical, then I feel relaxed and I feel like the world makes sense."
"Cleaning up my space, it's an act of self-care."
"Whether your house is clean or dirty, it doesn't change who you are."
"We should leave nature how we found it and pick up our trash. Okay, bye."
"Clean as a whistle." - Precision and excellence.
"Leave the world a cleaner place than when you found it."
"Automatically cleaning the litter box every single time your cat uses it gives your cat a much cleaner, more hygienic, and pleasant environment."
"So make sure you keep your look proper, clean, and tidy, and that includes your bag as well."
"They are excellent cleaners, meticulous about how they organize their life."
"Don't get lazy, get all that contamination off guys."
"Soap was pretty good, gotta keep the place clean."
"You got to close this, there's literally not a single speck of dirt on this guy."
"Space litter. Oh, it's litter. I think that's why we haven't been visited by aliens. No, no, they just looked at it and said, 'You guys are nasty.'"
"I always use just my finger but I found that with this tool you actually create quite a bit less dust around the edges which just overall makes working with the pastels a bit cleaner and more enjoyable."
"It's like going through a car wash, unmistakably de-icing spray."
"She's tidy and cleans up unprompted and continues doing so."
"Life hacks. Need to clean your house? Get a new cat. The sound of it chewing on random debris will provide constant motivation to clean and reorganize your space."
"You deserve a beautiful home that's clean and clutter-free and stays tidy."
"Not only the hands had to be clean but also the heart so."
"Cleanliness is Next to Godliness. It's true. It is. And evil is characterized by their opposites."
"Keeping it clean gets a big hopeful Gandalf thumbs up from me."
"Clean as you go and always start with a clean kitchen."
"I thought that my girls on stage were fresh. They were pretty. They were clean, and they were wholesome."
"Pick up your clothes, and clean your room as well!"
"For none first animals and excessively stained batches of crawfish processors may do for the cleaning external cleaning of live crawfish."
"A clean workspace makes for a better, more productive environment."
"Clean your space; having a cleaner space will make your heart lighter."
"If I were to leave a little smarmy trail behind me, I would be able to come through with a mop and clean it up."
"Cleanliness is Godliness, and He's looking to see... how you handle it."
"If Lance could keep one room clean in my house, I would gladly give you a tour."
"The food's the same, pretty, yeah, it's basically cleaner, nicer people, yeah, it's just like, it's an overall better environment."
"When you get your foundation right and it's really clean then you can start out any difficulty."
"Clearing up our diets, clearing up our homes."
"The characters look unbelievably clean now, the animation is top freaking notch too."
"Justine is keeping it clean and she won Love Island 2020!"
"No, the fan Meetup would not smell awful, everyone would have showered, they'd have their deodorant, they'd have all that [__], they'd have their teeth brushed, all of it, man."
"They realize that they can be clean and dirty at the same time."
"The first thing to do is stay clean. This makes the other stages of recovery possible."
"This is the legacy of my life this is my life's work and I'm just getting started."
"My administration believes in two beautiful rules: buy American and hire American."
"I wiped everything down making sure the surface was nice and clean."
"It has these beautiful floors... it's just very easy to clean up these floors."
"We're not gonna have any clue like Scrubs so what like get clean like take a shower?"
"My house is really clean. I'll tell you that. My house is really clean. I bet."
"Cleanliness is next to Godliness or something like that."
"The fact that this is kind of like a very nice like open concept means I can just clean this keyboard very easily."
"Find your balance, catch your breath, and clean up your messes."
"Cleanliness was King in the Victorian era because they were figuring out that germs and poor hygiene cause diseases."
"This type of thinking and behavior of needing to maintain a cleansed home crosses over into relating to people."
"It's like Mario Sunshine in real life, cleaning the streets line by satisfying line."
"Life was much cleaner and easier for the wealthy who could afford lavish bathrooms and untainted water."
"In the midst of darkness and filth, the wealthy found solace in cleanliness and comfort."
"We cleaned up the litter, we put away the toys, we made sand castles, we gotta protect this place, Melon."
"Your personal vehicle, that's something you're going to be kind of keeping clean all the time."
"It's easy for me to keep everything clean you know one of the nice positive things about living in a tiny house it takes me 10 minutes to clean my tiny house."
"Sanitation is the most effective and important step in reducing pests."
"Human feces in the streets" – San Francisco's grim reality.
"Keeping stuff off of the floor makes it look clean, clean, and organized."
"It's a lot cleaner, more efficient, and a lot more convenient to setup."
"It feels fresh, it feels new, and at the same time, it's very crisp, it's very clean."
"He's got the total package, that is here and great gear yes it's gonna get dirty real quick."
"So, you're having artichokes, onions, and looks like there's a tomato there too, yeah, these kids, it took me two years to whip this place into shape, now we got a professional cleaner."
"I love to keep my hands clean and I don't like to touch my face with dirty hands."
"I just think it gives you a good way to make sure your code is consistent and clean."
"It does look so much cleaner and it just feels so much better to come in here at the end of the day."
"Prep is key... You must make sure the product you're putting on top is completely clean."
"There's just nothing more satisfying than a clean and organized fridge and pantry."
"I actually love the way a clean fridge looks like."
"I used to wash like in high school every day."
"Smelling like garbage is not something I want to do on a daily basis. It's not my favorite thing."
"Keep surfaces clear... it can noticeably help to calm us."
"Once you're in there, now it's time to actually do some cleaning."
"No more smelly garbage... less stress for you."
"You'd be shocked as to how much better you'll sleep in a clean room versus a chaotic, dank, used-underwear-laden goblin hole."
"Water at any temperature should do the trick if you just add soap."
"I mean, you could clean your food, you could just pick up your trash when you're done eating, or you can just make a mess. You know, have a food fight. Like, what is this, High School Musical? Clean up your food."
"It's better to have a clean, sustainable planet."
"Do it right the first time so you don't got to go back and clean up a whole bunch of nonsense."
"If everything had its space and its home to go to, it'd be so much easier to clean up."
"It's my job as a hunter, I must cleanse the streets."
"I love when she said it was 'more bin' time and put more bins all over the place."
"I've never deep cleaned more in my entire life."
"People want something modern, classic, and clean."
"They made box fights in a very, very clean way."
"Clean: An impeccable finale for an equally immaculate album."
"Clean trash can makes everything look tidier."
"There's just something so gross about somebody like that leaves trails of the stuff that they've touched around."
"The dude was living like a bachelor for a week, I would bet a million dollars that he knew Opie liked the house clean."
"It's cool that you went through the effort to clean all this out."
"Cleaning up your area just makes you feel better and more productive."
"Wow, it is exceptionally clean though. I've got to say."
"It's kind of like Brian Regan or Nate Bargatzi, where they're clean comics, but that's got nothing to do with it. You're just there laughing the whole time."
"But then Devs has always been big from the very beginning like silly things that may not sound like a lot but like leave the change room cleaner than you find it, yeah, little things like that."
"Nothing quite like a clean house guys, and if company makes us get there, I'm happy about it."
"You might think your hands are clean till the wind blows up in ways."
"They've got not just a messy house but underneath that mess is black mold and asbestos in the walls."
"Clean the inside of the cup and the outside will be clean."
"This keeps your hands from getting Dorito fingers."
"We have the cleanest air, the cleanest water."
"It's always a good idea to be clean and cautious."
"Let's just keep it anus kitchen, make it nice for the kid."
"I don't want to see any sloppy [] bowls. I want nice clean bowls, nice cooked food, and just pride tonight. All about [] pride."
"Being consistent overall with picking up something when you're walking by it."
"They are also known to be exceptionally friendly, clean, and intelligent."
"Visioning and goal setting: You need to have a dream."
"There's nothing better than a clean bathroom."
"It's actually clean as can be, so that's really nice to see."
"Janet is an extreme hoarder, she's living in absolute squalor. I've actually seen homeless people live a cleaner lifestyle than her."
"My body is the temple of my soul, it shall be clean. My body is the externalization of my thought, it shall be whole."
"Your roommates can stay messy longer than you can stay patient."
"Sometimes people are like, 'Oh, our house is so dirty.' Like in University and you're like, 'It's not dirty, it's untidy.'"
"Whenever I wake up in someone else's house, I feel so dirty and disgusting."
"I found the source to be the head of a mouse, lumbrian friend, which lay partially over the edge of her bed frame."
"It is out of hand, it's like nobody wants to walk down the sidewalk and see a bunch of rats."
"A crystal clean glass windscreen when you've cleaned your car is really nice."
"The best way to not have to worry is knowing where you're putting it is clean."
"I finally feel that not just the house, my life is clean now. I can have a fresh new start."
"All right, everything is pretty much cleaned."
"That feeling at the end of the day when you're done with the cleaning is like the best feeling ever."
"It feels so good to have her closet all nice and clean."
"I just have to 100% not care what anybody thinks."
"Even though like I said it's expensive you've got a great brand new restaurant very clean very well-run at the moment the characters are phenomenal the food is really really good."
"There's just something incredibly satisfying about a clean space."
"Keep it tight, keep it clean, see you on the next one."
"Hopefully, this inspired you to maybe go and clean up your own island."
"This hospital is dustier than your mother's box."
"Cleanliness is next to godliness, ladies and gentlemen, peace!"
"If you're currently not feeling the best, and you've allowed your room to become a mess, trust me, I get it. But here's my encouragement: if you can find the energy to clean up, do it, because it will help you feel better, I promise."
"I've been able to finally clean my space, and I've gotten so much done. I've been sleeping better, waking up with more energy, and able to think clearly. Cleaning up can make a huge difference in your mood."
"Cleanliness is next to godliness, yeah, that's so important."
"Cleanliness is one of the first things you learn in Islam."
"Good, it's cleaning the blood and the vomit outside too. I love this machine, you complete me."
"Our homes look their best when they are organized and clean."
"If we're housemates and we both know the cleaning team's coming I would have a ball in that shower."
"Clear the kitchen counter a couple of times a day."
"Keep your teeth extra clean and extra healthy."
"First contact with aliens when public restrooms are clean."
"First boot up guys everything's on look how clean it looks."
"Fast cleaning in 10 minutes, portable and only ten centimeters thick when folded up. Kill bacteria with a built-in ozone generator."
"We all deserve a better clean while contributing to a healthier planet."