
Fragility Quotes

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"We're fragile, and we break easily, but we can be restored, and what can't be restored can be adapted to."
"Liberal democracy is a miraculous thing but a fragile thing."
"The two things internationally that worry me the most is that the most globalized economic sector is agriculture, and the most fragile one is agriculture."
"Being reminded of how fragile I am... really brings me back."
"The Chrysalis of Fragility - the power of reckoning with fragility and letting it reveal new strength in us."
"This variant of the fallen hero is disturbing because instead of emphasizing the complexities of human morality, it emphasizes the fragility of a human's existence."
"Our civilization today is fragile because it looks strong, it's capable of incredible technological feats, but psychically it's very fragile."
"If we were to actually treat these things like tissue, if we were to realize that they are fragile, we would be happier."
"Kids are fragile, dude. Their entire identity is forming at these times."
"The fragility that I spoke about works both ways; it's a sad reality that while many doors to new relationships open, most of them will eventually close."
"Life is fragile, I think that sometimes when I look at my family, and I think, and I realize one day I'll just be a picture on a mantle."
"Art is meant to be fragile; it's meant to be broken, and that's what gives it its value."
"One of my favorite obsessions is the stories we tell ourselves about ourselves and how these stories become powerful predictors of future behavior."
"Eternity stretches things out over a long time, but each moment within it becomes all the more fragile."
"Our minds are fragile things, and our mental health can be a challenge to take care of, even in the best of circumstances."
"Every society is extremely fragile, and what seems so solid and permanent is, in fact, ephemeral."
"A civilization has the same fragility as a life, and no one can say what will be dead or alive tomorrow."
"The veneer of civilization is paper-thin and it's torn very easily."
"People don't understand how fragile democratic ideals are."
"Human body is so fragile but also so persistent."
"Civilization is feeling a little fragile these days... we got to protect the downside here and try to build that city on Mars as soon as possible."
"The biggest problem is the fragility of our society and our culture."
"Freedom has never been so fragile so close to slipping from our grasp as it is at this moment."
"Primo Levi... understood... fragile social systems... collapse... become strangers to ourselves."
"Life is fragile. Do you understand how fragile we are?"
"The NATO alliance is inherently very frail, the public semblance of unity is paper-thin."
"Life's fragile... you've got to grab it while you can."
"Unfortunately, it's very fragile the coil producing the sound is lesson is about one thousandth of an inch in diameter."
"Social order is very hard to build, very easy to destroy."
"My takeaway from the debate: human knowledge is extremely fragile, especially when we decide what the axioms are."
"Nothing is true, everything is permitted. To say that nothing is true is to realize that the foundations of society are fragile."
"Autocracies are far more fragile than they appear and when the tide turns it always turns very quickly."
"Life is fragile, you know? Everything could be good today and then unfortunate things happen."
"Democracy is precious, democracy is fragile."
"The reality of it is tech is what binds this fragile society that we all live in together."
"I just think we should not assume that Civilization is robust."
"Our connection to history is sometimes tenuous and that in a flash sometimes quite literally in a flash pieces of that history can be lost forever."
"It's almost like relationships are like holding sand in your hand. You have to hold them delicately. The more that you squeeze, the more that they fall through your fingers."
"So, I'm nervous about it. I'm only nervous on one thing: what if that chip breaks in there?"
"Freedom is a very fragile thing and it is never more than one generation away from extinction."
"Civilization is fragile, not an inevitable upward trajectory."
"Life is fragile, but people's hearts are strong."
"Courage isn't permanent, it's a tenuous and fickle thing."
"For me, I really understand something now about the nature of history itself. It's fragile. It's accidental."
"Values and reputations are hard to build and so easy to destroy."
"Individual liberty is always fragile, it's a rare thing in the history of the world and as well as being rare it's very fragile and it will always come under attack from different directions."
"Democracy is a very fragile thing and so difficult to achieve."
"The whole house of cards is being held up by these artificially low interest rates."
"The game's servers are made of tissue paper and wishes."
"Life is fragile. Yes, yes. Creepers, so fragile."
"Life is so precious, that at any given point in time, anything can happen to you, to me, to our loved ones."
"A broken vase might be glued back together, but you could never again be as confident as before about filling it with water."
"Life is a very fragile thing that I don't think any of us realize how beautiful it is until it's too late."
"The state of their union is strong yet the title House of Cards underlies the delicate fertility of any union or political empire, just as Frank's career is always one dirty secret away from ruin."
"It takes a long time to build, but you can destroy it in an instant."
"Rome's rise and fall is a sobering reminder of the fragility of even humanity's greatest societies."
"If it is not a thread of faith, if it's not a thread of hope, then it is a thread that can slip out of your hand."
"Remove one piece of the food web and you might knock down the whole thing."
"This just showed us how fragile everything is."
"It's a useful lesson of just how fragile the Earth's own biosphere can be."
"Afro hair: the most misunderstood, fragile, and defiant hair texture."
"You can spend decades building a reputation of your company or yourself as an individual and lose it in a heartbeat."
"Beauty and innocence are by their nature fragile and short-lived."
"It's the paradox of the Hawaiian islands: They're made of volcanic basalt, one of nature's hardest rocks, but it's fatally flawed."
"January 6th reflects the dual nature of democracy: its fragility and its strength."
"We take our democracy for granted, and yet I think recently we’ve realized how fragile that might be."
"White supremacy is not some all-powerful force, it is fragile."
"Life is fragile, and you could get hit by a car tomorrow."
"Some pieces may just be set up they want to shatter."
"We're seeing a very fragile ecosystem in logistic terms through outsourcing and globalization."
"I think the capitalist system is very fragile right now."
"The economy looks the strongest in decades, but really below the surface is the most fragile it's been a long, long time."
"The ideas I value the most are so fragile and fleeting and slippery and elusive."
"It takes a lifetime to build trust and only a moment to break it."
"As soon as you have a disruption take place... the whole thing begins to fall apart."
"Life is short, a lot of stuff that can be taken away in an instant."
"A house of cards does not survive a stress test."
"These scripts are the same but it seems like the outcomes now expose almost like this fragility for lack of a very term of American power."
"The subtlety of the fragility of these tiny little complex moving parts."
"One sneeze across the earth and that thing is dropping."
"Oh my God, life is so fragile, beautiful. We just need to love each other."
"Our home planet appears very small and fragile."
"The mental state of people is very fragile."
"It only takes a few minutes to fall apart. If it takes 30 seconds for any of this to fall apart, one action, one event, can end it all."
"I did not realize how fragile the consensus around free speech and free expression was."
"It feels fragile almost like I could just break it if I just squeezed it too hard."
"White supremacy is for extremely fragile people and sad men like him whose self-concept relies on the myth that he was born superior."
"Your relationships, especially with family, those are glass balls."
"Oh, it's too much damage! I promise, made out of paper."
"Their lies are like a house of cards, ready to collapse."
"Sobering reminders of the fragility of the ancient past."
"American exceptionalism means God gave us something better than everything else, and it's easily lost if we don't love it."
"Life is so astoundingly fragile. It is such a gift."
"The world is much more interconnected, much more fragile than it ever's been."
"A little Heron is broken in just the right place there."
"We need to be cognizant of the contingent and fragile nature of what we have in the West."
"Are we that fragile? Are black athletes seen as that fragile?"
"Our modern economies are incredibly complex and incredibly fine-tuned, but complex fine-tuned things tend to be very easy to break."
"They're almost entirely composed of water, they're very delicate."
"The future is long, the last few years have reminded me that life is fragile."
"We have learned again that democracy is precious, democracy is fragile."
"The hallway was frozen... as thin and delicate as glass."
"Keep in mind how quickly a nation's character can change and how fragile a thing like civilization is."
"What separates the truth from fiction is fragile."
"If the truth is what kills you, it's not because the truth killed you, it's because you've made yourself so fragile with lies."
"It takes a lifetime to build trust but only a second to break it."
"People are delicate, people are fragile."
"Everything was fragile or delicate and seemed like a toy to the eyes of young children."
"...it's a society that was created by force it's like it's made of paper it's that fragile one spark can lead to a fire."
"Life is such a fragile thing and how at almost any moment, it can be taken away."
"The light of Consciousness is like this tiny candle in a vast darkness, and that candle has only been lit for a very short time and it could easily go out."
"Loyalty and trust are the hardest things to get and the easiest things to lose."
"And it seems to me you lived your life like a candle in the wind, never knowing who to cling to when the rain set in."
"It’s the fear that everything we take for granted - work, family, homelife, the structures of society and government, is fragile and almost meaningless."
"Honestly, if pronouns can take down the world, I don't think it's a world that we should be living in. It's a little bit too fragile for me."
"It's insane how fragile we are, huh? A little bit hurt and it could be a critical thing."
"The line between civilization and barbarism is thinner than we thought."
"Too much of anything is dangerous, especially for us fragile human beings."
"It's like a set, it's a stage, it's all but all the pieces are made out of glass because if anything punctures it, it's an injury."
"If it enters my system consider me dust, paper."
"There are two kinds of people: the people you don't want to touch because you're afraid you're going to break them, and the people you want to break."
"Everyone needs to be protected because everyone is human. Human beings are fragile, human beings are fallible."
"Life is really fragile and it's important to go have fun and do stuff like this and enjoy your life at the end of the day."
"She was an extraordinarily pretty girl, very sweet and fragile she looked as she stood there under the honeysuckle with the breeze ruffling a tendril of golden hair that strayed from beneath her kettish little hat."
"Most people at home don't realize how fragile they are."
"...it is the fact that we can lose what we have that makes it sacred and precious and wonderful."
"Every single athlete is one freak play away from losing their ability, identity, and value. After all, that's the ultimate tragedy of sports."
"But most importantly, discovering an extinct people who reached the same or higher level of advancement as ourselves would give us a stunning new perspective on our own future and a profound reminder of our fragility."
"Life is potentially a lot more fragile than we think."
"The most fragile thing known to man is an Apple cable."
"...a few years later someone tries to take your historic costume or dress and put it on it's not gonna work and they're going to break it."
"The food web is sort of like the game of Jenga. You can take out a piece here, a piece there... but take out too many, and the whole thing collapses."
"That crumbled easier than a tortilla chip. Kind of feel bad for the tree. Crunchy cushions like biting into a Dorito but with your hand."
"Democracies are so fragile; it takes so much courage, vision, organizing, and mobilizing."
"I learned to appreciate every moment, to look around and not take any of this for granted, to both recognize and appreciate the fragility of the present."
"Another thing we noticed, unfortunately in testing, rolling pins roll, shocking, but these are breakable."
"A marriage without love is just like glasswork. It may look beautiful on the outside, but in reality, it's very fragile."
"That's just another consequence of infidelity and deception and lying. Love is a fragile thing."
"Peace created through power is bound to be broken by power."
"He explains that no matter what kind of Sword you use, slamming it with a lot of force can make it shatter."
"Life is very precious, a fragile thing that can be snuffed out in an instant."
"...know the difference between fragile and dainty."
"Once we understand fragility, then we can understand antifragility."
"Fragility doesn't like volatility."
"Anything that is fragile needs acceleration of harm."
"Be humble, because favor is fragile."
"Honestly, the major thing that comes through as super cute and just endearing about you guys is how fragile you are."
"What happens when a very fragile object meets a hard object? It breaks."
"You can trust your fragile heart with this person."
"This person thinks of you like that like there's a certain fragility to you but it's not fragile like a flower for sure."
"Relationships are like blowing glass, you know? You don’t want to fuck with them."
"Condenser mics on the other hand are a bit more fragile and much more sensitive to both sounds and a larger array of frequencies."
"It's crazy just how fragile life is."
"Wet hair is just so much more fragile."
"I always find it bizarre that they spend tons of money on design to make their phones look just so and then everyone ends up slapping a case on it because they end up making it relatively fragile."
"Life is crazy man. This year, if it's taught anything, it's life is crazy and fragile and anything can happen and we appreciate every moment."
"This photo clearly shows how tiny we really are and how precious and fragile our planet is."
"Yeah, it just makes you realize how delicate life is. It doesn't take more than 3 seconds of separation between life and death."
"Heart too fragile to be thinking about losing her."
"Even though hey young had physically recovered, she was still emotionally fragile."
"My health is somewhat fragile," he remarked as he led the way down the passage. "I am compelled to be a valetudinarian."
"Humans are squishy, not just bodies, minds too."
"The relationship between man and woman is fragile these days, and it's part of an agenda."
"Film is physical which means it can be hurt, damaged, stretched, torn, burnt, and the memories and stories that live on the film can be lost forever."
"Movies were shot on film think of film as a living breathing material it needs to be stored well and handled carefully in order to protect the images that are captured on it."
"We do need to be aware all the time of just the scale of the volcano we're all dancing on."
"There's no harder retail products than flowers."
"I was beside myself. I just felt like I was going to break into a million pieces."
"Our Democratic institutions are far more fragile than anybody thought."
"Life is a challenge. If you, as somebody who may be a little bit cynical, slightly blackpilled in any form of the word, think about how fragile the average person is."
"You want a society which is anti-fragile, not easily broken."
"...public opinion is fickle and your reputation lies on a knife's edge."
"It's delicate, so is this letter."
"Life is short, precious, and fragile."
"A moment like that makes you really realize how genuinely fragile life actually is."
"Freedom is the issue. It is fragile."
"It might take them years to gain closure, some may never be able to gain that closure. That's how you know some are very, very emotionally fragile."
"It's an effort to be in some way more positive about life just being totally conscious of the fact aware totally aware of the fact uh how short life is and how fragile it is and if you're not aware of that you're living in a a fake world you're living in a dream world."
"The past few years have given me a new appreciation for the fragility of our freedoms."
"Our lives couldn't be more physically safer, but are actually more fragile and unsafe socially, emotionally, or psychologically." - Felix
"Their bond was a fragile thing made of light and sound, of shared meals and silent understandings."
"Life really is fragile, isn't it?"
"Don't ever put yourself into that kind of mindset of oh I'm really fragile I can only do this or I can't do that."
"The stability that has enabled this Web of Life is fragile."
"You appreciate how fragile life is and how easy it can be taken away."
"Relationships are delicate because people are delicate."
"We are little flames poorly sheltered by frail walls against the storm of dissolution and madness."
"Hanging by a thread after we went up in smoke."
"One day you and your best friend could have the perfect relationship you could compliment each other's weaknesses and strengths flawlessly but it only takes one real misstep for things to completely mess up."
"The longer you live, the more you realize how fragile and short life is."
"It just shows me how fragile life can be."
"If it's man-made it has a potential to break and at some point it will."
"Our hearts were lifted by the crew of Apollo 8 reading from Genesis and bringing us that wonderful picture of Earthrise that allowed us to see for the first time how fragile and wonderful our world really is."
"So much death in fact that in just seeing new life you feel worried for it, knowing it will soon die. It starts to feel cruel that these beautiful little lilacs will soon wither away into the winter."
"If you were to take it away, the entire thing would crumble."
"Connection is a fragile treasure."
"It kind of really made you realize just how fragile life is."
"We are so fragile creatures, but we are so powerful."
"Human civilization is as fragile as thin ice and vulnerable to even a single blow."
"It makes you think that we have to take better care of this little fragile entity because it is fragile."