
Loyalty Quotes

There are 25956 quotes

"A dog is the only thing on Earth that loves you more than he loves himself."
"Adonis doesn't have friends; he has a Band of Brothers, a tight-knit group of high-value men who are strong, like-minded, generous, and kind."
"The most important things to me are: do we actually love each other, do we respect each other, are we loyal to one another?"
"Employees who answered yes to the following question 'My supervisor or someone at work seems to care about me as a person' were the most productive, contributed more to profits, and were significantly more likely to stay with their company long term."
"Once I get attached to something, that's just the way it's gonna be."
"Being honest with yourself is a key first step to healing and having a feeling or an experience within you doesn't make you disloyal."
"The relationship comes first, no matter what."
"A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity."
"There's been a lack of raises or promotion, but you still want to stick in there."
"I've seen this outpouring of love from the general public, my viewers, readers, and listeners who have been unbelievably loyal and supportive, and so I've seen more deeply into that."
"Remember that loyalty to any brand or company, be it Critical Role or Wizards of the Coast, or even me and the books that I create, only hurts you. You are the person with the money. Don't be loyal to a company, be loyal to yourself."
"A loyal community of people who have been playing their game for 9 plus years, showing undying loyalty to their game."
"This Empire prides itself on its intense loyalty, beautiful aesthetics, and thriving economy."
"Percy's fatal flaw is excessive personal loyalty. He would risk the world and even his own life to save his friends and family."
"They want to be loyal to you with the dog; they want to be the gentleman; they want to be a good provider."
"Grover's fatal flaw is loyalty. He's willing to sacrifice himself for the sake of his loved ones."
"I rather have a thousand haters shouting at my face than one snake that talks behind my back."
"We're in no position to have the moral high ground on a player and say 'Get out of our club if you don't want to be here.'"
"Loyalty is nothing but a word in the dictionary between opportunity and convenience."
"A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother."
"She reminded him that she was his sword and said that she was willing to follow him to the very ends of the Earth."
"To love your spouse is to be faithful, to be loyal, to be reliable."
"The varangian guard had a reputation for loyalty, bravery, and martial prowess."
"Sweetie, I'm your family. I'll always be with you."
"My family, they've always been there, no matter what has happened. They've always stood by my side."
"This game really makes you realize who your real friends are."
"Fake friends are like shadows, always near at your brightest moments, but nowhere to be seen at your darkest hour."
"Celebrate the support and loyalty of true friends in your journey ahead."
"With friendships, I think people go in with the idea that this is my bestie, and that thing being drilled into their head of, 'Oh, this my friend through thick and thin.'"
"A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity."
"By Allah, Allah did not replace Khadijah with anyone better."
"She is the one who believed in me when everyone else said I am a liar."
"She supported me when everyone else left me."
"Real loyalty and love die in your friendship, whether you're speaking or not."
"The growth and loyalty displayed by Raftalia contribute to Naofumi's healing process, helping him overcome his past trauma."
"You see who your friends are, and the people that were my friends then are still my friends now."
"I'll always go to battle with each and every one of you."
"I would have followed you, my brother... my captain... my king."
"I made a promise, Mr. Frodo. A promise. Don't you leave him, Samwise Gamgee."
"I really take care of my people... I'm always there for them and I do anything for them."
"We love you guys so much and we appreciate all the love and being our day ones since day one."
"Friendship isn't about whom you have known the longest... It's about who came, and never left your side."
"Men are tested with their loyalty when they're given power; women are tested with their loyalty when they're given freedom."
"Free city has pledged his loyalty to us willingly entering our civilization."
"My loyalty is to the Constitution and the rule of law."
"Your mom can't cheat... your mom is always going to be there."
"Trust isn't just about infidelity or being faithful; trust is about whether this person has my best interest at heart."
"Gangsters don't hire family members for their qualifications, they hire them for their silence."
"You're very loyal and people admire that about you as well."
"You've got to have the solidarity of loyalty and support of your partner, working both ways."
"You would never abandon me in the middle of the street, right?"
"He's never left you, He will never leave you, He will never forsake you."
"Friends are always there for you, no matter what."
"Doro promised to follow her and protect her if she fell into danger."
"My relationship with my mom, we locked in. Like, that's my ride or die."
"I don't care if you're a prince, I love you, and I'll always love you."
"The concept of loyalty is tied entirely to the value you bring as an asset. At that point, loyalty, which is a deeply human and personal concept, gets perverted into this ugly business practice."
"The legacy of Iverson is intertwined with his loyalty to the city of Philadelphia. That man is loved and embraced by that city."
"There's no way I was laying off [employees]... You either all go down together or not at all."
"If you have to put your significant other on any type of loyalty test, you shouldn't be in a relationship anyway."
"Respect is everything. See, the love? You gotta be loyal to me. You ain't got to love me, but you better respect me."
"They are somebody who is quite committed... they truly value commitment and loyalty."
"This would make the Albia ranks some of the most zealous and loyal supporters to the Emperor, revering him above all others."
"It's hard to leave. The fans don't want you to leave, and I don't really want to leave either."
"Loyalty is absolutely one of the most commendable attributes in life."
"We would never put ourselves in this situation because we are loyal and we love each other."
"She's my best friend; I would have lied to the grave."
"I love this company; I want to be here; I don't want to go anywhere else."
"Remembering the sacrifice my team made for me, the funny moments we had together, the loyalty since the beginning."
"I think I need a companion. Someone reliable, someone loyal."
"The whole point of being a supporter is that you stick through, you buy your club in the hard times."
"When everybody else lets you down... it's going to be your woman that holds you down."
"A woman is... your most loyal partner and advocate."
"Despite their analytical and often serious nature, architects are capable of deep, intellectual connections and loyalty, valuing honesty and straightforward communication in their relationships."
"There's no legitimate reason to leave. If you leave, you're a traitor."
"They felt like you are the best friend that they could ever have."
"Supporting Manchester United is about enhancing your support for this football club."
"Conquerors and masters alike, they use different methods to inspire loyalty or fealty."
"Why do we love dogs so much? One of the reasons is loyalty."
"Remember who helps you in your hour of need. Never cross."
"He knew that he would never let down his party and swore to unleash all of his powers to trust in them."
"Rain swore that he would never give up the friends he cared about."
"I wasn't on your side over the last year. I'm on your side now."
"You are the realest if you keep coming back, and I appreciate that so much."
"Loyalty means a lot to Judah, not loyalty to the Enclave or even the ideals they fought for, but to the people who served with him."
"Fulgrim needed no bidding, no compulsion. He immediately dropped to his knees before his father."
"Arthur Morgan is Dutch van der Linde's right-hand man and chief enforcer... someone that everybody looks up to and he cares about this gang."
"She's seen me at my worst, and she's still here."
"I will follow you till the ends of the Earth, man."
"I would rather them be honest and loyal because even if they're disloyal, I can still learn stuff from you if you are honest with me."
"True friendship... is why I go to war with you because I know what you're capable of."
"I personally view someone being a real man if they are loyal, if they are kind, if they are loving, if they're the kind of person that you can count on."
"He’s expressive, he’s funny, he’s admirable as hell and he’s the type of friend that anyone would be honored to have."
"I'm a pawn, and I'm down to die for my queen."
"Messi should never play at Camp Nou in a jersey that's not a Barça jersey."
"A true friend will always be your friend despite distance."
"Loyalty is the most important character trait a person can have."
"Sense of humor, loyalty. I love making others laugh."
"Naruto insisted that protecting his comrades was always worthwhile."
"If you were willing to go to jail for Donald Trump, then you are loyal. He's a mobster; he's a mob boss."
"If you rock with me, hey much love, you're a real one."
"In five years from now, I will hopefully still be working for you, either in this role or perhaps even having gained advancement to a higher level."
"It's gonna be all right. You don't have to worry. I'll protect my young master."
"I would do anything for this team, and they would do the same for me."
"You don't really love your friends until you're willing to take a bullet for them."
"The importance of say friendship and loyalty, you know, I mean most people look at that and say, how corny. But you know, the issues of friendship and loyalty are very, very important."
"If you show that you're supporting their needs and their cause, man, they will die for you too."
"You're gonna find out who your true friends are."
"The real good friend you'll know him at the time of hardship."
"Family always keeps the upper hand. No one is going to best us; it's a pride thing."
"We have six of Pentacles next to the lovers, transcends physical depth, so I feel there's pretty strong love here and loyalty."
"We see him gain and develop his powers and then ultimately lose them, and then go through the struggle of regaining his abilities, and throughout the story, he remains loyal to his friends and to the ideals of his grandfather."
"You made me realize that I am someone who is deeply loyal and committed."
"Surround yourself with people who are your day ones, people who were there in the hard times."
"Just because me and you had conversations and we shared some personal things... that doesn't make me loyal to you enough that I would sweep a young boy's story under the rug for you."
"And wherever you may live in the United Kingdom, or in the realms and territories across the world, and whatever may be your background or beliefs, I shall endeavor to serve you with loyalty, respect, and love, as I have throughout my life."
"People who are faithful are really great; that means loyal, reliable, authentic."
"His name was Guan Yu, the military general who served under his good friend and warlord Liu Bei during the late Eastern Han dynasty of China."
"When Guan Yu fought, no other would stand; the victory was his, the spoils were for his province."
"You know how Maya, my girlfriend, loves me and I love her. You are very loyal. I like that."
"Keeping the communication is everything, and loyalty is everything."
"The thing about being an ally is that you are required to declare war once the people you're allied with are attacked."
"They're attracted to loyalty, they're attracted to those things they're attracted to somebody who wants honesty, openness, truth."
"The main duties of the samurai were to protect their lord's assets, to preserve order and customs, and to be loyal to their sovereign."
"It's the Lord Himself shows up, and it's the demonstration of loyalty, and then the Lord brings his Shalom."
"You supported him when others had deserted him and you remained firm by his side when others had left."
"One of the best exercises for you to do is make a list of companies or businesses that you go back to over and over and over again, and ask yourself why."
"They value hard work, dedication, patience, loyalty, and fair play."
"She stayed by his side, never even wavering for a second. That right there is the true loyalty of a Hufflepuff."
"Loyalty is a level of hierarchy... Our first loyalty is to truth, honesty, our principles, and humankind."
"Just my usual appreciation for all the wonderful comments and for your loyalty for coming here video after video. It means so much, you guys."
"I hope you will suffer betrayal because that will teach you the importance of loyalty."
"Loyalty tokens really make people want to be in chat because obviously, they have to be in chat to earn the points."
"Do you think men owe a woman loyalty if she was there from the beginning? Absolutely, they absolutely owe that woman that."
"Sexual exclusivity and loyalty are completely disconnected for males."
"Platform loyalty is stupid; platforms aren't loyal to you."
"Being consumer-friendly, appealing to your community, and providing that sense of community and letting the community know that they're being heard all of that goes a long way."
"It's something that's underestimated more and more nowadays, but you know, you foster that long-term loyalty, and you're going to see long-term success and long-term positivity."
"People are not loyal to you. They are loyal to what they want from you."
"I love my family, man. You get me. We do anything for each other."
"Ash even had some moments with Pikachu to tighten their bonds even further, proving how far each of them would go for one another no matter what the situation is."
"Dogs are man's best friend. Of course, they're going to save our lives at just about any chance they get."
"You are my brothers and my sisters and you are my friends. I will never abandon you and I will never forsake you."
"Conscientious, cooperative, appreciative, and loyal."
"You think okay, I got so caught up in being popular that I forgot about the one person who's always had my back."
"Chat isn't about running from the bad bot; we go down together."
"I won't, never in my army life had I ever regretted being an army, and I will never abandon BTS."
"It's like, if I'm with you, I will stay with you, it doesn't matter if these other people are interesting or whatever."
"There's something even more compelling about a dutiful servant who will do anything you ask for them without complaint and devote their entire life for you, but they can also take on a squad of a dozen ninjas while simultaneously preparing a cup of tea and scheduling your day for you."
"We finally landed in the most loyal and most profitable crypto community in the world."
"With unwavering determination, she expresses her heartfelt wish to remain by Cyril's side, becoming an integral part of his team."
"I'm riding with you, Jesus, do or die, to the end together."
"You deserve to have someone who makes you feel secure; you deserve to have someone who's loyal."
"In the end, she has promised basically immortality via way of Luke's Resurrection in exchange for her undoubted loyalty."
"If a real person really cares about you, really wants to stay in your life, they're not gonna walk out the door."
"Loyalty matters more than love or is a form of love that I value the most."
"Be faithful friend unto death, and the Lord will give you the Crown of Life."
"If people are rude to my sister, I won't stand for it."
"You don't betray the family. You don't leave the clan. You don't leave the war."
"You're always there for me, just know I would do anything for you."
"No matter what Brittany chooses to do with her career from this point forward, she will always have loyal fans."
"Standing with my brother... there's a reason that people say he's like a brother to me because it means that you will put yourself at great risk."
"Never show loyalty to a major corporation unless you're a fool."
"Faith is loyalty. Fido was a popular dog name because it was based on the derivative of the word fidelity, meaning the opposite of infidel."
"His loyalty and dedication will never be forgotten."
"Arthur lives now for one thing only: loyalty. Loyalty to Dutch and loyalty to the gang members that have become his family."
"You definitely need somebody who is romantic, who's playful, who's loyal."
"For whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge: thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God."
"A dog's love is infinite, sincere, unconditional, and eternal."
"While it is bad to abandon one's mission, it's worse to abandon a teammate."
"Obito refused to go along with this and went off to save Rin by himself. Before he left, he told Kakashi that Sakumo had been a hero, and that although it was bad to abandon one's mission, it was worse to abandon one's teammates."
"The real cost of using Baryon mode was the fox's own life, showing that it would even go as far as to sacrifice itself for him."
"Loyalty is ultimately to the Constitution, not personal or political loyalty."
"Having a faithful dog assures a listening ear, a warm pot to hold, and even strong legs to run beside."
"If killing Itachi requires him to sever his bonds with his team, he would rather not kill Itachi."
"I'm rolling with DeMarcus Cousins because he's a good person and it's very hard in this world today to find good people."
"He has abused his power and put the loyalty to himself before loyalty to the Constitution."
"It's when I'm with my family. When I'm with my kids. When I'm with my family friends too...my family and friends have been so unbelievably loyal and helpful to me...They've been so unbelievably reliable and helpful. Amazing."
"If you tell them a secret, they will take it with them to their grave; they would never ever tell."
"Your men love you. If I knew nothing else about you, that would be enough."
"Hachiko's unwavering loyalty captured the hearts of the local residents and station workers."
"My fans are amazing because they have stood by my side."
"No woman wants perfection. For me in a relationship, I just ask for a couple of things: I ask for you to be authentic, and I ask for you to be loyal."
"A true friend is one who will give his life for you."
"A man who wants to be loyal will be loyal to you, whether there is a ring involved, a piece of paper, or just a verbal agreement of being in a relationship."
"A man who wants to be loyal is going to be loyal; a man who wants to respect you is going to respect you; a man who actually loves you is going to love you."
"Loyalty, respect, and love have to work harmoniously for you to feel like you're in the right situation."
"Let me tell you something, you do not want to mess with the Swifties."
"I consider this guy family. I would take a bullet for this guy. He's blood; he's more than family. And you know, he's my best friend."
"Loyalty forever, years...they see you as someone that they can commit to forever."
"Make your customers so happy that they buy from you first, buy again, and bring their friends."
"Friends come and go in life, but sisters stick together."
"The best loyal man or dog I ever had was found out on the interstate in the middle of winter."
"You finally find somebody that commits and they commit to the fullest."
"You're my best friend, man. I don't never want to lose you."
"You're only as loyal as your level of options."
"He's protecting his new owner even though he's only known for 20 minutes."
"Johnny saved my life last year, and we're ride or die till the end."
"They don't open up to everyone, but once you know them, they're life long."
"If given the choice between betraying my country or betraying my friend, I hope I would have the guts to betray my country."