
Knowledge Application Quotes

There are 314 quotes

"Either our minds will become active and experimental with the knowledge that we have accumulated, in which case we will slowly awaken creative energy. Or we will become prisoners of that knowledge."
"Knowledge is not power, just having a book sitting on your shelf doesn't make you any better than anybody else."
"Having knowledge is not power; the execution of knowledge is power."
"Now that you know, you can apply knowledge and make a different choice, demonstrate a different behavior, create a new experience, and that new experience creates a new emotion."
"Wisdom applies the knowledge to make a decision; the original data has become useful, enabling an action to be taken."
"Learning is what makes information useful, and what enables people to apply knowledge to make things better for themselves, their families, and their communities."
"The first thing that comes to mind is if you know all this, why aren't you a billionaire?"
"Knowledge is worthless without implementation, so take action on what you have learned."
"Knowledge is not power; it becomes power when we utilize it."
"If you can't move from consumption to execution and acting on that knowledge, you will never get to where you want to go."
"It's when we focus on what we do know and act on what is available to us that we actually begin to see things unfold for us."
"We need to understand our atmosphere well enough...it's probably going to help us understand all the other planets better too."
"The journey through medical education and board exams is not just about memorizing facts but understanding them deeply to apply this knowledge effectively in real-life scenarios."
"In theory, there's no difference between theory and practice. In practice, there is."
"It's one thing to understand something conceptually; it's something completely different when you know how to apply it."
"I get very bothered with my peers treat things when they don't know what they're treating."
"Maybe the magic won't be in the mystery of the music anymore, but maybe the magic will be in applying your knowledge to different contexts."
"Understanding the underlying theory becomes very important for the implementation of the practice."
"Knowledge by itself is absolutely worthless. Knowledge is not power; the application of knowledge is power."
"Knowledge is knowing that tomato is a fruit and wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad."
"It's the science, but it's also the experience."
"Knowledge is one thing but implementation of that knowledge may be extremely difficult."
"Knowledge isn't power, the application of knowledge is power."
"Love for the truth is essential. Know what to do with it."
"She can use her new knowledge and change of heart to do good."
"It's not about emulating criminal activity, it's about reflecting it and reflections are usually cast upside down and we want to reflect back the knowledge that we gain from that again not about emulation it's about reflection."
"Just knowing the methods doesn't work. You need to implement them into your real life."
"You want something you never had, you got to do something you never done, and you can't just do it one time. The knowledge that you get, you've got to put it into circulation. You've got to be consistent with the information."
"Being a mom... but being a mom not only that taking care of your kids but that means you kind of adapt and apply all the knowledge about being a mom into your work."
"Success has to do most importantly with how you handle what you don't know rather than what you do know."
"It's not what you know, it's about what you can prove in court."
"Education is not simply working your way through Wikipedia. Education is about understanding what you're trying to accomplish and getting the knowledge that you need in order to bend reality to your will."
"Knowledge, skills, they are designed to have real-world impact. They are designed to give you the ability to do something that influences this world."
"It's very good getting all this knowledge and information, but what do we do with this? If we don't put it to any good use for humanity and our planet and our future, it's all a bloody waste of time."
"Wisdom is the right application of knowledge and understanding."
"In this class, I hope you will learn not merely results or formulae applicable to cases that may possibly occur and are practiced afterwards, but the principles on which those formulae depend, without which the formulae are mere mental rubbish."
"It's not enough just to know anymore, now it's time to walk in that knowing."
"We'd like to focus on the ability to take this idea of knowledge and being able to reason based on knowledge."
"No amount of reading or memorizing will bring you the success you seek. It is only the understanding and application of the ideas."
"Try to shape what you know in terms of the demand of the question."
"Take what you know and apply it... the best time to apply what you know is when you're under pressure."
"It makes life better because you know the mechanism now."
"If the facts don't hang together on a lattice-work of theory, you don't have them in a usable form."
"It's all about how you use that knowledge and if you can use the tools and strategies appropriately."
"Knowledge is incredibly powerful, but knowledge alone is not what you need for success. You need actually knowledge in action."
"Knowledge alone is not power; it has the potential to be power when we utilize it."
"As our scientific and biological knowledge grows, we can alter our understanding of the world and change our behavior accordingly."
"It wasn't really rocket science, just applying a little bit of knowledge."
"A lot of knowledge is power, that's not necessarily true. Applied knowledge is power."
"Knowledge is not power, applied knowledge is power."
"It's not how much you know, it's what you do with what you know."
"Knowledge is not power; it's what you do with it."
"Knowledge is only potential power. It only becomes power when you apply it."
"Your theory must inform your practice, and vice versa."
"Wisdom is knowledge multiplied by experience."
"You don't have to know everything to do the thing that you know."
"Knowing the answer means nothing, testing your knowledge means everything."
"Information in and of itself doesn't have value if you don't put it into action."
"It's not just reading that, it's not just speed reading, you're speed learning. You're reinforcing. So you transform all the bad books into pretty decent books in a way because you take the best from each information."
"Once you understand it, I'm not talking about information, I'm talking about understanding, then you start doing it."
"All the passion and all the knowledge in the world is worthless without execution."
"Knowledge only becomes power when you actually apply it."
"It's not about what you know, it's about what you're going to do."
"Just in time learning: learn something, acquire knowledge right when you need it, use it fast."
"I think we have all the elements kind of broken down now, a lot of these things can be DIY."
"Learning how to apply knowledge to what you need specifically, that combo is like you're good to go."
"Proving that through a combination of knowledge effort and insight an educated mind can make predictions which to the rest of us seem like a gaze into the future."
"Why take the risk when we have the knowledge now to avoid that risk?"
"Once you know better, you can't get away with not doing better."
"We need transformation, not just information." - John Bevere
"Understanding how the system works is crucial."
"Action without knowledge is insanity, but wisdom without courage to speak up for your convictions is fruitless."
"Age doesn't bring wisdom. The only way you become wise is if you apply knowledge to life."
"It's important for parents for anyone really to understand if I now do know better that you take action."
"Empathy is the secret ingredient between knowledge and wisdom."
"True evidence-based practice is using scientific data to the best of our knowledge which is always going to be behind because that's how the scientific process works."
"Execute. Knowledge is power when it's executed."
"How much of what I know am I practicing? That affects my heart and eventually, through that, into my personal life."
"Once you know better, now you gotta do better."
"He's about to do something new, can you not see it?"
"Knowledge is potential power; it's what you do that matters."
"Knowledge is not power, knowledge is potential power. Knowledge is trumped every day by execution."
"Wisdom can only be attained by lots of experience and then application of the knowledge gained through all that experience."
"Perhaps we need to be better at reusing our data, building that iceberg of prior experience."
"Research is the most important thing for you to create a strategy."
"Your job is to make sure that you, your family, and your friends get rich from what you know."
"Wisdom is the use of knowledge in the right kind of way."
"It's time to take the politics out of our science and we need to put some actual science back into our politics."
"Just knowing, just seeing it one time, you're infinitely better."
"You learn the rules too, so you know how to break them."
"Knowledge is power, but safety is paramount."
"If this entire transmission was good for you, if you learned some things, if you can take this information and apply this information now and if you can, if you really can apply what you just learned."
"Slowly gaining skills or knowledge and utilizing them naturally as the game progresses."
"Wisdom is knowledge guided by understanding."
"You're bringing Justice in some sort of way with the knowledge and the wisdom that you have learned or obtained."
"Armed with almost two more decades of knowledge, I decided to give it another go."
"There's a difference between knowing what the best grip is and being able to execute it 100% of the time."
"I just feel like when you know better we got to do better."
"Scientific literacy is a thing, and it's more than just memorizing some fun facts or knowing how to manipulate equations."
"The misconception people think is preventing them from getting to the next level is often not knowing how to apply knowledge."
"It's science, it's not Voodoo, there's no magic, it's just experience and science."
"Based on my extensive Forged in Fire knowledge..."
"Nothing compounds better in life than applied knowledge."
"The purpose of science is to understand the world and use that... power in the greater good of our species."
"Knowledge is power, but if you're just gonna let that knowledge sit, then it's not gonna serve you."
"Knowledge is not power, it's potential power. Applying it makes it powerful."
"Once you have an understanding of how a particular thing works, then you are better able to use it to your advantage."
"The more you absorb information, the more your informed field has tools to deal with everybody in your immediate environment."
"Our problem is we've been trained to read the book and think we've got it."
"Stick to what you know, because if you don't know how to learn something, then you're in trouble."
"Knowledge without applying it is just conversation."
"Knowledge without application is stagnation."
"Just him being able to do that for his entire career and combining all that information and just living in it, you know, of course, you're gonna be a savant."
"Scientists have a responsibility to serve society beyond simply expanding the knowledge base."
"By understanding our past, we can control more about our future."
"If we can't take this knowledge and information and use it for the benefit of humanity then it's all a bloody waste of time."
"It's not enough to get specific knowledge and solve problems if you can't distribute that solution to everyone who needs it."
"Gambling is blind risk-taking; risk management is using knowledge, experience, and insight."
"We have the knowledge, we only have to apply it."
"Your knowledge, when applied, will be your power."
"Learning that is going to help you identify all of it."
"Everything is explainable. If you have this ability, everything is explainable."
"The numbers underneath reality are uncovered by Quandrix, turning knowledge into magic cards."
"We have a lot of data now; we have a lot of tools; we have a lot of knowledge. Right now, we need some sort of hint."
"The best way to retain and truly understand knowledge is to apply it."
"It's not about what you know, it's about what you do."
"Simply knowing isn't the end of the journey; it's about applying that knowledge in the world."
"It really gives you much more knowledge to go to your own projects and make better decisions on how you can create the things that you want."
"Knowledge is nothing unless backed by action."
"Most people suffer not because of lack of information because of lack of application."
"What are you gonna do with all this glory, all this oil, all this knowledge, all these lessons that you've learned?"
"Information without application, no transformation."
"Do you need more knowledge than you have right now or you actually need to take action right? That's the big thing we're talking here."
"All that knowledge and curiosity was now paying off big time."
"Knowledge is not power, only the application of knowledge is power."
"Once you start and you know better, that's when you change."
"We know enough now to know the flaws in testing."
"Knowledge is not enough; we must embody freedom."
"Utilize your knowledge skills for interesting lore and victory."
"Knowledge translates into practice and makes us better at living our lives."
"Knowledge is potential power. Apply it to deepen understanding and develop practical skills."
"The fun of the game is the fact that you can learn and apply the knowledge effectively."
"Knowledge is only as good as the action you take to implement it and learn it yourself."
"Anything that we can learn all these things but if it's not experiential it's not liberating."
"Wisdom is the experiential application of what you know. Understanding a thing and not applying it until it produces results is still nonsense."
"How do you not fall into the trap of projection? It comes from being a nerd in that world, into the research and science of it."
"Now that you have all this knowledge, what are you gonna do with all of this?"
"Because what theories do is they explain facts. They unite them."
"Action... you can have all the knowledge in the world but if you don't take action... you won't achieve anything."
"It's not about what you know, it's about the resistance being willing to come out of the programming."
"We're at a time where we have the knowledge and the capacity to start healing the world."
"It is your goal and responsibility to learn."
"The truth you know can make you free as long as you apply it."
"You must own, internalize the knowledge, and be able to effectively use and apply it to be truly successful. Personal freedom is well worth fighting for, so be determined and do not give up at the first setback or unexpected result."
"Knowledge is not power attaining knowledge and applying that knowledge is which is what will produce that power."
"I can't wait to take all this knowledge and experience that I have now and take it to my own property."
"People don't lack knowledge; they lack the ability to follow through."
"What is project management? Project management is the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities to meet project requirements."
"Now that you know how to work with color and how to create a color scheme, let's take that knowledge and apply it to our project."
"...but it just seems like um more than ever before it's becoming Like A playbook um and it just it is ridiculous how like I do think that you could take some of these the these this knowledge and apply it to five or 10 other things and it works almost as well."
"To really be a profitable Trader, you need to close that gap between knowing and doing."
"It's not what ya know, it's what ya do with what ya know."
"It allows them to take that information right away and then apply it, and that's really powerful."
"The use of this information is completely non-useful for most of anybody's career but then there will be a moment where this understanding will make something possible that nobody else thinks is possible."
"He uses his knowledge of sport science to better understand how cancer works."
"Knowledge is only as good as it can be put to use."
"Experience bias: because we know a lot, we apply our knowledge to situations we know nothing about and assume actions are valid."
"Try to make those connections as best you can. How do we apply the CSCS information as a DPT? That's a really good question. I've been working on that."
"We can’t un-discover it of course. We have to... we have to grapple with that knowledge now and... and... and find ways to use it responsibly."
"Understanding how to identify, not can you necessarily identify."
"So, we are going to need to implement our knowledge of multiplication and addition in order to solve this correctly."
"The world is a wide open place and I just hope to be able to take this knowledge and use it and hopefully others can use me as a model and use it to better their lives as well."
"The application of knowledge is actually really easy; it's finding the knowledge that's really hard."
"All thinking has to be rooted in experience and has to be brought back to experience."
"It's easy to say no. It takes knowledge, understanding, and a willingness to apply it to say yes."
"The trick is what we do once we know them."
"Only if the third necessary thing could be given to us: the right to carry out actions based on what we learned from the interaction of the first two."
"Knowledge and its proper use wins battles."
"I mean constructive criticism where you take that knowledge and go correct it."
"We don't just factor the science in, we also factor in our experience."
"Knowledge is not doing what you think; knowledge is doing what you have discovered to be right."
"We need schools that can move from the Industrial Age... to schools where kids are investigating, inquiring, discovering, and using knowledge in new ways."
"Understanding how it works and being able to do it on demand is an important skill."
"The difference isn't made by having the knowledge of how to change your world; the difference is made by taking action."
"You have to be able to go in there, read the question, think about what's there, and then apply all that knowledge that's in your brain."
"We're the guys that know a little bit about everything and we know how to use it the right way."
"Once you learn how this, you can apply that same knowledge to just about anything else as time goes on."
"Some people can take all of that acquired knowledge and wrap it up in something totally unique that's never been existed before."
"Use that knowledge learnt as a launching pad for your own creative ideas."
"Knowledge is necessary but not sufficient for moral virtue."
"Projects are how you scope it down to a manageable chunk and cement your knowledge."
"Knowledge itself doesn't lead to adherence or changing your behavior in any way whatsoever."
"All my life I have lamented the distance between what I know and what I do."
"The movement from intellectual knowledge into deeply internalized physical knowledge is critical."
"If you can find a way to use your knowledge to augment the fuzzy system in a way that reduces the solution space, this can be beneficial."
"I decided to double down and take my marketing efforts and take the knowledge and stuff that I had learned."
"I gained knowledge and now I've used knowledge to optimize my environment."
"Knowledge is not enough; you need to change your environment and be present in the places of mercy."
"Having the knowledge isn't enough, having the information isn't enough, having power isn't enough, having money isn't enough; you also have to have the courage to do it."
"It's how you go about learning, how you go about absorbing the information and using it."