
Life Cycles Quotes

There are 569 quotes

"Life goes in streaks, like a hitter in baseball, sometimes a money manager is seeing the ball, and sometimes they're not."
"I've watched people and how they fall off or come back my whole life."
"For everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven."
"You are not alone; all of nature goes through this... We transform as well, so this is all just a reflection of nature; you're in one of Nature's natural cycles."
"A king's time as ruler rises and falls like the sun."
"Every season has a purpose. Every season is necessary."
"Progress is not linear and we can't appreciate the good times without the bad ones."
"Just enjoy life when things are going good, and remember when things are going bad that that's not permanent."
"Life is a seesaw. There are seasons that we win, seasons that we lose, seasons that we get, seasons that we have to cast away."
"Every ending inevitably leads to a new beginning."
"There are highs and lows to every cycle; whether you are at the top of your game or you have hit rock bottom, remember you will eventually leave this part of the cycle and travel to another."
"We all get an awakening, you know, if not in this life, in the next life."
"The Earth Tree once flourished with abundance, yet it was only for a fleeting moment, such is the course of all life."
"Every season is necessary. Some things are getting worse, some things are getting better. It's the balance between them."
"There's no night without day, there's no birth without death."
"God has a superior energy called Yoga Maya by virtue of which he knows everything... not of one lifetime but our infinite lifetimes."
"For men, time is a river... The lives of trees are different. They root and grow and die in one place, and that river does not move them."
"Life has an ebb and flow, so some months you're gonna be high energy and some months you're gonna be lower energy."
"It is amazing how the mysteries of life work. I mean, after every dark night, there is a bright day, and that always gives me hope."
"999 signifies the end of a cycle, a point where certain aspects of life or stages of personal growth have come to fruition, heralding closure but with an inherent promise of new beginnings and opportunities."
"Perhaps it's time to reflect on the true nature of nature. It's like a cruel cycle with one goal: survival."
"Life is long. Over a course of 25, 30, 50 years, it's like a fan of like me and then they'll hate me and then they'll go live their life for ten years and forget I exist and rediscover me again."
"What goes around comes around, my friend. It's a vicious cycle, but it's a fun cycle."
"Your luck is always changing; follow the natural cycles of rise and ebb."
"Our lives are governed by cycles of waking and sleeping, the seasons, birth, and death."
"The color of the sōlō flowers reveals the truth that the prosperous must decline."
"This card signifies a completion of a major life cycle and the accomplishment of what you envisioned in the first place."
"Life works in cycles, and when it comes to being on top, you know, those who will be first will be last, those who were last will be first, you know what I'm saying? Money comes and goes, people come and go, life is always in a constant state of flux."
"He can't accept that all things die... even the most beautiful of things eventually come to an end... he is in the end powerless to stop it."
"Every time of ease is followed by a time of difficulty, and vice versa."
"At some point, all good things must come to an end."
"Seasons cannot be avoided, they must be managed."
"The human economy, wellness, relationships, and spirituality are all regulated by the law of rhythm."
"Endings and Beginnings are ending and beginning now."
"To the end of one Adventure only signifies the beginning of another."
"Life has seasons too; trust in divine timing."
"Life is a lot about cycles. Sometimes it's about holding on and sometimes it's about letting go."
"We human beings are cyclical creatures, so you know we all have the same life cycle, very similar cycles in our lives."
"After every storm comes a good time, my friend, so what a good time is coming."
"Always out of bad times eventually these are good times."
"Death is transformation. Without something leaving your life, you couldn't allow something new to come in."
"All good and bad things must come to an end."
"When things are going well, don't get arrogant because the good Lord gives and He takes."
"There's a time for every season under heaven."
"The Moon waxes and wanes just as their faith waxed and waned in life."
"Life coming from death and sacrifice is what causes life."
"Everything has a life cycle... currencies are no different."
"It's a bittersweet ending with death and rebirth given equal emotional heft."
"When we understand the seasons of our lives, we are able to face the challenges and appreciate the blessings each day brings."
"Jupiter returns to the same place as it was when you were born, it is known as your Jupiter return."
"Like every good group, like every good recording artist, everything gotta come to an end at some point."
"Stoneflies have yet a different life cycle and behavior like the other two."
"The cycle is an infinite thing, we go round and round again."
"Things are moving forward, seasons are changing."
"You truly don't have anything to worry about... you are coming out of a cycle."
"For everything there's a season and a time for every purpose under heaven."
"Every relationship you have will die, every religion will die, every corporation will die."
"There's always signs of hope, there's always rebirth. In the end is my beginning. It's all cycles, it's all happened before."
"Everything that dies just presents a new opportunity."
"This connection has served its purpose, this is a karmic cycle completion. Okay, karmic cycle completion."
"New cycles are a very good thing as long as you roll with the new changes."
"Wheel of Fortune being number 10 is about completion, um, it's about chance, destiny, fate, it's about good karma, it's about, you know, turning points, life cycles, money, success, because this is a Jupiter card."
"Everything is a cycle, when you're in the bottom, you eventually make your way to the top again."
"All good things must come to an end eventually."
"You're about to complete a tough cycle here."
"Goodbye, so boy, I'm going through the four seasons."
"No cycle is all good or all bad, but you always have to be prepared to weather the storm."
"Endings are beginnings; embrace the cycle of change."
"Completion, coming full circle, and pausing."
"Thus, the gods and their stories gave meaning to the different cycles of life and even the possibility of an afterlife."
"We are seasons, all of us, growing in the light, feeding in the dark."
"Creativity is a natural cycle and death is a part of creativity."
"Life is cyclical, and I think a major point that stray is putting forward is that the death of homo sapiens is not the death of humanity itself."
"It's a full circle, baby. Like father, like son."
"Know that every cycle of pain, every cycle of heartbreak, served a purpose."
"There is the normal and the abnormal way of passing out of the body."
"You really are closing out a really big, big cycle."
"A karmic cycle is ending and there is a new beginning here."
"Life's all about cycles. You win some, you lose some."
"Change is happening here, starting a new cycle."
"You are stepping into some energy, you are getting a new cycle."
"I feel like something needs to stop repeating. You need to end a cycle."
"He's now stopped caring about the sine wave... it's just the way it goes."
"My son Blake taught me a very spiritual lesson, that we have lived before and will probably live again."
"For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under the sun."
"Celebrate your successes and know success comes in cycles."
"Patience is the key. The tower crumbles to make way for the new, the completion of that cycle."
"Spring follows winter inevitably, believe that. That's some truth right there."
"A caterpillar is not meant to die as a caterpillar; it has a destiny to grow wings and fly."
"With death, there is always rebirth. Explore your shadow realm with understanding and compassion. This journey marks your metamorphosis, your rebirth."
"You can't kill the mother of creation and then expect creation to flourish."
"It's a renewal of hope. It really is. It's where you know after the dark night of the soul, the sun always rises. The sun always rises again."
"Familiarity can keep you stuck in predictable cycles."
"We're all energetic beings having a human experience, meant to experience all of what life has to offer, ups and downs."
"Every season is not a great season but it always does get better."
"It's always darkest before dawn. That's just the way that things work."
"There's a point where it all eventually stops, and that's the scary part."
"Nothing lasts forever. Good times, bad times, everything passes."
"There'll be no Resurrection without death, which is transformation."
"Starting a cycle and then the bricks being torn down."
"There may be an ending of some sort of cycle that's been on rinse and repeat."
"Understand this, it, like all things in life, it does pass and it always when it does pass it gives way to you feeling more tapped in than ever you more inspired than ever."
"The moon always reminds us that things are cyclical, that things work in circles."
"Do we keep reliving the same cycle or do we take it to a new cycle?"
"Life has its ups and downs, and the dip always comes back stronger."
"The world is cursed, James, and there have been whole chapters lived and closed before the dawn of our organic life."
"Nobody's at the top forever. It's only a matter of time. Things change."
"I'm a believer, dead relationships have a season."
"New beginnings for everything, there's no end."
"There's been a death of the old cycle, but they want the new beginning."
"This Oracle brings a message of a breakthrough and healing of a significant lightening up of your life and the end of a deeply challenging cycle in your life."
"Life is like a ferris wheel so you're gonna be up on top and remember that when you go all the way down to go up back up again because it's gonna happen."
"Everything that comes, everything that happens in the dark comes to light. It's the natural progression and order of things."
"The life of the world, everything in the world goes in cycles. And I believe in cyclical recurrences."
"This too shall pass for everything there is a season."
"You're tired of that cycle reoccurring in your life."
"Accept the wisdom of these cycles and of the universe, and as long as you show up and do the best you can do, that's half the battle."
"Life being a roller coaster, but I like to say that there's peaks and valleys, and for every valley there's a peak and for every peak just know that it's not going to stay that way forever."
"A spiral would be life inevitably making itself towards one point that it can't escape."
"We haven't lost everything, when something has a beginning, it has an end."
"It's all about the ebbs and the flows, the peaks and the pits. That is what social media is now and will probably be forever."
"Mindful of the importance of the samples that were found and the fate of poor Mac Brazel, who was the farmer in the Roswell Incident, they set in motion a scheme to ensure the complete safety of the Welsh crash fragments."
"Remember, full moons are all about necessary endings and healing."
"You really are ending one cycle of your life."
"This is great Karma this is the world turning again and once you enter this cycle you're gonna have so many more options and you're not gonna be able to go back."
"Life is all about cycles, and that cycle is about to end."
"Endings are purification, clearing the path for new beginnings."
"A rebirth is assured, something's coming back to life, complete the cycle."
"Death and disease are just natural parts of life."
"You're completing this cycle of learning to trust yourself."
"The world card can be a very successful card, getting to the end of a cycle, breaking through those barriers."
"Part of you has to die" - constant process of death and rebirth.
"There's this feeling of ending and of letting things go and the end of one cycle but then also immediately after that it starts increasing in light so there's also this feeling of beginning or laying the seeds and the foundations for a new cycle."
"Endings and beginnings are very much connected, and an end is just like a semicolon; there's something else, there's a continuation."
"Tens are endings and new beginnings. You can turn this situation around."
"Life moves in cycles, embrace new beginnings."
"After sadness, happiness, and hope will return."
"Death is psychologically just as important as birth."
"It'd be impossible to have a springtime and a summer if it weren't for fall and winter. Summer is summer in contrast to winter. Becoming comfortable with all seasons and recognizing their necessity seems to mark a significant leap forward."
"It's cool to separate, not everything lasts forever."
"The winters are inevitable. Difficulty follows opportunity, recession always comes after expansion. But the winters are inevitable."
"Life moves through a myriad of cycles: losses, lessons, and blessings."
"The phases of the moon really symbolize that entire process of coming into fruition and then withering away."
"Everything has its time, everything has its time."
"This full moon lunar eclipse is signifying a wrap-up of a cycle that began in January of 2022."
"Life is just a series of cycles, even when things die, they will always come back again."
"Life is made out of Seasons. Recognize everything moves in Cycles: night and day, Life and death."
"Libra is full of stability and everything else that you would want in life. It says the wheel is spinning though for you, Libra, coming out of karmic cycles."
"Nine is the culmination, the end of the cycle, it's a time for getting rid of things that are just not working anymore."
"You're very close to closing out some very important cycles in your life. Don't dream it's over. Things can and will get better."
"Usually anything that rises that fast usually comes down just as quick and it's always interesting how that works out."
"On a similar note, a recognition that for everything there is a season that all is changing becoming cyclical that sadness and death are inescapable aspects of existence just as much as happiness and life."
"Every ending heralds a new beginning. This is simply a law of nature. Nothing is ever truly lost, things simply transform."
"All good things must come to an end." - Geoffrey Chaucer
"A brighter period... the wheel is always spinning."
"Endure the sunset to receive the sunrise and more life."
"Everything has its season, its divine and appropriate timing."
"You guys are realizing that life is just a series of cycles and you can't always control what happens to you."
"It's about perception. All the elements will be in play before you close down this cycle."
"Every really good time turns into a really bad time and every really bad time eventually turns into a really good time."
"To everything, there's a season, and to every purpose, there's a time."
"Patience and pacing, everything has a reason and a season."
"Life is about cycles and seasons and times... People who love to complain will never enjoy the good times when they come."
"A lot of you guys aren't on your karmic cycle anymore so this is not anticipating the worst."
"It feels like this person's a part of your your next 10-year cycle or has been a part of the last few years."
"This is a new cycle, a new karmic cycle that you're beginning."
"It's like a roller coaster... you get a break from death, and then everyone starts dying again."
"We're ending a 34-year cycle, starting another 34-year cycle, entering the age of air energy which is going to be all about changes and communicating differently."
"Sometimes God's love is revealed in the things he allows to die because there are some things that have to die so a new thing can come to life."
"Nobody stays on top forever; everything comes to an end."
"Nothing changes every 20 years. I believe nothing. And it's just a case of you rolling with the punches."
"For many of you, this is a reconciliation, starting over because it's a new cycle."
"Even if you're in a low spot, the high is coming."
"Embrace the patterns and cycles of life. Challenges bring rewards and growth."
"Trust in the cycles of life and remain open to all possibilities, even if progress seems slow."
"What you sow does not come to life unless it dies." - 1 Corinthians 15
"They were stuck in just these cycles that they were not happy in at all."
"The tower is not a negative card, it basically means you've been in a cycle of repeat going round and around in circles."
"The Wheel of Fortune means sometimes we're up, sometimes we're down. In February, you're on the up."
"There's a cycle that's ending, it's over. Things are going to start to go in your favor. Somebody wants things to go in their favor as well as far as a reconciliation, but there's a little bit of a wake-up call."
"Some people are here for a reason and a season."
"Things inevitably are crumbling beneath your feet, but conversely, things are also being created or exposed."
"Life has its cycles and it'll always be destruction to clearing the space to New Creation to preservation and then it repeats."
"It is the end it's a final death is final but endings always lead to new beginnings."
"To everything, there is a time and a season for every matter or purpose under heaven."
"Life operates in cycles, so just like the motion of the ride, it has highs and lows, moments of excitement, and moments of calm."
"The ending of one cycle and the beginning of a beautiful new cycle."
"Let's evolve and revolve at the same time because it's all cyclical."
"In the grand scheme of the cycle, this is fine."
"Nobody remains on top forever and that's just how it works."
"Something can be both starting and ending at the same time."
"Have faith. Trust the process. Everything is going to come full circle for you."
"Life is a circle, no matter what beast you make of yourself or how bright one side is, inevitably the dark side comes again."
"You can run but you can't hide from this energy, the wheel is turning."
"Change can't stay forever... there's change, loss, fear, hope, faith, and joy."
"I just love the feeling of things coming around again."
"It's time... you completed that cycle, Aquarius... this new cycle... there's a lot of solidity to it."
"Life is full of joy and pain. This is a time of pain, but there will be joy again."
"It's not about what karma does to that person, it's about the law of rhythm."
"Times of restriction that come before times of expansion... You will experience a time of restriction before expansion."