
Knowledge Sharing Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"Learn with the intention of teaching it to somebody else."
"You guys are gifted and your life purpose involves some sort of spiritual career. Share your knowledge."
"A good benchmark for having learned something is to be able to explain it to someone else."
"Everybody knows something. All you have to do is package the thing that you're doing."
"I am absolutely delighted to be here and share my knowledge with you."
"When you teach, it does something wonderful for you up here."
"Teach everything you know for free, one bite at a time, but in all random order... People don't pay for information, they pay for organization and application."
"Do not leave this space. Let's come together, share knowledge, and endure."
"What is obvious to you might be amazing to others."
"I am a 22-year-old optimist. I love helping people and spreading useful knowledge, for I believe there is a lesson in every situation."
"I'm excited about the cross-pollination and I wanted to say thank you so much for sharing your knowledge."
"I don't want to die with information and knowledge in my head; I want to give it out to my community."
"The prospect of communication and information technology that could provide access to an interstellar internet connecting civilizations across the galaxy or even the universe could potentially give us access to a wealth of knowledge beyond anything we've ever imagined."
"The way we approach these questions and the way we develop and share knowledge is a fundamental cultural trait."
"I believe that there should be no closed doors when it comes to knowledge."
"Contributions to open source show that you own more knowledge than you need to give away."
"What a product like Wikipedia... is actually creating a non-market value."
"You get to work with all these people who know all these things that you don't and make something so cool and awesome."
"I want to share all the knowledge that I've gained... I want to be a constant positive force."
"We wanted to just talk about the basics, stuff that we wish we would have learned in school, maybe stuff that we wish maybe someone would have taught us."
"When you share your knowledge with others, you pave the way for a legacy of innovation."
"I will tell you everything I know, like I'll just give it out as fast as I [can] because I want to live in a world where other people can rise up."
"Knowledge is power, and I believe it's my responsibility to share what knowledge I do have."
"I can't expand my knowledge if you guys also don't help... A lot of you are really freaking smart and you can see things even I may have missed."
"People need to hear this... this ain't just no give, people, this is knowledge, this is wealth, this is delicious."
"It's really pretty fantastic, you know, to be able to impart some of that knowledge on some of the guys that are coming up."
"Science really at the end of the day knows no national boundaries."
"What I am really good at is bringing like-minded people together and sharing their wealth of knowledge with people who want to learn."
"What I want is to bring some light using science."
"No one is the owner of all his wisdom; the wisdom belongs to us all."
"We need each other's knowledge and experiences shared. That's what we need."
"It's a club of no return here; it's a round table of knowledge sharing."
"Knowledge is the only thing that increases when you give it away."
"Every single day, I talk about something I want you to understand how to do it."
"I love sharing knowledge. And there's an absolute need for more people in technology."
"Real-time translation is a testament to how knowledge and computing come together to make people's lives better."
"Real science isn't a secret; it's the antithesis of secrecy. It's the proliferation of knowledge with the greatest level of control and precision possible."
"Music is about bringing people together and sharing knowledge across the globe."
"My opinion is so strong, I invested six months of my life into creating this, and I'm still telling you how to do it for free in this video."
"Convey for me whatever you know of Islam, even though it be only a single verse from the Quran."
"He's extraordinarily knowledgeable... an intense wealth of knowledge and experience."
"If you die and you die with any knowledge left in your brain that you haven't shared with other people it's just a waste of a life."
"It's a really useful thing to do. If you have specialized knowledge or if you have interesting knowledge, to share that knowledge with as many Googlers as possible and potentially even the rest of the world."
"With your help, light will be shed on subjects that have been debated for years."
"What is obvious to you can be amazing to others."
"Knowledge is power, and I hope that from this part in this discussion, many people have been given more power."
"You have a gift for teaching and spreading knowledge."
"I decided that I was going to share my knowledge, share my passion and do things in such way where I provided maximum detail."
"The key is to not keep making the same mistake and to get that information out."
"Keep sharing the knowledge, you know, with the community."
"It doesn't do me any good to have knowledge that I know can help someone and not share it."
"It's a great day, man. I just wanted to drop a little bit of knowledge on you guys."
"Knowledge is useless unless it is shared. If I learned something and don't pass it on to someone else, then what I know is completely useless."
"Being first is the hard thing, being second and watching a GDC talk on how someone else solved all those problems and kind of building on their shoulders, that's how games get better at the pace that they get better."
"Surviving that encounter, you're going to try to give any knowledge or insight about what someone else should do."
"You benefit not just from the resources in the community of course but you'll also benefit from all of the knowledge and experience that we've got."
"Diksha: Bringing together diverse stakeholders for shared knowledge."
"The main thing that will set you apart is knowing something and putting yourself out there as an expert."
"You know, and I think that's what the internet has helped us with tremendously is that we are able to corroborate and identify knowledge."
"Mostly I wanted to share it because if it can help you make sense of what we're dealing with, I think it's worth putting out there."
"Let us use our collective knowledge to share what we know with other people so we can ask questions we can learn we can come away from this knowing a little more than we did before."
"I think there's a lot of good information in our conversation."
"When you make others acknowledge your knowledge through your wisdom."
"If I can help people learn the tricks that I have learned a bit quicker than I did, well then it's all worth it."
"I think that patients should be empowered and I think they should be empowered with knowledge."
"We equip creators with the knowledge and support you need to succeed, making it as easy as possible to find and share knowledge across the community."
"Viral spreading of deep knowledge and secrets revealed."
"I want to give you some references so that you understand where these things can truly go."
"Educational content is incredibly important to YouTube... Almost everyone comes to YouTube to learn something."
"I want you to leave this place today and say, 'Oh my goodness I know something that I didn't know before and something that I can apply this week to my life.'"
"...if you know something and it can help people, it is your responsibility to share it."
"Stephen Hawking was a professor at one of the best universities in the world since he was a man who shared his knowledge with the world through books that could be understood by everyday folks."
"It's about thinking of others as well and to share that knowledge so that other people can also benefit from that as well."
"He gives away vital knowledge, specifically for those of you that are self-learners and are looking for ways that you can improve how you learn."
"Do the research, document everything, and share what you've learned."
"It's hard because I think even I can lose it sometimes I very much wish that people would absorb thought processes from me I don't really care as much about the conclusions."
"Life is too short to try to figure everything out by yourself."
"The democratization of knowledge puts the power of knowledge into the hands of the people."
"You're bringing knowledge to the world, whether it's in a spiritual form or on this earthly plane."
"I do hope you've enjoyed our little journey through the thought process and the methodology."
"I just make this because I like documenting what I understand and I like sharing things that I think I know something about."
"Share the truth, easily become the smartest person in the room. Download that PragerU app today."
"The idea behind this is to share, bring Minds together, and share knowledge and information."
"I'm here to put you guys on and share all the different resources and tips."
"It's better to have a following and not need it rather than to not have a following and need it."
"My whole goal was to build off of knowledge and value."
"Knowledge grid empowers the village citizens with skill and knowledge." - APJ Abdul Kalam
"The more people that understand these things, the better the community will be together."
"Sharing everything you know helps people get to where they want to be."
"If you don't know the answer, find someone who does."
"Thank you so very much for all of your wisdom that you shared with us where can people go to learn more about the work that you're doing."
"Read a book and you're able to remember what you just read and you're able to, you know, give out the information that you just read so that book becomes the best book for you."
"It's all about anglers helping anglers. The network effect is the most valuable part about growing as an angler."
"I now had both sides of the spectrum and if I can teach people what they don't already know, that's valuable."
"I'm taking all the knowledge and experience... and just sharing it."
"Let's help share this knowledge to as many people as we possibly can."
"Thanks so much for sharing the knowledge, and not keeping it to yourself."
"If you have something good to teach, then teach it."
"Sharing knowledge is so impactful into people kind of following what it is that you're doing and how you're working."
"Be mindful of your attention to detail because it's so infectious sharing knowledge."
"Learn from each other. Stop trying to take ownership of something that's not yours."
"Iron sharpens iron, the collective knowledge of the team is better than any one individual."
"We should be able to provide people with everything they need to know to have a conversation about anything."
"When you learn some game, you share that game with somebody else and help them elevate."
"You are a library of wisdom that you came with to share with all."
"Spread the knowledge because the way that I live, I feel like sometimes it's not fair."
"It's actually more interesting to talk about what you know and be honest about it."
"Teach what you know even if you aren't an expert."
"Your notes aren't just staying private and that you are sharing it with other people, sharing the knowledge."
"But nobody knows everything. We’re all sharing our knowledge and experience with others, enabling each other to expand our horizons and do something we love."
"So I had come a long way and I felt like you know I have all this information just share and look at all the science look at all the references."
"Share what you know, open communication is more important than ever."
"Starting an online course education-based business... extremely profitable because you just need what's inside your head to be able to record it, package it up, teach, and then help others and sell that course to other people."
"I learned that when I asked the questions, other people found answers."
"We just appreciate you guys, we hope that you appreciate us, we try to give as much love and knowledge to you all."
"Ripley explains what she knows about the aliens."
"Now we can stand up like men, stand up like women, and serve the true and living God!"
"You don't have to be some big expert for consulting, you literally just need to know one percent more than somebody else to help them out."
"Probably should break it down for you before I forget." - Demonstrating a willingness to share knowledge or expertise.
"He literally has other side, both of them like this type of well."
"Hopefully I can add some value to the conversation."
"It's worthwhile to have answers to the questions that people will ask about your answers."
"Decentralized knowledge because I think that's what we have here on the interwebs."
"Sharing knowledge is just one of the most gratifying things you could do in your life."
"The best teachers love their job, take all sorts of useless facts, and are able to disseminate it and feed it to you in a way that you care."
"I want to take that information and then make it accessible for the people that don't have the time to be paying attention to this all day."
"We like to teach and learn from each other. This is the source of our wisdom, in fact, it's the source of our wealth, in fact, it's the source of our survival."
"It's important to bring more knowledge and information to you, things that I think you may want to hear or know about."
"And Paul himself is a treasure trove of knowledge."
"We've all got access to these little things that we know about that everybody else in the world's like, 'What?'"
"If you ever need to know anything, absolutely anything, just ask me."
"I want no advantage over other people save all of the opportunity of sharing with them my knowledge and my ability to help them to help themselves."
"The Bros Brad Randall keep it up. I am sincerely grateful for all the knowledge and research you have shared with me over the years. Cheers to you all."
"If I have had the power to study and gain all this knowledge, then I need to spread it."
"The knowledgeable one - no matter who you are, you have some knowledge that other people are willing to pay for."
"No such thing as stupid questions, only stupid answers."
"I've learned something new today, thank you and thanks again."
"Share your experiences, share your knowledge. Don't just light up the door saying everybody's an idiot that doesn't agree with you."
"My wisdom, my knowledge, my understanding for those who want to know."
"Give away the secrets, sell the implementation."
"What you know is a solution to somebody's problem."
"Make a backup, share it with whoever you want to share it with because this is one of those teachings where I think it's just gonna be like BAM revelation."
"If you know about this sector, please please share that with the community. That would be incredibly helpful."
"Sharing knowledge makes all of us richer. Hopefully, one day, you know, Govind will share that much more knowledge to us as to how to build a sterling career as an independent media in India."
"Please remember to share it with your friends because the more knowledge you have the better equipped you are to navigate the world."
"I am here to help heal people, I'm here to share my knowledge and just to spread light and love."
"Thank you so much for sharing your brilliance so generously with us."
"Just to own what you know and go out there and actually share it."
"I learned a decent amount of new and interesting things from this, and I hope y'all did too."
"Understanding where we're going, this common knowledge game is actually really critically important."
"Advancing your knowledge and just helping everybody grow here."
"Share the love, share the wealth, share the knowledge."
"We just want to give you the most amount of knowledge, the most amount of ideas for how you might go about developing such a system."
"Sharing knowledge enriches the gaming experience for all."
"Knowledge held is one thing, knowledge shared is another."
"This is literally everything I know and I'm completely on your guys' side."
"Learning to follow and trust your heart, spreading your knowledge so you can grow."
"Share what you know share it with other people refine it gain knowledge give knowledge but focus on the problem."
"Hope you found that useful and hopefully interesting as well and hopefully can apply those techniques to your own projects in the real world."
"Thank you for joining us and asking questions."
"Any knowledge about it should be shared by all humans."
"Just because you're okay doesn't mean that you can't pass on that knowledge that you have gained."
"Let us do what we do and protect you, and you do what you do and share your wealth of knowledge."
"I love that idea sharing the knowledge that's what it's all about."
"Giving people that knowledge is is the is the most important thing."
"Patrick Bet David is one of the smartest people on the internet."
"If I can tell you just one new thing you might not have known from this update, then I'll consider it a success."
"It's truly capturing all of our practical experience in one book."
"The original culture needs to stop fighting with each other... we need your knowledge."
"One of the fastest ways to learn something is to teach it to somebody else."
"It's a passion of mine to bring information forward."
"People do not care how much you know until they know how much you care."
"Teaching what you learn allows you to learn it twice."
"This is my little side project, I thought I found out a bunch of interesting things, I felt I wanted to share them with you."
"One of the things we have here in Silicon Valley is essentially a network of learning."
"The more information that is disseminated out to the community the better."
"Infotainment, edutainment... something in between."
"Lean into the ones that you really find fascinating and bring in some of your own. Become a kind of casual authority on the thing."
"The role of the host isn't to be an expert, it's to bring the expert's knowledge to the audience."
"Shared knowledge amongst the people is the number one best defense against basically anything."
"I set up this YouTube channel to use my knowledge and experience."
"It's just about knowing that everything that people want and obtain... if you're in a position to share it and show people and teach people, why not?"
"We need to push people into empowerment, not just out of fear."
"Stand strong in your beliefs and share that knowledge."
"There's nothing better than getting the people speaking out loud, sharing knowledge."
"The more you learn, the more you want to share."
"Honest knowledge is a winner today. It's rare."
"Creating a universal knowledge base is a worthy endeavor."
"We should probably try to continue to communicate the need for asking better questions."
"As we move through time and space, how have African people passed on knowledge, experiences, memories of their moment in time?"
"That's a great way to share information with somebody or show them how to get something done."
"You can put it straight into here or you can take this give it to somebody else and they'll be able to recreate that exact same color."
"You've got to cultivate people who know things you don't."
"Every time I've learned something, I'd want to share with people. I didn't care if it was my competitor."
"I love sharing what I know with people that want to learn it."
"If you have tips on addressable please share them I'd love to hear more."
"I'm really so happy that you know I have this opportunity to share my knowledge with you."
"Keep sharing knowledge, don't be scared of each other."
"With version 2 firmware we can now use this and the ninja 5 to record 4.2 k 12 bit prores raw up to 60p using the camera's hdmi output just like the a7 s3 and fx3 before this firmware."
"This is the secret guys this is what everybody that doesn't know needs to know."