
Self-reward Quotes

There are 95 quotes

"The idea that you can self-reward the effort process is extremely powerful."
"The key is to figure out what are the rewards that you can acquire along the way, internally."
"We need to work more on rewarding ourselves for achievements no matter how big or small."
"Rewarding yourself when you reach little milestones...do something that you enjoy doing."
"It's almost like rewarding you for being alone."
"Reward yourself. Make sure you're having that once or twice a week cheat meal to look forward to."
"Support us and it'll be kind of a little you know present to yourself."
"You deserve it, you've worked hard, you've been through a lot and I think it'll be good for you to have your own establishment separate from the pizzeria."
"Build your foundation first, then reward yourself eventually."
"I want them to open the box and feel like they just treated themselves. This is a piece of luxury, a reward that they're giving to themselves."
"This is the week of your transition, this is the week of your change."
"This is the week of you rewarding yourself, reward yourself by something big, by something huge."
"Reward yourself because this change is about your growth and progress."
"You deserve to be held accountable, then you deserve to reward yourself."
"Why are we so guilty about having an occasional taco? Who cares? You work so hard, yeah, you deserve it."
"I hit a hundred thousand on February the 13th so I got to give myself that bracelet on Valentine's Day."
"Let's reward ourselves for how far we have come..."
"As January ends, embrace new beginnings and reward yourself for your growth."
"Implement some sort of reward for yourself, like a carrot on a stick."
"Be proud. You should be so incredibly proud of yourself and what you have achieved. Reward yourself."
"Also being appropriately congratulatory of yourself, I think is, you know, like get yourself some chocolate for that, you know, yes, I'm down with that, also submit rewards, so it's good."
"Instead of rewarding myself for procrastination, I reward myself for doing a small portion of the task."
"Consider treating yourself each time you successfully transform a pessimistic notion."
"Treat yourself to something nice if you have worked hard."
"Whatever you do, give yourself a huge pat on the back, go get yourself a candy bar, sit down, scroll on your phone, reward yourself."
"This was a gift to myself that I got after I graduated the Special Forces Q course back in 1998."
"Learn to reward yourself for the little ones. So just have small, small rewards here and there for attaining the little goals because that will encourage you to keep going."
"If I don't buy myself a snack or a drink or a treat, I'm making money."
"When I go about my daily rituals and my daily habits I'm very careful not to promise myself a reward."
"I just fell in love with the idea of buying my first Chanel bag for myself in Paris."
"Once you get good at day trading, I want you to start paying yourself."
"Each step of the habit loop is important in and of itself. Of course, we talked about the ABCs before, we talked about the anchor, the behavior, and really the celebration, the instant congratulations that you're giving yourself."
"Best purchase of 2022: my car... I bought myself a car."
"Reward yourself so if I go without eating snacks for a week I am going to celebrate by giving myself permission to go and do this a little reward."
"But as you start losing some of the weight you can also reward yourself."
"...you get up early, you get to see things that people who work in offices don't see, and feel self-rewarded."
"So, if you found the correct moves in the correct plan, congratulations! Give yourself a pat on the back."
"I want them diamonds, I want little, so I always told myself when I get that real paper, I'm gonna give me some diamonds, it's just trophies for me."
"Set yourself goals and work towards them, but at the same time, when you achieve those goals, reward yourself."
"Focus on rewarding yourself for the effort and not the outcome."
"I rewarded myself when I turned 65 to always ride when I play golf."
"These fakes are getting good now, but your Rolex is your trophy to yourself."
"The only reward is that which is within ourselves; publicity, admiration, adulation, or simply being fashionable are all worthless."
"It was sort of like a present for myself that I passed my driving test before going on to you know, trips."
"One of the first ways you should look to reward yourself is a really good desk and a really good chair."
"Set aside one thing you want to get done. Do that one thing and honestly sit back and rejoice and feel proud of yourself."
"Celebrate completing your goal... throw a party for yourself, it could be something small."
"Every time you can do that even for a moment, to reward yourself in the form of self-satisfaction, that means you are navigating in the most adaptive way through life."
"Reward yourself when you hit a major milestone."
"It's rewarding yourself for getting everything done during the day."
"Meanwhile, I happily treated myself to some Legos for performing a public service."
"I've been decorating my bedroom. I gave it a medal for good behavior."
"Rewarding yourself for personal victories acknowledges your own progress without seeking external approval."
"You can pat yourself on the back because that means you just made this wonderful bread."
"You deserve your own little gift now, a different level of joy that money can't buy."
"You must become self-rewarding and you must be the source of your own status, the source of your own prestige."
"Rewarding ourselves for a job well done, this is a great workout, you guys."
"You just won the day by going to get the workout."
"Celebrate that win and be just like, yay for me, 'cause when we have that motivation and that self-reward, that pushes you forward, that can get you to the results that you want."
"One of the biggest lessons my mom has ever told me from the moment I started making money was you have to pay yourself too."
"I think we're rewarded when we're genuine to ourselves."
"The hard work is the reward in and of itself, being on the court, doing your workouts, going through the process."
"I work hard so I deserve to treat myself."
"Me rewarding myself with a well-deserved four-hour break after writing the title of my homework in my assignment notebook."
"Every time I'm able to achieve a savings goal, it's like the greatest gift that I can give to myself."
"Give yourself an incentive for finishing, remember the why of your this."
"Intelligence is its own reward, creativity is its own reward."
"Celebrate the small wins to encourage yourself and stay motivated."
"I do this for myself, and there's nothing like buying that one thing you've always wanted, knowing you've worked so hard for it."
"Reward yourself little by little along the way, say 'this is where I am and this is what I can afford right now'."
"Rewards of the self are things that feel good, that have this element of variability."
"Don't forget to treat yourself today."
"I think it's important as a woman entrepreneur, anytime you reach a goal, to reward yourself."
"It's important to trick your brain into having these small accomplishments that make you feel good."
"Blessings, investing in yourself, rewards, providing for yourself."
"I work hard, which means I can actually give myself things."
"I like to generally treat myself for achievements and whenever I feel like I've achieved something."
"You've already brought yourself so far; you're being called to bask in that, reward yourself, and just really enjoy where you're currently at."
"I love luxury, I think you only live once, and I definitely love working hard so I can buy nice things for myself."
"Reward yourself, you're doing a good job."