
Processed Food Quotes

There are 92 quotes

"Every 10% of processed food you eat, your risk of death goes up by 14%."
"You're going to design foods that make people hungry more often, and that's exactly what processed food does."
"Every 10% increase in processed food increases your cancer risk by 12%."
"We went from eating mostly fresh and nutritious food to most British and American people's diet now consists of processed or ultra-processed food."
"A significant amount of evidence shows that Ultra processed food is strongly associated with inflammatory diseases like Crohn's disease, metabolic diseases like type 2 diabetes, certain cancers, depression, anxiety, obesity and overweight, and early death."
"The overall impact of this Ultra processed food looks like on a global scale is as bad as smoking."
"Did God make a Twinkie? No. Did God make an avocado? Yes."
"If you just switch to real food and get off of processed food, that's a huge step."
"Unfortunately, much of that food is highly processed and lacking in nutrients leading to a rise in obesity, heart disease, and other health problems."
"The food industry knows this... this is why they're constantly putting images in front of us of people eating processed foods because our 98% of the brain doesn't know that that's not happening."
"Eating processed food, if you control calories, you can still lose weight."
"Over half of the calories that Americans consume are ultra processed."
"Most people eat far too much processed, packaged, and overcooked food to get their vitamins solely from their diets."
"Preparing healthy meals ourselves is going to be the number one way that we can get away from the toxic sludge processed food meals and actually start losing weight."
"The sauce has such a specific taste that is so quintessentially Lunchables."
"Processed meat is a known carcinogen...the fact that we're putting this on kids' lunch plates every day is really astounding."
"Spam contains harmful chemicals, low levels of useful nutrients, and increases cholesterol levels and strain on the cardiovascular system."
"Dandy boy apples... their slogan is apples so good they never go bad so if they are real whole apples then I wonder what process they could have undergone to be anything but some decomposed organic material."
"It's simple, love the flavor and the chicken, even though it tastes processed."
"It's like ultra processed food, basically it's your mental Pringles."
"The end of craving: ditching processed food."
"Just move past it. Don't beat yourself up over it. It's called a challenge for a reason. It's difficult to completely give up packaged and processed junk foods."
"Ultra processed food are the new cigarettes and we're going to talk about why."
"Ultra processed food is the number one cause of death in the world today, period."
"Real food is likely okay, and things that aren't real, things that have lots of process and packaging, will likely harm your system in one way or the other."
"Ultra-processed means fast food, and I don't just mean the food that you get from the drive-through window, I also mean the food that you get in box, bag, canned, jars."
"It's absolutely astonishing to me that our national school lunch program is serving ultra-processed food which we know is poison."
"Could Ultra processed food be made healthy? Yes, by adhering to three principles: protect the liver, feed the gut, support the brain."
"Real Food Works but clearly we're not eating real food 73% of the items in the grocery store are not real food they are ultraprocessed food."
"Eat the food that God made, leave the food that man made."
"Read your ingredients and avoid highly processed food with added fructose."
"Not all fruit is bad, and eating carbohydrate is not evil, but it's toxic levels of processed carbohydrates that are most people's problem."
"So in conclusion, this is a public health crisis because it's an exposure. Even in normal weight people, processed food is the exposure."
"A real advocate for real food and therefore the reduction of ultra-processed food."
"Imagine if everybody in the world decided for one day they were going to not eat any processed food or any fast food."
"Junk food snacks aren't created by chefs, but by technicians in laboratories."
"The more ingredients a food has and the more you struggle pronouncing these ingredients, the more likely it is an ultra-processed food."
"Anything made with processed flour and carbohydrates, just white flour, is not good for you, is going to cause more inflammation, has very little nutritional value, and is nothing but sugar in sheep's clothing."
"We should be reducing the amount of processed foods we have to reduce excursions in blood glucose responses, and consuming high fiber-rich foods and foods in their original matrix to minimize postprandial inflammatory response."
"It's our food culture, and we live in this ocean of processed foods and fast food restaurants."
"Chips and baked goods, while convenient, are often laden with unhealthy amounts of sugar, salt, and fat."
"...no one would be eating Ultra processed food maybe only minimally processed food and Whole Foods... but in the world we live in today that's just not possible."
"The problem lies with the ultra-processed food industry."
"Every diet that works is real food and every diet that doesn't is because it's processed food."
"Processed food is the problem because processed food is high sugar low fiber."
"Keep away from the processed food and keep it as natural as possible."
"60% of American adults' diet is now made of ultra-processed food."
"Processed food, i.e., junk food, it becomes a lot faster to eat and you simply end up eating more of it, and there's more triggers to continue eating more of it because it is so hyper palatable and enjoyable."
"Processed food usually has too much salt and too much sugar."
"Ultra processed food actually inhibits skeletal growth and promotes cancer development."
"Bad food actually chews away at the edges for so long, it creates a torpor of society."
"Guess what's been taken out of the processed food? Fiber. Okay? So ultra-processed food is the single worst thing you can eat during a pandemic like this."
"80% of food that is sold in the United States right now is processed, which is crazy."
"For every 10% of your diet that is ultra-processed food, your risk of dying goes up 14%."
"It's a weird question, but it was that I was eating a lot of processed food."
"I stopped eating processed food almost 20 years ago."
"Processed food industry: no salt, no sale."
"Let's focus on the reality that eating real food without all the junk and all the highly processed sugar and all that's the real culprit."
"Processed food is delicious, readily available, easily affordable, socially acceptable, but it's not food."
"Just don't eat processed junk foods as much as you can and you'll be in much better shape."
"From anxiety to cancer, the evidence against ultra-processed food piles up."
"Avoid processed food, eat less, avoid processed food if you can do that, that's a really good idea."
"In general, we are eating too much processed food and not enough whole food."
"I'll always try and avoid processed food, obviously I can't always do that because sometimes I do get lazy and I just want a pizza from the shops."
"The work is very valuable in saving society, especially as we are trying to lessen our processed food intake."
"The real culprit though, the worst thing of all, is definitely the processed food. The processed food is a modern day curse."
"Ultra-processed food should have like cigarettes, a clear health warning saying 'Warning: this product is likely to make you overeat by 10 to 15 percent'."
"The problem with processed foods like Oreos, is that if they are the only thing you eat, then your diet will lack certain nutrients and you’ll get health issues because of that."
"The relationship between processed food and AMD is nearly a mathematical certainty."
"Put as much fresh food in your mouth as possible and try to avoid as much ultra-processed food as possible."
"Basically, if food comes in a package, I'm not eating too much of it."
"Eating healthy is... actually easy and will save you money over processed fast food garbage."
"If it comes out of a packet and you can count five or more ingredients, usually with additives and preservatives, it's ultra-processed and should be avoided as much as possible."
"The biggest cause is our ultra-processed high starch sugar diet."
"The food in the grocery store in the center aisles is garbage."
"'Minimize the amount of processed foods that you're consuming.'"
"Stay away from the fast food, stay away from the processed foods."
"We love the processed food over here 'cause we got seven kids."
"I can't think of one disease that gets better from animal products or processed food."
"Processed food digs the hole of hunger that I've had inside me my whole life and these drugs fill that hole in."
"Limit that processed food if you can."
"Most people understand that highly processed junk is not good for them."
"Processed food is the worst thing you can eat."
"It's almost impossible to find raw honey in processed food, so that's very, very cool."