
Embarrassment Quotes

There are 1070 quotes

"Embarrassment is the cost of entry. If you're not willing to pay the price of embarrassment, you'll never do anything worthwhile in life."
"You can't be embarrassing on your birthday. That's the rule."
"It's embarrassing to admit but at the end of the day I'm not embarrassed because I feel like I've learned a lot."
"This picture captures the embarrassment of tyranny in action."
"It's embarrassing to say, you're one of my heroes."
"Embarrassment is ego. Who gives a [expletive] honestly."
"Just think about how horribly embarrassing it is when you’re at a restaurant and your server goes 'Enjoy your food,' and instead of saying 'Thanks!' you say 'You too!'"
"I am embarrassed and ashamed. Like everyone else, I feel betrayed and confused."
"The fact that it's even in debate whether evolution is true is just embarrassing."
"And let me tell you, I need to share a story of embarrassment. And humiliation."
"This whole situation has been so embarrassing, and I'm ashamed, but like I said, I'm now educated and fully understand what went on."
"What you're seeing in the January 6 cases, Whitmer cases, Russiagate, and Spygate, is humiliating and embarrassing."
"I wasn't aware that I deserve to feel bad you know I think really it's embarrassing to me."
"Colombia's Rene Higuita embarrassed himself in front of thousands, putting the stamp on Colombia's plane ticket home."
"I think she should go now. I mean, it's just embarrassing to watch."
"This is embarrassing alright, actually after, let's try to be chapter 1 and then I want to, there's the server link right there."
"I always felt such love for him and I sensed love in return but also some embarrassment I was half Willy's size half his weight I was the younger brother he was supposed to save me not the other way around."
"When you're reduced to the point in your life where you're doing this kind of stuff, you should be embarrassed at that."
"How embarrassing for Perez, how humiliating for the Glazers, how embarrassing for Cronky and Gazidis."
"Trump can't come to Kenosha because that would be embarrassing for Democrats."
"This is embarrassing I just I feel bad for these people."
"They will probably end up being embarrassed as badly as they wanted to embarrass him."
"I was sober doing that which makes it so much more embarrassing."
"Embarrassment, awkwardness, cringe, no matter what you call it, it's one of the most unique human emotions."
"Embarrassment also falls into the category of social emotion."
"He said he wanted to give you grace for your greatest embarrassment."
"Being scared means you're trying something new, being embarrassed means you're learning."
"This dude got thoroughly embarrassed by a [__] idiot who streams on Twitch, and look at him, he's killing it."
"Well, this is cringeworthy in terms of the potential damage to national security."
"I mean, yeah, having those secrets revealed is going to be totally embarrassing, but that's seriously not enough to give someone a reason to kill, right?"
"When your crush forwards your dick pic in the group chat, entire group."
"I felt like such a fucking idiot for believing it mainly because of just how ridiculous the story was to begin with."
"One of the most embarrassing things that can happen to an artist is dropping the award when winning it."
"Embarrassment is such an uncomfortable emotion."
"Embarrassment is like an emotional alarm bell that goes off when we cross into the potential or actual disapproval territory."
"Sometimes we're so embarrassed because she wouldn't tell us should we go to the washroom let's say in the restaurant and then everybody was like oh my god somebody got murdered in the washroom like no it's just my daughter she has a nosebleed."
"I'm embarrassed for the taxpayers of this country."
"It's a million times more embarrassing to be great at something and have everybody in the world see you [ __ ] fall in your face."
"I hope it's embarrassing for people who don't vote."
"I just ran into the um cloak room in the hallway and nothing was plumbed in and I went in and I crapped in their toilet and it wasn't plumbed in I ran out of there so quick."
"To feel secondhand embarrassment or to feel ashamed about something someone else has done, to be embarrassed because someone else has embarrassed themselves."
"They put you on the screen, they don't want to put you on the spot. They definitely put you on the screen, I was cheating."
"Perhaps centuries later he still can't shake off the embarrassment of his blunder in front of Millions on stage."
"Danger force would be the name of your superhero team."
"Wow, that's embarrassing! Can't imagine how embarrassed that guy feels right now!"
"Don't be embarrassed about things that you have no control over."
"I've never felt so depressed in my entire life, that was embarrassing."
"She obviously just wants to embarrass me in front of everybody."
"Everybody takes responsibility for that today, that's absolutely perfect. So, those players are about, they're holding up, they're embarrassing now, they should walk straight off that pitch."
"It was one of the most mortifying experiences."
"That's incredibly embarrassing for you guys."
"It's like this is your reality... there's no one to talk about it... nobody needs to know... it's embarrassing."
"It's one thing to be embarrassed in prison, it's another thing to have that embarrassment come via a woman in prison. That's a whole different level and type of embarrassment altogether."
"Despite his threats, after I put out that video, Ben just fumed silently, probably quite embarrassed of his childish behavior on display for all to see."
"Holly explains that she was embarrassed because her mother was in the audience and the loquifer image is one that they have worked very hard to not portray."
"Tesla once again embarrassing the entire 'automotive industry'."
"Embarrassment is not what other people think of you, it's how you think of yourself in that moment."
"Most of the time, if you get embarrassed, it's either funny or it's something because it's like, 'Oh, it's like big U energy.'"
"We're an embarrassment, we're an absolute embarrassment."
"He apologized to me and said he's been feeling embarrassed and quite ashamed by how he behaved yesterday."
"Embrace embarrassment; it's a place of growth."
"It was the most embarrassing moment of my life."
"It's got to be pretty embarrassing I mean you yeah you strut your stuff on d-day you're doing so well and then BAM German super fortress hate to see it absolutely hate to see it."
"I just want to really embarrass them. Not for my own personal gain, but for all of you wild man supporters out there who wanted to see this."
"I'm just exposing myself here, I have a problem you guys, all know this, she's seen this too which is equally embarrassing."
"I'm embarrassed for the voters, I'm embarrassed for Arizona, and I'm ashamed that anybody would file a civil action with these sorts of allegations."
"Everything is embarrassing to somebody at some point."
"Scale of one to ten how embarrassing and cringe-worthy are these stupid post-fight face-offs?"
"There is even the trend of moms and dads embarrassing their children on TikTok for attention."
"Talk about getting caught with your pants down."
"Isn't it hilariously embarrassing because you're just like, 'Come on...'"
"Alabama completely embarrasses the entire Miami Dolphins organization."
"You'll disgrace yourself, yeah, you'll be embarrassed."
"I'm kind of embarrassed that it took me so long."
"Draco is mortified. Wait till his father hears about this."
"This situation and the problems you have are already embarrassing enough, let alone to have somebody hang it over your head."
"That was my most embarrassing moment ever. I ripped a pair of trousers at the bum crack on national television. Oh my god, these are my mass's trousers."
"Imagine your entire country losing to a piece of code that's just embarrassing."
"Forget ideology or whatever, these people embarrassed the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security."
"Major League Baseball cannot stop embarrassing themselves."
"They're embarrassed, they've been very quiet."
"One of the saddest things is being a laughingstock."
"If you ain't embarrassed, I ain't embarrassed."
"They're embarrassed about certain things that they did from that place of fear."
"Charlemagne got his butt served to him, he was basically embarrassed, Larry Elder is a seasoned debater and a seasoned attorney and he has the gift of the gab."
"Nobody has ever said such embarrassing things to me before."
"It's gross, it's weird, it's misogynistic, no look bro you're embarrassing me, get out."
"Okay so I'm doing first a little intro okay I want you sitting there so you can embarrassed you can be embarrassed"
"Rachel Notley is about to make an international embarrassment of herself yet again."
"I gotta end this stream soon, man, I gotta end this [__] stream soon, I'm just embarrassing myself."
"The people who have framed the current conflict as a war between America and Russia are particularly embarrassing."
"Don't fall off the path, that'd be really embarrassing."
"The most shameful walk I do as a person is when I take a bag of McDonald's trash out of the passenger side floor seat of my car to walk into throw away at a second McDonald's location."
"I laughed so hard in 10th Grade that I peed myself."
"She was embarrassed but at the same time she was willing to give me a chance."
"That would be the fourth manager who left their post in less than two years... it really, really would be embarrassing."
"I'm embarrassed when I go out to sushi and ask for forks and [__]."
"Just calm down calm down let's calm down calm down yeah I [] I have [] it here I've completely [] it I [] it I'm sorry I've lost it I'm embarrassed I am in bat I'm going to go take a [__]."
"Coming to my ceremony is too embarrassing for me. I won't be able to take off the embarrassment."
"It was an absolute embarrassment, the Chinese government made a huge embarrassing and very dangerous mistake."
"I just want to die because he's so embarrassed by how silly and dumb that costume is."
"When someone is doing something to embarrass themselves, I feel humiliated too."
"That's somebody who wronged you probably really in a big way, and the truth came out and they are embarrassed."
"The blackmail, the manipulation, all of the ugliness that is going on right now on YouTube makes me embarrassed to be on this platform."
"This is the most embarrassing thing that came out of this trial for me." - Reflection on the lawyer's inappropriate actions.
"I literally just ran away from the screen... and it was just so embarrassing so humiliating."
"The impostor's just watching me embarrass myself."
"Hurry up, it looks terrible, it's very embarrassing."
"The Department of Justice rug was embarrassing."
"You're embarrassing me by coming to games with black tea."
"Come on, man, when your kids are so clearly dying of second-hand embarrassment, surely at that point you know it's time to stop."
"I can't believe I just yelled in front of everybody."
"It would be so embarrassing to put up a video on fixing GPUs and not fix one."
"I feel like such a fool, don't even look at me."
"all right I'll see you in the morning God it's so embarrassing there's nothing more beautiful than an overnight train"
"I made a total fool out of myself in front of the young couple in the garden."
"Man, if he'd survived this ordeal, I'm pretty sure he would have died of embarrassment."
"This was an embarrassing pay-per-view event."
"I'm going to make you look like a fool by throwing a big old tantrum."
"He embarrassed them, that's as plain as it went."
"It's like you've been caught at someone else's wife's house, and you're trying to get your clothes on as quickly as possible to get out the window."
"you did that for eighth grade dance you did"
"If you're making a massive public spectacle, at that point it just becomes cringe."
"My great grandma gave my cousin a jock strap from Goodwill. He started crying. He was nine."
"Everyone knows how to poop their pants."
"Everything is out of your control when you're there with your pants around your ankles taking a dump."
"It was embarrassing, was the really interesting thing."
"I'm too embarrassed to go get a hat."
"It's just really embarrassing, I just can't believe you caught me doing this."
"It's actually so cringe that I let myself get so worked up to go say hi to a person."
"It's twice as embarrassing to get caught with a shill army than it is to just make a bad movie and suck it up."
"I feel like this season embarrassed DC, in my opinion."
"These things happen, so she's naked in the back."
"Why can we never remember the cool thing that happened last week, but then when you're trying to go to sleep, you remember 1:45 PM on May 24th when you were seven years old and your trunks fell off in swimming class and everyone laughed at you?"
"Excuse me, your balls are showing."
"It's not going to go your way very typically to leave skin on when making fried chicken, but in a sandwich situation, you might just pull the whole thing out and embarrass yourself."
"The room smells awful, my butt is stinging, I'm humiliated."
"I'm more afraid of being embarrassed."
"That's the most embarrassing thing, bro."
"My name is Flynn, and I think I pissed myself."
"Maybe this is Rock Bottom for embarrassing U.S politics."
"Mermaids are white, mermaids are white. Literally, literally how are you not embarrassed?"
"It was extremely embarrassing for Karen to just be called out in front of everybody."
"I went to a wedding, tripped on my own foot, and crashed into the wedding cake."
"I'm not seeing Stanley Tucci hasn't occasionally fucked himself out for money in the movies, but even he has to be a little embarrassed about what's going on right here."
"wine can be intimidating no one wants to be embarrassed when a waiter corrects you on your wine selection"
"The once boring annual performance becomes a source of amusement for the school as students laugh at the queen bee's mishap."
"Oh my God, I was publicly humiliated."
"My ex-boyfriend tried to humiliate me by telling all his friends I was terrible in bed. Imagine his surprise when they all disagreed."
"I feel like it's good to flex that and do embarrassing things every so often. And for me, that's skiing. I'm not very good at it, but like I said, I didn't grow up skiing."
"I wanted to walk out at one point. I was like, 'Oh my god, I'm humiliated, I gotta walk out, I can't, I can't finish.'"
"My confidence is taking a hit and I feel very embarrassed about getting fired."
"Even when family embarrasses you, nothing feels better than knowing that they always have your back."
"You're embarrassing when you're drunk, for starters. I know, like, you know when most kids are like embarrassed of their parents when they're younger, when they get drunk? My mom is like the loudest, probably the most drunk."
"I was more so embarrassed and scared that I would go up to the window and he would be like, 'Oh my god, I'm so sorry I didn't mean to call you sir.'"
"Have you ever gotten dressed and then hours later realize you've got a Bounce dryer sheet in your underwear?"
"You have to realize that your embarrassment is based on subjective thinking anyway, so who cares if you get embarrassed?"
"...it's embarrassing it's like the [ __ ] Ultimate X match where the guys couldn't [ __ ] hang on..."
"Embarrassing are the things you do when you are in love."
"I feel completely embarrassed at how well I was fooled."
"When I was young, someone told me that an orgy was when more than five people in a room were barefoot. That caused issues as I got older, girl, I bet it did."
"And all during the run there's a scene where Shug gets up out of the tub when she first meets Celie."
"I guess the spotlight guy didn't get the memo and he shines the spotlight right on my behind."
"She's got lice in her hair on live."
"At the end of the day, dropping your bike, it is super embarrassing. It happens to all of us at some point for sure."
"No, the birthday party! You probably don't want to wear that hat, that's embarrassing."
"We're hoping that we don't embarrass them too much."
"If you're not embarrassed by your first product, you ship too late."
"God, this is cringe, the cringe levels through the roof."
"Did I pretend I was searching for something on the ground? No."
"It was my chance to recover though, right? Laugh it off, play it cool, ha ha, just a little friendly hide and seek? No."
"While it may be romantic to die for love, it's never cool to play dead in front of your crush."
"If you walk in a room and everyone's just laughing at you, looking like this dude, oh God, that's a nightmare."
"Holy [expletive], I just pooped myself in a parking lot."
"That was embarrassing, that was my mess up today, my real big mess up."
"I was mortified, it was the most embarrassing thing that had ever happened to me."
"He dropped an f-bomb into a live mic."
"They're embarrassed now, this bully is embarrassed now because people are talking about them, they're realizing they went the wrong way."
"Hey moron, you got your clothes on backwards, ha ha ha ha!"
"Then underestimate that at least, act like you're embarrassed. This is better for you."
"Marin is embarrassed and doesn't want to live anymore."
"I'm also expecting to have a shame meter, you know, dying of embarrassment."
"Life is so much more fun when you just don't find things embarrassing anymore."
"She felt embarrassed, even thinking for a second she might’ve found a place she actually belonged."
"I showed you the chair and now everyone knows what my poop looks like."
"Dad, stop yelling at me in front of guests. It's embarrassing."
"The nightmare subsided a few months later, but my embarrassment continues to this day."
"I have too many questions right now," The Duchess said, looking embarrassed.
"He flushed it down the toilet, so now he's got...and he was like shouting in the bathroom, he's like, 'Um, I clogged the toilet.'"
"I'm slightly embarrassed but for the last couple of days, I have been trying to learn to throw it back. I really want to be able to do that TikTok dance like I'm a savage and I can't throw it back so this is my attempt to learning."
"I'm trying to get across the finish line and not embarrass myself."
"I'm sorry, you're right. I'm sorry. I mean, I just, I don't know, I'm so embarrassed."
"...one time I was in a school play...I got so nervous I fainted, fell backward, bumped into a backdrop that smashed into a light, and then the whole stage came tumbling down."
"That's the most embarrassing thing I've ever seen."
"Embrace even the most embarrassing moments. Find the humor in situations and laugh at yourself."
"His theory is that people don’t want to pass gas while in front of their partner, so it builds up inside, leading to a risk of explosion."
"I had to put the disgusting gentleman's agreement as number one on this list despite the severity of some of the other scandals as it had to be the most embarrassing long chapter in an already quite embarrassing history of scandals in Major League Baseball."
"I literally fell backwards on my butt."
"I laughed and was completely embarrassed. I even said to the cop that it was one way to meet your new neighbor."
"Aren't you embarrassed that you've let this kind of thing go on as long as you have?"