
Design Thinking Quotes

There are 141 quotes

"Much of what we think about solving hard problems is designing the correct reference frame for that problem."
"Design thinking is extremely helpful in solving problems that are ill-defined or unknown."
"The way you frame a problem can completely change the way you design things."
"We're capable of world peace, it's a design problem."
"The difference between a good designer and a great designer is somebody who can think about the problem, think it through before the visual and the UI and you know all of that work even starts."
"We always begin with making a narrative about the experience and the feel of a space."
"Design thinking is a way to create solutions that address a real user's problem."
"It's not that these are difficult problems. We just have to change the way we think about design."
"This is relevant, alright? Give me something a little bit different and it looks like they're trying to push things forward in that way."
"I think I finally worked out my Stardew designs..."
"Andor is the best Disney Star Wars content that exists. In fact, I would probably say it's the only good Disney Star Wars content produced. It is probably the highest quality Star Wars since Empire Strikes Back."
"I really do see everything as a design challenge and something to be solved."
"This is what digital product designers do, thinking about things the right way."
"Design thinking is actually understanding ends users' needs and discovering their real problems."
"We want to deliver what you want we think about the customer when we design."
"Design thinking is really useful and it relates to the pandemic of trust."
"We are not answer guys, we are approach guys and design thinking itself isn't an answer it's an approach."
"First we have the article which design thinking lean design Sprint agile and this is a really good intro article to all the methodologies that you will be hearing about over and over again as you learn UX design thinking."
"The thing that has probably developed my design thinking and design philosophy up until this point has been more so a mindset of curiosity of all the products that I use and interface with on a daily basis."
"Let's start in the problem space."
"You want to design the space for them, the right space."
"Always be designing and always be putting in the work it takes to get you there."
"If I was building this for The Rock, how would I do it?"
"If we design our project from the beginning with this in mind, it will make development a lot faster."
"There's a bias to action in the design thinking methodology that says go out and try this today."
"Design thinking starts even further upstream during that problem identification and problem framing with a human-centered, empathy-based approach."
"Design thinking is all about creating things that people want, that is deep below their water line, they want them down in their core."
"In designing any program, any service, and in designing any product, don't start with product design, start with the problem you want to solve."
"Design thinking is a process used to solve complex problems in a user-centric way."
"Design can become a tool to make the invisible visible, to render it seen."
"Now it's much faster and cheaper to spend time on design than writing code."
"I'm kind of trying to tell them the story that I know what I'm thinking about and I'm thinking about the user experience here."
"How Might We? is a design thinking activity used to translate problems into opportunities for design."
"Design thinking is the difference between me saying, 'Hey, we need a new political system,' and 'Rasheed needs a way to teach his children about civic responsibility'."
"As a designer, what can I do to design something with this and make it new and fresh? Let's see."
"Data can make us more human, and connect with ourselves and others, at a deeper level if we design the right ways to do that."
"Patterns rock because it gives me a kind of formalized way of thinking about and optimizing my designs."
"Our job is to design new ways of delivering value to our users."
"The more you use it, the more you understand the thought process and how they designed this mixer."
"Personas are hypothetical archetypes of actual users."
"Design is much more than a department; it's a way of thinking about the world."
"Design thinking at its core is a human-centered process for problem solving."
"This design thinking stuff... this is the cornerstone of my career and my life."
"It's a whole new paradigm for how we think about responsive design."
"We need to understand what is the problem that we're trying to solve."
"Treat your design system like a product design problem."
"I think about things like architecture and perspective and composition."
"What if instead of just trying to work around limitations of rigidity, just embrace flexibility and build it into the design tool from the ground up?"
"The big thing about Design Thinking is it allows people to build on the ideas of others."
"They really thought through how each of these sizes were going to be designed and optimized."
"Design thinking has led to thousands of breakthroughs."
"Behavior changes are really, really good ways of measuring and designing value."
"You got to empathize with the user yourself."
"Assuming that I'm going to make a mistake and I'm going to be wrong is a much stronger way of learning than assuming that my design is perfect."
"How do you solve the problem? This is a really good problem to work on as an architect."
"Sketching allows you to focus on the project as a whole."
"You cannot plan, but you can design."
"We need to embrace reality in our design session, look at how the world actually works, not the way we want it to work."
"When you're thinking about what you're going to model, it's best to consider how that thing can break down into a series of simple shapes."
"Do not start with technology; instead, start with the interaction design."
"Being empathetic in those key moments and understanding the experience from the perspective of the user of the experience is what's so critical."
"This is truly a design problem. We designed this mess; we got to design ourselves out of it."
"Design Thinking is a really powerful way of positioning yourself in the customer's shoes."
"Every decision from design through construction was made with employees in mind."
"The power of design thinking is that you see a problem but you don't want to do the usual business as usual way of solving it."
"Design thinking is a team sport and it's about how you routinely innovate."
"Design has moved to what we're calling design thinking, where it's a team sport."
"Whenever you're designing functions, just try to keep in mind and think about what is your function doing."
"This is really where you can go deep into discovery sessions and design sessions to really make sure you can use design thinking to make sure that you can get the client to think outside the box."
"You're making the conflicts visible, and then you dive into them to discover more and design your system better."
"In the costume design stage, I'm really thinking about silhouette, volume, and kind of weight distribution."
"Design thinking is really a creative problem-solving process that starts with empathy."
"We think of product development as a series of experiments, and I propose that that leads to stronger designs whether you can test or not."
"Our keynote speaker is going to be Tim Brown, the former CEO of IDEO and one of the major proponents of Design Thinking."
"I think having a template like this is really helpful when you're trying to be creative and come up with designs."
"What's important is not just the design but you create hypothesis, you create a test for that hypothesis and then you try to figure out what actually works and what doesn't."
"To be a successful player, you have to think like a designer."
"Design thinking is a human-centered approach to innovation that draws from the designer's toolkit to integrate the needs of people, the possibilities of technology, and the requirements for business success."
"Design thinking is optimistic; it starts off with the challenge and looks at it from the opportunity it can bring."
"Creating a positive human-centric employee experience is at the core of design thinking."
"It's actually thoughtfully conceived; they thought about what you'd experience."
"Let's be thoughtful about our art, our design decision, and it will help us actually become better artists because we are intentionally trying to give the viewer an experience."
"Be better designers and more thoughtful about what you draw and paint."
"Careful design... think about these things as you're developing a module."
"Design thinking is a creative, iterative approach to problem solving that involves understanding the needs of stakeholders, generating ideas, prototyping, and testing solutions."
"The company have really thought about how this aspect of the deck performs and not just stuck with the traditional design."
"I want you to become a problem solver; I want you to think in the design."
"You have a sweet spot of time to really be thoughtful in your design and looking prospectively at what you define success as."
"How do we design the way forward and design means using what we have to deliver the values we want."
"Inclusive design is all about considering the wide range of human abilities."
"The solutions are inside if you have empathy, if you can do listening, if you take a design approach to your own work."
"When you look at the UI, you actually start asking yourself questions about what should satisfy the user."
"This will map out your entire design thinking, all of the trade-offs, all the decisions that you have to make in order to build the product and get it out there."
"Keep thinking in terms of design; you want to have nice areas of rest."
"Design for security and compliance from start, and fail forward and adjust as needed."
"If we take a different view of design, and instead of focusing on the products, focus on design thinking as a process, then design perhaps ends up having a bigger impact."
"Design thinking, as one approach to innovation, can actually make a difference. It can help create new ideas, new innovations that go beyond the latest products on the High street."
"I like the way the guys at Next Level Racing were thinking when they were in the designing stages of this cockpit."
"The SAP user experience strategy is aimed at bringing great products to our customers using the principles of design thinking."
"It is a thought process that asks questions, evaluates the options, and is the most effective tool of the designer."
"Design thinking is a methodology that doesn't replace other methods."
"Prototypes are experiences that you design to ask an interesting question."
"Design thinking is not only an approach to problem solving, it's an approach to problem finding."
"Design thinking is a potential answer to using innovation as a strategic weapon."
"The next generation of innovators and leaders really need to be great design thinkers."
"Design mind thinking allows for a very unique set of outcomes."
"Design thinking is that there is no cookbook, there is no recipe behind that."
"Design thinking is particularly useful as a process that spans domains of thinking or domains of experience or domains of expertise."
"For the big questions in life and in business, design thinking sits at the very top of the mountain."
"Design thinking culture is a culture of creative confidence that uses prototypes to inquire about the world."
"We always want to try and think of the kind of expectations of the end user."
"Design Thinking does more than simply make better things; it can also make things better."
"Don't give up... you can find something in there; if anything, you can just draw some abstract shapes and add engines to them, and you'll have something."