
Sex Education Quotes

There are 99 quotes

"What's missing in sex education is education about neuroplasticity."
"Just tell people not to have sex, just doesn't seem to have worked at any point in human history."
"If you wanted fewer abortions, you would promote comprehensive sex education and easy access to contraceptives because that's all that has ever reliably lowered abortion rates in any country."
"Comprehensive sex education since then has drastically reduced pretty much every negative aspect about STDs, teenage pregnancies, etc., for going on 30 years now."
"If Christians don't talk about a Biblical perspective on marriage and sex, who will?"
"The number one weapon you have against child predation is mandatory sex ed for everyone."
"Sex should be about love, it should be about commitment, it should be about responsibility."
"Don't do this because sex education is a big part of our life like all we do like is reproduce so like why not do it properly and like cut back."
"The truth is that sex education has never been associated with lowering the age of sexual activity. Learning about safe sex does not make me have sex. It makes me have safe sex when I do have sex. That's how it works."
"Abstinence is the only form of sex aired in like 35 percent of America."
"Enough with teaching people to pretend that sex is only for procreation."
"I want to have an age-appropriate way to talk with our children about sex as young as possible."
"Sex belongs in marriage, the same way fire belongs in a fireplace."
"Four-year-olds don't need to know about sex and gender and all of this stuff."
"There are two sexes, but any number of genders."
"Teach kids about safe sex is not promoting sex, it's just saying we know you're doing it, this is how you do it."
"Contraceptive mentality divorces sex from its consequences."
"If we don't talk to teenagers about sex, they won't have sex."
"Sex education is not teaching them to be sexual, it's actually teaching them to protect themselves from abuse."
"Sex should be mostly about pleasure, but I understand that for some people...the primary reason...for having sex...isn't always that."
"Sex is a normal thing; however, I don't think it's an individual need...unlike things like food, water, oxygen."
"Comprehensive sex education actually protects children from sexual abuse because they know what is well good and what is not good for them to be touched in a certain way."
"I'm not against Bibles in school libraries... I'm also not against comprehensive, science-based sex ed." - You don't want to have that conversation with me.
"Kids have questions. I had questions about sex at 11 and guess who I could ask? Nobody."
"Introduce our children to the sacredness of sex."
"Sex education because teaching about the safe way to have sex."
"We need to have more positive conversation about sex."
"Only nine states require consent in their sex ed courses."
"It's simply not as simplistic as they want you to believe; as people are pointing out, purely biologically, there are not two sexes."
"Sex education is supposed to prepare you for it with this kind of logic. It's not hard to see why kids are being sexualized at younger and younger ages."
"She helped destigmatize important conversations about sex."
"Registration is officially open. You can now register for the ultimate sex mentorship course for single women. We are starting our first session on August 14th. Yes, we are doing this live."
"I want to change all of this. I want to help us as Christian women enjoy, delight, get excited about sex. And that's why I've created the ultimate sex course for Christian women."
"Single women are sexual beings, and they deserve help, hope, answers to their own questions, and for direction on how to live their lives well in this season of singleness as a Christian."
"Improved sex education would offset the damage by pornography."
"The ultimate purpose of this is to stop sex ed in schools, stop young queer people from discovering what their identities are, and to counter public acceptance of so-called deviant behavior at large."
"Here's the problem with the abstinence only stuff other than children, yes, other than children is number one, I mean, I think there's deep psychological issues."
"I wish I'd known how playful sex is and not as goal-oriented as I expected."
"Virginity is a construct, and foreplay is a great Main Event."
"You have to go through the process of learning to appreciate sex, honor sex, and enjoy sex for what it really is, so that what you're."
"Around the table, we need to create space for us to have conversations about sex, and how God designed us as sexual beings."
"As bad as it is for kids to learn about sex watching pornography, I think watching sort of those real sex documentaries is the opposite way."
"If you're intimidated with sex toys or don't really know where to start I suggest trying something that's a little bit more lowkey like the pebble."
"We don't watch porn to learn how to have sex and intimacy. Sex is, I mean, porn is entertainment."
"Nobody teaches you when you're growing up. They only teach you how to not get pregnant."
"Why are we robbing young people of the opportunity to develop their sexuality this is the key question and it is a really humanizing conversation."
"The name of the book I recommend is 'The Good Girl's Guide to Great Sex' by Sheila Ray."
"Sex like all other forces available to man should be understood, mastered, and made to serve man."
"Why be ashamed of finding pleasure and happiness in sex and exploring it and figuring out what you like what's wrong with that."
"...there needs to be a bigger conversation instead of just don't have sex it needs to be how do you engage in intimate relationships in a god-honoring way or in a self-honoring way."
"And so when my mom put that emotional component in I realized you know what I'm not ready for this I'm not ready to have sex at 14 15 16."
"Trying to have a conversation about sex is like trying to talk in a language that we haven't been taught."
"It's much better to understand that sex is a thing than to make up some guilt trip."
"Good sex involves communication, feeling safe, being present and connected, having fun, and experiencing pleasure."
"So many people think sex is wrong so many people hate us but we just telling them the truth just telling them it's not wrong."
"If you think you already know about the birds and the bees, let me tell you it's a lot more complicated than that."
"There is no such thing as what goes into a sex education class of different tools as of tools of toys that can be used within the bedroom."
"What is so good about the sex education program is that it is just true end of day we have urges right that letter says it we do want to do different things and I'm not gonna lie there's nothing wrong with that."
"I need you to teach me about sex, I need like an honest-to-God conversation, we just need to sit down and have a conversation about sex."
"He probably taught you about the birds and the bees, chlamydia clapping, all about crabs, man, them [ __ ] was out the window with the bird throwing up bees, clapping, calling out crabs."
"I think porn is important because we don't have adequate sex education."
"Anytime you have fear-based, abstinence-based sexual education, you have higher rates of unwanted pregnancy, STIs, sexual exploitation, sexual assault, and sexual coercion."
"I hope that the takeaway for the reader is that consent is the most important part about sex, period."
"I had parents that talked to me like 'Hey, sex is, you know, it will feel good when you have sex.'"
"If you know that you don't want a baby and that you're actively having sex and you're having unprotected sex then we definitely need to do some type of birth control."
"If you are choosing to wait to have sex until marriage, more power to you. But what we're advocating here is teaching children and adults about sex in a healthy way so they can make an educated decision based on what's best for them."
"Watching porn is like learning how to have sex by watching Fast and the Furious you have to understand that it's not realistic."
"It's never too late to talk to your kids about sex."
"We need to provide actual sex education in high schools and middle schools."
"You shouldn't even be telling kids that sex is good or bad. You should just be explaining very simply what it is, how it works, how their bodies work."
"I'm all for positive sex talks, you know, with your children. Probably really kind, give specifics. I'd be like, 'Babe, just go watch porn. Like, I would rather you watch it than me telling you how to do it.'"
"These are what sex is if you're into anything."
"This book is everything we wish we would have known about sex years ago."
"Every teenager should know: the delay in sexual activity leads to greater marital stability."
"Everyone has sex and it's important for people to know the facts."
"...the problem with sex it was always sort of this and this is still how people think about sex and it's sort of this random thing that we just sort of hopefully I'll figure it out one day I don't really understand it I don't want to talk about it I Shame about it."
"As long as the sex is consensual, we could deal with it as a society on treating these particular issues."
"The dangers and effects of censorship and the importance of good sex education."
"Sex education in kindergarten should focus on empathy and narrating emotional experiences."
"Sex education in elementary school should be an extension of that and focus on how we treat each other and that it matters."
"Sex education in middle school should include puberty education that is medically accurate and comes from credible resources."
"Sex education in high school should include additional information about safe sexuality practices and also continued practice on how to apply that information to the complexities of social dynamics."
"I think what would actually be beneficial is if we had sex ed yearly."
"Sex ed would solve so many problems."
"If you're gonna have sex, wrap it up."
"Sex education also includes sexual assault; once we put our mindset into we need to educate on things not just science, math, reading, that's how you create better students, that's how you create better people."
"I'm a huge supporter of everybody having access to sex education no matter how old you are or what your experience level might be."
"I think sex education is important to promote healthy attitudes, healthy understandings of sex."
"Discussions of porn should be included in sex education."
"When we start talking about sex education, it should be tailored to humanity in general."
"Especially in public schools, easily accessible and comprehensive sex ed decreases negative outcomes in regards to sex."
"Teach kids about contraception and how it works. Comprehensive sex education is way better at preventing teen pregnancies than abstinence only."