
Fiber Quotes

There are 202 quotes

"The sixth man coming off the bench for the macronutrients is fiber, but that fifth player that doesn't get a lot of attention is water."
"It's really hard to replicate with purified fiber what you'd get, for instance, at a salad bar."
"Fiber is our natural detox; it goes through the body, picks up excess fat and metabolic wastes, and helps cleanse it out."
"Fiber is important for the microbiome and it propagates an anti-inflammatory phenotype through the immune system."
"Your gut microbiome loves to eat fiber... greens, salad greens, carrots, even mushrooms."
"Whole carbohydrate-rich foods are protected by fiber."
"but there are so many people out there who've been brainwashed into thinking that fiber is this essential thing that they decided it was a necessary product this was necessary poop like a champion"
"Fiber is so important... slows the digestion process down."
"Fiber is good in terms of maintaining intestinal health."
"Whole grains complex carbohydrates... high on fiber, low on glycemic index."
"Fiber is very good for making you move and be regular."
"When you consume fiber with your food... it traps the LDL particles."
"Fiber is probably the most important nutrient you don't absorb."
"Foods rich in fiber and prebiotics can be helpful, but we want to be careful not to fall into extremes with fiber and probiotics on either side."
"A well-formulated ketogenic diet would have an abundance of fiber sources."
"95% of people are deficient in fiber."
"Fiber ends up being the key piece of the puzzle."
"Cultures who live the longest on Earth eat a ton of fiber-rich foods which lowers cholesterol."
"Fiber is perhaps the most important nutrient for health."
"Eat more plants because plants have the fiber inside them that feed the microbes."
"I think excluding fiber altogether is not doing our bodies any favor."
"We need to appreciate fiber as a part of improving the diversity and maintaining the gut microbiome."
"The most anti-inflammatory food component is fiber, found only in plant foods."
"Zero to one gram of net carbs, zero sugar, high in fiber."
"Veggies are extremely important. They give you fiber which helps with your entire digestive system. Veggies are some of the richest sources of vitamins and minerals."
"Plants are an incredible source of many things including obviously everyone knows their source of fiber."
"The fiber happened, the fiber made the fruit self-limiting."
"The fiber moves the food through the intestine faster to get to the end of the intestine where the satiety signal lives."
"The fiber makes that happen faster."
"Increasing fermentable fibers might be a more sensible way to go than going onto a ketogenic diet."
"Whole grains are going to have higher amounts of fiber which is really beneficial for your gut not only because it keeps things moving but there's a lot of research going into your microbiome and how fiber helps fuel the microbiome."
"I think the fiber narrative has been increasingly pushed because it's the last thing left to justify carbohydrate consumption."
"Fiber is an essential nutrient meaning if you eat it you will die and yet it has zero nutrients in it."
"Apples are a treasure trove of antioxidants and fiber."
"Including those delicious fiber rich foods like sweet potato you can even do avocado mangoes and veggies that are going to add in that good fiber and really feed your gut microbiome."
"Aiming for 20 to 40 grams of good quality fiber predominantly coming from things like soluble fiber."
"I want you to get between 35 and 45 grams of fiber a day. This isn't just me. Dr. Andy W also agrees with this."
"Fiber also has a wonderful satiety effect on most people. Great for digestion, leads to a healthy gut microbiome."
"Fiber plays such a pivotal role in multiple different things as far as lifespan is concerned."
"This long study, they analyzed the stool samples and what they found was that the high-fiber foods were actually picking up, collecting, and trapping calories that had not yet been absorbed by the body."
"Fiber makes all the difference when it comes to your metabolism."
"Fruit is literally Nature's Way of providing fiber, good carbohydrates, and deliciousness."
"Another thing to mention with a juicer like this because it's cold pressing all the juice out you are losing the fiber but we don't drink the juices for fiber we drink them for nutritional content."
"Fiber is not bristles of a broom, it's microscopic."
"The data on fiber is really clear. The more fiber you have, the lower risk of colorectal cancer, type 2 diabetes, various forms of cancer, cardiovascular disease, and people are living longer."
"There's a dose-dependent relationship. The more fiber you have, the lower risk of colorectal cancer, type 2 diabetes, various forms of cancer, cardiovascular disease, and people are living longer."
"I love having these greens in the morning because fiber is so great for your gut health."
"Fiber is also crucial if you're on a weight loss journey because it's going to help keep you fuller for longer."
"Human beings evolved in a high fiber environment."
"Oatmeal is very nutritious, and it's high in fiber."
"Fiber, what a concept. Our good bugs are trying to help us, but when we eat a food deficient in fiber, we are, in effect, starving our microbial selves."
"Sorting by fiber is beneficial for those who really have a lot of different types of fibers in their collection and they love natural fibers especially."
"I love anything to do with fiber crafts whether it be modern vintage or historical."
"I would encourage anybody to opt for something that is still a drapey fiber."
"High fiber diets are linked to decreased cardiovascular risk, diabetes, stroke, visceral fat, cholesterol, and you're getting the biggest bang for your buck when you're choosing foods rich in these things."
"A high fiber content translates to less weight gain or even weight loss over time."
"Green tip bananas are rich in the most powerful kind of fiber it's called resistant starch."
"If you take a orange juice, that is the sugar from an orange that's just been concentrated into liquid, no fiber."
"The fiber in the vegetables coats your upper small intestine and prevents your body from absorbing too much glucose coming down afterwards."
"Fiber certainly has the ultimate future-proof because you can do so much with fiber and it lasts so much longer, supports the future so much better than copper does."
"There is no such thing as too much [fiber], it's just too much too fast for right now."
"Avoid nutritional things that raise LDL and eat fruits, vegetables, and get at least 25 to 35 grams of fiber per day."
"Inulin fiber helps maintain healthy gut bacteria."
"Inulin fiber is the favorite food of healthy gut bacteria."
"Fiber decreases diverticular disease complications."
"Healthy carbs, complex carbs are full of fiber, and this is really really important for me."
"Fiber is amazing to help keep you regular, help get things moving, and it will help reduce bloating if you do it the right way."
"This was the answer for me... stay away from fiber, stay away from plants."
"The solution is not avoidance of fiber; the solution is instead the consumption of fiber."
"Understanding fiber... Fiber is much more serious than that. It is an ingredient in food that we really need... Fiber is the main nutrient for the gut microbes."
"Fiber is one of the star molecules that the microbiome makes."
"When it comes to fiber, all fiber is not treated equally by our body."
"If you increase fiber in a population, all those good gut bugs will come back."
"Dogs for poops and Applejack cereals now provide fiber."
"So, as human beings, that these microbes are somehow playing this very important role, we know that the fiber of this intact food, you know, the opposite of this ultra-processed food is actually making through the microbes are able to do, do stuff."
"When people go vegan, their calorie intake naturally falls because their diet is high in fiber and low in calorie-dense foods."
"High fiber diets shift the microbiome, improving blood sugar regulation."
"Fiber slows sugar absorption, while short chain fatty acids help reverse insulin resistance."
"But when we eat a diet deficient in fiber, we are in effect starving our microbial selves."
"It's like the way our good gut flora communicate with us, dialing down our appetite all the while increasing the rate at which we burn fat and boosting our metabolism at the same time, all thanks to fiber."
"Eating a diet deficient in fiber is like starving our microbial selves."
"These microbes, they need to eat. Their preferred food is fiber."
"Eggplant, low in fat, high in fiber, can help to decrease total cholesterol while maintaining a high good cholesterol."
"Quinoa, loaded with fiber, helps to decrease the bad cholesterol."
"So good to incorporate fiber in my diet moving forward."
"Women only get 50% of the fiber that they need in their diet... Women who have diets rich in fiber have been shown to have less visceral fat."
"If you're getting 25 to 35 grams of fiber in your diet without a supplement, you're fine... But you need to track to find out if you're struggling."
"It has both soluble and insoluble fibers, which is the combination that exactly you need for your body."
"Fiber: the unsung hero of detox products."
"Fiber should be considered an essential macronutrient."
"Everything we've shown you so far is a traditional fiber. What I'm about to show you now is a heat defiant fiber."
"Fiber does regulate cholesterol, it regulates sugar, it regulates fat. So if you eat a fatty meal and you go, 'I feel like a jellyfish,' what you do is eat a ton of greens."
"...realize that if you're adding more congestion to your already congested bowels and having constipation, you might want to reduce the factors that are contributing to that congestion, which could be fiber."
"Fiber will absorb that extra water and it'll get your bowels firming up and cleaning the eggs off your pan. Only God can create something like that."
"Alpacas don't have lanolin, they don't have oil. So that's why it's light and fluffy and feels a lot different than the other one, right? Yeah, alpaca's cool, it's harder to work with. You do, you like spinning it better?"
"When people say to me what's the kind of simplify your nutrition message down it's eight more plant protein and eat more fiber."
"...you want to make sure that you eat not just Whole Foods but your whole foods eaten whole with the fiber and the water in tact..."
"These are flaxseed crackers, they have so much fiber, they will get you going."
"Whole grains and legumes have gotten a bad reputation, but the reason that we like whole grains is because they give you more fiber."
"...when you eat fiber from plant foods... absolutely amazing..."
"Popcorn is packed with fiber which, yet again, keeps you full and is great for your gut."
"drops air is such a nice Airy fiber"
"We recommend eating a healthy diet rich in fiber and antioxidants, a diet that's low in processed foods like the Mediterranean diet."
"For years, people thought [fiber] had no nutritional value because it wasn't digested. What they didn't know is what it's doing. It's drawing toxins and the stuff that your body goes, 'I don't know what that is, don't need it.' That's not a nutrient that fiber attracts to it."
"...people who eat more fiber tend to have healthier weights and fiber is only found in plant Foods so if you're not eating plant Foods you are not getting fiber..."
"...so it's something that uh as humans we don't absorb we don't use but we have bacteria living in our gut that do eat the fiber and so if you want to have a healthy microbiome or gut bacteria you need to have fiber in your diet..."
"...and fiber is only found in plant Foods so if you're not eating plant Foods you are not getting fiber so that's why it's so important to make sure that you're getting whole plant Foods so that you actually do get fiber in your diet..."
"Average American gets 15-20 grams of fiber, but a high-fiber, low-fat plant-based diet is optimum for health."
"Prebiotics are foods that gut bacteria like eating, like anything with fiber."
"Chōkatsu means having a healthy diet that contains a lot of dietary fiber in order to keep your intestinal environment healthy."
"Strive for getting minimally 35 grams of fiber a day."
"Anything to help people get more fiber because man, people just, they get no fiber."
"Virtually every vegetable has fiber."
"Fiber has no calories effectively, and yet it fills you up."
"By simply consuming dietary fiber, you can reduce your risk of six of the top ten causes of death in the United States."
"Beans and other legumes are full of fiber and complex carbs, which is good for your gut health."
"Oatmeal is full of fiber, B vitamins, and iron, which help control your blood sugar and keep your heart healthy."
"Fiber is unbelievably important not just for fat loss but also for overall health."
"Calorie trapping is when the food that you're eating is high in fiber, the fiber can actually escort some of the calories out of your body, and you end up not absorbing them."
"The whole grains carry fiber down the digestive tract, it acts like a sponge and it finds unabsorbed calories... and carries them out with the waste."
"The second secret to ultimate weight loss is fiber. Make sure everything you eat is not only from a plant but from a whole plant with the fiber and water intact."
"Increase your fiber and protein, there's so many great ways you can increase your fiber."
"Apples are really yummy, sweet, healthy, packed with fiber."
"Nine in ten people in the U.S. do not get their daily recommended value of fiber."
"Chickpeas, one of the most powerful kinds of fiber that you can consume."
"Eat more plants. They contain a huge amount of fiber and other micronutrients which are extremely beneficial to your health."
"Sweet potatoes have a much higher fiber content than traditional potatoes, which is vital in helping the digestive process."
"The wool in this yarn comes from the Peruvian Highlands, a region very popular for its high-quality fiber."
"Dates have many benefits for digestive health, mainly due to their high fiber content."
"I'm just drinking more water and eating lots of fiber."
"The berries are additionally a low sugar, low calorie fruit with ample amounts of pectin content, a form of soluble fiber helpful for improving digestion."
"Fiber... is massive for the resilience of your immune system."
"We are genetically coded to eat far more fiber than we do, five times as much."
"People with diets higher in fiber tend to have better mental health."
"Nutrient-dense, high fiber, prebiotic fiber but exciting."
"Some soluble fibers lower blood cholesterol in more than one way."
"Eat your carbohydrate with fiber."
"Every man or woman should have minimum of 25g of fiber per day."
"Flax seed contains two types of fiber, soluble and insoluble, which support gut health and improve bowel regularity."
"Whole grains are really good sources of fiber and nutrients, heart-healthy oils."
"The sugar, the fructose in whole real fruit gets mitigated hugely by the fiber in whole real fruit."
"All real whole fruits come with this amazing complement of not just fiber but both an ample amount of both soluble and insoluble fiber."
"Pulpy juices represent a rich source of fiber."
"Fiber is a very important part of nutrition, particularly when fasting."
"Fiber is key for the body to support gut health."
"I've been able to understand, okay, if I exercise in the morning and if I eat a lot of fiber, I'm going to minimize my glucose spikes no matter what I eat."
"By twisting fibers together, many short strands of fiber can be made into a longer, stronger thread."
"It can benefit health and there is a relatively large body of literature associating higher fiber intakes with a reduction in chronic disease."
"If you read about folks who live the longest, they coincidentally happen to be eating a certain amount of fiber."
"Raspberries are the fruit highest in fiber."
"Fiber slows the absorption of sugars from our gut into the bloodstream, therefore stabilizing and overall lowering our insulin levels."
"Go for the thin layout, go for a 15 by 15 inch layout with about one ounce of fiber."
"Fiber is one of those things that takes quite some time for your body to break it down, it also bulks up within your intestines so it makes you feel fuller for longer."
"Fiber is going to make you feel fuller for longer."
"The consumption of fiber along with protein...provides a better digestion."
"Pumpkin is a rich source of dietary fiber which aids in enhancing metabolism, promoting gut health, and boosting the immune system."
"Algin is a viscous fiber... that helps to chelate heavy metals, absorb radiation and toxins from the digestive tract, and further eliminate them from the body."
"Fiber helps lower LDL cholesterol, also known as bad cholesterol."
"The fiber in dates helps you feel full and satisfied, like having a big warm hug for your stomach."
"The fiber in dates also helps stabilize blood sugar levels."
"Fiber is critical for our microbiome, and that's why juicing is one of my favorite ways to increase my microbiome."
"The more fiber in a food, the better fullness you'll feel and the better for your overall digestion."
"A diet high in fiber can reduce your risk of developing bowel cancer by up to 20 percent."
"It's so delicious on its own, wow, you really gotta chew it though, it is a lot of fiber at one time."
"They're full of fiber, they're more fibrous than any other Citrus."
"Make sure you are getting a lot of fiber in your diet because fiber is going to pull out all of those toxins."
"Fiber can do a lot for our health, not only has fiber been linked to improving cardiovascular health by lowering blood pressure and cholesterol, fiber also promotes a diverse gut microbiome which improves our immune system, digestion, satiety, and regularity."
"Fiber is a very very good and essential carbohydrate that we're all kind of under consuming."
"Fiber may lower heart disease risk and also help with satiety."
"The whole grain are a complex carbohydrate type of food that has a lot of fiber in it."
"Fiber trains the colon, makes it stronger, and moves things through so that you get that waste out of your body."
"Typically, you're eating more vegetables and fruits and grain products, so it's going to be high in fiber."
"Dates contain an abundant amount of fiber which helps in keeping your heart healthy."
"If you're eating a plant-based diet or lots of fruits, lots of vegetables, you are going to get all the fiber you need."
"Fiber is good for your blood vessels, good for your colon, good for your bowel movements."
"Increase fiber intake such as fruits and vegetables."
"Carbs are important, we know this, but sweet potatoes are such a great source of not only healthy carbohydrates but also a lot of fiber."
"Fiber is crucial to your gut microbiome and to your happiness."
"Resilience is the ability for carpet fiber to spring back to its original shape."
"It's the soluble fiber that feeds your beneficial microbes in your gut."
"That promotes a healthy microbiome through the consumption of an abundance of various types of healthy fermentable fiber."
"I try to get a salad in every single day. Do I think greens are essential? Not really. But I think that a salad's a great way to get a lot of fiber, a lot of volume, and really just make you feel really full afterward."
"Most of us have been equating carbohydrates and fruit with the wrong 'FW'—fat—we should be equating it with fiber."
"This 400 calories, I can sit down, highly satiated, in high protein, good bit of fiber."
"If you're eating high-fiber plant-based foods, that fiber you cannot digest, but your bacteria can."