
Rejection Quotes

There are 4302 quotes

"If you don't get in, okay, like move on, please. Your life is not validated by an institution."
"Rejection and those awkward moments are part of improving your social intelligence and your social intelligence skill will always keep going up as long as you don't quit."
"As long as you have the belief that you are rejectable, it's going to be easy to be rejection sensitive."
"Rejection is not rejection; rejection is just redirection towards where you truly belong."
"Rejection is redirection, failure is another chance to try again."
"I unequivocally deplore, denounce, and reject white supremacy."
"Rejection is actually giving me optimization data... the more rejection I face, the better I am at understanding."
"Rejection is divine protection. Remember that always."
"Rejection is a real issue... it can lead to using talents as a means for acceptance."
"I would rather accept myself and have him reject me than me reject myself and have his approval."
"No matter what obstacle or undesirable circumstance crosses my path, I refuse to accept it, for it is nothing but illusion. There can be no obstacle or undesirable circumstance to the mind of God, which is in me, around me, and serves me now."
"Rejection is God's protection; it means guiding you towards something greater, something better."
"Every time you get rejected, think of it as getting redirected to something better."
"The point of confidence isn't to get the girl or get the friend; the point of confidence is to be able to survive not getting the friend and not getting the girl."
"See any rejection you face as redirection. You are being redirected to something greater for you."
"Being rejected does not mean that you are not smart enough or talented enough. Rejection is a part of your journey to success."
"The stone which the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone."
"Don't track the dirt of rejection from one village into the next."
"Rejection is God's protection. Things that resonated with a lower form of you left your life because it was not a vibrational match to the higher software update person you have become."
"I'm okay with rejection. It's not my desired result, but at least my mind isn't in tension."
"Don't feel bad if they didn't pick you, at least you learned something from the process. You sharpened your skills, you got better."
"Even if you do choose to give your heart to somebody, even if they don't accept it, that doesn't mean it has any bearing on your worth."
"You're protecting yourself against this person's harmful actions or rejection, or even worse, like a false promise."
"The Earth admitted that he didn't want to be Hero's kid anymore."
"If you want to stop feeling rejected, you have to stop rejecting yourself."
"I'm not going to kiss your ass. Forget about it; if you want that, go and watch the fakes."
"Anybody that rejects you when you've made poor decisions and your life is in the hog pin were never designed to go into your future."
"Every rejection hurts... but it's possible for you to not get shattered by a rejection through sort of intentional growth."
"When your mother rejects you, you don't hate them, you internalize it and you start to hate yourself."
"Most of the really successful entrepreneurs I know will tell me just how many people rejected them along the way."
"Rejection is one of the most painful experiences that a person can go through."
"It's essentially somebody saying a 'no' to you in a situation where you need them to say a 'yes' to you."
"The first question that you're going to ask yourself when you get rejected is: Why me? Why am I the one?"
"Rejection can give you your strongest sense of direction if you let it."
"Everyone feels pain when they are rejected. What determines whether that pain turns into suffering is simply how somebody deals with the pain."
"This may just be the universe's way of directing you straight towards something better."
"The challenge of being connected with another human being is, in order to be accepted by someone, the door must be open for them to reject you as well."
"Learn from every 'no' to accelerate your progress."
"When the rest of the world says no to you, you say yes to yourself."
"Any rejection you face, see it as redirection."
"To be examined by millions, seen and rejected for who you are, is a terrifying thought."
"Everything is temporary, even rejection. If you're feeling stuck, it's just like, for now, it's a no, but who knows, maybe in a few years, when that door opens again, you're going to realize that it's not what you actually want or it's not what's best for you."
"Allowing yourself to shine comes through really just owning your passion, saying yes to yourself, and not being afraid of rejection, failure, or the thoughts or judgments of other people."
"You can't let fear of rejection stop you; you have to keep hammering away at things that matter."
"When you get rejected from something, it is so okay to be sad and to be disappointed and to cry because it shows you cared."
"The main thing that heals the wound of rejection is time. Time literally is the most important thing because with time, you get perspective, you get closure."
"The theory that emotional numbness can be a consequence of rejection is called the numbness hypothesis."
"Mild rejection actually creates a hypersensitivity to pain, which means the slow-moving emotional starvation type of rejection that we see used by narcissists, for example, may be more physically painful than a sudden departure of a romantic partner."
"Rejection is not just rejection; rejection is redirection."
"It is easy to rejoice in acceptance, it is easy to rejoice in inclusion, but I want to talk to you about rejoicing in rejection."
"Rejection isn't really a negative word. Rejection is just what it is. It reveals a truth that perhaps someone could not receive you or your idea because they did not have the capacity for it."
"The very thing that you thought was negative about rejection was actually for your healing."
"God can sometimes use rejection in our lives to direct us to a certain path."
"Rejection is divine protection. Obstacles are detours in the right direction."
"I actually wish all of you to have as many rejections as possible."
"Don't ever feel bad if someone says no to you; it's just how it is, people are busy."
"Rejection it may be a delay, or a distraction, or even a devastation for a season, but it is not your final destination."
"Rejection is universal, ubiquitous, and unavoidable."
"Anybody who rejects you disqualifies himself from your future, and you should thank them."
"Rejection will make you make a masterpiece out of mistake."
"Rejection is the greatest thing that can happen to you. If you can reflect on rejection properly and see what you did wrong, then eventually you will become completely indifferent towards it."
"It's like, if you're gonna reject something, you've got to understand what it is."
"Rejection is a blessing... it's something that needs to happen; this particular thing wasn't meant for you."
"Rejection is protection and redirection because whatever is meant for you will never pass you by."
"And, by making the dragon cry, we reject its gift of everlasting life."
"You'll regret not choosing me, Cassie. I'll be back."
"Often when we feel like we've been rejected or abandoned...it's like our inner child can blame ourselves, like we feel like someone's rejected us and we tell ourselves it's because we're not good enough."
"I've been rejected so many times; I'm a rejector. I've made so many mistakes and bad decisions; I'm a mistake, and that is a lie. It is a lie that impacts our self-worth."
"Turning down the volume on that 'no' and turning up the volume of my knowing."
"I've learned in rejection. My wants are not always catered to me, but I always walk away with what I need."
"The day I decide to become a crime-fighting sh*t-swizzler who rooms with a bunch of other little whiners at the Neverland mansion of some creepy, old, bald, Heaven’s Gate-looking motherf**ker — On THAT day, I’ll send your shiny, happy ass a friend request."
"Rejection sensitive dysphoria is a term that was coined by Dr. William Dodson, based on the fact that we tend to be very sensitive to rejection."
"The most important things you could do as entrepreneurs are to be prepared for a lot of rejection and to make sure your service or product is the very best there is."
"When we recognize that rejection is protection in redirection, then you will see why some things were not meant to work out when it is replaced with something greater, something better."
"If the world does nothing but reject her, she's entitled to do the very same to the world."
"You do not do, you do not do, any more black shoe."
"Reject any wrong thought as soon as it comes to mind."
"I think that this is a bone-chilling piece of legislation. I absolutely and wholeheartedly reject it."
"You might as well wear your heart on your sleeve because if you get rejected, at least you put yourself out there anyway."
"We have to reject the culture of losing that has taken over parts of the party."
"We must reject the culture of losing that has infected our party in recent years."
"If it's something that you're really struggling with... if the person that you're trying to talk to ends up rejecting you because of it, that doesn't say anything about you at all."
"I've been treated as an outcast my entire life, and I'm not taking it anymore."
"Phil Knight immediately rejected their offer to buy his company."
"You're not an oppressor for refusing to accept an ideology that teaches people to hate you."
"We have so consistently rejected him, and he is gone."
"A man's rejection is God's protection. I'm going to be okay."
"Rejection is God's protection and redirection."
"What rejected you, what was denied you, what you lost was ultimately for your highest good."
"The primary reason that people reject psychedelics is the fear of losing control."
"The more radical that circle of higher power becomes, the more Americans are going to say, 'I don't want to be in your circle. I don't like your circle. Your circle's dumb.'"
"I had a person call me and say, 'Why don't you deputize citizens who have guns to come out and patrol the city of Kenosha?' And I'm like, 'Oh hell no.'"
"I got rejected by NASA seven times, but the eighth time... and the fourth time, I got a phone call that said, if you're still interested in being an astronaut, we'd like you to come to Houston."
"We all fear rejection, fear not being good enough, and fear being abandoned."
"The sting of rejection is usually way better than the pain of regret."
"Are you going to allow the true self to become individualized and self-actualized in spite of other people rejecting you?"
"To reject it outright, that's not an honest searching for truth. That's an emotional reaction to hurt."
"If somebody doesn't want you, they don't want you. Leave them the freak alone."
"You can't expect someone or something to just fall into your lap; sometimes you have to remember that rejection is just part of life."
"Focus on the small successes rather than focusing on how one-third of girls rejected you or hated you."
"Most of us have been rejected in our lives, in one way or another. Yeah, it hurts. It can hurt like hell, sometimes more than anything. You grow up. You not only overcome this but benefit and learn from it."
"She blasts him out of the way telling him that her answer is still no."
"We have to say no to the foolishness. We have got to stop making excuses for a lot of the foolishness that goes on."
"Rejection sometimes is redirection. I always feel that rejection is always redirection, always, always, always."
"Rejection is not as bad as it seems; sometimes those negative emotions act as your biggest inspiration."
"We don't want his cult in Atlanta. We want him out of Atlanta. And they all can move. Because I think all of them that's there are narcissists. Every last one of them."
"We are not going to be nagged into communism. It's not happening."
"Just say no to Stephen Crowder and Mug Club."
"The whole concept of the friend zone is unfair to the person doing the rejection."
"Thanks, you. We don't need any more of these."
"We have to completely reject this app before it's too late."
"If you're gonna be a good person in this world, don't be surprised, you will get rejected by the world."
"He didn't want anything to do with my sister anymore."
"You are not being rejected, my friend, you are being directed."
"The more attractive the girl, the more painful the rejection."
"For those reasons I've said very clearly, no."
"It's okay to say gracefully that you're not interested."
"The more sales calls you make, the more you deal with rejection. It's not even a big deal."
"It's amazing. The more you deal with rejection, the closer you are to a yes."
"I will never be part of that, and this is where we circle back to Steven universe."
"For Pelloni, this would both be a way of getting back in Nintendo for rejecting him."
"Rejection is either redirection and or protection."
"I think that's enough, I don't need that s***."
"Be prepared for rejection. It's just going to happen."
"Rejection is divine redirection that teaches you to value your greatness."
"There's no alternative medicine's not an alternative therapy is not an alternative counseling's not an alternative..."
"Don't be turned away or discouraged from all the no's, 100 no's eventually will turn into a yes."
"Rejection really is redirection, believe it or not."
"When someone tells you no, you're asking the wrong person."
"One rejection doesn't matter because as long as you're making progress there's going to be an opportunity at some point that allows you to take advantage of what you've been building."
"As God's holy vessels, we reject that unholy wine."
"The tragic sin of all is the sin of rejecting love."
"When you suggest something and it's not being accepted, it shouldn't make you quit."
"Rejection is always accompanied by a really important lesson."
"He throws him to the ground and walks off without him."
"Rejection is God's protection because...I really thought this was going to be the one to set my career. A month later, boom, Ghost came."
"Reject any idea or standard that does not value you as a being."
"Some of the best things I have were rejected by clients."
"Rejection is God's protection in redirection to something better."
"Rejection's God's protection, I'm meant for something bigger and better."
"Eventually young patriots rejected their deeply embedded ideas of white supremacy."
"Anytime something does not work out for you it is absolutely because there is a better match."
"You don't know me, but you're right. It's a no."
"Listen, I think it's time you lose the zero and get with the real hero."
"I'm sorry that I had the audacity to say no to you because I thought I'm safe."
"No, not from this body, not from this money."
"Nobody wanted Survivorman... I was told no one will ever want to watch people surviving on television."
"Don't touch me," I told him, "I wasn't interested."
"Matt's journey involved perseverance and determination, even in the face of rejection."
"The worst thing someone could say is no."
"Truly you must never listen to this. I know very well I'm never going to."
"Even if she gives you a nasty look, even if you get totally rejected, don't take that experience and then do a cognitive bias and overgeneralization."
"Forget about capitalism versus communism. That is absolute nonsense."
"If every time something goes bad where you're rejected or turned down for something, if one could remember that, be prepared for it."
"You're the best, okay? The number one best. But they didn't pick you, not because they think you're amazing..."
"You can't come back here, okay? We're not embracing you again."
"You've already shown vulnerability to them, then they reject it, only for them to accept it in the end."
"Wounded but never give up, denied but never accepting that denial, insulted but refusing to accept the insult inwardly."
"Just because that man or that woman left you does not mean you're unlovable."
"Put yourself out there. Don't hold back. Don't let rejection stop you."
"No one solves the case by guessing. You're undeniably going to be rejected at some point."
"I command you by the blood of Jesus, I reject you."
"I've been in the hood... I just reject... a naive thought process about who these people are."
"10 minutes ago they were like no take your fat ass home."
"It's to reject the prophecy and to reject the experience that is what Satan fears."
"Rejection is actually divine protection and balance."
"Collect rejections, set rejection goals... because if you work that hard to get so many rejections, you're sure to get a few acceptances."
"He just learned through the experience of rejection that the only person he could ever depend on was himself."
"The best thing that never happened to me was not getting that job."
"Official US policy is to reject a diplomatic settlement."
"Trump would move away from that immediately. Here he is trying to say, 'This is for normalcy.' No one wants that."
"People throw you away but God is not through."
"Rejection is redirection, and it comes in all shapes and forms."
"Rejection is often God's protection and redirection."
"I really like PDS Debt because they have customized zero percent interest options for anyone struggling with credit card debt, personal loans, medical bills, and collection accounts."
"Don't doubt your wonderful self; rejection is redirection."
"Some of you are still obsessed over a situation where you felt rejected."
"Mocking will make you a rejected person. Don't be a mocker."
"A no is actually a sign that okay, I found the boundary. That's okay."
"We've rejected globalism and embraced patriotism."
"One of the things that helped me the most: all the noes and the rejections that I got."
"How do you deal with drama school rejections? Hang on tightly let go lightly."
"Everyone who rejected me has made me more hungry."
"I reject Donald Trump's xenophobic comments meant to divide our nation rather than attack members of Congress."
"Rejection is a lot better than years of regret, you know."
"The message could not have been clearer to Harry and Megan: You are not needed nor are you wanted."
"It isn't you. You're not the first one she dumped because you did something wrong."
"Your energy is not for me. I don't give a [__]."
"Criticism is meaningless if it's just thrown out in a way that guarantees rejection."
"Someone's lack of response is not a sign to give up or surrender."
"Ignoring someone who rejects you is not an act of hostility but a powerful statement of self-esteem."
"Rejection does not mean disqualification, the revolution does not stop just because I have been rejected."
"Rejection is an opportunity for me to reposition, it is my way of being able to say it did not work out here but that does not change my destination."
"Maintaining serenity in the face of rejection is transformative."
"View rejection not as a blockade but as a signpost directing you toward new paths and opportunities."
"SCP 38 87 B has refused to bring anyone else into its home."
"Rejection is just... I laugh in the face of it."
"If she's friends zoning you, you say, 'That's sweet, that's fine. Guess what, your mate wants a slice of this absolute meat scepter.'"
"Stop trying to fit in with people who don't want you anyway. God wants you to stand out."
"If an agent says that they're not connecting with your voice, it doesn't mean that your voice is bad."