
Deconstruction Quotes

There are 201 quotes

"Accepting this for most people is very, very threatening and radical because it erodes and deconstructs all power structures, all hierarchies, all value systems, even your idea of sanity and physical reality."
"Original sin and living in a fallen world... you're served this message that by nature you are bad, you are shameful, you are wrong, you're sinful, you're broken, you're like of the world."
"You tear down the walls which distinguish inherently different things from each other, take fundamental human concepts and categories, and drain them of all meaning. Remove the definitions of words, replace those definitions with vague ambiguities, and you end up with unrestrained madness."
"If we understand that these categories can be deconstructed and built into something different if it makes us happier, then by all means we should do it."
"Deconstruction is the gateway to next-level world class. A failure is only a failure if you allow it to become a failure versus a leverage point."
"It's really important to deconstruct them so that we can move forward together."
"Casino Royale is a deconstruction of Bond, with Vesper feeling like a fully formed co-lead, not just a Bond woman."
"There is no value in just deconstructing things infinitely if you're not willing to understand how they work."
"Deconstruct take apart take apart every meaning structure hollow out every meaning structure."
"Meaning itself is infinitely deferred." - Jacques Derrida
"To deconstruct everything is to rebuild it again stronger."
"You can't build something up without breaking something down."
"Cuties is also a brilliant deconstruction of the coming of age story we've seen in a lot of films."
"It's a story that, through all the brutality, trope deconstruction, and violence, still remains hopeful."
"Culture is in a process of deconstructing... the basic constructs of male and female."
"If you are committed to deconstruction, you also better be committed to reconstruction."
"The whole movie is about deconstructing myths, and when you take Bruce Lee out, the point of the movie is really hammered home."
"Morality is deconstructed all around the world at the exact same time."
"Pluto always deconstructs the sign it's moving through."
"Deconstruction is beautiful if we're going to rebuild."
"As long as it's compatible with your values, deconstructing is okay."
"Deconstruction shakes everything up, it's like an earthquake."
"Deconstruction isn't synonymous with being a Godless atheist."
"Critical theory is set up to deconstruct ideology rather than to establish an ideology of its own."
"Deconstruction was a major player in this collection kind of no surprise since the Japanese seem to occupy this genre the most and they usually execute it the best."
"Laurie actually feels like a Watchmen character, a sort of deconstruction of the standard grizzled FBI agent in a cop show."
"It actually respects the book enough to deconstruct it."
"Season 8 was more interested in deconstructing the conventions of TV itself."
"You're not deconstructing God, you're deconstructing what you were taught about God."
"Deconstruct everything, it's the key to creativity."
"Prisons as a whole were no longer working and should be torn down."
"It's easier to tear something down than it is to build something up."
"In order to deconstruct we need to construct and if we can't construct we're just eating ourselves in bones and all."
"From a more positive perspective... learning is okay. It's completely okay to pull something apart to understand what they're doing."
"I love seeing superheroes deconstructed as much as the next guy."
"Behind the mask demystifies the slasher with Vernon detailing his meticulous pre-planning and tricks."
"You're playing this game of construction, therefore the most threatening thing to you is any kind of deconstruction."
"Iron Man 3 is a deconstruction of Tony Stark."
"Deconstruction of any system is painful, and I believe each one is a grieving process."
"Deconstruction is a valuable tool only if it results in a meaningful analysis and understanding of the entire system."
"Let's get into it, start stripping this baby down."
"A deconstruction of the Avatar setting was really the only way up is a sequel."
"There's a reason this is such an iconic moment in Doctor Who."
"Liberalism isn't the problem. It's just the last thing left standing to be deconstructed."
"The best way to learn how something works is to take it apart."
"Christian theology over the years... is very nuanced and sophisticated... there's a hierarchy of doctrines here... there is no point in deconstructing a straw man."
"If there's one sacrament in progressive Christianity, it's deconstruction."
"If what is presented as truth is constructed in order to oppress people, then liberation comes in deconstructing those truth claims."
"When it comes to deconstruction, they're not deconstructing God. They're deconstructing the way they learned about the faith."
"Mindfulness gives us this ability to deconstruct pain, because not only are you facing the pain, but you're also facing the story of pain."
"The movie cleverly deconstructs the slasher genre as formula and many tropes."
"The goal is just to deconstruct all normative claims and values about society."
"Questioning your beliefs, that's part of deconstruction."
"I would like to see the year of deconstruction end and an era of construction to begin again."
"What do you do after you deconstruct your heroes, then what? You tear them down and deconstruct them, then what do you do?"
"Deconstruction is so important to me because it's the process through which I began to see for the first time what is."
"...deconstruction is really important but it's also uh hard it sucks it's destabilizing and it involves uprooting your sense of self."
"Deconstruction is actually one of the best techniques you can use."
"It's just a long collection of those things, sincere questions from a reluctant deconstructionist."
"The show doesn't beat you over the head with this, but demystifying the gangster trope is certainly its most consistent function."
"Encounters with God have deconstructed my mind's programmed belief systems."
"The first two stages are largely creating your ego structure... what we're going to see is the second two stages are about deconstructing the very thing you so meticulously constructed and felt so good about."
"If you love what you do, you don't work a day in your life."
"What if we exploded those layers even further into the most basic primitives?"
"The interesting stuff, the stuff that accorded with the unsettling of truth and the decentering of the subject, and all of the binary oppositions that Derrida talked about overturning, you know that pop music was on the other side, do you know what I mean?"
"To eradicate the narcissistic voice and intention inside of your head, you have to resolve the fight between the two poisonous snakes battling inside of you, and then deconstruct the shared fantasy space built in the narcissistically abusive relationship."
"A deconstructed journal breaks free."
"Deconstruction is not a bad thing as long as you're not getting rid of Jesus, right? It's not a bad thing, it's getting rid of perceptions and perspectives that have been given to us culturally."
"The best way to learn about something is to take it all apart."
"... deconstruction is a methodology, it's a tool, it's not an ideology."
"Mary also performs a set of deconstructive acts, robbing us at once of illusions and also of certainties."
"He tries to strip away the mythological... to get at what he thinks is the truth."
"You're basically taking a finished record that's in stereo, taking that stereo and with no back material, turning it back into the components that it was made from."
"But the biggest deconstruction bit comes when Key crashes the Miho concert gone awry and somehow finds herself on stage."
"To understand what we're seeing with the big piece, we have to break it and the Titanic itself down into its core components."
"I think the deconstruction of the ideas of Good and Evil really stems from an author who is trapped in writing Shonen manga."
"Derrida's project is to examine philosophy as a broad, long-standing cultural institution, stretching back to the Greeks, and to try to do so in a framework that reminds us that philosophy, so understood, is the product of Indo-European languages and Western civilization."
"Philosophy, under the heading of deconstruction, is housework, which means every day the floors have to be swept again, the dishes have to be done again, and I'll be damned, the next day it's just like that again."
"Why would you architects be interested in deconstruction, when deconstruction is antiform, antistructure, antihierarchy? Precisely for that reason."
"The goal of non-binary people is to completely destroy and deconstruct the binary."
"When you break it down into singular objects, it becomes a lot more simple."
"Deconstruction is a part of you really being able to understand your faith."
"Deconstruction is something very particular. It's not merely asking questions or experiencing doubts or one of these things. It really is a postmodern process of rethinking your faith and then, crucially, without requiring scripture as a standard."
"It might be sometimes difficult to empathize once the system has undergone such a deep deconstruction."
"What he's essentially doing with this is that he really kills the concept of a superhero in Watchmen."
"One by one, the walls were crashing down. All those stories, doctrines, confessions, and creeds. One by one, walls come crashing down."
"Encouraging you to deconstruct while wanting to shun you for deconstructing."
"Deconstruction is all about taking the beliefs that you hold... and carefully critically examining them to make sure that what you believe is true."
"I just like it's like a great deconstruction of like toxic or not toxic but just masculinity in its entirety."
"It's like a great deconstruction of like toxic or not toxic but just masculinity in its entirety."
"It's like a great deconstruction of masculinity entirely."
"The deconstruction of the force started way before that with the Dozers of the Star Wars Universe, the Midichlorians."
"This is an advanced college course on deconstructing one of the most celebrated comics in the history of DC Comics."
"It's a superhero deconstruction that chooses not to explore how the hero affects the world around them but how the world around them affects the hero."
"There's so much more that goes into leaving these groups because sometimes it's a complete deconstruction of self before you can even get yourself out of it."
"There's a big temptation to give up, deconstruction is such a buzzword right now."
"The face has a great future, but only if it is destroyed, dismantled on the road to the a-signifying and the ace objective."
"At its heart, Bojack horseman is a deconstruction of a typical adult cartoon sitcom like Family Guy."
"The progressive march never stops, every single thing is deconstructed under the lens of power and control."
"Everything has to be broken down and deconstructed so that you can make everything equal."
"Comedy is deconstructing yourself."
"You can't just completely criticize gender into non-existence without it having to be re-erected."
"The emotional turmoil that religious deconstruction can cause for believers of faiths that we are taught not to question."
"I get messages every day about how deconstructing has really benefited people and is really changing people's lives for the better."
"I'm really enjoying 'The Boys' at the moment. It's sort of a takedown of the whole superhero thing."
"Jesus and his Word can handle your deconstruction."
"Creating dramatic narratives is not about building up I think it's about tearing down and taking away it's about Discovery."
"To find true happiness, we have to deconstruct the opposite of happiness."
"It's this state of radical deconstruction that's also simultaneously expansion."
"The trick here is not to think of your melody as an unbreakable whole but as something you can tear apart and use the pieces of to make something new."
"Language took the word deconstruction and made it into a sexy word for breaking up."
"As somebody who's constantly trying to deconstruct their own cult indoctrination, I find it really interesting to go back and look at this stuff."
"...the deconstruction of religion is traumatic it is The Dark Night of the Soul but on the other side of that once people get some footing and grounding most of them seem to report that they are as happy or to a large extent happier than they were."
"Deconstruction is not just an organized movement, it's more like an explosion."
"First you break it apart into all of the pieces and then you put it all back together."
"...but now that I've deconstructed it I hope now you realize that it's all in your head it's all perception it's not reality..."
"Deconstruction doesn't have to lead to deconversion. It can lead to a more healthy and historic and Orthodox Christian faith."
"There's a dismantling that happens, and that should happen."
"It's also taking a kind of a deconstructed look at heroism and what that kind of means."
"I think people's deconstruction could be gentler for a lot of I think there would be less shame less violence that happens between people that that disagree."
"It's really about self-imprisonment. Am I going to be able to deconstruct the thing I put around myself?"
"The amazing world of gumball revels in deconstruction."
"Wild isn't a very specific term, and so I did not expect that he would just dismantle, in the nastiest way possible, all the superheroes that we'd been introduced to."
"...it's worth it. It's worth it when you get into this and you start to understand how your system has been constructed and how you can start to deconstruct so many of these conditioned patterns..."
"By critiquing gender, by performing what she calls a genealogy of gender as it exists in this world destabilizes virtually everything we know about ourselves."
"Shadow work is a lot to do with breaking down roles."
"White supremacist binaries require the suppression of real color, because real color in all its fugitivity undoes the very structure of the color line that these monuments inscribe."
"So far, I think what we can do is, besides taking it apart, let's look at the block diagram so I can tell you a little bit about the instrument."
"Critical reading is about deconstructing a source text, examining the logic of it, and critiquing fairly."
"More companies need to realize we need to have the ability to tear stuff apart and tinker with it."
"It's me taking this completely ridiculous absurd conceit and just breaking it down logically until it is demolished."
"We're all on journeys; deconstruction, I don't love the word."
"Do not be afraid to tear things apart, you don't have to keep it all together."
"Retrieving a culture of healthy questioning is a really strong antidote to a culture that would deconstruct."
"Critical intimacy, not critical distance, is the difficult charge of deconstruction."
"You can only deconstruct what you love."
"She has been a pioneer in establishing deconstruction, postcolonialism, and feminism within academia."
"The deconstruction of the false self."
"One Punch Man at its core is meant to be a deconstruction of superhero tropes."
"Wherever you are in your deconstruction, it is okay to seek support."
"We're seeing what the character is made of as part of the gradual, incremental deconstruction."
"We unpack and deconstruct all of the things that we were taught growing up."
"The deconstruction was not a blip; it was the thing that my faith was always leading to."
"It becomes crucially important if the culture itself is beginning to destroy, deconstruct, or disrupt the very conditions for being human at all."
"We as a culture should really regard deconstruction and the courage that's required to consciously change our belief systems about the world as a brave and strong thing to do."
"Don't be afraid to take things apart and try to figure it out."
"It is possible to do iterative design, especially when you think about design as taking things apart."
"It's a beautiful deconstruction of the very genre and is really a misunderstood classic."
"They decenter the natural sciences, disrupt masculinity, deconstruct embedded power structures, depart from homogeneous and masculinist narratives about glaciers, and empower and incorporate different ways of seeing, interacting, and representing glaciers."
"My style is to first tear down the image, then think up the contents."
"The sheer scale of just how much steel is being removed from the ship."
"Anything that can be deconstructed is a relative truth, and anything that cannot be deconstructed is the ultimate truth."
"To learn about painting and to produce these excellent artworks, one has to deconstruct things a little bit."
"It's hard to look at deconstruction as progress, but none of the other work can take place with it all bolted together."
"Good design is about taking things apart."
"Chainsaw Man is an exhilarating ride and thrives on the simplicity while deconstructing some of the usual tropes."
"The Last Jedi was a thoughtful deconstruction of the Star Wars mythos."
"Design is about taking things apart so you can put them back together."
"I will pour down its stones into the valley, and I will uncover the foundations of it."
"Scream 4... lovingly breaks down contemporary horror tropes."
"I don't think you're ever done deconstructing, to be honest."
"So with all that said, let's get to work and keep tearing this thing apart."
"Deconstruction is an anti-structuralist gesture."
"...we need to dismantle our whiteness and detoxify our masculinity and all of these other social justice related improvements."
"It's a favorite technique of those trained in the Dehradun deconstructionist method to find a loose thread, an anomaly, a contradiction, and unresolved tension in even the most venerable philosophical weave, and then to pull at it until the fabric comes undone."
"The movement of deconstruction was a kind of a reaction against structuralism."
"The goal here is to make a hub for deconstruction, somewhere where you can come to challenge your ideas and to heal from especially religious trauma."
"Deconstructing and resembling garments and objects to explore new areas of human creativity."
"Allow yourself this time, this luxury to deconstruct the minds to untie the mental knots so that you can arrive at a point of pure presence."
"A time to break down, and a time to build up."
"If you can put it back together, you can take it apart; just reverse, obviously."
"We're now taking this wave, deconstructing it into the smaller components, and then reconstructing it back to its original function."
"It will seem really scary at times, but I'll try and show you the most succinct way how to pull this all apart."
"It's a spectacular exercise in deconstructing something that most of us are intimately familiar with."
"The common theme across all of them is trying to deconstruct world-class performers and look at how the anomalies replicate unusual results over and over again."
"I love how I put everything together just to take it apart."
"I think the best thing you can ever do is just, if you're gonna do this stuff for a living, you got to go tear something apart and you've got to study it and figure out how it works."
"Let's sort of deconstruct this idea of superheroes by putting them in a more realistic world."
"Katniss as a character was such a great deconstruction of the idea of a heroine or hero."
"To deconstruct philosophy would be to think in the most faithful interior way the structured genealogy of philosophy's concepts."
"The vocabulary that Matta-Clark offered under the heading of anarchitecture, was cutting, slashing, carving, splitting."
"If you are committed to deconstruction without a heart for reconstruction, then you are just an agent of destruction."
"Taking apart ready-to-wear also helps you learn; as I'm taking things apart, I'm actually learning a lot."