
Social Intelligence Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"Rejection and those awkward moments are part of improving your social intelligence and your social intelligence skill will always keep going up as long as you don't quit."
"The greatest skill...fortune favors those who can read people."
"Interpersonal intelligence could have been called social intelligence, but many introverts wouldn't resonate with that, despite the fact that they might be excellent with people but in smaller groups and in a one-on-one capacity."
"Reading nonverbal cues is about as close to a superpower as you're gonna get."
"You don't have to offend anyone if you've got any sort of social intelligence you can really navigate this issue without offending anyone."
"Diversity makes us smarter, gives us a broader take on society."
"The quickest way to get more intelligent is by kicking with people who are nothing like you."
"Corvids: high intelligence with a vast social aspect, top-tier build."
"Choose your connections wisely. Stay away from drama and conflicts."
"Crows are actually very social and caring creatures and also among the smartest animals on the planet."
"Sometimes you can be the smartest person in a room and you keep quiet... These are skills that people need to master in order to succeed, especially in today's environment."
"Evil Morty's biggest strength and advantage over other Ricks is his superior social and emotional intelligence."
"You have to develop social intelligence; you have to be aware of the context to know how to act in an appropriate way to that context, but you don't let it define you."
"Ravens are excellent at solving problems and have impressive social intelligence."
"A huge part of me being here in the position that I'm in now, being as modest as I am, is pure social intelligence."
"Social smarts cannot be overstated."
"It's a huge thing, reading the room right."
"You have the social intelligence to understand different walks of life."
"Habitus does not mean only that I have the capacity to speak English. It also means the capacity to know how to speak English, to whom, where. It is a social knowhow, not just an utterance knowhow."
"Being good with people is the most important skill."
"Social skills tend to be far more important than ability or knowledge when it comes to getting the job."
"Corvids may need social intelligence to interact with other species."
"It's a green flag when someone can read the room and knows just when not to say certain things."
"Power is really about empathy and social intelligence and about reading people really carefully."
"The fundamental lesson is one of social intelligence and being empathetic and it works in every imaginable context."
"If you want to liberate the huge amount of social intelligence that is needed to save the world... you really have to liberate people."
"Knowing the room that you're in and picking up on cues is so vital to success and likability."
"A lot of our intelligence, I think, is sort of more social than we think."
"There is a balancing act between intentionality and reading the room, baby."
"Authenticity... even people with the lowest emotional and social intelligence on the planet can spot authenticity or fakeness from a mile away."
"The poor have a higher ability to read emotions accurately because they have to depend on the mood of others."
"You need to be smart to interact with people, to communicate, to understand, to use common sense."
"Understanding yourself and understanding others is the key to life."
"There's just something about her that lets her connect with people in a way that just might not come naturally to others."
"Chaucer seems to have had that social intelligence that led him to make allies without making a lot of enemies."
"People who are better at cue recognition earn more income."
"He knows how to act in a world and in an energy that has a feminine tone to it."
"If you learn when to talk and when not to talk, it can get you all the way around the world."
"Some people who don't have high intelligence or knowledge get high-level positions, become famous, and achieve success thanks to social intelligence and hard work."
"How to find the perfect mentors, how to decipher the unwritten codes on political behavior, how to cultivate social intelligence."
"Your brain is the most evolved brain to respond to social signals, social signals are absolutely the nutrients for your brain."
"You have a level of experience and a level of social intelligence outside of the game."
"The social intelligence that must be going on to keep groups coordinated, synchronize their movements, to enable them to feed successfully as one of the top predators in the marine food web, it's more than just chance. They're pretty smart."
"A dude who has a high level of social IQ can assess how the person is feeling based on their face, their body, their eye contact, their level of enthusiasm."
"A lot of important information can be pulled out from just a dinner."
"People who are really relaxed about multiple identities... have high social intelligence."
"It's a bit of a chicken and eggs story, but social intelligence is a theory that we have become intelligent in order to interact socially because being socially interactive has helped our increase our fitness."
"Elephants are immensely socially intelligent, and they have massive brains."
"In terms of their social relationship with each other, they are actually slightly more intelligent."