
Eye Contact Quotes

There are 184 quotes

"Eye contact is a symptom of being interested in the other person and specifically... it's being interested in the other person's soul."
"Improve your eye contact by acknowledging their existence, that this is a real person in front of you who's had their entire life story before you."
"Eye contact produces a chemical, oxytocin, which is the chemical of connection."
"Make eye contact with people in the crowd as you're presenting. It's one of the most effective strategies for good public speaking."
"Eye contact is the basic way to involve the audience."
"When people look into your eyes, they see huge depth, and they feel like they could stare into them forever."
"Make eye contact. Show the person that you are engaged in the conversation."
"It's like everything stops for a while when we look into each other's eyes."
"You see deep into their soul when you look into a person's eyes."
"Eye contact is vital for conveying important social cues."
"In Western culture eye contact is expected to be regular, but not persistent enough that it becomes creepy."
"The only thing certain... he made eye contact, and it was murder."
"Psychology research has also demonstrated that eye gaze is extremely important in persuading, teaching and getting people's attention."
"Air hockey is a very intimate game. A lot of eye contact involved."
"Eye contact easily serves as one of the most important ways to read someone."
"The eyes are like the window to the soul, I really think you can tell a lot about a man when you look in his eyes."
"Eye contact is huge, it conveys trust me, talk to me, I'm here, I'm connected with you."
"Steady or prolonged gazes can signify purposeful attraction."
"Your soul is going to, like, it's gonna be like taking that magnet from here to here and it's just gonna work. You guys just need to lock eyes."
"Eye contact is one of the most powerful forms of communication, especially when it comes to love."
"Eye contact is incredibly important to us human beings. We are the only primates who have white eyes."
"There is no denying it, both the way we avert eye contact and are drawn to it intuitively tells us of its sheer power."
"The eye is the window to the soul, so eye contact is powerful in connecting with someone on a soul level."
"You have to look people in the eye when you talk to them."
"There's something here about the eyes being the windows to the soul."
"Eye contact can be really intimidating, but it's also like a really vulnerable thing."
"If a girl is attracted to you, she will hold your eye contact and smile."
"Eye contact is another important recommendation that can be backed up by scientific evidence."
"Looking at someone directly in the eyes also let’s them know that they are important, listened to, and validated."
"Looking at those large eyes that were looking right at me made my heart move against my will."
"I get lost in your eyes. Perhaps this person gets lost in your eyes."
"It's not essential and abnormalities can mean too much eye contact."
"You're never supposed to make eye contact with a skinwalker because they can possess your soul."
"Every time he touches that skin, number one thing to take from this video guys, the number one thing, look at me in the eyes."
"Let them get in close. We want to look them in the eye when we send them to Hell."
"If someone points a gun at you, maintain eye contact."
"This person likes making eye contact with you."
"Good eye contact is required to connect with people and to communicate feelings and emotions to them."
"When you look into people's eyes, they feel connected to you, because eyes are the windows to the soul."
"If your eyes meet four to five times on the same occasion, that's her looking at you."
"I'm using a Glide Gear teleprompter and the reason I love using a teleprompter is it allows me to maintain eye contact with the camera."
"There's something so good about being able to have a conversation in person and being able to look someone in the eyes when it's happening."
"Eye contact is really helpful too okay and eye contact sometimes I'm not even good at that you have to hold like a three minute eye contact."
"The connection piece is so huge, and the connection happens through eye contact."
"This brown eye looking right in the brown eye."
"The fundamentals of in real life flirting are eye contact. I think that's number one to me. Number one, for sure."
"She blushed with embarrassment and looked into his eyes."
"This eye contact, it was very powerful. It opened new doors for you, into your connection, to trying to feel one another and see into one another. I'm almost getting like this energy of like the doors opening into your own souls when you two locked eyes with one another."
"So this eye contact, it did create like a strong awakening for one or both of you, definitely. You know, this was a strong awakening, this was the expansion that you both needed."
"This eye contact was for this to get you into contact with the energy of love and to help you resolve and look through the trauma that you were holding in your body. And remember, this was here for both of you. This is not just about you, this is also about your person."
"We made eye contact through the mirror for a second... the most uncomfortable, and impossibly long, second of my life."
"When I kill him, he will look in my eyes and thank me."
"No matter where, or from what angle you look, she always seems to look you in the eye."
"If you can get the judges to look you in the eye and suck them in, then you have them in the palm of your hand."
"There's a very powerful thing that happens when you're staring at other people in the eyes."
"This is the most intense eye contact you'll ever have in your life."
"Effective eye contact is an art form in itself."
"If you notice that she can't maintain that eye contact, especially if she looks down, that's a huge body language sign of attraction."
"The guy just looked me in my eye and turns right back."
"Making eye contact shows confidence and engagement."
"And then I asked him with my eyes to ask again. Yes."
"Their intense eye contact sparked an immediate connection."
"It's looking right into my eyes, pupil for pupil."
"Maintaining good eye contact, all the things that we talked about nonverbals is really important."
"In a word there, the defendant expressed... she almost seemed that she wanted to make eye contact with Chief Mat to make sure he looked her in the eye when he was saying those things that she clearly didn't agree with the ruling on this."
"I love you," Bryn declared, her eyes locking with Ethan's.
"Look at them, look people in the eye, greet them."
"The ideal amount of eye contact is between 60 to 70% of the time. 100% eye contact is quite invasive. So 60-70% is a sweet spot for most western cultures."
"We made eye contact for about five seconds; I was obsessed."
"Eye contact is something that will make the big difference between a rather benign image and a powerful image."
"Eye contact is one of the most important things; it shows that you mean business, it shows that you got confidence."
"I love eye contact; you have really nice eyes."
"Look each other in the eye and get it done."
"If you maintain eye contact, you're a classy gentleman."
"I want to sit down, have like a real conversation, look you in the eyes when I'm talking to you."
"Shake their hand firmly. Look them in the eye."
"It's an act of love to really make eye contact and hold a gaze with love and compassion behind it."
"Hold my hand, look me in the eyes."
"Eye contact is a part of communicating."
"People with confidence will look you right in the eye and won't look away, and they'll smile because they like what they see."
"Honestly, stare looking her eyes when I talk, like yeah, I did the connection, that literally can bring you close."
"Time and space matter in Magic, Potter. Eye contact is often essential to legilimency."
"A good handshake requires steady eye contact."
"When you shake somebody's hand, you squeeze it, you're a man, you look him in the eyes."
"Appropriate eye contact signifies your ability to maintain eye contact appropriately."
"Stress the importance of eye contact."
"Look people in the eye... it makes them feel seen."
"David just happened to glance over at Diane as she just happened to be glancing over at him, and in this brief moment, they locked eyes and they both instantly felt attracted to the other."
"He just hovered down as low as he could and he made good eye contact with her to reassure her that I see you and we're coming for you."
"Eye contact is just super attractive to me."
"You can look in their eyes, you see the spirit."
"If you can look somebody in the eye, that's a part of bravery."
"The three-second rule of eye contact says that instead of looking down or away, or awkwardly staring at someone for way too long, give everyone in a group at least three seconds of eye contact before moving to the next individual."
"If you can look her in the eyes and it doesn't stop you in your tracks, you're not in love with her."
"You don't have to walk around like this; you can still look people in the eyes."
"Her eyes will look right back at you."
"Always looking someone in the eye because it'll make them respect you more."
"When he looked into her eyes, he learned the most important part of the language that all the world spoke... it was love."
"When you see somebody you love, you look them in the eyes. That gaze eye to eye gives you not only dopamine but the oxytocin that is in your brain. It is powerful; it's an act of love to really make eye contact and hold a gaze with love and compassion behind it."
"She was the only girl that looked me in the eye on auditions."
"She looks you straight in the eye and she'll often smile right at you."
"It's manners to look at someone in the eyes."
"Practice looking people in the eyes."
"You can be autistic and make eye contact."
"Make eye contact with anyone you can. Eye contact is the first and most basic component of flirting."
"Glance into someone's eyes for long enough and deny them as a human being, just can't do that."
"We're staring at each other, and as my green eyes meet her hazel, I can see she felt it too."
"Practice eye contact. If you're a guy that struggles with eye contact, practice in the mirror."
"When you keep strong eye contact, this is building that tension."
"I've got a fear of people singing and looking into my eyes."
"Eye contact and body language are powerful communication tools."
"Make eye contact and keep it at all times to help calm and reassure patients."
"Eye contact can help show another person that you are respectful and that you are paying attention."
"Well, how about the kind of person who can look someone in the eye and kill him in cold blood?"
"Understanding eye contact will help our students become better nonverbal communicators."
"If people make eye contact, they're much more likely to mimic a person's smile and the subtleties of it."
"If you can gather up the courage to maintain eye contact for three seconds, she will see that as both confident and you showing interest."
"We looked into each other's eyes and that was it."
"Instantly connected when he caught my eyes, nothing ever was the same."
"When you make eye contact, you're confident."
"He got really serious looking and told me to never look into its eyes."
"Eye contact is really great, especially in very intimate moments."
"Think about anytime you talk to a person, you feel connected with them when you look into their eyes."
"Always look a person in the eye when you talk to them."
"What can you do for eye contact? The first and most important thing to do is to work on eye contact."
"It looked directly at me for a few seconds; we had solid eye contact."
"Look at people in the eyes because that's showing that I'm talking to you and I'm looking at you so I'm showing you that you have my attention."
"Yuki met his gaze with unwavering confidence."
"Look into the camera to make eye contact, smile and greet the person on the other side."
"Always look them in the eye. This makes an illusion honest."
"Our eyes met and a chill ran down my spine."
"Connection between eyes of two people makes friendship."
"That feeling of eye contact with our subject is one of the best ways to really draw the viewer in."
"Eye contact has been the most overlooked in the training of social interaction."
"Look into my eyes and accept my sincere apology."
"I always do this thing I learned when I was a kid, if you really want to make sure what you're listening to stays with you, you look in their eyes."
"We were utterly alone, passing, smiling, holding each other's eyes."
"When you look people in the eyes, if you stare at them long enough, you'll create bonds."
"Eye contact is powerful, it's crazy."
"I'm so glad that you decided to join me in not only a session about relaxation and refocusing, but about learning to connect through the power of eye contact."
"My number one dating tip is eye contact."
"Eye contact can connect with someone in a very profound way."
"Whoever breaks eye contact first is the one who is submissive in that engagement."
"A nice smile. I like eye contact."
"You need to look somebody in the eyes, and that's how you're going to restore your faith and direction."
"Maintain good eye contact throughout the interview and be aware of nonverbal body language."
"If you look into somebody's eyes for 7 seconds, it's like seeing them naked."
"When you're giving an interview, you really want to have that eye contact with your audience."
"Both of you are caught in each other's eyes; you're locked, you cannot get away from each other."
"When you toast, always look in the eyes, it's a sign of dishonesty in Italy to do otherwise."
"Eye contact and being level with your subject goes a great length towards giving you good image quality and a really good overall feel in your images."
"You're looking everybody in the eye because you've always deserved to do that."
"Oh my gracious, we met eyes and it was just a sight I've never seen before."