
Academic Achievement Quotes

There are 344 quotes

"I've always had faith in my undergraduate students, and they've always delivered on that faith."
"If you just taught kids, and in a way that made them love learning, to love challenges, know how to stick to them, feel the thrill of improvement, then the test score would come as a byproduct of that."
"It's so important to have good manners, say please and thank you, get good grades, and be lit in real life."
"Conscientiousness is a really good predictor of long-term life success especially in academic attainment where it's second only to IQ."
"I also skipped ninth grade, so how old were you when you graduated? I didn't technically graduate high school because I was going back and forth between Canadian and American systems, but I finished my bachelor's when I was 20."
"I graduated magna cum laude, which is the top 10% of the class."
"Julie participated and won the science fest held at their school."
"Kelvin excelled so well to the point that David Sanger decided to invite him to the science Congress."
"Captain penguin just submitted my chem PhD thesis... That's unbelievable!"
"Grades do not come effortlessly to 99.9% of the population. To get good grades, you have to work hard."
"He was elected to the Royal Society at a very young age, I think about thirty-two, and not much long later than that, he was appointed to the Lucasian chair in Cambridge."
"A child in school, especially if they're from some of the most disadvantaged backgrounds, achieves so much more."
"When she saw his scores, she was shocked that he actually got a perfect score."
"By the time Ed Catmull graduated from the computer science program at University of Utah, he was already considered a genius and pioneer in his field."
"Children in the nurture groups overtook the children in the control groups and actually were doing better at the end of the year in terms of literacy and numeracy."
"This is something we have never seen achieved before." - Professor Nikolai Petrovsky
"No one's ever said that I'd actually be able to get an A, no one's done it."
"Congrats to all the 2023 grads, but particularly those who took the long road."
"Stack up your boards, you'll be able because you need it, no you need to jingle and jangle walking down that aisle with medals with cords because you did so much and you deserve it."
"Kim Joo is ranked at the top of the admission list at Valhalla."
"I got accepted to Carnegie Mellon University to this program."
"Oh my gosh, we did it! Skylar's grades are up."
"Harvard is two separate structures fused together—one is about power and one is about achievement."
"Edward Bouchet, the first African-American to earn a PhD in physics, breaks barriers in academia."
"Getting Distinguished with honors does take some work, especially if you take a heavy class load."
"I think having a college degree looks very good on paper."
"Number one class in the nation! I finally did it."
"Getting good grades is one of the coolest things you can possibly do."
"I just got a C! Oh my goodness, okay, yeah, you're spelling Pac-Man, I bet! It's the word Pac-Man, no way!"
"I always did really well in school, and I just progressed and progressed and progressed."
"I was hurt, a perfect score on my GRE for math."
"Stephanie won a school prize. Yay! Good job, Stephanie!"
"Asians produce great intellectual output because they study really hard."
"All the theory we had here actually proves to be true."
"I'm so exhausted that even if I pass, I'm going to be happy and relieved."
"Irony is if a parent... moving to a school... actually has Higher Achievement."
"My story learning method is basically the culmination of all of the language learning and teaching and academic stuff that I've done."
"Congratulations, Dr. Steve, you're the greatest!"
"It was called the ivy school of business with an e i v e and she spelled the whole essay with ivy still got in though because her grades were like out just absolutely insane she was like one of the smartest people."
"I am marrying a woman who is a full professor and when she became a full professor we knew that was a very big deal."
"How did I do this? This was a tough one. It was very long. Oh, I got an A! All right, well, I don't think I've done worse than an A so far, so that's good."
"His plan worked. By 1978, Dimon graduates Summa Cum Laude from Tufts, and is accepted to the Harvard business school."
"It's unfair and unreasonable to punish a diligent student for the inaction of lazy students."
"Just because you don't have a WOW factor that's clear doesn't mean that you can't get into a top school."
"Erica Faith Hagen is remembered by those who knew her as a loving and compassionate young woman, valedictorian at her high school graduation."
"At only 7 years old, Itachi was valedictorian, the youngest post-war graduate and valedictorian."
"She's just done a degree as a mature student in psychology and criminology."
"Sometimes when you find that the output of your research is being used in the real world, that gives you a lot of motivation."
"Didn't just beat the odds with winning against Chevron, he also graduated from Harvard Law and didn't work for Goldman Sachs so that's huge."
"And also, it should be noted that they say the smartest, the most scholastically achieved immigrant population is the Nigerian population."
"Achieving success: The Class of 2022 graduation ceremony."
"Getting a PhD is a very rare event, and our congratulations to you from all our viewers. I heartily congratulate you for achieving this big milestone in your life."
"We've had the highest progress eight for the last two years in the whole country. That's out of some 4,000 secondary schools."
"That's awesome! Congrats to you for getting into NYU. That's not an easy thing to do."
"Bust your ass, get that 4.0 if you can your first year."
"Kudos to the hard-working mother and her daughters who graduated."
"He has this amazing ability to just get you straight to the goods and expose you to artistic principles you never even took into consideration."
"Your girls are brilliant. It's amazing, Kelsey and Gabby, and one of them's a Rhodes like a literal, legit Rhodes Scholar."
"Accepted to Harvard at the humble age of nine, lectured the Harvard Mathematical Club on four-dimensional bodies at 11."
"There might be a hundred kids in the school who know two plus two equals four, but if only two of those kids can write it, then only two of those kids will receive A's."
"Watch this Mother's reaction after finding out her son has passed the bar exam."
"Clearly you can do it, you just have a hard time taking standardized tests."
"My revenge to you is my paper. Always remember, the greatest revenge is your paper."
"At the end of the day, Brian was a promising student with a bright future."
"Lisa Meitner turned 21 she enrolled at the University of Vienna and became the first woman to study physics."
"The girls have beaten the boys in their final exams."
"Everyone speaks glowingly of him... Texas has landed back to back top five classes." - Brandon Harris
"I graduated with distinctions in all papers that Rose and SSF handled."
"Actress Mayim Bialik who plays Amy Farrah Fowler has an actual real-life neuroscience PhD from UCLA."
"My grades have been getting good, so I'm getting a cat on Friday."
"With this series, after just one term, you already have pi calculated to 14 digits of precision."
"Hey, guess what? The paper ended up being published ultimately in American Journal of Therapeutics."
"Hey, Vosh, finish the 25 page capstone for my BA in history on Thursday."
"I have one daughter her name is Anna Lee and she's a good little kid I'm proud of that kid she makes straight a's."
"Have an amazing second year in college, Roger, and keep that 3.8 GPA." - Roger Gonzalez
"Women get better school grades in mathematics and pretty much everything else these days."
"Focus on yourself and be confident. As long as you pass the class, let's move on to the next."
"Her lowest exam mark of all time was a 93 in history and she aced her way through many school years."
"I graduated high school as valedictorian, actually. Wow, that's amazing."
"Congratulations on being valedictorian, Hayden. I'm very proud of you."
"Life's been crazy, like I'm back in school, just finished my first round of exams and I have one more exam next week but I had my two really big ones last weekend, killed it."
"Keira you crushed it. Oh my gosh, girl. Yo. Good job. Keira is a B student in one day."
"He also had a brilliant bit of notation that I want to tell you because it helps the record in the Oxford English dictionary for the longest, no, for the word in English with the most 'zenz' in it."
"If you're failing a test now, if you work hard at it you could pass if that's what you really want."
"You were all amazing students have confidence in yourselves."
"My daughter basically gets straight A's at school."
"Of course she should, as anyone who works through that challenging process of getting a Ph.D. It's a really silly sexist and absurd conversation that's happening a bit in society."
"That's all anybody would talk about like man LeBron James's son fouryear starter USC graduated you know helped them win X Y and Z what a great success story that was."
"For her consistent scholarly success and considerable contributions to the Attaway student government, I would like to congratulate our very own Zoe Valentine for earning the student of the month title."
"It's how I graduated as one of the top students in the music program."
"By the time this video is out, AP tests should be over for this year so good job to everyone."
"So proud of him, finished his undergraduate degree in two and a half years."
"The link between poor male literacy and poor male attainment cannot be ignored."
"Revise loads in year 12... you'll be amazed what your brain can store."
"Congratulations on passing the entrance exam."
"Shin gets the best score on the entrance exam."
"I got a star in English Lit... like I'm very proud of it not gonna lie and I did work super hard."
"I think particularly for your younger listeners, you know, even like this moment you got into Yale, like you're not done, like it's a journey."
"Billy got his diploma and made him feel a sense of worth and purpose."
"It's a dream report card I never saw a report card like that my whole time in high school."
"That's like getting prom queen or something but for the nerds."
"Finding a winning issue for a case is kind of like finding out you got an A on your exam."
"UFO researchers have done some incredible work in recent years."
"Felicia's family says she's a straight-A high school student on her way to graduating a year early."
"Mom, guess what? I got an A+ on my math test!"
"Everyone was so proud of Pannar for graduating from university."
"It shows up now, he graduated high school with a 4.0."
"Focus on your grades, get good grades, and really think about what you like to do."
"We are so proud of you, we are so proud of her because she honestly found uni so so stressful but guess what she did it because what black excellence."
"I was like a guy playing football just won the Rhodes Scholar, damn that must be good. I assume because I never heard it before going like in high school, I assumed you were just like at the top of the charts for everything."
"Congratulations, you've been accepted into Harvard."
"Molina has been incredibly innovative both during her PhD and since that time afterwards."
"I graduated college with all A's."
"I was a Mathlete, successful Mathlete."
"Everyone may have passing grades now, but Lynn is still the best in her class."
"Most of the time homeschooled kids surpass publicly schooled children in the rate of academic achievement."
"I'm the proud father to a seventh grade honor roll student."
"I'm really glad that I'm enjoying it and I'm really proud of myself for getting to a place in my life where I could just enjoy academics."
"If you get high marks in this exam, you probably have a pretty bright future ahead of you in mathematics."
"Most everybody in this chat, I keep looking down, it's Patreon, so I know most people in here got Masters or better."
"The big thing is that I'm going to be finishing my thesis today."
"I did not think when I opened my paper and saw what I got in maths and saw my prediction, I was like, 'This is over.'"
"He was incredibly intelligent, due to graduate from Rice University with a 4.0 in mechanical engineering."
"Yeah, it's such a pleasure to have class set the top grades in his gcses."
"It was so clutch. I got a three on the AP Chemistry test and I avoided that annoying lab class. Oh yeah, but a five, like, I think very difficult to get. And apparently, the top schools like Georgia Tech wouldn't accept a four."
"...he was so brilliant in fact that when he was only in the seventh grade he was schooling teenagers who were in the 11th..."
"And it worked out so well for me, that I ended up graduating as the number one best high school student in my entire country"
"...if you have grades anywhere upwards of 90...SATs having anywhere upwards of 1500 or 1550 SAT is a good place to be academically."
"The Fields Medal is a prize awarded every four years for outstanding achievement in which academic subject? Mathematics."
"She established what may have been the first PhD program in black studies in 1974."
"I finished AP US History with a 99 in his class."
"Taking Humanities APs and getting fives on them really did boost my application."
"She went from failing those classes to getting straight A's."
"Thank you all so much for following along and for being here through this entire hectic PhD journey."
"I obtained my degrees from the University of Connecticut in 1973."
"You guys, Kesley just got an email and she has a four-year scholarship."
"I was literally on the Dean's List."
"This is his degree, he came to impress and dressed to impress."
"So congratulations to Reagan, the top GPA for all the student athletes here participating at the Final Four."
"If I enjoy any success today, and I consider having the opportunity to teach at Harvard Law School and to give a last lecture to a 3L class as unimpeachable evidence that I do enjoy some success, it's because I have been true to myself. It's because I did me."
"So, these children achieve two things: One, come to the campus and show to the world that they may be born in a poor family, but they have the same intellectual ability as any other kids."
"...I scored a 49 on the verbal and a 51 on the quantitative which is extremely high..."
"Test makers want to get a high score, but they want you to earn it."
"...his own educational opportunities and clear academic skill had set him apart and it had in many ways made his professional successes possible..."
"Twilight comes in at the last moment to rescue them both after this courageous stunt Ana is seen as a hero and granted the very first Stella Star of her entire class."
"My boy got an A-Plus on his report, he's been nothing short of wonderful."
"There is a general agreement amongst researchers that physical education classes do not detract from the academic achievements of the children."
"The greatest scientific contribution ever made in a doctoral thesis."
"Wow, way to make me feel appreciated when I have the freaking highest grade in this school."
"I defended my PhD yesterday, and not one of my family and friends showed up, not even my fiancé."
"We managed to continue our education on full scholarships while building a beautiful and solid relationship together."
"I already got offered a scholarship, which is nice if I keep up my good grades."
"I was able to finish all of my courses within six months."
"Graduation day is an act of confirmation that has to be honored in the presence of witnesses."
"Her academic pursuits included a deep dive into foreign languages, culminating in a master's degree in French language and literature."
"Now I finished my PhD and I'm making good money and am content on my own for the most part."
"It's one thing to mention you did well in school, it's another to bludgeon your listening audience with the fact that you're an academic superstar."
"A successful plan is going to dramatically boost your grade."
"He'd graduated high school early, he'd managed to get a degree in mathematics all before the young age of 23."
"I finished my PhD last year and then I was very fortunate to get some funding from the Canadian government to do a post-doctoral fellowship."
"Dude, you got an A; let me see what I got... Oh wait, what? A C-minus? Bro, I'm happy for you, man."
"Sometimes it just feels so good to get some academic validation."
"This is my accepted portfolio into CSM, industrial design or BA product design."
"I graduated the top 200 University, majoring in Biochemistry and Microbiology. I am also a medical doctor."
"He graduated early with a 3.3 GPA in Psychology, now he's enrolled in the PHD program."
"I'm graduating college in three years."
"Congratulations to all the newly admitted freshmen."
"I'm also so proud of myself because not only did I finish taking the notes from yesterday's lecture, but I made all of my note cards already."
"This woman had a PhD, she attended law school and was a teacher at the Bel-Air Academy at which Will attended."
"Becoming a nurse anesthetist will be the peak of my academic acumen."
"Hey there, I'm Liz, a family nurse practitioner, and I have by some miracle survived patho in both nursing and NP school."
"Congratulations to all of the seniors in high school that got into UCSC."
"I got my A and ended up class salutatorian."
"He was able to keep his grades up to A's and B's."
"Girls are getting higher grades; they are getting more honors."
"A major is really what we get a degree in."
"Discovering the fraud is every scholar's Eureka."
"Considering that the fact that the kid graduated with a 4.23 GPA... I've felt that it was well deserved."
"Achieving the top scholar of the province with just an ordinary profession, such a feat is unprecedented."
"Master the sixth grade, you can definitely do it and get an A because it is important."
"You achieved the score of 96 percent and you have highlighted that, which is good."
"Winning against the opponent set by three teachers makes Toru undeniably worthy of passing the mob battle compatibility test."
"When everything that you've studied shows up on the exam paper."
"Jack Campbell also won the academic Heisman; this is a guy that is sharp as a whip, character off the charts."
"WGU let me transfer in 36 credits from my previous degree, then I transferred in another 11 credits from Sophia which only took me a month to complete."
"That's excellent, you're solving differential equations. It's pretty cool."
"A good kid maybe has a part-time job, is saving up money, has friends, goes to school, and gets relatively good grades."
"Eric was a real goody-goody most of the time; he was a pretty good athlete and an A student."
"A silver medal in the world championship of maths, that's very impressive."
"I messed around, got an A, and that shattered a lot for me."
"Yes, I accept the Fields Medal, which is the most surreal phrase."
"Of all the things I've done in my life, the PhD is the one that I'm truly proud of."
"I still can't believe I graduated from an engineering school, technically."
"I recently graduated with a degree in animal behavior."
"Once you have your subjects, you've done it, you've passed, you have your grades, you need to then apply via UCAS."
"I recently graduated from Scotch College in 2020 with an ATAR of 99.8 and a 99 percentile UCAT."
"He was awarded a scholarship at the age of 11 at Macclesfield's independent King's School."
"I actually graduated high school with like a 3.5 in the honor society."
"He's done his PhD in mathematics, and now he's a research fellow in the department of computing."