
Frequency Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"Love is just the most powerful thing in the universe. When you are in the frequency of love, you receive love tenfold."
"Gratitude and unconditional love help you vibrate at the highest frequency."
"Allegedly the echo from The Big Bang itself is centered around 963 Hertz, known as the frequency of the Gods."
"The greatest minds of our time have always said: 'Match the frequency with what it is that you want, use the power of the mind.'"
"Everything in the universe is vibration, so every cell is vibrating at a certain frequency, and there's a resonant frequency when you are in pristine health."
"People are becoming more in tune to love and higher frequencies and higher vibrations."
"Thought is the preamble to everything. You think on frequencies."
"Every thought that you think produces a frequency."
"Every single thing in the universe has its own frequency, and we are constantly swimming in a sea of ever-changing vibrations."
"It's just March, that's crazy, that's about 10 launches per month."
"You need to be in the frequency of love to attract love."
"When people vibrate at high positive frequencies, they begin to attract more similar vibes."
"Gratitude is one of the most important things we could do to reach higher levels of frequency."
"The whole world is made up of energy and frequency. That's what our world is, it's absolutely fundamental to everything."
"There's something about you where you're just like, kind of in alignment and vibrating at the same frequency, which is why there's this attraction."
"I am vibrating at the highest frequency possible."
"What you do frequently becomes your frequency."
"Events like these are increasing with greater intensity and frequency, and that's what personally troubles me the most."
"Everyone's drawn to a frequency into the people that they need in the situations that they need to nourish them and make them happiest."
"Love is the most powerful vibrational frequency in the universe."
"The key to unlocking your vibrational vault and letting all that you've ever desired manifest in physical form is to vibrate at the frequency of your manifested desires."
"If you want to understand the universe, you have to think in terms of vibration and frequency."
"Suspend your disbelief and merge with the frequencies you want."
"Walking 45 minutes at least three times a week will make a difference."
"Actions speak louder than words, but not nearly as often."
"The best part about mixed martial arts is the lifestyle that we get to live where we only fight two to three times a year maybe four times a year every now and again."
"Mass shootings like the ones we see regularly here in the US just don't happen with just anywhere near the same kind of frequency anywhere else in the world."
"The biggest leap in frequency comes when you laugh."
"If we are to live up to our ideals, we need changes. This cannot be happening so frequently here."
"Everything is frequency, vibration, everything is energy."
"For some mysterious reason paranormal phenomena like this one have been occurring more often lately."
"It's been a very busy year for them in total this is launch number 34."
"Everything that exists in the universe is made of frequency."
"The only difference between Trump's policy and Obama's policy is that Trump is doing it more often. That is literally the only difference."
"We get to choose how we do it, yeah, and your frequency is everything."
"Pandemics don't happen every year. They happen in 10 years and 20."
"We're not looking to see if these things are going to happen... the frequency and intensity of these things happening."
"This spike you're looking at here above the winding frequency of five is the Fourier transforms way of telling us that the dominant frequency of the signal is five beats per second."
"I know I've been doing these like every two days but let's be honest there's about a week's worth of news every single day right now."
"The devil is simply a lower frequency lovers card."
"I hope Bethesda Game Studios releases fallout and Elder Scrolls games much more frequently."
"I can't keep paying a tribute to Shane Warne every 10 minutes on a football channel."
"We bring ourselves and our frequency into the vibration of love."
"Your frequency will rise... you will feel more peaceful."
"A zelda game every year will affect the overall quality of the franchise."
"It happened so often, in fact, that it became a running joke."
"We're broadcasting coherent loving frequency as opposed to you know terrified frequency or whatever so these months we're going into are massive evolutionary months massive."
"This disappearance marks the third missing person's case in one month."
"Blessing is found twice as much as the word curse in the Bible."
"Eating too often is going to keep your insulin level chronically elevated."
"Now the fbi is opening a new china-related counterintelligence case about every 10 hours."
"The trick is if you do keep in high frequency you start to see it. The universe gives you signs and signals."
"I caught myself thinking about playing this game at least for an hour or two every day."
"The world needs the equivalent of a pandemic lockdown every two years."
"Large asteroids are hitting the Earth far more often than anyone realized."
"I still want a brand new Halo game to release every three years with a campaign with a multiplayer."
"Every 43 seconds, an American dies from COVID."
"I hate it when I'm right but it happens so often I've gotten used to it"
"It's one thing to actually apologize once or twice, and it's nothing if you're apologizing five, six, seven, eight times."
"Bungie seriously does not hold back on them to the point that the community almost expects one every year."
"If you can change your frequency, perhaps you can change history."
"If they can hold the frequency of the field down... then they prevail."
"More mass shootings have happened in this country than there have been days in this year so far."
"Appreciate these days, they don't come around very often. I lied. When you're the Warriors, they come around all the time. They come every year."
"Solidarity is the word we're gonna have to use more and more often, a word we've often forgotten."
"I came to enlighten and inform and increase the frequency. I did not come to make you believe. If you don't believe, that's on you."
"I just came to enlighten and inform, and raise the frequency of the planet."
"This is an Ethereal madness update... we're gonna be getting new ones every few weeks or so."
"It's always a new variant, and you can always count on a variant about every October every two years."
"Increasing the frequency of training muscles is beneficial, so the general recommendation is two to four days per muscle per week."
"Can we get hope once every 54 years? Is that possible?"
"That is how you heal diseases, that is how you heal ailments is through that frequency feeling."
"We are doing a jackpot every 10 or 12 minutes right now."
"Things happen easier than ever when you're in a higher frequency."
"You gotta chill, oh, and they're so infrequent."
"Things like this shouldn't take place and to take place so often these are just incredible people that are just devastated."
"The Catatumbo lightning storm is a phenomenon that occurs between 140 and 160 days of the year."
"You can't go to their job and do their job just by doing it once or twice a week."
"At the end of the day though, you're pretty much guaranteed 1 to 2 modded crazy videos every day."
"It's a really somatic game I have enjoyed the game a lot it doesn't hit the table as much as it as it really should in my opinion but I've really enjoyed this game highly thematic V commandos."
"Catholics should adorn the Blessed Sacrament daily not weekly because the angels and saints adore Jesus Christ every day in heaven."
"This is so [__] weird, every time. God damn."
"There's new lighting tools created on a probably a weekly basis."
"I'm uploading twice a week here on the vlog."
"Decide to dominate your reality with the frequency you choose."
"The key to thrift shopping and finding things you love is increasing the amount of times that you go thrift shopping."
"Lightning doesn't strike twice. It does absolutely all the time."
"Clear the kitchen counter a couple of times a day."
"It's not like riding a bike, I've been on like campia's live streams more often than I have been live on this channel lately."
"This is why it's so important to have a high cadence... to start to see potential errors and engineer around them."
"Practice makes perfect. If you lie all the time, every day to everyone, you're gonna be an expert liar."
"It's where people become better the more often we get into flow."
"Monster kills are a very common occurrence when you're using this gun."
"You hear explosions every 15 or 20 minutes when you're down there."
"Choose you for once, because we cannot shift into a higher vibrational frequency without you coming from a pure open unpacked Connected To Source place."
"If you change the frequency, that's how you can change your reality."
"You do not need to draw every day to get better, but you do need to draw regularly."
"Now it will only spawn a hatchling once every five seconds instead of every single egg."
"Test early, test often. You can't really do it too much."
"The more often you get into the flow State, the more likely you will rate your life as meaningful."
"You may have another Roswell tomorrow. You may have another Hudson Valley the day after. You may have another Rendelsham next week."
"Change the frequency by focusing on your own spiritual path."
"We definitely use it more than twice per month."
"I will see you tomorrow or Saturday definitely Sunday and probably twice in between."
"A malware attack takes place every 39 seconds."
"As much as 90 crit is basically all the time critting."
"Everything is based on the frequency of unconditional love."
"My favorite thing about this game is that so often."
"Imagine if it was just less, it just happens less so it helps majorly with massive anxiety massively."
"If you like bingo, do it. There are races almost every day."
"It might only double for instance every 30 days or something."
"This is an exciting video... I say that like every four weeks." - Eve Cornwell
"There's a truth around your energy, a truth around your frequency."
"Expect to hear allegedly more than you've ever heard allegedly in your entire life."
"Payload to orbit per year of Starship fleet is the most mind-blowing metric as it's designed to fly three times per day, which is a thousand times per year."
"Streaming is my favorite part of Total War Warhammer. Eventually, I will be streaming almost every day." - Bobby Boppo
"It's a good day, should come a lot more often."
"Becoming aware of personal reward will elevate your frequency into integrity."
"Invest now, invest often, and invest freely. Now, often, and freely."
"Since I’m such a big fan of indie games, I have experienced this sensation more times than I can count."
"Unexplained Close Encounters are far more numerous than required for any physical survey of the earth."
"Dare to be superficial. Do fun things and do them often."
"Extreme weather events are getting more and more common and more and more extreme."
"It's a daily struggle, usually at least twice in the morning and once in the afternoon."
"I'm literally seeing it all in frequency, you know, all energy, all frequency."
"Even if you feel it's been a long time, if you are vibing at a frequency to attract love and you believe it shall happen, it will be so."
"The number 432 megahertz is said to be the natural frequency of the universe, with cosmetic healing powers."
"Grande Seiko improves their movements... almost every few months."
"You're gonna stop by like, every week or so or something to check on the business every four hours?"
"Individuals who achieve durable, frequent success are optimists."
"If there could be a guaranteed, even if it's only three times a year, that would boost the sport."
"It's all vibration. Everything's vibration and frequency."
"The bill mentions cannabis sixty-eight times."
"This is happening about every three days. It's not always catastrophic, but the data does not lie."
"False confessions do happen a lot more than you would think."
"The air creates the frequency, it creates the static electricity."
"The higher your frequency is, the easier it is for you to attract your desires."
"So here is a strategy to get good results I recommend that you promote one or two offers per week minimum."
"Can you believe that this is already SpaceX's 16th launch this year that's pretty impressive considering that we're only 10 weeks into the year."
"Time is not even in existence when you're on the same frequency."
"You don't need to exfoliate twice a day, once a week is usually enough."
"We've just seen them twice in the last 20 minutes."
"Most Fighters I talk to want to fight three or four times a year not one or two or two or three I guess three would be good but like most of it most of them end up at two two is not enough."
"The true language of the universe is vibrations, frequency, and energy. That's true communication, not what comes out your mouth."
"Almost everyone will benefit from splitting their workouts into at least two sessions per muscle group per week."
"Return is something you will be using very often when you work with functions."
"The most optimal way for muscle growth is to train a body part more than once a week."
"You get a chance to straighten that frequency, or really show that frequency or that color."
"This function here gets called 60 times a second."
"Definitely want to check it out... amazing content both short and long form each and every day."
"The Gulf Coast region is unique in the world in the number of really catastrophic tropical storms that hit the region every year."
"Even if it is just once a week, that's great progress."
"How does it feel to be getting content back to back?"
"Your soul has elevated, it doesn't vibrate at that frequency anymore."
"My contract says I gotta do a couple per month."
"So the more that you raise your frequency, the more magnetic you become 100% of the time."
"Hope you guys enjoy it and I'll probably do them like two maybe three times a week."
"Seriously, shit like that needs to happen more often."
"We continuously see this character reveal itself in every city in every state there is a Karen."
"A true creator is self-responsible. A true creator operates at its highest frequency."
"When you're in a state of disempowerment, you're operating at a lower frequency."
"In the beginning was the word, and word is frequency with intelligence."
"It's good to be truthful with yourself and really examine how often you actually play a deck."
"He's always there... you say coincidence? Coincidence happens every once in a while."
"You gotta give the game some respect guys the fact that they churn out like these things every single month you know it's pretty impressive."
"It's all about energy and frequency, it really is everything."
"Then the question, can we say all of our words with the frequency of 'om'? Like if we can do that, then every word changes from the meaning of the word, the symbol, to the actual truth that's behind it."
"Can it rain every week, please? I absolutely love it."
"The curious thing about is that they tend to appear."
"Life is a modulation, it's a frequency not literal frequency but essentially metaphysical frequency."
"Hope is in the air all around us. Hope does float as a frequency."
"Every week there's a new headline out of Florida."
"I'd go strong... get them used to playing more frequently."
"It is really your one job to count the votes. It only happens once every four years."
"It was so dang delicious, man. I mean, I could have that all the time."
"The Yellowstone Super Volcano erupts every 750,000 years on average, with the last eruptions having happened 2.1 million, 1.4 million, and 664,000 years ago."
"I go out maybe once every weekend or every two weeks."
"I want to fight better guys, so as long as I'm healthy, I want to fight two, three, four times a year."
"We all should have our mind blown at least once a week."
"There are new products coming out it seems like every six months to a year."
"The day of Christ is mentioned 7 times in the Bible."
"You have a frequency, you have a speed, you have a Tempo where your body and your brain and your heart clicks on."
"The frequency of prosperity supports our feeling of well-being."
"Love really is the ultimate mystical truth, isn't it? It's the highest level of frequency."
"The only frequency that is high enough to change that level of vile wickedness is the frequency of love."
"The story of The Exodus is the most frequently mentioned occurrence in the entire Old Testament."
"I really, really like this thrift store and I feel like I'm going to make more time to come here more often."
"Love is the highest frequency and love is the highest vibration."
"I'm having a heart to heart with you once a week, and I love it."
"You will emanate the frequency of authenticity."
"Truth is, in nature, there's no sound that vibrates on only one frequency at a time."
"We're plotting X versus Y, the two 10 MHz signals, and if they were perfectly in phase and perfectly in frequency with each other, that would just be a constant circle of some diameter."
"The highest frequency of all is love."
"Living with your heart open creates a very magnetic, pulling, attractive, and aligning kind of frequency."
"I really love eating small amounts of food frequently."
"You definitely sit on this frequency of love."
"You radiate this true love frequency."
"We are made of energy; it's important to tune into certain frequencies and vibrations in order to raise our vibrations."
"Life doesn't happen bi-weekly, so why should Payday?"
"Speak your truth, Capricorn. The more we embody our own individual Divine frequency, the more we attract our tribe."