
Human Relationships Quotes

There are 161 quotes

"Human relationships are the best antidepressants, but we have joy systems in the brain."
"The main external factor determining our happiness is the quality of our human relationships."
"Why does the woman gravitate towards the biggest, scariest guy in the room? Often because he's the safest one."
"Empathy can create radical social change. Empathy, I believe, can create a revolution, not one of those old-fashioned revolutions of new laws and institutions, public policies, but a revolution of human relationships."
"It doesn't matter who you're attracted to; we are attracted to people, not attracted to gender."
"Our currency is people. The relationships we build at our schools, at work, our community, their churches, at home, that's what's important."
"We should love people and use things, but now what we're doing is using people and loving things."
"We connect with people on our vulnerabilities, not on our strengths."
"People do get attached to each other, and when we do attach to each other, it doesn't go away overnight."
"These are the principles of basic human relationships and once you get good at them, they're the principles of leadership and greatness."
"There's a love you feel for your mother, your parents; there's a love you feel for a friend, for your community; there's a love you feel for objects; and there's a love you feel for a person."
"Chesterton's fence principle is extraordinarily important, particularly when it comes to something as important and complex and difficult as human sexual relationships."
"Everyone in the world has someone who cares for them, regardless of how good or bad they are, or how high or low their status in life is."
"Shocking how little we really know about each other."
"I think the desire to have friendships or partnerships that grow throughout your whole life is universal."
"We're so connected and we've always been connected in all our joys and all our fun and the challenge of life."
"It's a beautiful thing when you create trust between human beings."
"People really do fall in love and maybe that's really explaining what's happening as opposed to some really behaviorist economic model."
"I try not to trust people until we've been through a major situation. If there's a situation where somebody could have screwed me over and they didn't, then they get a lot of credit for that."
"We're supposed to love people and use things, but now we love things and use people."
"No man is an island... we all cannot do it by ourselves."
"What if the biggest AI threat of all is to Human Relationships?"
"We need each other, and life is so much more wonderful with each other."
"Sex is a normal and healthy part of human relationships."
"Behind great moments of history lie human relationships and human failings."
"It's not good to be suspicious of people all the time."
"Empathy, if you want to relate to somebody, try to look at the world through their eyes and walk in their shoes."
"We need a different kind of justice... that seriously asks questions about how to make relationships among human beings more productive."
"It is with human beings that we find not just our greatest challenges but also potentially our greatest consolation and our paths to God."
"The thing that's going to give human beings real happiness is relationships."
"Friendship and love might seem magical but they don't arrive by Supernatural intervention they are built through mundane iterative interactions paying Mutual attention being generous and disclosing aspects of ourselves to one another."
"We need to love people. This conversation is about people."
"Human interactions are so complex... all types of things happen."
"Human matches are less predictable than consumer to good matches."
"People matter, and you need to understand people."
"You demand that people accept you as perfect... less grace people have for you."
"Marianne liked animals way more than people."
"We need to be sympathetic towards each other."
"Human beings have a prophetic influence upon your life and destiny whether you realize it or not."
"I want more than anything for us to just be a little nicer to each other, because, what else--?"
"People are looking for a reason to be angry, a reason to hate people."
"Let's be the most decent people that we can be to one another."
"We never appreciate people as much now as we will in the future."
"Loving anybody is not wrong, but love and sexuality are two different categories."
"Every single king, every single sultan, all of them had more than one chick. That's actually the natural human state."
"All that matters in life is the human connections you have."
"Once you've seen someone naked, you already know 70% of them."
"The devs even said they have full plans to add new characters in."
"We're not created as single entities... we are to be pairs."
"Human relationships are dire, just as important as eating and drinking water."
"This shows me that they've done a lot of work on how to bond without needing to be intimate."
"Human connection, what is going to really change our culture."
"God did not create us to use each other, He created us to love each other."
"Narcissistic psychopaths don't value human relationships; they just value what they like in their life."
"These archetypal patterns are meant to represent how all humans relate to each other and to God."
"Love is also an action. When you're in love with someone, it's definitely something you feel, it's a lot different than just loving people."
"Just need to have a little more faith in people."
"It's less of a zombie game, more of a game about human relationships and how humans deal with the world that they've known."
"Love comes in waves and it can wash over you sometimes, and other times you could be in a drought."
"You never know the quality of day the person next to you is having, he may have just caught his wife cheating or lost a loved one."
"Be nice to each other... this is all we got."
"There can only be vulnerability and intimacy with another human being when you can tell them how it is that you really feel."
"Relationships and rapport are more than money"
"It's always fascinating, amazing, and it shows trust when a person has never met you."
"No human, we don't, none of us got a human enemy."
"Relationships are always shifting as our bodies are shifting, the unawakened human always has the ability to awaken."
"What kind of quality human relations allowed you to be affirmed in your own individual humanity?"
"Be good to people because you want to be good to people, not because you want something from them."
"Good people are like wings on your back and bad people are like a stone attached to your ankle."
"Culture... is the scale by which we choose one another to give continuity to humanity."
"Marriage is a foundational bedrock of human society."
"We're all in this together, and we're just brothers and sisters."
"She just liked getting married, didn't like getting divorced." - A succinct observation revealing the complexity of human relationships and the patterns we perpetuate.
"All we can do forever is trust people when they tell you who they are."
"Humans are supposed to be in pairs... it's too obvious."
"Life can be really hard. I've learned this week that you need to cherish people when you have them because you don't know when they're gonna be gone."
"The only reason men and women are different."
"It involves a baby, and that baby, by the way, is not just the product of a woman. It's a product of the love between a man and a woman."
"Leverage those relationships. Relationships are really what is that is the fabric of human society."
"Attraction doesn't have to be a sexual thing."
"The Bible does contain accumulated wisdom in regard to life and human relationships."
"Vulnerability is the thing that makes us genuinely connect with each other"
"Human mothers and fathers don't love their children as we do. They're not the same as we are."
"Humans crave dignity and respect in relationships."
"Animals automatically have a higher friendship level than humans. I mean, that just goes without saying, right?"
"Don't put the power over them, they're just another human being just like you and me."
"Nothing brings people closer together quite like tearing them apart. It's beautiful."
"It's telling a human story first and foremost about relation human relationships family, uh, what exactly that means what are memories and how that applies like how that stuff can sometimes twist and turn and be scary."
"Human relationships... are going to be the point at which we really wake up."
"People are not the enemy, they're the opportunity."
"Human relationships fall into a small number of types, each has a tacit rule for distributing resources."
"Physical attractiveness is very important for romantic and sexual relationships, which of course impact the course of our lives and the evolution of our species."
"The metaphor of how God loves us is reflected in how we love each other."
"Animals cannot consent and should not be considered a person's girlfriend or the love of their life."
"It is a natural thing for man and woman to come together."
"The process of deliberation humanizes the relationship."
"I'm into you I'm a human being I'm gonna treat you well this is what real connection and love feels like."
"They sense the same things you're feeling, that weird intuitive pull towards another human."
"Carol Ann Duffy's poetry blends personal narrative with societal critique, offering poignant insights into human relationships and societal norms."
"I think those robots can never be a replacement for the kind of sex that God intended where we actually have love between two human beings."
"It's beyond right or not. Loving people tends to trump simple morality."
"So, social matters. But humans in relationships are just honestly my man."
"Life happens out there. Life is about relationships and people."
"He had such a deep knowledge and real passionate core around the connection of people around the world."
"Human relationships are very complex, okay cool."
"I really find different people attractive for different reasons."
"It's really about connecting people back to people."
"He unconditionally says that he values human bonds over gifts or rewards."
"This is one of the best videos I've seen so far this year."
"Most human societies are actually polygamous."
"We open up our hearts to one another, you know? To me, that's what it's all about."
"One of the things that never changes and never will change is our human relationship with something called money."
"Relationist Laboratories is a fast-growing startup in the human relationship market."
"Money is only our value in the context of other human beings."
"Can anyone go all the way through this life without trusting another human being?"
"When we use another human being in any capacity, we have been abusive to them."
"You can go on a journey anywhere, to the ends of the universe, if you care about the people. And that's what I learned."
"The only relationship that will work with humans is perhaps one in which there is a balance between unchecked independence and blind obedience."
"To really experience love is you just dive in because there is a huge number of people but to really like I mean you have to like really um dive into the full complexity, the full range of another human being, yeah, which is hard."
"The strength of the original human relationship provides a path into the future."
"Funny how two complete strangers can have so much in common."
"How ultimately people relate to us, is what's the medicine."
"Power is always present in human relationships, whether they involve verbal communication or amorous, institutional, or economic relationships."
"The most powerful, important relationship we have as human beings in this life, outside of the vertical relationship with Christ, is marriage."
"It is important for all human beings to have those kind of intimate dependent relationships."
"It's a story that is about love, about love loss, it's about betrayal, it's about the friendship, it's about morality, it's about loyalty."
"It's the most wonderful privilege to be connected."
"Social connection is a very beautiful thing; we've always wanted to connect with more people."
"Honorable human relationships... is a process of deepening the truth they can tell each other."
"Love the people and use the money, don't use the people and love the money."
"Economics isn't simply a relationship between things but it is a relationship between people."
"This is a story about relationships, our connections with people, what we choose to do, and what we choose to be."
"You are free to love yourselves and you are free to love other humans as you choose."
"People are almost desperate for this connection."
"Promote ceaselessly the work of world Goodwill so that every nation may have its own group of men and women dedicated to the establishment of right human relationships."
"Our love for God can be measured by the love we have for other people."
"Kindness is at the heart of human relationships and what helps us to get on, which helps us to sort out problems."
"The strength of your human connections... there was only one thing that correlated with human happiness... it was the strength of your human connections."
"Power is neither good nor bad. It's an inescapable aspect of every human relationship."
"What I want people to take from it, I think, is that what it's actually about is the relationships between people."
"What makes them tick? What makes two people attract or repel each other?"
"The concept of twins and the connection that twins share with one another has always fascinated me."
"When you grow up with people, you don't really look at what their background or what their nationality is, you look at people."
"Every time you come to the Garfield Park Conservatory, you see the whole life cycle of human relationship."
"We should learn to use things and love people, and not the other way around."
"People turn on each other when we are the ones that need each other the most."
"We're trading around all of this intensity among just ourselves, craving that more than human richness that nourishment."
"Humans crave connection, so any way that you can connect with someone on a deeper level, that could be very valuable too."
"Are you sick of dating humans only for your romantic escapades to end in inevitable crushing heartbreak?"
"The real world is complicated, and relationships between human beings are complicated."