
Professional Ethics Quotes

There are 266 quotes

"Understanding and navigating the complexities of professional titles and credentials."
"Restoring the harm to a profession where there's a great deal of resignations now because we're tired of it, we're tired of being used as pawns, we're tired of the moral injury."
"The only basis for promoting somebody should be their skills, talents, and their integrity."
"When I argue this with a Price Waterhouse partner in a face-to-face debate, he said, 'Professor Sikka, you never give us credit for anything. We generate millions of dollars of revenues, and we have lots and lots of satisfied clients. What is your problem?' And my response is very simple: that's the language of drug pushers and pimps."
"It is unethical for a psychiatrist to offer a professional opinion about an individual based on publicly available information without conducting an examination."
"I do have some conflicts of interest...but you know what, I have no trouble looking at myself in the mirror every morning. I love my work and feel very good about what I do, and your feedback, of course, reaffirms for me that what I do is the right thing."
"It wasn't the job he objected to; it was where the job was located - inside the temple."
"I am a professional athlete. I would never do anything to enhance my performance by using banned substances."
"If we operate without integrity at any level... then that would be hugely damaging."
"Ben has shown levels of integrity, like when he quit Breitbart over the assault of one of his colleagues."
"When Joe DiMaggio was asked why he hustled on every play of every game, he responded that, 'There's always a kid who may be seeing me for the first time, I owe him my best.'"
"Whenever there is question about the reliability and the validity... we clearly communicate not only that there are limitations to our opinions but we also need to provide the fact finder with information about what the potential implications or impact could actually be."
"I will always make my best effort to make sure I never cross that, because I am a doctor first, well, I'm a human first, but I'm a doctor second, and that's what's most important to me."
"It was improper for a psychiatrist to render a professional opinion about a public figure unless they had personally and closely evaluated them."
"Don't let other people's opinions of you and what you create become your reality."
"His malicious and meritless claims have done lasting damage and are antagonistic to the oath that he took."
"The professional class has gone from asking the question 'How much is enough?' to asking the question 'How much can I get?'"
"That's out of order and that's the sort of behavior that we shouldn't accept as a profession."
"My loyalty is to the Constitution and every representation that I undertake is with a laser focus on the facts, the evidence, and the law."
"I'm not trying to win an election, I'm a journalist. Let us be clear."
"Why would your friend send you a very, very bad contract that felt exploitative? And why would a friend not listen to you when you say, 'Take me off the table, it's not a fit'?"
"No therapist anywhere has the right to say that this condition does not exist."
"Officers like this tarnish the badge, they tarnish the oath."
"There's a certain code of ethics that people... who have been in my business for the 40 years that I've been in, stand by."
"Rudy Giuliani can no longer practice law in the state of New York. An appeals court released a ruling today suspending his law license." - News segment.
"I would not be fulfilling my obligation as an animal health care professional if I chose to ignore the scientific evidence."
"I'm sure you realize a doctor and his patient have to communicate, sir."
"She came very close to the line... at the fringe of her professional ethics."
"It doesn't matter if somebody asks you to point a gun at them, you probably should not point said gun at them just kind of as a rule of thumb."
"Team secrets and undermining your manager, that's when it crosses the line."
"The iron ring is a constant reminder of their solemn obligation to the public and their profession."
"My output isn't about just making money. I will freely admit it's a residual benefit for me that I make money out of my hard work and endeavors educating people about narcissism. And why shouldn't I?"
"We can maintain a high level of integrity in the scientific process if we just refer to the ideas rather than attack people personally." - Avi Loeb
"I finally got in touch with his previous job that said he was fired for getting drunk and attempting to get inappropriate with some of the female staff."
"You need to learn to say I don't know. As a doctor, I often say I don't know because I know what I know and I know what I don't know, and when I don't know, I don't make things up."
"Morally defensible journalism is rarely what you feel good about afterwards. It's only that which makes you feel better than you would otherwise."
"I made an oath when I joined the police... I will always maintain the highest ethical standards."
"You are the gatekeepers, you're the last line of defense before this person is let out in the wild. That is a huge responsibility."
"We have not talked about my fee, and we won't not until the deed is done."
"Plagiarism in the production space is a career-ending allegation."
"It's not just a pay cut, it's a broken promise."
"If you break that one special golden rule, your career is over."
"But being a pro player, he really should have known better than to try and exploit it."
"A code of ethics is something that seems very simple."
"Best man plays, best man gets paid. It is a meritocracy. That is what America should be."
"Facts still exist and so, if you're getting into the field of journalism, just believe in that, keep hammering home those facts because at the end of the day, they are real."
"A broker's job is to sell his clients' dreams, while stuffing actual cash in his own pockets."
"Some people are only there to understand. They're not there to Gaslight. They're not there to please their sponsors. They are there to succeed on the quality of their work and nothing else."
"How can this benefit my students? Don't be selfish and try to limit your students' resources just so that you could benefit by keeping your job."
"The integrity and professional work of the OPCW has been compromised by the officials who censored their own inspector's investigation."
"I'll be livid if Astralis still picks him up after this. What a humiliating climb down to go from iconic model professional to two-time cheater."
"He left the shelter imagine leaving the show after giving us this speech about accountability when we were one minute late insane insane."
"A lawyer shall not knowingly make a false statement of material fact or law to a tribunal."
"He should have disclosed it right away. That is why he says he's resigned effective immediately."
"People are fed up with theocratic bullying both at home and abroad...with our profession which always treats people as if...faith was something to be respected."
"And the players are the players, and we are honest people and as professionals, and we try always to do our best. I'm really, really pleased for us as a group that we can finish top four."
"She's weak, she accepted the paycheck and the position but wants to be shielded from the price."
"You're getting paid to be a professional. I don't care what goes down in my studio, I'm bending over backwards to get that shoot done and get those shots out and make sure they're great no matter what."
"He's an experienced attorney and he knows better." - "He's an experienced attorney and he knows better."
"There's a level of respect that's earned in the league and it's earned through communication and honesty and work ethic and discipline."
"A judge shall perform judicial duties without bias or prejudice."
"When they fail to live up to their obligations, their professional responsibilities, and when they give cover to corporations or executives engaged in misconduct, investors and market integrity suffer."
"Everyone agrees: less workplace mistreatment, more games shipping on time. It's in everyone's best interests."
"Your integrity is your most precious commodity and even lying about something as small as your tenure with a company completely wrecks it."
"That's a clear violation of rule of professional conduct 3.4 which prohibits lawyers from making threats of criminal prosecution to gain advantage in a civil case."
"MS o Shannon was wrongfully dismissed and her articles were wrongfully terminated."
"This is transparency accountability. That's what this is about."
"I appreciate what you do because I think there needs to be accountability."
"It violates the comedian code, you should not do anything to obstruct something."
"This is our work so you don't even have to thank us this is our work."
"Credibility is the currency of my profession, without it you are nothing."
"The only standards TSM has is double standards, fittingly these are people who think they can lash out and pull shady [ __ ] behind the scenes."
"Sorry, but can you delete this? He belongs to a company and this would give him so much trouble."
"You can't have this job and then continue to do things that you arrest other people for... you deserve to lose your job."
"We're the only profession who has a professional mandate to prevent animal suffering."
"You don't have to check your conscience at the door."
"Lawyers should tread carefully when taking their litigation public."
"This is seriously messed up, and the therapist should have intervened."
"Professional Pride, you want to win, you don't want to spend all day preparing for a game just to underperform because you couldn't care less."
"Be nice to the people that you pass on the way up because you will see them again on the way down."
"Lead with Integrity because you will come out on top."
"It's my job to challenge them, but not to try to screw them."
"There should be no profession in which you do something that objectively is illegal and you get away with it because it's your profession. That doesn't make any sense."
"We found the good cop and they fired him. He believed that he could do the right thing."
"I'm a high character team player, and that's the only thing that I care about."
"When you refuse to put forward 100% effort you disrespect the studio's that are paying you."
"Rudy Giuliani losing his law license... as justified an action as could ever happen."
"The presumption of innocence must apply, that is a principle I observed in my former professional life, it is the one I insist upon now."
"My job's to do what I think is the best thing for you, even if that's saying you're not the right fit for me."
"So what I think we do need to empower young veterinarians to speak up and to follow their conscience and follow their ethics."
"I don't think it's fair to your clients to be googling how to run a Facebook ad while charging them thousands of dollars to run Facebook ads."
"People will eventually lose confidence in you if you lack the courage and integrity to give credit to your sources."
"I think it's irresponsible to challenge professional MMA fighters for stream content."
"He was paid to solve because he didn't want to mess up his own record."
"Don't lie to a client. You should not lie to a client and defraud them."
"This man is nothing more than a content thief and a plagiarist who has no business being an expert on anything."
"He resisted pressure to diminish the work he was doing and did the right thing."
"The trainer is supposed to look out for the best aspects of his fighter."
"If any trainer ever comes to you and says 'my style is better than everyone else's,' then they don't know what they're talking about."
"Always pay artists for their time and for their work."
"It's very important for me as a tattooer that I impart some sense of knowledge to the client."
"Caught sleeping with a sex worker in his police car."
"I think it's very important for me as a tattooer that I impart some sense of knowledge to the client."
"Our job is to shelve our own bias acknowledge that all bodies are unique and to take into consideration an individual's preferences budget lifestyle morals culture and unique health conditions and concerns."
"I would rather let the truth ruin my career than lie for a monster ever again."
"That to me is the epitome, the high point, the Mount Olympus of responsible journalism."
"Every member of the Court shall before taking up his duties make a solemn declaration in open court that he would exercise his powers impartially and contentiously."
"The most important thing you could have as a journalist is credibility. You never want people looking at your work and thinking you're a liar."
"Scientists are refusing to follow the government."
"This incident with Chile de Castro, a community law professor, exemplified the delicate balance between law enforcement and those who possess a deep understanding of the legal system."
"The professionalism of that generation is unmatched."
"Some lawyers serve their clients with honor and distinction."
"Nobody's Above the Law. I work with these other people they're good people surely they believe like I do, right?"
"Imagine having the audacity to simply start emailing professional news outlets and taking credit for other people’s work."
"Professional advice is one thing. The way you conduct yourself in business is actually nobody's responsibility except yours."
"Life coaching is a fundamentally unregulated industry it's not to say that all life coaches are bad it is entirely possible for licensed clinicians to also be life coaches with the appropriate legal separation between those two things."
"Their job is to lie and to spin right. It's their job, absolutely it is."
"Formula One drivers have to take a lot of responsibility."
"During most of my 40 years at work, I was highly accountable for things, but it doesn't quite seem to be the case now."
"We think we should challenge the people in power. That's actually what makes you a better journalist, not a worse one."
"Our officers that work here right now are integrity-based, they have ethics, they have duty."
"Any honest ethical attorney should bring mistakes to the client and take full responsibility."
"I think it's incumbent upon myself, good professionals, and the American public to demand answers."
"You don't want to burn bridges and when you say something, and you give somebody your word that you're going to do something, you have to do it."
"Your manager is seriously crossing some professional boundaries... this guy is really being toxic."
"It's our responsibility as piercers to not do piercings that are not safe."
"A lot of backstabbing that goes on, a lot of lying and not a lot of ethics, sad state of affair really."
"The baker's cake though is never an endorsement of the individual's views, feelings, or relationship."
"Take them on a sheet of paper and ask yourself which of them is the one that could cost you and your business everything."
"I'm a policeman, and I know how to do this job. I will help you. Cops should help each other, isn't that what we were talking about earlier? Don't you agree with me?"
"Bounty hunters are professionals, with a strict set of rules to follow."
"When you do right by people or just in the industry, it'll just come naturally to you."
"It is work that can be as honest or dishonest as you want it to be."
"Trust in my research and my word is more important to me than a quick buck."
"Reporters and journalists don't care what happens? We think we should challenge the people in power. That's actually what makes you a better journalist, not a worse one."
"She deserves a DA that won't have sex with his employees."
"Ethically, you're definitely not supposed to make that argument."
"Work with integrity and succeed with integrity."
"He was fired for defending a free and fair election."
"That is extremely unprofessional. What do you think someone who works for Google and Microsoft would say something like that?"
"There was a lot of you know like sexual misconduct and apparently drinking on the job and a lot of other really really shitty things going on there so that definitely doesn't help."
"The only issue I might have is if you're pulling up the ladder behind you, if you're keeping people out because they are not part of that click, that crew."
"Everything I've said here today comes from a place of deep honesty and conviction for the care that I provide and the community that I'm a part of."
"If these people think they can use weaponized licensure to censor... they needed lesson in the First Amendment."
"It is not the job of the reporters... party. It's not their job."
"Do you realize the absurdity of having to protect the identity of a psychologist in a western nation?" - Yeah, it's embarrassing.
"The moment you start letting people into professions, someone will suffer."
"I'm for sale and I'll say anything that earns me a buck."
"Jokes are not precious, they're never too precious for you to threaten the professional opportunity over."
"If you believe that sex is binary and immutable you shouldn't be a therapist."
"When a tax advisor starts giving you bad financial advice just to save on taxes, that means you need to fire them."
"No, you expect a professional work full time for a college student for nothing."
"Your hard work, your endurance, and your integrity for whatever it is that you do, your true grit, it will carry you through."
"This is not just a professional failing, this is a failing of basic Humanity."
"Working as an FBI special agent was my dream job. My whistleblowing was apolitical and in the spirit of upholding my oath."
"No wrestler was above missing his scheduled appearances or letting down the fans."
"Visually, this was the worst moment. The boss of the company is desperate enough to get down on her knees for the Hulk. It made Dixie look bad, it made TNA look bad."
"I think kindness should be the principle of your job."
"There are bad people everywhere in every single profession."
"A good prosecutor, like a good law enforcement officer, has to be independent and objective and not political."
"You see, I have respect for my clients. I'm not going to say that we will throw them."
"His very response is the biggest argument to say that he should be disbarred because he did such a terrible job in responding to it."
"Never screw over the people who have access to your data."
"There's another problem, she already had been accused of being inappropriate with a student before."
"Why should a financial engineer be paid for four times, 200 times more than a real engineer?"
"Florence always refused to claim credit for this though because as far as she was concerned she was just doing her job."
"Give the lady a chance to mourn and then, you know, most importantly, let's not forget the really important fact here which is you didn't fire him, his company fired him."
"It's the most impersonal thing you can do. If you respect an employee, you should have the decency to sit down and tell them to their face why you think they suck."
"You always do the right thing, protect the client, protect the confidentiality, and don't misrepresent anything to the court."
"I can't continue in an environment where fear of funders is more important than journalism itself."
"Did that result in him losing his job at the law firm? Correct."
"Did that result in him losing his license to practice law? It did."
"Parents when their child male or female, no matter age when they say hey, I'm really the other sex or gender whatever, they turn to the professionals and the professionals are just not doing their job."
"Equipment guys are pretty great in the profession, you know. We're all pretty willing to share what works for us, what doesn't work, best practices and everything to get the players the best possible product they can have. And that's our job at the end of the day."
"Dr. Jenkins' failure to mention the Horizon line defects in his expert witness statements rendered his written statements inaccurate and misleading."
"Not the [ __ ]. She did something wrong and got punished. She violated the rules as a nurse, which is very serious."
"Not the [ __ ]. She violated the ethics of a profession purposefully. She not only dishonored herself, she dishonored the profession."
"I want to go off on my own these clients are more comfortable with me you aren't going to use them anyway so I'm going to take them and I don't feel like I owe you anything and that's just how it's going to be"
"You could have had another job tonight except, uh, the woman you know, she wanted some jump shifting but I had to turn her down."
"This profession really is about protecting people. It's not about abusing them. It's not about being a bully. It is not that."
"You owe your fiduciary duty to the person you're working for, but you owe everybody fairness and honesty. You can't cheat people."
"Being a CPA and a man of faith, we do justice and mercy as God shows to us."
"Simply by the nature of the work, every lawyer gets at least one case in his lifetime that affects him personally."
"Social workers should not engage in sexual activities or sexual contact with current clients, whether such contact is consensual or forced."
"Social workers should avoid posting any identifying or confidential information about clients on professional websites or other forms of social media."
"The six C's of Nursing are care, compassion, courage, commitment, communication, and competence."
"It's always fine to say no if it's not safe, not legal because it's certainly better to lose a job than it is your life or your license."
"I don't get paid if my clients don't get better."
"Don't judge us; we're just doing our job."
"Act honorably, honestly, justly, responsibly, and legally."
"If you're a critic, you need to divorce yourself from that subjectivity and do the job."
"Science has moved on, as professionals, I have this old-fashioned view we shouldn't tell people lies."
"Everybody needs to be held in check: cops, lawyers, judges, doctors."
"Obedience, loyalty, disclosure, confidentiality, accountability, and reasonable care."
"A therapist forcing you to do anything is unethical, in my opinion."
"I was really angry that I was not told this, and it was upsetting to me that neither my employer nor my commissioning body, my state, would tell me that I was financially and personally liable for what I notarized."
"I take pride in the fact that we do not break the law in order to enforce it."
"Ethics and counseling in general is extremely important."
"I recognize as a nurse I hold a lot of power in a relationship and I need to be mindful."
"They go into these jobs to generally help people; they don't want it on their conscience that they were the ones that could have prevented this and didn't."