
Vibration Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"Meditating is amazing for raising your vibration. People who meditate every day have very high vibrational frequencies."
"Practice gratitude. Gratitude raises your vibration so much because it puts you at the frequency of receiving."
"Love and gratitude are the highest vibrations that you can be in."
"Words have tones and vibrations have everything to do with the creation of worlds."
"Gratitude is an infinite vibration that anyone can tap into at any moment."
"Everything in the universe is vibration, so every cell is vibrating at a certain frequency, and there's a resonant frequency when you are in pristine health."
"Every time you take your eyes off the prize, you create counter intention and pollute your vibration."
"Knowing your personal vibration, then allows you to know how to increase that personal frequency so as to go in the direction of your desires."
"Your beauty is coming from your vibration and your soul, which is going to enchant and inspire many."
"If you really want to understand the universe, think in terms of vibration, energy, and frequency."
"The law of attraction: You've got to change this. You've got to change the vibration you're in, and your whole world changes."
"Express gratitude every day. That instantly raises your vibration."
"The universe does not hear what you are saying. It feels the vibration you are offering." - Abraham Hicks
"Raising your vibration is as simple as becoming mindful of your intentions and choosing to live through compassion and love."
"You deserve to raise your vibration for today. Please don't beat yourself up."
"Your voice has the ability to heal others because everything is vibration."
"What energy and vibration we're sending off is what we get back. That's just the key to everything."
"The Law of Vibration, in its simplest terms, states that the whole of the universe is made up of energy."
"The Law of Vibration: One of the fundamental laws of the universe seems to be the Law of Vibration."
"When you create a thought, you create a vibration, and that vibration, as it turns out, creates geometries."
"In that space, you're able to become the master of your reality; you're able to hold your vibrations."
"Everything at its base can be broken down into Om. Om is the quintessential nature of vibration, and everything has a resonant frequency."
"Raising your vibration means taking the current base frequency that you're at right now and raising it up higher."
"Raising your vibration makes life a lot easier and a lot better."
"In life, our vibration is determined not by what we do, how we feel, or think, but fundamentally by who we are being in every single moment."
"The only reason this universe exists is because of the spin and the vibration of all matter in it."
"They want you in a low state of vibration so you don't transcend the fear and move to a higher understanding."
"The only thing you can attract to you are the things you're in harmonious vibration with."
"90% of raising your vibration is letting go."
"The most important thing I'd say with the whole Great Awakening is to raise your vibration."
"A guided meditation for getting into the Vortex can totally transform your life and allow you to be in the vibration that you prefer in the easiest way possible."
"We can create the life we want; we can put ourselves into the vibration that we have to be in to attract what we want to attract."
"Your vibration is a combination of how you think, how you feel, and how you act."
"By changing your own vibration, you can also change your form."
"Manifestation becomes a lot easier when you have a higher vibration."
"Do not give anything but love... that raises your vibration to exponential levels."
"I believe now is a perfect time for all of us to individually and collectively raise our vibration."
"The law of attraction is a law of the universe. The only thing you can attract are the things you're in harmonious vibration with."
"Love is a vibration and love is an energy that we can all tap into."
"Being embodied on this earth is because you are a very high frequency, but the earth plane, the existence of humanity at this time, is much more low vibration, and you're here to help lift that vibration up to where you exist very naturally."
"If you want to understand the universe, you have to think in terms of vibration and frequency."
"There is no more powerful vibration than the sound of your own voice."
"When you're the vibrational match between your energy and some potential, now you are going to begin to collapse time and space."
"Gratitude is the key to unlocking your higher vibration."
"Everything is frequency, vibration, everything is energy."
"The higher you vibrate, the faster the vibration."
"Keep your vibration high, you will come into right alignment to welcome your soulmate into your life."
"Your movement is always vibrational. You're multi-dimensional."
"I could feel it in my body because I could feel like where I was sitting on the couch and my body was just vibrating."
"When focusing solely on the end result feeling state aimed for, we match the vibrational frequency that attracts to ourselves the easiest and most delightful way possible."
"We bring ourselves and our frequency into the vibration of love."
"When you see through the perspective of oneness... you deal with things in a completely different vibration."
"When you shift your vibration, everything in your life changes."
"You're meant to raise the collective vibration by participating in some way, contributing. You have a purpose."
"Tune to the reality you want and understand the vibration of it."
"Attraction is not a primary law; the primary law is the law of vibration."
"Om Namashivaya is the seed syllable, believed to be the primal vibration that's set into motion the universe as we know it today."
"The English language is designed to keep you from using certain vibrations."
"Now is the time to do the work of raising the vibration."
"The mission of the Twin Flames is to raise the vibration on the planet."
"Release from the heavy burden of a physical body permits great increase in the rate of vibrations."
"Dreams are always a vibrational match to what you've been thinking and feeling as well. In fact, dreams are a preview of pre-manifested reality."
"You don't need to take it all so seriously. The universe responds to high vibration, playfulness, fun just for the hell of it."
"One meditation really can change your life and change your dominant vibration."
"The whole secret to life: it's all about raising your vibration."
"I am aligned with you at a soul level, but I am vibrating on a higher timeline."
"Thoughts are energy; love truly is the highest vibrational frequency."
"Have you ever had one of those annoying vibrations that seem to appear at different speeds but disappear while you slow down?"
"From the moment Christ was incarnated... the vibrations of the earth started raising."
"Balance is key; extreme vibrations can disrupt harmony."
"Our frequency of vibration actually creates our reality."
"The final cinematic of Cataclysm was a sad scene of the dragonflights fulfilling their guardianship of the planet."
"Live from the end and tap into the vibration of that version of you."
"The idea is to align yourself vibrationally with things you want, not with what you don't want."
"Shift your vibration to a more positive frame of mind."
"Forgiveness is the key to elevating your vibration to a higher level."
"This reality is a reflection of the vibration you are emitting."
"Law of attraction is always responding to your vibration and when you are awake you are always offering one."
"Every song is a different vibration; this vibration carries the sound and vibration of soul."
"Your reality, your outer reality is equal to that of your vibration, which is how you think, how you feel, and how you act."
"The more you raise your vibration, the more power your thoughts and your heart has."
"Does it all start with playing with the vibration of love?"
"It's all vibration. Everything's vibration and frequency."
"Color is very important to spiritual uplift and how color and vibration are used."
"Everything is vibration, everything is electrical energy. You went from conducting vibration outside on the earth to now conducting vibration in your building."
"Vibration actually causes blood vessels to dilate... and allows increased blood flow to the genitals."
"One person living in a loving high vibration has more impact on the world than a million people living in fear."
"Your vibration was raised, you were vibrating at a different frequency."
"There's even changes in rates of change in pulses, but the whole universe in every way is vibrating."
"Raising your vibrations, tuning in to the soul song that you have, everyone has a unique one."
"We do create our reality through our thoughts and through our vibration."
"Everything in the body is a form of vibration."
"Everything is energy, thought forms are energy too; they hold different frequencies and vibrations."
"Love is the highest, most powerful vibration in the universe."
"Balancing an engine minimizes vibration, helping the engine run smoother, maximizing engine life."
"...our capacity to see beauty results in this vibration of love."
"Love is the highest vibration of all."
"Everything in this universe vibrates... from M all other vibratory states come into creation."
"Love is the highest frequency and love is the highest vibration."
"You guys are leaders; you're on a different vibration."
"You are moving in alignment with essentially your highest vibrational timeline."
"You are made up of energy and exist in a universe where everything is vibrating."
"Positive emotions such as joy, gratitude, and inspiration resonate at higher frequencies, which can attract positive changes and opportunities into our lives."
"You're vibrating at a high level. Use this to your advantage; the law of attraction will work really effectively for you right now."
"Letting go is the key to raising your vibration."
"They're going to accidentally or just unknowingly start gravitating towards your vibration."
"All is in vibration. From the tiniest atom to the greatest sun, everything is in a state of vibration."
"Bees bring good energy, bro, and their vibration is unbelievable."
"When we measure seatpost vibrations in a laboratory setting, we find that some seatposts can absorb 15x more vibration than others."
"Life is vibration, so is mind, so is matter."
"All forces vibration as all comes from one central vibration taking different form."
"The world operates on the principle of energy, frequency, and vibration."
"You are an example of unconditional love, a high vibrational being reflecting the highest version back to others."
"Your energy and vibration are showing up in a beautiful way, not only for you but also for those around you."
"He who understands the principle of vibration, has grasped the scepter of power."
"Everything vibrates; nothing is at rest."
"Music is frequency and vibration and vibration is life."
"Through sound, we can vibrate the cosmos."
"Raising your vibration is about consciously aligning your life to the energy of love and purpose while maintaining a personal connection to the divine."
"All phenomena are formed of the same substance vibrating at different rates."
"The higher you vibrate, the more this person's gonna be coming quicker and faster."
"You're gonna vibrate so much higher than that when your spirit leaves your body."
"It's an act, and when you're acting, you also start vibrating in that vibration that's why other people can feel it."
"If you put out that energy and that vibration, you find that you're able to communicate with people from generations."
"Life is a matter of oscillation, life is vibration."
"It's the opposite of love. So most people think of hatred is the opposite vibration from love but actually it's fear. Because to love is to take something as part of yourself, to fear is to push something away from yourself."
"In the Quantum view, everything in the universe is fundamentally made of energy, including you. Your body, your thoughts, and your feelings are energetic vibrations that interact with the energy of the universe."
"...all of the sudden you meet your twin, you receive this influx of energy, your vibration begins to radically raise, your life is coming into alignment but also falling apart at the same time."
"We are resonating, we are vibrating at the exact same frequency."
"Every moment has sight, sound, smell, who knows, it also has a vibration."
"You can't handle those vibrations, you resist it, you push it away outside you."
"Everything is vibration. That's why they say, like, when you put a seashell to your ear, you can hear the ocean."
"Make sure you're staying on a very high vibration."
"Love is the secret, love is the key, love is an emotion that's of like the highest vibration."
"Once you feel that feeling of, 'Oh, I am at my highest vibration,' you don't want to go back."
"The divine feminine is really grounded in that divine feminine energy, it's very high vibrational, and essentially, uh, anything that's not high vibrational gets rejected."
"Forgive, release the past, elevate your vibration."
"Nobody tells me that I love your vibration. That's so crazy."
"Water molecules' shapes change with sound, imagine the resonance within us."
"You're attracting someone with your vibration, someone emotionally available to offer you the love you truly deserve."
"As you raise your vibration and energy you will have access to all of those capabilities and more."
"When you're doing things that bring you Joy your vibration is so elevated you just have a higher opportunity to connect to the multi-sensory world."
"Everybody is vibrating on different frequencies."
"If you wish to understand the universe, you need to think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration."
"Your body vibrates because of the other person's voice."
"You are always sending out an energetic signal 24/7, and you are always receiving back the equivalent of that signal."
"Just think it's all energy. Just think it's all Vibes energy. I just think something has happened and it's with all, there's all a reason, but I just think it's all energy."
"Someone sees that your vibration is also elevating as well."
"We're moving into the age of frequency, energy, and vibration."
"The universe is not just vibrating, it's also vibrating kind of loudly."
"You're gonna raise your vibration both of you guys. It's a very high vibe connection here. It's all about feeling good, all about increasing your well-being."
"This meditation will change your dominant vibration permanently."
"If you want to discover the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration."
"Everything in the universe is energy, vibration, frequency."
"You're almost like a big tuning fork that is sending out a vibration based on whatever cords you're striking, that's going to attract back the like kind."
"Success consciousness is not just about how much money you make or just about money. It's about how you go about doing it, how you feel when you do it, the vibration that you put out."
"What we feel from within and the own vibration that we carry will be mirrored back to us in the connections that we have with others."
"We're all energy. Everything is energy and frequency."
"...just like I guess a banjo is a bit different, but it does have the sides and kind of the idea is that it vibrates the drum and then comes out the side and is super loud."
"...when your inner world starts having a higher vibration..."
"Your vibration is lifting, people become better in your presence."
"One of the biggest mistakes I remember doing was thinking that vibration plays no part in a CD player or a preamp. It makes no difference. It has a massive effect on the sound, much more than I would have ever believed."
"You don't want what you think you want, you want the vibration you want the frequency."
"You guys always try to find something positive, try to raise your vibration up."
"You carry higher vibrational energy within you."
"When you heal yourself, you heal so many other people in ways you can't anticipate and in ways that require much less effort because it matches your vibration."
"If they match your frequency, they meet you at that vibration, then bless. And if they don't, hey, somebody else will, you feel me?"
"When you raise your vibration, you tend to want to be with people of a similar vibration if not higher."
"Life is vibration. It's the whole time and all the way through. The question is how are you going to interpret that? Is it tremble, tremble, tremble, or is it laugh, laugh, laugh? That's the great thing."
"Good vibration can actually enhance the feedback loop between a rider's brain and his wrist."
"If you're able to remember it 5 10 20 times a day and just go back into that vibration that becomes you if you can live in that vibration you're very probably going to manifest it."
"You're just vibrating at a different level."
"When the Apollo 12 astronauts landed on the moon, the surface vibrated for nearly an hour."
"You are known by a vibrational signature, which is essentially the light of who you are."
"Love is the highest vibration. Love will raise your frequency and help you manifest miracles."
"You'll vibrate the same as you are on the outside as you are on the inside."
"There's only one thing that's real, and that's expression of waveform or frequency of vibration in the universe."
"Trust that if you focus on yourself, commit to yourself, choose yourself over and over again, you will continue to raise your vibration and attract the highest vibrational forms of connection."
"We are made of energy, a symphony of vibrations. Our thoughts, emotions, and even our physical body are in a constant state of vibration."
"Open yourself up, tune in your vibration to what is genuinely yours."
"We're all molecular beings, made of molecules which vibrate."
"We are all here as the bringers of that vibration."
"When you meditate, it raises your vibration."
"Speaking words of love to yourself and others raises your vibration and activates psychic abilities."
"Unconditional love is the highest vibration."
"By setting healthy boundaries, they protect their energy and maintain their high vibrational state."
"888 emanates a vibration of abundance and prosperity inviting us to embrace the infinite abundance that surrounds us."
"You want to make sure those people that you're giving your love to, it's a high vibration."
"It's energy, it's frequency, it's vibration, it's light, it's dark, it's the frequency and the vibe, okay, the vibration."
"You're standing in your own energy, maximizing the vibration you're putting out into the world."
"You are in high vibrational, abundant energy, and that hurts someone's soul."
"Increase your vibration so that you never feel lonely again."
"You just have a higher vibrational field and even if someone's not into high vibe and they wouldn't know how to use that phrase, I feel like they can sense your high vibrational energy."
"Every day and in every way, I find new ways to lift up my vibration."
"They don't like how shiny you are, and Love is Strange, and that people like you, they see your heart, people fall in love with you very easily because it's about vibration, not about how you look."
"It's about your soul song matching the vibration to the thing that you want."
"That's why we can remember different lives, and not only our lives, because as water is only one body, so we can remember the lives that are more aligned with our level of vibration."
"By standing up and self-empowering, we can shift the collective vibration of the planet."
"Its ability to ignore vibration is unmatched."
"Change your vibrational address shift your point of view."