
Wholeness Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"Imagine feeling so much wholeness that it's impossible to want."
"Wholeness does not mean there won't be absence; it means what is supposed to be in your life will be in your life."
"To the extent that we have relationships that reflect our wholeness, that in itself is healing."
"Two broken people don't make a whole relationship."
"God's greatest promises that He will fulfill in your life are not the ones you drive, not the ones you cash, not the ones you live in, but they are the ones that make you whole."
"Now, may the God of peace Himself sanctify you entirely and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved complete, without blame at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Faithful is He who calls you, and He also will bring it to pass."
"God does not send to you a partial Holy Spirit. The Eternal cannot be divided into portion."
"Being a whole person means there are no lies, just transparent honesty."
"This transformation is going to encompass and make you feel whole and complete."
"Reality is one wholeness; it includes all subjects, all objects, and all modes of knowing."
"God not only wants you to be saved; He wants you to be whole."
"A woman can only attract a whole man if a man is working on becoming whole."
"Healing is not the absence of a physical illness but it's the integrity of a person who's no longer split off from themselves."
"The moment you start feeling whole and grateful, your healing will begin at that moment."
"Your conscious Oneness with the great Whole is the secret of success."
"When you're whole, there's no need, there's no lack, there's no separation."
"People want to be healed, no, they want to be whole; they want to feel wholeness."
"The moment you start feeling whole, your healing begins."
"When you worship, you open up to God and extend His wholeness into your brokenness."
"Greatness requires wholeness, and wholeness is to yield one's entire being to the belief that the vision desired has already been attained."
"The word healing comes from an Anglo-Saxon word for wholeness."
"The word for healing itself comes from the Anglo-Saxon word 'wholeness'. So, healing is wholeness."
"May God your Heavenly Father set in place all you need to be whole and complete so you could walk in victory moment by moment by the power of the Holy Spirit."
"The only thing that satisfies pain is when you're made whole."
"Pain is not leaving until you decide that you want to be whole."
"Through thanksgiving, you are made whole... Wholeness means nothing missing and nothing broken."
"The task in life is not to be perfect but to be whole."
"When the heart and brain are in coherence, we start to experience wholeness."
"I just want to be whole, you know. I want that so bad."
"I felt complete, and I'd feel like I'm a whole person."
"In order to return to wholeness, you need to see and accept the aspects of yourself, including memories that were rejected and suppressed along the way."
"At the deepest level, we are not fragments and therefore not incomplete; we are whole, needing nothing."
"It's all about balance, and when we find balance, we find wholeness."
"Your whole soul is like feeling more complete and more whole."
"Balance is the key to everything in the universe. Two halves make a whole."
"In that seeking of wholeness from within is healing."
"Everything was everything... it really did contain everything."
"It is possible to truly be healthy and whole under all of these societal conditions."
"Healing is actually about growth, it's about becoming whole."
"You are always complete, you're always whole."
"My body is the temple of my soul, it shall be clean. My body is the externalization of my thought, it shall be whole."
"Integration creates an integral sovereign being."
"God invites us to become whole humans once again, people who can walk upright with God and with each other."
"Once you get whole, you can kind of see trauma in what it looks like."
"Your destiny is written in heaven and includes being healed and made whole."
"This chapter, the scouring of the shire, is about making things whole again after everything that has happened before."
"Your greatest deliverance is not that you entered and came out unscathed, but that you escaped and are whole."
"You're always whole. Even if you're missing something, you can find a way to make it whole."
"The peace of God is wholeness, nothing broken, nothing missing."
"Integration leads into greatness into wholeness."
"There's no wrong between either of them; it's just different experiences of the same whole."
"Fulfilling yourself, coming into a state of complete completeness."
"There will be no loss; everything that started with you will also arrive."
"Verily in the body there is a lump of flesh and if that lump of flesh is set right then the entire body is set right, and if that lump of flesh is corrupted then the entire body is corrupted."
"In order for you just to thrive you have to become whole."
"Lord, bring me to a state of total wholeness and unity with your will."
"Not everything is love and light, and facing the dark side supports the quest in achieving spiritual wholeness."
"This is a journey from the illusion of separation to wholeness."
"You are whole and complete exactly as you are right now."
"God wants to meet you in your brokenness, He wants to make you whole."
"God wants you to be whole, outwardly and inwardly."
"You're still whole you didn't give away any pieces of yourself."
"You are cleansed by the blood of Jesus; we are made whole."
"The purpose of this is to heal people's mind, their heart, and everything, so that we can be complete and whole in Christ Jesus and be able to do the work He's asked us to do."
"Healing means wholeness, let me become whole when we reconnect with ourselves."
"Health literally means wholeness, and healing means making whole."
"Being in integrity is being whole and undivided, so there's no part of you that's divided from your true self."
"God or source is androgynous. It is a fully whole and sanctified androgynous being."
"Seeking after wholeness is the spiritual Warrior's Quest."
"I am illumined, I am inspired, I am divinely guided, I am made whole."
"We want our subjectivity back and we use our subjectivity to knit it back together wholeness."
"The ultimate evolution is not moving from lack to abundance, ultimate wholeness is moving from wholeness to wholeness, from love to love."
"Peace is not silence, peace is wholeness, nothing broken, nothing missing."
"Refuse false guilt around rest; wholeness acknowledges your integrated self, not just the cog keeping wheels in motion."
"Real wholeness can only be experienced by accepting Jesus and the wholeness he's already provided."
"A body part doesn't make you ugly or a missing body part and I say missing but truly there is nothing missing because yes I have one hand but I'm still a whole complete person."
"This is not a gay to straight transition, this is from broken to whole."
"You need to love yourself first, not in an egomaniac way, but you need to feel completely whole."
"God knows how to send all of us to the place of wanting to be whole, healthy, and healing."
"I am whole because of what Jesus did on the cross."
"Do they see love, do they see peace, do they see wholeness?"
"We will soon meet as two whole beings, each of us having healthy boundaries."
"The goal of Gestalt is to make you a complete person."
"You're whole from within, and it's bursting out, it's shining to other people."
"If I may touch but his clothes, I shall be whole."
"I am grounded, I am whole, I connect with the medicine of the earth to clear and charge my energy."
"There is no missing puzzle piece that will just make us whole. You are whole, that's the only thing you need to realize."
"All of us are different, but none of us are broken."
"You're going to be so whole within yourself that anyone else is just an added bonus."
"It's all kind of part of continuing to just be like a whole person."
"All parts of you matter and are important."
"I am beautiful as I am, I am not broken, I don't need fixing."
"...behind that reality and appearing as those appearances, there is a single indivisible whole."
"You can be completely whole as a single individual. Jesus was single."
"We have to learn how to balance those forces in order to integrate into a healthier whole."
"You are whole and complete in who you are."
"We are more than the sum of our parts."
"And always the integration of opposites, you know, dark and light, the yin and the yang, and the wholeness."
"The integration of every part of you is the ultimate expression of fulfillment in your life."
"If you connect to that unified field of oneness and wholeness, then wholeness and oneness should be reflected in your biology."
"From a state of pure consciousness, you can create from a place of wholeness"
"It's not the wealth, it's not the health. It's who you become. People think they want this or they want that, but what they want is wholeness."
"The happiness of each thing is in reaching the perfection that exists within itself, and its wretchedness is in not reaching and being disconnected from that totality."
"You don't heal because you're broken right now"
"Why don't you just decide to give yourself love and acceptance in this moment without having to achieve anything, and then go out into the world and achieve from the feeling of already feeling like you're whole."
"I am whole in Christ and because of him I lack no good thing."
"When I am whole, anything I want in my life will come to me."
"I wanted to tell me, 'Do you feel like you're whole, you're complete?'"
"Feel so much wholeness that it's impossible to want."
"It's like you're becoming whole in the sense of you're looking at the bigger picture."
"The only way through it is to embrace all parts of it—the light and the shadow. And as any healer or initiate knows, the only way to the light is to embrace the shadow with him."
"Your wholeness will be more compelling than any one aspect of you, your pure integrated Essence radiates magic like nothing else."
"God wants to bring people into wholeness."
"Understanding both the light and the shadow, she becomes whole."
"So full, so whole, so complete, and not contained either."
"By each other's side, they were whole."
"You are innately perfect and whole exactly as you are."
"That's what Financial wholeness gets you to."
"Your wholeness is worth the time that it takes to get there and it will be worth it."
"It's better to do things in an integrable way, so therefore when you get it you can enjoy what your full mind body and spirit intact."
"I think that when you have two people that bring that fullness, that wholeness, that have done their own work, and then they're whole, they're not looking to have the other half filled."
"How do you ensure that you feel seen and heard? What is the part of you that feels separate and disconnected from love right now? What is already whole within you? How can you create a sense of wholeness within yourself right now?"
"Give them healing, God, allow them to be whole, help them to meet the person that you have designed just for them."
"Instead what you must do here is re-own that part of yourself that you've put behind a certain wall or barrier. Okay, become whole again. Re-own everything that is you."
"What is love? It's two whole people coming together."
"When you bring everything together... the person is able to actually heal."
"When you're whole and you've done this practice, it puts you in a posture to experience God's goodness."
"The shadow is the doorway to the real, helping us become more whole."
"You are whole, complete, you're complete in yourself."
"Our wholeness comes from acknowledging our imperfections."
"It takes so much more than money to make whole individuals."
"I felt so whole, I felt so grateful to be alive."
"How do we walk in full healing and restoration?"
"I think ultimately that's where we're all looking for: a sense of wholeness within ourselves."
"Machines don't make a whole, people do."
"The moment you start feeling whole and grateful, we now know your healing will begin at that moment."
"With detachment, you finally feel whole inside."
"Nothing is whole without the acceptance and acknowledgment of all."
"Ascension is not transcendence, it's completion. It's coming into wholeness."
"We shift from being imprisoned in that sense of 'I'm a separate self and resisting,' we... shift from that identity where we're tensing against the future to occupying that tender presence, which is a sense of wholeness, which is a sense of belonging to everything."
"And with that shift in identity to becoming that wholeness, that tenderness, that space, the belonging that we experience lets us know that all is well."
"Spirit is saving you, your heart, your mind, your soul."
"Do you know what it means to be whole? To be made whole it means in your spirit, in your soul, and in your body."
"So every person is a person in totality when they express the idea of physical mind and higher mind, that is what makes you a whole person, capable of exploring the idea of physical reality above that level, what you might call Soul or Spirit."
"...we're still inherently deep down okay and whole."
"We break open to the place inside which is unbreakable and whole while learning to sing."
"You are not broken, you are whole. You can heal from heartbreak."
"Why should people get married? To make them whole. To make them whole."
"You are enough, and you're broken, and you can be both."
"Wholeness is going to be relational in nature."
"Love revealed everything as forgiven and whole."
"Ontology deals with being. What is that? It is an irreducible wholeness."
"Wholeness is when the way of your being matches the truth of your being."
"Everyone is wholeness, everyone is totality."
"You can't always be torn in two. You have to be one and whole for many years."
"Healing is the return of the memory of wholeness from the fragmented mind to the whole mind."
"Self-improvement is about fixing yourself. This is about realizing that you were whole and there was nothing to fix all along."
"Self-acceptance is realizing that you were never broken to begin with."
"You're not something to fix. You're actually not broken."
"Reconciliation was brought, Redemption was brought, wholeness was brought."
"Giving someone responsibilities makes them feel whole."
"How beautiful you are in your wholeness."
"Open up every area of your life. Unconditional love would touch you, would heal you, would restore you, would make you whole, spirit soul body."
"Healing isn't just physical, it's also emotional. God can heal your mind, heart, and past hurts."
"Wholeness is always attainable. You are a whole and complete person. There's not pieces of you that are missing."
"You're more than your trauma, if you're with me, I can make you whole."
"I believe that a heart can be made whole and complete only by the one who created it."
"The best thing that you can do for anybody is to help them see that they are whole."
"So, instead of 'I'm a half looking for my other half,' complete yourself. Otherwise, it's attachment and craving. If you want to experience love, it's two whole people coming together."
"You're here to help other people connect to those parts of themselves to help other people feel whole."
"No bad parts: embracing all aspects of yourself."
"The more you love yourself, the more whole you become."
"The only thing that'll make you whole is you, you inside, how you treat yourself, how you relate to yourself, how you feel about yourself."
"All that is needed for wholeness, for freedom, is in the now."
"Doesn't need tools. It's already wholeness. It's already Perfection. It's already boundless."
"As the word of God is delivered, we are going to become whole."
"All parts of you deserve love, not just the parts of you that you are proud of or not ashamed of."
"Integrity is a person who is intact, who is whole, who is complete."
"You're on a journey to wholeness."
"To truly grasp what is, it's not an easy task. You cannot hide nor project it out. What is must be reflected upon. Wholeness is a heavy load to bear."
"...a good relationship with your father can bring complete wholeness to your life."
"We will be whole, not just healed."
"If you feel wholeness, it's impossible for you to want. How can you want when you're whole? When you're whole, you feel like you have everything."
"You are not defined by those moments in your childhood, and regardless of the splitting, you are not meant to be split. You are meant to be a healed and whole human being."
"It wasn't until I was finally single at 62 that I began to feel whole, to feel that I was where I was supposed to be."
"Wholehearted love also acknowledges and prioritizes the wholeness of both people, which obviously I do."
"The only person who can truly play is the one who arrives whole."
"You need both your masculine energy and feminine energy. We are whole complete beings."
"The number one thing is becoming whole like you're whole you love yourself and that's what you're gonna attract because if you're single that's the number one thing you can't attract whole if you're not whole."
"Embrace the unlived life within us to become more whole."
"It's not number one for him, it is whole for him and it is the capacity of your soul to hold whole in your soul and actually use it not as a number but as a consciousness."
"You go in peace, you go in wholeness."
"Salvation means not only of your soul but of everything to do with you."
"You can get completely well and be whole."
"I just want to be whole, you know? I want, I just want that so bad."
"You will learn to make yourself feel whole."
"Embodying an integration of the male and female element."
"I wish everyone knew that they were whole, beautiful."
"The more 'Shalem' a person is, the more complete he is."
"I declare that you are whole, hale, and hearty in Jesus' name."