
Information Age Quotes

There are 184 quotes

"The more we've gone into the internet age, the harder it is to find the truth."
"In an age of information, ignorance is a choice."
"In an age of information, ignorance really is a choice."
"We are living in the age of information but we have more compromised people than we have ever seen in any time. Sad."
"This time right now is the age of information, and in an age of information, ignorance is actually a choice."
"We're living in the age of big data, where we have more access to data than ever before."
"Turing is one of the handful of men who opened the doors to the information age."
"In this age of information, you can't always trust everything you see."
"We're in an interesting time, there's so much information available to everybody, but it's never more important that we become more discerning about the sources of the information that we consume."
"In the age of information, simple [ __ ] becomes really complicated when everyone is incentivized to hop on social media."
"The modern information age would require another idea, one that would finally pin down the nature of information and its relationship to the order and disorder of the universe."
"The current institutional system cannot keep up with the information economy."
"Despite the sum of human knowledge being available to everybody essentially for free..."
"Decentralized knowledge because I think that's what we have here on the interwebs."
"This is not going to go away. This is huge, especially in the age of information."
"We live in the information age which means that the protection of our personal data and information is of the utmost importance."
"The 21st century is the age of information, and I love that I can access a world of information and more with such ease."
"Ignorance cannot be cool in the age of information."
"The development of artificial intelligence brought the Guardians into an Information Age."
"We're living in the information age, okay? We're living in the age of light speed telecommunications and what that means is the faster they are the faster they fall."
"We've undone it because the new kinds of roles that people play of providing information to giant algorithms so that they can automate things we've suddenly decided that's just too easy we're not going to pay people for it."
"It feels like we're on the cusp of an information Dark Ages again."
"In the age of information, ignorance is a choice."
"In a world where so much personal information is so readily accessible online, the security and privacy of that information becomes so much more important."
"In the age of information, being ignorant is a choice!"
"The age of information is gonna be the difference between whether we survive or whether we become some kind of [expletive] up dystopia."
"It's very hard to sell lies to an entire population that is so interconnected that they will spot lies right away."
"The biggest universal power nowadays is money and information. Way stronger than ultra instinct."
"We're kind of in that next information revolution."
"We're part of an experiment, never before has information been so accessible."
"Information is being communicated and spread quicker than ever before."
"Now that you are able to have access to all the knowledge... it's available to you now."
"It's such a strange time to be alive where all this stuff is coming together, all this information is being exposed."
"I love the age of information that we're in right now because there's so much access to information about saving, about investing, about growing your wealth."
"It blows my mind just how much crazy stuff is out there, just the magnitude of everything."
"We've never lived in a more dynamic time than the present when the view from below can be instantly available."
"We live in an incredible age where almost unlimited information is accessible to just about anybody."
"Cyberpunk was literature's first real response to the information age."
"We're in an age of Maximum information, minimal truth."
"We are living in the digital Dark Ages."
"The information age isn't just the thing that we've been talking about for 50 years and is 50 years."
"Social movements in the information age are essentially mobilized around cultural values."
"We're living in a great era in terms of the ability to know everything."
"In an Information Age, the image is better expressed not as hegemony or king of the mountain, but being in the center of a circle."
"You guys live in a very good time, 'cause you have access to more information in one day than people in the Middle Ages had in their entire lives."
"Unlike any other era in the history of the world, we have immediate access to things that are happening all over the place."
"The flow of information has increased, yet we've become more authoritarian."
"Anyone can publish anything about anything at this point especially with AI."
"We have so much power at our fingertips now with the internet, with all of the information that is so readily available to us."
"When you measure the number of bits that are supposedly transmitted through the world's communication networks, that number grows exponentially."
"The democratization of information through the internet. There's no secrets anymore, it's just who do you want to hang out with really?"
"We live in a time where you have access to all the information you could ever want... you can access it for free."
"The internet made information free, abundant, and ubiquitous."
"Humanity has inevitably consumed information about our worlds that isn't true because it suits our biases, and that is especially true in the Modern Age where we suffer a deluge of incorrect information on a daily basis."
"The material world is becoming redundant... and the increasing dominance of the information landscape is becoming the primary basis for our reality."
"The best way of understanding human beings today is as information organisms."
"Although we seem to live in an age of information, it is just as easily distorted by rumor and moral panics and conspiracy theories as Henry's age."
"Like everyone else these days, I don't know exactly what we did before Google, but it clearly wasn't worth doing."
"Remember, we live in the information age."
"We need to realize we're the first generation that's had this kind of information available to us."
"In the information age you have like AI you can ask it any question you've got."
"We're in the age of information now, but soon we'll enter an age of energy."
"There's the potential for public-private partnerships in building the public goods of the information age."
"The world is now turned into information."
"Strengthening individuals' abilities to handle and filter information is now a civilizational imperative in a context of existential risk."
"That's the era that we're in. It's Information Age right now."
"Computer networks: a foundational aspect of the information age."
"Reebok's in an interesting position because these kids have more access to information and are more business savvy than any group of NBA players ever."
"We're now in the 21st century in the information age and information moves around the world at the touch of a button."
"This is the great so-called age of discovery. It's also the great age of text."
"People are becoming more societally conscious as the world becomes more globalized and the information age takes on maturity."
"We live in a world where information is becoming more freely available."
"And our connectedness is in the data data is the currency."
"Data is the new wealth, data is the new gold."
"The brilliant thing is access to the world's knowledge has never been more easy."
"The rise of technology is going to lead to completely different types of storytelling, of information."
"Nowadays all the information is online."
"We live in a world of information now, and there's a difference between accessing big data and experiencing it."
"In the information age, there's so much amazing information out there."
"We live in the so-called Information Age, information is the most important resource of our era."
"The sum of all facts available has never been larger than in our days."
"It's the age of information, literally."
"Doing the research, you can get the network because especially in this information age, social media, you can network really quickly."
"In the information age, ignorance is a choice."
"We live in the edge of information, most people have in their pocket a device that can give them any piece of information in the world."
"We live in the age of information."
"We have entered a wondrous new age, the age of information."
"Living in this age of information, a communications revolution."
"We live in a constantly changing world, where the speed of information is changing how we think and act and connect with one another."
"The world is changing faster and faster, which I think is due to the acceleration of information flow in the modern world."
"The level of globalization fostered by the information revolution is altogether unprecedented in human history."
"We all have access to the knowledge now; it's about what to do with that knowledge."
"We live in an information age where information overmatch may be more relevant to victory and defeat than tactical kinetic overmatch like tanks and airplanes."
"We're living in a data-intensive world."
"We live in an age where the internet makes information, education, and inspiration available to almost everyone."
"We're living in an extremely unusual time where information is so available... anybody can do it right now."
"In the last hundred years, especially since the dawning of the information age, government statistics have become an important part of how we read our well-being."
"The ability to share information and ideas almost instantaneously has changed everything about us."
"In the Information Age, the true wealth of nations lies in people's ability to create, to communicate, to innovate."
"In today's world of ubiquity of information, you have no excuses not to know how to do something for yourself."
"We are moving into what I call the age of intelligence, moving out of the information age to the intelligence age."
"In the modern world, everybody wants to get information immediately, but I guarantee if you're going to watch all 15 minutes of this video, it will save you a lot of years."
"We live in the information era, so if we expect to ever get through to the youth and sit down, we have to understand the way they process, take in information and things like that."
"We're in this age of information where a lot of truths are coming out to light."
"We're in a really special time where there's a lot of information available to us to learn from."
"Data is the new currency; it's all about the data."
"It's really crazy that it works like this, you know, it's like the Information Age."
"We are in the age of information... it's easy to find the good helpful information."
"It definitely does look like there is an informational Renaissance of freedom of truth of Liberty."
"It is a Google world; you could go look them up."
"We live in an era where we can do this, because we have access to this information like never before."
"It was a powerful reminder: in this Information Age, one of your greatest strengths -- in our case, our ability to communicate to a wide range of supporters through the Internet -- could also be one of your greatest vulnerabilities."
"I am a living, thinking entity who was created in the sea of information."
"Information is power. We are living in the 21st century; with the right information, a lot of miracles can happen to a man."
"The information revolution of the last few decades has unlocked remarkable potential for organizing our social lives."
"The age of information is what we're going into."
"This is the era of communication, this is the era of information."
"We live in the information age; everybody can educate and improve themselves."
"We live at an incredible point in history of this information revolution."
"In this age of information, ignorance is a choice."
"In the information age, knowledge is the ultimate leverage."
"We're in the knowledge age, we're in the information age right now."
"Educate yourself well; importantly, we are in an information age where you can easily get all the information that you need."
"With the tools of the Information Age, we look forward to a richer, longer, more interesting life."
"Computers and communication merging to form the systems of the Information Age."
"People don't want more information in the information age; anytime there's an oversaturation, the value goes down. What do they want? Strategy, support, systems."
"So much of our Information Age began right here, at Stanford."
"We live in a media age, an age in which we get almost all of our information either from television or from the internet."
"Ameritech is helping residential customers realize the benefits of the information age."
"It's in the age of information, ignorance is a choice."
"It's incredible how much information is available now and how far we've come."
"This is the pinnacle of what is possible today, and no time before now has this kind of information ever been available."
"We now live in the richest information age in history but also the most poverty-stricken when it comes to understanding where we are, where we came from, and how we got here."
"Knowledge and data are increasing exponentially."
"In my opinion, this age of so much information, the lack of information is entertainment."
"The birth of information technology."
"In a world where models can generate infinite content, knowledge becomes actually very very valuable."
"The information age or the advent of the information age, 50% of the population on the planet is supposed to be connected by the internet by 2017 alone."
"We need to be honest because we are in an age of information."
"We're living in the information age, where we generate so much information, so much data by virtue of interaction with computers and with each other over the internet."
"We live in an information age, you can make money on about anything these days."
"We live in the information age, and it's absolutely true that digital technology of our age allows us to communicate instantaneously."
"We live in an information age but all we got is a bunch of information, we don't have no wisdom, bruh."
"...how much more important is knowledge in this age of information?"
"This year we will generate more data than all the previous years summed together."
"Midway through the 90s, there was a greater emphasis on making our civilization an age of information by making knowledge readily available."
"First world societies are no longer industrial societies but information societies."
"We live in the information age where knowledge about this stuff has never been more accessible. Equip yourself."
"It's what powers the information age."
"You have the power to create your own destiny right now in this information age."
"It's one of the great modern Information Age breakthroughs in the way that cities control themselves and shape themselves."
"We live in a different age now where you can find and seek out the information."
"We live in an Information Age, a single piece of paper is more powerful than ever."
"Alas, we live in the information age, where it's hard to know what to believe."
"The shift from the industrial area to the information area in one word 'globalization'."