
Information Literacy Quotes

There are 83 quotes

"The importance of not spreading dangerous misinformation."
"Read a bunch of different things from a bunch of different sources and where they cross is probably the set of fact."
"It's really important to diversify your information streams for anything in life, whether it be the news, politics, feedback, your work environment, your relationships."
"Misinformation is information that can easily be countered and should be easily countered with actual provable fact."
"Take in all information and then filter out the shit that's not real and keep the real stuff."
"The greatest check on misinformation is good information."
"We don't need more information, we need the ability to sift through the information to tell the difference between reliable and unreliable information."
"The only thing that you can really do to make sure that you get accurate information is to read as much as possible and then decide based on all of that information where the middle ground lies."
"The more people understand, the better equipped they'll be with information to make up their own minds."
"If you truly want to know more, consult good research by legitimate experts."
"The solution to pinpointing what is truthful information and what is misinformation can be accomplished by you knowing anything that is easily accessible is questionable."
"It's going to be hard to sort out the disinformation, so I do think that people should start looking for trusted sources of information."
"You need more facts, more clarity, more information."
"And as long as you know how and when to use it appropriately, Wikipedia can be a great friend."
"Mastering critical thinking, adaptability, and information literacy is essential for becoming an effective learner in the modern world."
"Understanding where information came from helps us to understand if it’s reliable."
"For every person that tells you Wikipedia is a worthless starting point for research..."
"Thanks for helping people separate fact from fiction."
"You have to do your own research and know your own facts and decide for yourself."
"In a day and age where information is so readily available, there is little to no excuse to not fact check your claims."
"Words can be manipulative. Always take a step back and check the information to verify what you're reading."
"Instead Wikipedia is an excellent starting point a surface level summary of The Facts stay away from all these political pages and look deeper into the sources they give that's where the real value of the site is."
"Knowing how to find information is infinitely more important and valuable than actually having it."
"Geopolitical conflicts are happening around the world today and it's up to all of us to stay informed and seek out the best information possible."
"You shouldn't just trust me on this one. I think you should download and read this document yourself."
"The best thing you can do is start applying heightened scrutiny to all information."
"We're up against some big forces, and social media can be used for good, but we need to be more informed."
"Propaganda bad, ideology bad, information good, critical thinking good, objectivity good, spin bad, narrative coercion bad."
"We have to stop mistaking googling for research."
"In today's world of fake news misinformation, what we all need are credible sources."
"Read the books, not some sort of screenshot from Twitter."
"The best way to combat bad information is good information."
"Read a little bit, understand, interrogate the agenda, be so informed that when you address millions of people, make sure that you're not just part of a conspiracy theory."
"It's very important as you're reviewing information to see is there real is there really a cause-and-effect relationship here is there a mechanism."
"There is a wealth of information out there if you're willing to just go to the effort of researching it."
"People have to start having consumer awareness about information."
"We're in this new era where we pretty much have to learn how to decipher which is valuable and valid information, and what's not."
"We don't understand how to verify truth in anything."
"Access to different information and learning to process it reliably is key."
"Make the distinction between information and data."
"You really gotta stop repeating stuff you see on social media as your own thoughts."
"Knowing how to Google well, knowing how to find the answers, that's most of the time."
"Learning how to use Google effectively is very, very important."
"I think it's incredibly important to get the most informed picture of what information you're consuming."
"Just because you read something doesn't mean it's true."
"As a librarian, finding quality information. No, not everything is available on the internet let alone the world wide web and your ability to search even that is awful."
"We need to be more discerning, more truthful, and more responsible about the information we absorb and repeat."
"Do your research... don't just go to one source."
"Ground news believes in giving people the tools to better understand where they get their information."
"Knowing how to Google is a huge one."
"The 21st-century doctor is going to be somebody who is skilled at helping people think critically about the information, understand what's good, what's bad, how things relate to each other."
"Beyond waiting for me to make a video to address things that you've heard online, the best thing you can do for yourself is to actually hop onto the source and find out that information for yourself."
"We're going to need a lot of education to help people understand how to look at information online."
"Critical thinking is fundamentally the process by which you go about evaluating the information that you're receiving and you're evaluating it in terms of its truthfulness and its value overall."
"The goal is to empower individuals to ask simple questions to determine the credibility of information."
"Be critical in the way that we look at the information we receive."
"You need to know where your data is coming from."
"It's very important that you understand how to find the information you're looking for."
"When you are trying to find specific information in a text, there are a few steps that you can take to help locate the information quickly and efficiently."
"What does it mean to be a skeptic? What does it mean to understand information and trust that information?"
"Stop believing everything that you hear, read, or see without factual informational proof."
"Ultimately it may be up to you to be your own disinformation detective."
"I read the information, I followed it precisely, and had no difficulties."
"The general mental hygiene of being able to navigate a question and find reliable information and answers is a crucial life skill nowadays."
"We have to become better curators of our own information."
"Every research question needs to start with a search, and becoming competent in using online search engines is imperative to that skill."
"We all have to be very careful what we believe in the media and what we read."
"You cannot be lazy consumers of information."
"Be mindful of the source and the type of information that you're being exposed to."
"These days it is more important than ever to fact check the information you see online and to know the biases of online news sources."
"There's a lot of good information but there is some misinformation out there, everybody's an expert."
"We have to teach people how to actually look for credible, reliable information."
"Never assume that because you read something in one place that that is the truth."
"It's not really important or relevant to make students memorize facts; it's more important for them to know how to find the information and to evaluate that information to see if it's important, if it's reliable."
"Think critically about the information you come across online."
"Please, please, please consider where you get your information from because there's so much information out there that is just complete and utter nonsense."
"Please find a reliable source of information."
"...when news reaches you, do not pass it on; verify what the information that you have received is in fact correct."