
Misinformation Quotes

There are 4123 quotes

"The importance of not spreading dangerous misinformation."
"We're not just overfed and undernourished, but a lot of foods that we're told are healthy are in fact loaded with anti-nutrients that strip our bodies of vital minerals."
"One of the hopeful things that I discovered is that nearly every war that has started in the past 50 years has been a result of media lies."
"We won't solve the climate crisis unless we solve the misinformation crisis."
"I'm not Russian... but it was obvious to me that we were being lied to in ways that were just it was crazy the scale of lies."
"I think the media is a driver of misinformation much more than the media would like to admit that they are."
"It used to be said that a lie can get around the world before the truth can get its boots on, but today we're often seeing the opposite happen."
"We're worth more when we're addicted, distracted, outraged, polarized, and disinformed than if we're a living thriving citizen."
"Some things are being said that are simply not true and they are not fair."
"More information does not equal a more informed population."
"One of the hopeful things that I've discovered is that nearly every war that has started in the past 50 years has been a result of media lies."
"Our online feeds and recommendations can quickly funnel us into echo chambers in which unqualified opinion is magnified over facts."
"The danger isn't so much Birdie and others like her speaking without thought; the danger is when we as a collective mistake that speech without thought for the truth."
"Please take this seriously... we don't yet have a way to filter the information, misinformation, and disinformation with which we are all being bombarded."
"If you're trying to put out the fires of conspiracy theories, you don't do it by chucking a load of gasoline onto the fire."
"The general public and hell, many YouTubers are grossly uninformed and misinformed about these systems."
"It doesn't matter that these things aren't true, everyone just believes that you are the type of person who manipulates and abuses children."
"In that phone call, she literally says to Jessie that she knows Jessie never said that, that's just like a narrative that was run with by the internet."
"Only education is going to turn that around."
"Greenwashing is the process of conveying a false impression or providing misleading information about how a company's products are more environmentally sound."
"False claim: COVID-19 vaccines are linked to spike in cancer cases. Fact check: well, they've already fact-checked it, they say it's false. Vaccines are not causing cancer."
"Maybe after all this, we will have a movement back to being data-driven, evidence-based, and not allow for the misinformation to propagate."
"The more that you repeat a lie, the more that the lie becomes the truth."
"It's much easier and quicker to make up bullshit than it is to rebut it."
"The illusory truth effect... describes how when we hear the same false information repeated again and again, we often come to believe that it is true."
"If you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the truth."
"Sadly, as with COVID, there is a lot of misinformation flying around right now online."
"To spread misinformation about an already very stigmatized mental health issue is so wrong."
"It's okay to be open about your mental health and your struggles, but it's not okay to misinform people about a mental illness."
"If people use their right to free speech to spread misinformation which leads demonstrably to harm of innocent people, that would be an element of our free speech which we must excise in order to preserve the value of free speech itself."
"It's important to know that it's not perfect and may sometimes give bias or outright incorrect information."
"Don't believe everything that you see on the internet."
"If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed. If you do read it, you're misinformed."
"I don't believe for one moment that a lie spreads quicker than the truth. Once there's something about the truth, even if you don't know if you're hearing it, it resonates on a deep level."
"The ease with which people can market falsehoods because of the new tools is dangerous."
"Cable news is ripping us apart, dividing the country, making it impossible to function as a society, and making it impossible to know just what is true and what is false."
"There is already a platform that spreads misinformation way faster than Twitter ever could, and that's called TikTok."
"82.6% of facts you hear on the internet are completely made up."
"A lot of the questions show that there is a lot of misinformation, a lot of stigma about disability and intimacy."
"There's a whole group of people in America who believe that a culture of free speech and discussion is really about power differentials and preventing people who are dispossessed from speaking. That's an absolute lie."
"We're going to learn a lot about the inner workings of the media and why we experience lies and manipulation."
"The Electronic Frontier Foundation called the bill flawed and misguided, arguing that the measure would make the government an advisory group responsible for deciding what is true and what is false."
"Empower ourselves with accurate information; there's been too much misinformation spreading around, and as we expected, it's cultivating fears and leading to racial profiling."
"Mr. House's narrative following the encounter was entirely misleading, and this interaction is a prime example of why you shouldn't take videos like his Instagram post at face value."
"The entire post-truth world we live in... is becoming more and more strengthened with social media."
"Misinformation means a foreign government is putting out false information in order to bamboozle or hoodwink Americans."
"The more you rely on social media for your news, the more likely you are to be prone to this dynamic where you're not only failing to identify fake news as fake but the factual information as true."
"There is so much misinformation that exists in media today everywhere."
"People will read a headline, they didn't learn anything, and that's their opinion from now on."
"In an environment like this, the truth can be easily lost."
"As big tech firms wrestle with how to keep false and harmful information off their social networks, the Supreme Court is wrestling with whether platforms like Facebook and Twitter, now called X, have the right to decide what users can say on their sites."
"And the spread of misinformation has real consequences."
"Misinformation is the number one most toxic aspect of all the conversations that happen online today."
"Slander is a term that is widely misused by the general population on the internet."
"We appear to be driving ourselves crazy, actually crazy, as in incapable of coming into contact with reality, unable to distinguish fact from fiction."
"The amount of misinformation in the air, the degree to which even serious people seem to be ruled by false assumptions and non sequiturs, is just astonishing."
"Misinformation is information that can easily be countered and should be easily countered with actual provable fact."
"Misinformation can substantially impede the effectiveness of public health response measures, increase societal discord, reduce trust in governments, leaders, and responders, and increase stigmatization."
"The Cold War narrative...much of it was simply untrue, much of the rest was greatly exaggerated."
"Ritter was also the U.N. weapons inspector who broke the news that we found no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, which of course was the entire reason for invading Iraq. That war killed millions of people."
"Social media...means that you can be instantly lied to, instantly manipulated, data could be instantly manufactured. There's no effort."
"The National Security Council has admitted that they have deliberately declassified intelligence information so it can be released to the public even though they know the intelligence information being released is wrong, inaccurate."
"This misinformation, this misguided information, has been the number one contributor to chronic disease, the number one contributor to pain and suffering."
"Meanwhile, the tobacco industry actively spread misinformation and propaganda in an attempt to keep their product and businesses alive while their customers unknowingly risk their health with every puff. It's the epitome of profits over people."
"Met with the information that their products were causing a massive health epidemic in the 1960s, the industry responded not with concern, apologies or any effort to rectify the situation, but instead with a massive push to mislead consumers and deny their part in causing hundreds of thousands of people to lose their lives."
"There's just a lot of misinformation out there and a lot of people saying that we're fear-mongering."
"Misinformation leads to more misinformation. It's a cycle that continues unless broken with correct information and understanding."
"I don't think every time you look at the number of people in American society that unironically believe the craziest, most bat[expletive] conspiracy theories... there's a ton of like bunk like horrible information out there that's totally [expletive] fake."
"We don't actually have true and false anymore, we have like opinion, and opinion is the greatest enemy to the truth."
"The greatest check on misinformation is good information."
"Those who don't read the news are uninformed, and those who do read the news are misinformed."
"Until we find a better way of managing social media, there's no penalty for people making up whatever they want."
"Imagine if people made up lies about you, and they attack you based on those lies, and they don't know the real you."
"Particularly Americans have the wrong data about money. There is financial misinformation in the marketplace that is perpetuated by the banks and the institutions."
"Propaganda is very sophisticated; it's half-truth, selected truth, and truth out of context."
"These were the folks who tackled misinfo, contextualized conversations... and helped make Twitter an unmatched source for breaking news."
"Anti-vaccination misinformation preys on people's fears."
"Fake news, yellow journalism, and propaganda have been around for a long time."
"The American people are being constantly lied to and misled by their government about issues that involve your taxpayer money and your national security."
"The mainstream media in this country overwhelmingly is deceptive and is lying to us."
"Misinformation is a catchphrase used by people in power to discredit people who disagree with them."
"I personally get really irritated by the misunderstanding around Planet X and the fear mongering around it because we don't need to waste our energy on such trivia, such illusion, because we have real problems."
"Deep fakes are not going to be overt fake videos. They're going to be real press conferences where they tweak one word very slightly."
"What worries me most... is just the spread of misinformation, especially nutritional information."
"Misinformation spread about individuals' pasts is often used to justify their unjust treatment."
"Social media and all these platforms give people the illusion that you have the freedom to lie."
"If you get your news from memes on Facebook, you're probably going to be misinformed."
"The greatest crime of the mainstream media is lies by omission."
"Please do not believe everything that you will read on the Internet."
"Spreading false information can have consequences."
"We want every platform to continue doing more to call out misinformation and disinformation, while also uplifting accurate information."
"To continue to Gaslight Americans into thinking that this is not happening is unacceptable."
"There is absolutely no scientific evidence or truth behind the concern that COVID-19 vaccines somehow interfere with fertility either in men or in women."
"There's so much misinformation generally about the immigration situation all over Europe."
"Putin's campaign of misinformation should be tackled."
"The media has the power to misinform, to keep ignorant, to distract, and to utterly lie."
"The president didn't care about actually investigating the facts; he just wanted the Department of Justice to put its stamp of approval on the lies."
"Those who say the election was affected by widespread voter fraud are lying. They were lying in 2020, they were lying in 2021, and indeed, they are lying today."
"Beware of false knowledge; it is much more dangerous than ignorance."
"Exxon, for example, projected climate change pretty accurately since at least 1982. They just kept doing what they were doing, hid the data, and enacted a campaign of misinformation."
"Misinformation spreads six times faster than truth."
"Misinformation is one of the biggest instigators of evil right now."
"You only use about 10% of your brain...however, 100% of your brain is used in total over time."
"Labeling a speech misinformation does not strip it of its First Amendment protection."
"The biggest purveyors of misinformation during Covid and the Ukraine war have been the official narratives."
"Lies and errors go right around the world by the time truth is still putting on its shoes."
"Doctors don't get taught much about nutrition, but the real problem is that the little we do get taught is mostly wrong."
"Because when you make statements like 'Apples are horrible,' 'The worst thing you could do for your mitochondria is a fruit smoothie,' it's not just taking a little bit of liberty with the information, it's truly misleading people to make bad decisions for their health."
"There's a bigger scam going on, which is you being presented with directly targeted social media content every single day."
"We didn't know of one single atrocity committed by the Cubans; it was pure raw false propaganda."
"The fabric of society is at risk if people are going to AI and asking it for things and it's lying."
"We sow hatred of others fueled by what we think is true or what we want to be true, without regard to what is true."
"This entire speech and video are not real and were created using deep learning and artificial intelligence."
"I think that some people contribute in very cancerous ways to public conversation where they're either intentionally disingenuous or they're spreading misinformation."
"Shine a light on misleading video editing tricks that people use."
"I will be explaining the origins of a baseless phenomenon in our modern society that can be linked to the direct cause for families being torn apart, public misinformation and irrational fearmongering, and children, needlessly dying at the hands of irresponsible parents."
"It's easier to cram large numbers of lies into a short space and deceive people than it is to cram large numbers of truths."
"Should we let machines flood our information channels with propaganda and untruth? Should we automate away all the jobs, including the fulfilling ones?"
"If you believe the lies that you espouse to be the truth, then you're not really lying, you're just misinformed."
"Misinformation can also spread very quickly online, so it's important for people to check sources and to do a lot of their own analysis."
"Information accuracy is crucial so that people don't believe dumb stuff."
"The lie can go halfway across the internet before the truth puts his boots on."
"To speak of the Federal Republic's economic dependence on Moscow to a degree large enough to affect foreign policy indicates ignorance or malice." - Helmut Schmidt, 1980.
"We need to teach people how to think critically and how to look through misinformation and spot it and understand."
"What we're trying to undo is decades, almost half a century, of misinformation, of over-dramatization, and of just straight-up lying."
"Prince Harry said the misinformation is a global humanitarian crisis affecting everyone, not just in America."
"It won't be long until doctors are diagnosing people suffering from misinformation."
"Classic adage about how falsehoods can circulate endlessly, but at some point, reality bursts through the facade."
"Misinformation is a global humanitarian crisis."
"Critical race theory has essentially become a stand-in for any discussion of racial inequality or the history of racism in America, which is why it is not at all surprising that Rufo's claims about critical race theory are either entirely misrepresentative or outright lies."
"What is crazy is that misinformation is still everywhere."
"When you are a person of power or prominence and you're using your position to disseminate the ugliest, the stupidest, the most idiotic lies... those people are revolting."
"Five days later, on October 19, 51 former Intel officials signed a letter stating the Biden laptop story has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation, something that was absolutely false."
"At this very moment, more people are fighting for the opportunity to lie to you than perhaps any other point in human history."
"In a 2018 study by MIT, it was found that falsehoods are 70% more likely to get retweeted on Twitter than truth."
"Never stop learning. There are a lot of sources out there that not just fact check but provide information on media literacy and misinformation."
"The more certain stories get amplified that end up turning out to not be true, the less that people are going to believe the real victims that are actually speaking out."
"This discovery stands as a testament to the enduring power of truth, shattering the towers of misinformation and prompting a reevaluation of the stories we tell ourselves about the past."
"Because right now, there's a lot of uncertainty out there, a lot of misinformation out there."
"I think there should be more accountability for the dumb [expletive] that people spread."
"All of the demonization of meat and... the propaganda you've been sold... she makes the point in this interview that Netflix documentaries give a perspective that may not be completely accurate."
"Marty lied about the circumstances regarding the Doom Eternal soundtrack and used disinformation and innuendo to blame me entirely for its failure."
"I lived in a vortex of misinformation, of gaslighting, of division and fear-mongering, otherwise known as Fox News."
"Wake up, smell the roses, and stop falling for all the misinformation and crap around you."
"False claims that COVID-19 vaccine producers skipped animal trials due to the animals dying have resurfaced online. Pfizer, BioNTech, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson conducted these trials and had no significant safety concerns to report."
"Republicans will just keep lying over and over again as though it's happening all the goddamn time."
"Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe claimed at a press conference that gun violence kills 93 million Americans per day. Yes, really."
"Half of Americans now believe that news organizations deliberately mislead them."
"The truth matters, and hiding information and stating a lie over and over again does not make it true."
"If you don't put the other side when there is such a big other side, you are misinforming the public. Period. That's just propaganda at that point."
"Lies make their way around the entire world before the truth even puts its shoes on."
"I want to make it very clear, don't do this, okay? Please do not wrap yourself in plastic and try to sweat out weight. It's incredibly dangerous."
"This is, in essence, the clear and present danger that PragerU poses."
"The best way of dealing with misinformation is with more information, with more speech."
"While there is no constitutional value in false statements of fact, such erroneous statements are nevertheless inevitable in free debate."
"Misinformation will inevitably come around; you need to be resistant to it, you need to understand it and be able to spot it and question information when you see it."
"Misinformation is the outright statement of false information."
"We know Putin lied when he said he wasn't preparing to invade Ukraine, and we are confident that Russia is willing to lie to try to justify their invasion."
"85 percent of Americans say social media makes it easier to manipulate people with misinformation."
"A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is still putting on its shoes."
"Educate our people with the absolute truth concerning our history and debunking many lies that have been told to us as children."
"There has never been any evidence demonstrated that any social media platform specifically biases themselves against conservatives. It has never been demonstrated, not once."
"Falsehood flies, and the truth comes limping after it."
"Our greatest enemy right now is not the virus itself; it's fear, rumours, and stigma, and our greatest assets are facts, reason, and solidarity."
"The president's view is that the major platforms have a responsibility related to the health and safety of all Americans to stop amplifying untrustworthy content, disinformation, and misinformation."
"Obviously wrong-headed ideas are spreading like wildfire because people are effectively afraid to acknowledge that they don't agree."
"There is a lot of noise coming from all directions with claims and counter-claims, and within all of that noise, the truth can often get lost."
"The tragedy is that educated, well-intentioned people have been so inundated with smears, with slander, with total falsehoods about Democrats that they would vote for Trump again."
"Pulitzer Prize-winning journalists are competing for space with some dude who's just making stuff up, basically."
"The term 'the woozle effect' has been used to describe a situation where a claim is made with little or no supporting evidence...until you have a chain of citations that simply reference each other as a sourceable material without ever actually presenting any credible evidence."
"If you don't really follow news, if you don't really do any investigating for yourself, you probably believe insane nonsense."
"I would caution you, please, don't be listening to factual information from social media."
"Religious freedom is a right that every single person should be allowed to enjoy, but we cannot let this red herring of religious freedom... be used as an excuse to misinform our children or to not inform them at all."
"Misinformation is still misinformation. I have to own that and take accountability."
"I think there are a number of ways to combat misinformation. One of them is accurate information and truth and data."
"When someone spreads misinformation and attempts to deflect criticism or accountability by providing excuses or alternative reasoning, it is often referred to as gaslighting."
"I reject a system which allows an ambitious, misinformed, and dogmatic mob to suppress free speech, create false narratives, and steamroll over the truth."
"If you tell a lie long enough, people will come to believe it."
"There's a lot of misinformation over what's actually going to cause a housing market crash. In this video, I'm going to go argument by argument and provide facts to justify my response."
"Vaccines... there's so many wackos out there who think that vaccines are a scam."
"When we're constantly on the internet looking at things, it's very easy to see something and immediately look at it as fact because we saw it on the internet. But the truth of the matter is, not everything that we see on the internet is true."
"The real spreader of misinformation wasn't the Russian government but the U.S government itself."
"There's something you know about personally, let's say you're an expert in a field, and you see a news story about it, and you know that that's wrong, that news story."
"There's a lot of misinformation, conspiracy theories out there about the coronavirus... they are nothing but distractions."
"If you believe things when you hear them, you're in a very dangerous place."
"In the end, it's all about facing challenges together as a team, whether it's battling Pokémon or traversing Ultra Wormholes."
"He's done more to change the world than anybody I can think of."
"Misinformation is spreading in our city fast, so I'm going to need you to take what I'm about to say at face value and believe it."
"The goal is to make everybody feel so overwhelmed that they simply don't know what's true anymore."
"Donald Trump has taken the truth and totally bastardized it so there is no more truth."
"Was it really North Korea or was it someone else?"
"These days, it's getting harder and harder to tell what's real and what's fake."
"Just because you see something online, does not make it true."
"It's a scary place where the zone is flooded with a lot of falsehoods."
"Despite numerous debunkings, there are still people worldwide who genuinely believe that the Earth is flat."
"Fake news has become a global problem, distorting audiences' understandings of various subjects."
"Activating the third eye brings out great power or possibly great pain if you are somehow caught unprepared." - Unknown
"Climate change is happening, but we're lying about the way to deal with it."
"The lie that somebody will suspend the house is not in order."
"Falsehoods around the Russian collusion... made clear that the foundations of his investigations were bogus."