
Feedback Quotes

There are 14736 quotes

"Seek out real feedback and get yourself around people that are operating on a higher level."
"I appreciate your feedback. I always love your positive, wonderful messages."
"Players give a lot of really fantastic feedback... QA testers... especially in the non-development world, people don't really give QA enough credit."
"Acknowledge people all the time because I've learned over the years it's not good just to focus on the negative and what's not working."
"If you can dish it, you got to be able to take it."
"I genuinely believe the reason I can take the feedback is because when I go into my Instagram post...one will say that I'm walking on water and the next will say that I'm a snake oil salesman charlatan; the fact that neither penetrate my psyche is absolutely where I'm at."
"The more feedback we get from our playtests, the better the game will be!"
"I think it's actually good to get negative feedback."
"Call attention to people's mistakes indirectly."
"The downside of dictatorship is it generally means a poorly run country that has no feedback loops for improvement."
"The David Brafords doing is it's a top to bottom strategic review where you're going to be speaking to people over the last 10 years about everything that's gone wrong."
"This game needed more challenges, and you delivered."
"I'm not above reproach; let me know if I miss step."
"In order to improve, we need some feedback, and it's very useful, very helpful to hear your ideas, hear your opinions about how we can improve."
"We should have spoken with you more and we should have incorporated more of your feedback before announcing our new runtime fee policy."
"Adjust where you're looking for that criticism based on what you can handle."
"Valid criticism is when someone actually gives you feedback, constructive feedback."
"Telling someone what you don't like absolutely will help them improve."
"Notice when you're irked or annoyed by constructive feedback."
"I'm my own worst critic, but having read the criticism I get every day, that's clearly not the case."
"Hatred is not facing the truth. If you really faced it and accepted it, there would be an acceptance there, a surrender to the truth... and then a sort of peace and love would actually come from that, not a hatred."
"Feedback can be so painful to integrate because it's so profoundly true and other people can see things about you that you can't see about yourself."
"The survey is to improve the Huberman Lab podcast according to your feedback."
"The comments, the feedback, which was so overwhelmingly positive, I think that was the start of the idea that brutal honesty has some sort of healing power to it."
"I love reading the patron comments and the messages more than anything else. It's personalized messages."
"The moment you start seeing feedback in your life, you're going to believe more that you're the creator of your life and less of the victim of your life."
"The importance of player feedback and ideas that come from the community, I can't stress enough."
"This was a good chapter, man; this was a really, really good chapter."
"Feedback is how you get better. No feedback, no improvement."
"Try to get feedback from someone who speaks that language. You can make mistakes day and night, but if they're never corrected, they do you no good."
"Feedback is an integral part of the language acquisition process. Encourage friends and language partners to correct your speaking any time, all the time."
"Feedback allows us to see in our blind spots."
"This is what we need, EA, this is what we want. We want good things like this."
"If you get consistent feedback of what people don't like, you better take that seriously."
"Thank you so much for all of your feedback so far. I've been getting some amazing questions from you all."
"Feedback is very important, and you're going to fail without it."
"I also look at proportions, like if I put up a YouTube video, I actually attend to likes versus dislikes."
"I am a huge believer in getting good positive feedback."
"You take the feedback; some of it is valid, some of it's not, and you just have to be an adult, stay calm."
"You're actually creating it; every time you get feedback, a breadcrumb from the universe, it's convincing you that you are the creator of your life."
"Humans probably aren't used to getting so much feedback about so many things in their life at all points of your life. It's just a very inhuman thing to be a part of."
"Life is always whispering feedback to you; if you don't listen, it will have to scream it in your face."
"A very important lesson in life is how to take feedback. You can incorporate that and what constructive feedback is."
"The appropriate response is wow, look what you did well, here's what you could improve on."
"Every single thing I say in this video, every bit of criticism, I want it thrown back in my face."
"Pain is not your enemy. It is absolutely perfect feedback."
"There is a very clear difference between constructive criticism and straight-up mean comments."
"I don't hate them, I just wanted your opinion, that's all."
"Negative feedback doesn't have to define us."
"It's nice hearing someone's feedback on something you created."
"Hopefully, these reviews are helping you find better products and helping manufacturers improve their products as well."
"Thank you for the feedback and thank you for the participation in helping us develop this season."
"Thanks so much for your feedback...I look forward to your comments and questions."
"I kept thinking, I'd get feedback on a book from my readers, I'd send it around and I'd be like, 'Wow, there's so much wrong with this book. How about I just write a better one next time that doesn't have all these problems?'"
"You take feedback constructively instead of personally."
"We have a DTR (Define The Relationship) where we ask, 'How have I made you feel loved this week?' and 'What can I do better?'"
"If you want to speak with confidence, there's no better confidence boost than feedback from a native speaker."
"Getting feedback from a native is the best language practice you can get."
"Watching my own recordings helps me improve a lot, but having someone else with more experience taking a look at it would give me lots of useful feedback."
"Pay attention to the feedback you get from the realities you encounter."
"I've learned through the process that just because someone is giving you feedback doesn't mean it's true about you."
"I am beneath, I'm not above anyone. I will take feedback from any human being."
"Don't expect to do it all on your own. You need feedback."
"No matter online or internal, if people complain, they care. The worst thing is that people just don't care about you at all... So, it kind of pushes you to get better."
"I think it's even more fun when you do something that somebody else then uses, even if they whine about it not working. The fact that they used it is part of the reward mechanism."
"Sex is a form of intimacy. Don't be scared to communicate about it because maybe he even has some feedback for you."
"Constructive criticism is valid and important."
"There is no such thing as failure, only feedback."
"The first one who I saw actually was the only person who really pushed back on this."
"Challenge them, make them sweat, and create a system where things aren't working, there's a feedback loop."
"The hardest criticism to deliver is constructive criticism. It's also the most helpful."
"Failure is truly the most information-rich data stream there is."
"Please take this as constructive criticism and hopefully anybody else watching will also learn something from this."
"I am genuinely interested in your constructive thoughts, whether you disagree with me or agree with me."
"Creating a feedback process with your partner is one of the most important steps in establishing a healthy relationship."
"The value of being able to give feedback and receive feedback in a relationship is one of the most important processes that partners can be in."
"I really appreciate how you try very hard to take customer feedback into account and make some changes based on that."
"The more integrity, honesty you bring to your services, the more feedback you'll receive."
"If you did enjoy this challenge, please be sure to let me know by leaving a like and commenting a favorite moment of yours down below."
"The best way to increase your skills is to spend time with people who are better than you, bouncing off ideas and having a feedback system."
"Moving fast is the key to learning. It's like you want to increase the iteration cycle so you can get feedback from the people you serve quickly."
"One thing that's very important is the type of criticism and feedback that you get."
"The type of content you engage in and the things you do will often times dictate the type of feedback that you get."
"Thank you to everyone... your feedback, your passion, and your desire to make the best game possible."
"Staying open to critical feedback and looking at areas where we can learn and do better is an inherent part of culture at 343."
"We will ask for feedback, marry that feedback with our experience and our intuition."
"We want to share all this with you early so that we can get feedback, make changes, and make the game better before we are finally live."
"The world is always giving you feedback on who you are and what you're putting out."
"The feedback became an instrumental tool in selling features to the team."
"My point is, you're going to add feedback to your game anyway, right? So, just front-load some, even if you're going to throw it away."
"I know we're not supposed to care but hearing people go down some stairs being like 'That was way better than I thought it would be' or like 'That was so funny' or 'I can't believe how good that was'... why would I not care about that?"
"What's cool is that I found out after I published my original video, some of the authors of the paper are fans of my videos. So, hi guys, if you're watching."
"The most wonderful thing is that when you take action, you get feedback, which enables you to self-correct."
"Individual players are sending us the same signal: they're playing more frequently and for longer, which is our best indication that we're providing lots of fun."
"The only way to improve is to get feedback because you need an expert to look at it and tell you what you need to do to improve."
"Some of you are going to comment and be like, 'Who asked for this?' Look around, two of the three of you people over the years have asked."
"These products were discontinued for causing pain, fear, and frustration to the people who dare to try them."
"Constructive criticism doesn't belittle people, doesn't name call people."
"I always want to be a better person. I even tell my kids, if I'm doing something wrong, tell me. I want to be better."
"It's amazing and thank you guys so much for all the positive feedback."
"I've seen all the really encouraging, positive comments, and I try to ignore the negative ones, at least the ones that are not constructive criticism."
"It would be revolutionary... that we would receive the feedback with grace, reflect, and seek to change our behavior."
"Intel's response was good; they accepted the feedback, took the criticisms with the praise, and came back with a plan."
"I hope you guys like this video. Let me know which one was your favorite."
"When you write a comment, you inspire us, give us ideas, so we all create content together."
"I really do be listening to what you guys be saying, regardless of how I feel. We're just trying to create the best experience."
"I've gotten a lot of comments from folks about Abby's improved behavior."
"If you're not getting from people what you need, there is some possibility that you're not approaching them in a manner that evokes a positive response."
"If you guys had any tips, leave them in the comments. Constructive criticism is huge."
"Accept the feedback of other people, accept the constructive criticism of other people, grow as a human being and grow towards what you want to be."
"Ask people, 'Here's my portfolio. Would you be willing to take a look? What improvements do you think I can make to make myself more marketable for my first job?'"
"There are only three guarantees in life: death, taxes, and people commenting on YouTube videos telling the creator how to do their job better."
"Back in February I made a string of videos on picture profiles, lots, and grading tips for the Sony cameras, and while the reception of those videos was excellent, many of you did express some concerns dealing with noise, especially with HLG."
"I've got a lot of good feedback on this honesty."
"Thank you to everybody who participated in the survey. The feedback is being considered and evaluated to figure out what changes we should make, if any."
"I want to thank you all for participating. The feedback was great, positive and negative."
"Every single person that I told has come in and said, 'Oh my gosh, I cannot believe what a difference that makes.'"
"I hope you guys all enjoyed. It was a good run. Let me know in the comments down below what I should try next."
"When someone expresses anything vaguely like a criticism... it's something you can change."
"The interaction between the amp and the cabinet and the guitar and how it reacts and how it feeds back... is what makes music interesting."
"Either you hit the notes or you don't, and you should know quickly. There's nothing in the middle."
"I like this a lot, man. This is definitely different. They haven't done anything like this in Genshin yet."
"I love doing your show the last time and um I got a lot of positive feedback, people love you."
"I appreciate people pointing that out so I can grow as a person."
"I appreciate that you don't mean it from a bad place, and I'm not gonna say anything to the company... But I'm just saying to you, in future, just don't say things like that because it is very, very offensive to us."
"Continuous improvement – Constantly steering and tinkering, getting feedback and learning."
"The feedback that you're going to get from your trusted circle of friends and family is going to be critical feedback because those people care about you."
"Feedback is extremely important for this game's smooth development."
"People hide behind 'constructive criticism' while completely ignoring the 'constructive' part."
"Instead of a thumbs up or thumbs down, please leave a comment explaining how you feel about the situation."
"Constructive criticism is the greatest thing that you can ever do for a game if you genuinely care about it."
"And I'm just incredibly proud of all the work we did. And I am dying to see what you think."
"We have constructive criticism, and however they saying it, take heed to it just a little bit so we can perfect what we doing."
"I read through the comments... they have been so incredibly positive. It has meant the entire world to me."
"If nobody ever told me I sucked, I wouldn't know what to work on."
"Keep sending us your feedback, keep sending us the love."
"Truly constructive criticism... both praises and points out areas for improvement."
"I love getting your comments and I do try to respond to them as often as possible."
"I wouldn't go in with a lot of negatives, you know, and assume anything. I would just... never want to put your leader on the defensive."
"We'll be listening closely to your feedback."
"This is what is now happening on a weekly basis: gamers get vocal, gamers put their feedback out there, and companies respond."
"Damn, these had a few problems, but I was loving the designs."
"Thank you forever, by the way, folks. When you see that I do something wrong, shadow me, let me know. I'm more than happy to make the correction."
"Some audiences are not mature enough for honest reviews and for honest feedback."
"Leave some feedback on what you thought about the game. As always, happy wargaming everyone."
"The only way Tesla gets better is if the weaknesses in certain areas are highlighted and people are vocal about what they should be doing to make it better."
"From Software has been absolutely killing it, taking all of our feedback and implementing it almost to a T, giving the fans some of the best support they've ever put out."
"Keep sending us your feedback because it's every day I wake up to your amazing comments and it makes me so happy."
"This project is to act as constructive feedback and start some sort of conversation with the community."
"If you think you're doing a good job at something and someone tells you 'Hey, this is a problem', you should start by listening."
"Let's try to understand what the heck you want here. And a few questions in, the reason why I suspect many of you are getting that kind of pushback that you're talking about, Conor, is perhaps your tone, your delivery, your mannerism, and the way that you're phrasing the question is annoying the hell out of the client."
"After tasting the 'hottest curry in the U.K', Gordon turned to the chef, saying 'Rukan, that is sh*t. Disgusting, worse than disgusting - that is the worst thing I have ever tasted.'"
"Thank you guys so much for watching, please let me know what you think of the ultimates I cooked up today in the comments down below."
"Criticism is a very important thing and it's one of the things that helps us improve the most."
"Everything you guys say, all the questions you have, we do read them. We try and answer them when we can."
"Thank you for the comments with ideas, suggestions, questions. I am reading them."
"The main thing I learned about being a compatible teammate is, yeah, it's really similar to what Kobe said, which is I do to figure out like the way that they are okay with receiving feedback."
"Recording yourself is really important so you can listen back to how you're sounding."
"I love creating, I love building, and I'm addicted to that feedback."
"And it is in some sense the definition of Sanity right is to have enough feedback around you that's balanced so that you move forward on the right path."
"Are they actually listening to feedback now though?"
"Thank you very much for watching, let us know what you think down in the comments below!"
"I think it's great to just hear from you guys on really why you guys are making decisions and the stuff that goes behind it."
"I think it's just really valuable to get it out in front of you guys and just kind of get that feedback as early as possible."
"Thank you for caring enough to let us know what works and what doesn't."
"I feel really encouraged just from like the feedback I was getting from artists saying that I, you know, had made good progress especially for our first week."
"That's how a company gets better... you don't just ignore all your customers."
"Feedback is simply informing the user that their actions were received and that the software is now busy performing the task."
"I think that already sounds a lot better." - David
"It's just much more smooth, tons more grip, and you'll feel the change immediately."
"We answered those questions off uh Early Access game."
"You will get way more reviews if you call your customers."
"I think there could be some improvements that could be made to this grape peeler."
"So, indeed here the matter of price, what's your opinion? Tell me in the comments which one would you actually go for..."
"I did my thing, but how are you feeling about it?"
"Rather than well done, that’s a good idea. It didn’t stand up to scrutiny here. Here’s how you failed, here’s how you might do better."
"I would love to know your opinions in the comment section down below."
"Constructive or objective criticism is not toxicity."
"Flexibility in writing: adapt to different situations, people. Get feedback on your writing."
"The reaction and response has been pretty phenomenal."
"At the very minimum, they're gonna get a bunch of feedback of 'Well, it's better than it was,' and that's a win."
"Let us know what you think. Wow, okay, this is actually mental. This is so... let's just get our heads around this."
"Let me know by leaving a like and comment down below."
"Understanding what your audience hears, what they find favorable, what doesn't ring true to them is the way you learn, it's the way you steer."
"Your feedback still matters... we don't want to get into the roadmap."
"It's honestly a joy for me to spend time with you guys in the comments and to see your interactions and to get your feedback."
"What grade would you give me on this desert? Nine and change? Yes!"
"I understand... echoing back what you thought you heard."
"Blitz feels really good, well done with that."
"Every time I see a thumbs down, yes, it might be obviously people don't like the videos, but I suspect a lot of the time it's your disgruntled scammers who just want to give it a thumbs down."
"I love to hear how you all listen or watch and why."
"Guys, let us know in the comments what you think it is. Let's go!"
"It's gonna change a lot based on the beta and people playing in the beta."
"But let me know what you think in the comments below. We'll keep the conversation going."
"I want to get your thoughts in the comment section below."
"Constructive criticism is always a good thing."
"Please let me know all of your thoughts in the comments."
"If you make those changes, I would give this a solid 8.5."
"Comment down below your thoughts... do you guys want to see more of the audio better this time?"
"Native speakers excel at pointing out when something is off or wrong about your speech or writing."