
Learning From The Past Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"You can avoid mistakes by looking into the past."
"Ruby Ridge is an important story to remember so that hopefully we don't make the same mistakes again."
"Oh yes, the past can hurt. But the way I see it, you can either run from it or learn from it."
"Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it."
"Can do really creative and innovative work while also not making the mistakes of the past."
"We have a duty as a society to evolve and change and learn from our previous mistakes."
"The lesson that we failed to learn was that, yes, these drugs have an ancient lineage, but look how they were used."
"The past can hurt, but the way I see it, you can either run from it or learn from it."
"There is much good that is happening in our world that is not reported and equally just because you're seeing more darkness, it's actually a sign that it's come up for healing."
"This is where people need to learn from history and see the patterns."
"I hope you can all learn from the past so that these mistakes are never made in the future."
"If you don't learn from the past, you are doomed to repeat it. History doesn't repeat itself, but it rhymes."
"The past, in a lot of cases, is not pretty but it can be learned from."
"The fusion of the two of them. He's amazed as well."
"I think understanding how people have done things in the past can make us make better decisions now if we're paying attention."
"We look to the Past to help us move into the future and there are always little lessons that we can learn from everything."
"The 1776 project just says... let's learn from it."
"Those that don't remember history are condemned to repeat it."
"History is the best way to predict the future."
"If you don't know your history, you're doomed to repeat it."
"Science works because we recognize that things in the past weren't correct and we improve upon them."
"I think what really got us to today was everything we learned from when Gagarin launched."
"Let go of 'should haves' and view a completed relationship as a step towards your ideal partnership. Find the blessings, learn from it, and grow."
"Success leaves Clues and I am taking hints from my past self."
"People make the same mistakes over and over again."
"We can still learn from the lessons of how our ancestors dealt with war to light our own path of preparedness."
"The key to that is those shitty moments from earlier."
"If we don't learn from history, we are doomed to repeat it."
"Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it."
"Don't regret the past. Treat it as experiments with your reality."
"Given the decades of pain and suffering, has South Korea learned from the past and moved forward?"
"If we don't understand the past, we might find ourselves in a lot of trouble at some point in the future."
"The lessons from the lost city of Herculaneum are too terrifying to ignore."
"History repeats itself. You don't need psychics, you can just look at history to see what happens."
"We can't lose sight of history; what has happened before will happen again."
"The pathway to your dreams is being opened. You are safe now and also elephant spirit, learn from the past."
"Remember the good times to appreciate and learn from them."
"If we understand the past, can we use some of the lessons that we learn to make things better today?"
"Your past doesn't define you, but it does help you understand where you need to recalibrate for the future."
"We can't see the future, but we can see the past."
"The symbol of Sankofa reminds us not to forget our past, always encouraging us to go back and take."
"There's really no way to go forward unless you remember what's gone before."
"The story is shifting towards how do we build a future with the knowledge of the past?"
"We can move into the future but take with us what we learn from the past to build a better future to thrive into."
"So much value in looking back in the history of what's happened before."
"How we view the past shapes how we imagine the future. And those of us who do not know what occurred potentially could repeat it."
"If you don't learn from history, it's bound to repeat itself."
"Revising history only to lose the lessons we should learn from it."
"We can't change anything that happened in the past, but we can also say that was bad and we probably shouldn't do it again to anyone else in the future."
"Our purpose is to reflect on the past because those who don't know about their past are doomed to repeat its mistakes."
"Let's transform those regrets and use them to inform us of the better future."
"We always fell back on the history to know what were the best practices, what were the wrong practices, and what were different situations which people have dealt with."
"If we don't know our history, we don't learn our history, we're destined to repeat it."
"Don't fail to prepare for what's next because you're trying to get what was."
"Salvation is learning what happened to my forefathers so that I don't repeat those same errors."
"There is a lesson there... something from your past that is trying to teach you a very important lesson."