
Simulation Quotes

There are 2427 quotes

"If we could build a virtual simulation of a cell, that would be incredible for biology and disease discovery."
"This is kind of like a real-life simulator in so many ways."
"If my senses aren't showing me the structure of reality, then my perceptual structure of space in 3D, of objects with colors and shapes, and motions of neurons and brains, those are video game symbols, but they're not the truth."
"Sora is a data-driven physics engine. It is a simulation of many worlds, real or fantastical."
"The simulator instantiates exquisite 3D assets, pirate ships with different decorations."
"The semantics of the scene does not exist in the real world, but the engine still implements the correct physical rules that we expect."
"Our reality is the only one of these simulations that Sora is able to compute. It's possible that some parts of the physical world doesn't exist until you look at it."
"We would like to be able to simulate the entire product that we do, completely digitally in essentially what we call digital twins."
"If you're not sure at the end of the night whether you're actually simulated or not, my advice to you is go out there and live really interesting lives and do unexpected things so the simulators don't get bored and shut you down."
"The world is becoming more of a data-rich environment; the world's becoming a video game."
"That's right, today ladies and gentlemen, we're going to be showing off how to get infinite money, infinite park rating, but most importantly, we're going to make it so that our guests can never leave the park once they've arrived."
"Gran Turismo is more realistic with its representation of water on tarmac surface. It's extremely realistic and impressive to behold."
"iRacing is a very sophisticated simulation that real race drivers, as well as armchair racers, use and compete against each other."
"The racing is simulated, but the competition is real."
"One of my favorites is Railroad Tycoon, and it's because of it really has a lot of atmosphere to it. You feel like you're living the life of a railroad tycoon."
"The Sims 4 Growing Together is about making key choices and going through milestones in your Sims' lives, having a much more enhanced social dynamic system, making relationships feel more natural in the game."
"Simulation lag, and poor Sim AI behaviors are extremely frustrating as a player."
"Successful development, training, and testing of complex robots for real-world applications demand high-fidelity simulation and accurate physics."
"This is much more like a true Sims style life management game."
"Artificial intelligence is very important in a simulation game; otherwise, the simulation will be easy."
"Every projectile and explosion is simulated in real-time, thousands of units on the battlefield each with their own AI."
"Terra Invicta attempts to answer these questions in a surprisingly fun, balanced, realistic, and compelling way."
"The idea is that a corporation has created a faux wild west where all the locals are robots, NPCs effectively, and the human patrons can do what they please."
"In Desert Bus, a game for the Sega CD, you drive a bus from Tucson to Las Vegas for eight hours. Nothing happens except the bus lists slightly to the right."
"It's nice to see Vlad because in another save file... he used the dryer and he didn't clean the vent, and the dryer started on fire and burned him to death."
"Digital engineering is a way to design things using computer simulations, modeling, advanced algorithms, and even artificial intelligence."
"This game, because it's a realistic civil engineering simulator, we've just got to fix roads."
"The giant orb presenting a vision of the universe that's at once unfathomably vast and yet eerily small, like you're experiencing all it has to offer at once."
"Simulation holds incredible promise for accelerating scientific discovery by an order of magnitude."
"For Will Wright, it wasn't the blowing stuff up aspect that he enjoyed the most, it was actually the building and development of the simulated city."
"Welcome to the simulation, in case you haven't detected, I'm super excited."
"What's cooler: a car that does absolutely nothing when you crash into a wall or a car whose metal crumbles and bends on impact, exactly how it should if you were to do it in real life?"
"Political Machine is an American presidential election simulation game that is really fun to play."
"I just experienced a glitch in The Matrix and I'm convinced we're living in a simulation and that this is not real."
"What do you think? Is it actually possible that we're living inside some sort of digital simulation?"
"I made 100 players survive in an ancient civilization to see what would happen. What they don't know is that they aren't alone on these islands."
"Unless you have reason to believe that you and I are not typical observers in this vast assemblage of universes and minds if we think we're special in some way, the odds are that we're living in a fake universe."
"If computers can get powerful enough, they could create history simulators so real that the self-aware beings within them would have no idea that they were a part of a program."
"You might know things aren't real and that you're in a simulation, but it doesn't help a single bit."
"All I wanted was to get out of the simulation."
"Are we a simulation? Asking the question brings us closer to truth."
"Hyper realistic simulations show you what the weather will look and feel like before it happens."
"The driver's eye or helmet cam footage that we are able to record in this rig is pretty mind-blowing."
"The original 'Matrix' explores what it means to exist and what reality is, and how it can be differentiated from a simulation."
"Inside were the bats themselves, but it was cool because they had to like reverse simulate night and day with the lights."
"In UFO Simulator, you use your UFOs to abduct people, and then you get better UFOs."
"Italy won the World Cup for the first time in this entire run of a simulation for the first time in well over a hundred years."
"I am excited for it. I am a person that is overly optimistic a lot of times whenever new games come out, or a new sim in this case."
"Simulation takeover...delves into themes of artificial intelligence, virtual realities, and the nature of existence within a simulated environment."
"This allows your sim, once you're in the second trimester, they can go and get an ultrasound... it's such like a more fun way to find out, and I love it so much."
"You can sort of see the brain develop, which is what an AI neural net is trying to simulate."
"I took every gym leader, Elite 4, and champion and simulated over 1 million Pokémon battles to see who is the strongest."
"Playing this game will show people who have been wondering how would it actually be if I was in charge."
"Pilot Edge net: an air traffic control platform with live controllers, absolutely worth it."
"We're flying a 757 from San Diego to Las Vegas using the Pilot Edge network."
"This is the first point in history with extensive enough spying to reconstruct an ancestor simulation."
"World Traffic 3 is fantastic. It's really, really, really good."
"Boy that was a hairy approach with all the AI wasn't it, she just stuck to our approach but I was worried about that MD-80."
"It's like one of the busiest airports in the United States was like Atlanta."
"Cities Skylines: Where we build dreams and brace for disaster."
"Despite the strength being similar, I'd still say yes, the details feel far smoother and less robotic which does make the experience more enjoyable and more immersive."
"We're taking our left hand out of our pocket and having it work together with our simulation right hand, and AI and simulation is making tremendous progress."
"Messi's stats and trophies, simulated season by season."
"Welcome to our first look at Ragnarium, a planet recolonization odyssey simulator."
"Do not use real money when you're learning; develop a strategy on paper trading."
"I really feel like just like toddlers, pets would make this such a much more complete game."
"The metaverse is our reinvention or simulation over the control of life liberty and property."
"It feels like the closest we're ever going to get to a real Firefly game."
"Daggerfall aimed to be a fantasy life simulator, not a mere 'game'."
"The vehicles are incredibly detailed and modeled down to their individual components, with an incredibly sophisticated damage model to match."
"There's nothing else like it. It's one of the most immersive and enjoyable space Sims."
"If you take a game like Civilization, it tells you how civilizations are formed."
"Challenges you’ll then be better positioned to face in the detailed society simulator of Victoria 3, be they economic, diplomatic, political, military, or philosophical."
"Even though this looks like a builder right, this looks like Sim City, it is more of a kind of a puzzle game management game."
"Arcadia is an incredibly powerful example of Bioshock's life cycle simulation, showing us how Rapture's ecosystem functions."
"Within philosophy a question has long been posed that asks if we live in some kind of simulation rather than an actual reality."
"We exercise constantly in the event of larger scale infectious disease outbreaks."
"This is probably as close as you can get to a total immersive experience."
"Baldur's Gate 3 is the definitive dating simulator."
"Workers and Resources Soviet Republic is hands down my favorite modern era City Builder."
"From the promise of a complex economic simulation to the ability to make your own culture and manage your own religion, I'm really excited for this one."
"If you ever wondered what it would be like to play as Ironman in a video game, honestly nothing else comes closer than anthem."
"Wild West Dynasty: build your ranch, raise cattle, and survive the untamed frontier."
"They really weren't kidding, were they? Ladies and gentlemen, we appear to have a KFC dating simulator."
"We'll also replace the yellow dots and pink dots with pedestrians and vehicles."
"It's a recent idea, you program your Markov chain on the computer, run the chain for a long time and then use those result to study the distribution that you're interested in."
"That would be dope, doing pits from inside the car or not pits but spike strips from inside the car."
"City skylines is the latest in the city's franchise but one that elevated it past all competition."
"If we're able to create realistic samples from the data distributions that we want, we can do really cool things."
"Animal Crossing became the first true life simulator."
"Ultimately, Pixar's simulator was powerful enough to handle 10,297 balloons."
"Simulation destroys the very distinction between the simulated and the real."
"These experiments essentially created virtual intertidal life, offering intriguing insight into the evolution of early land animals."
"The whole idea was that it was a simulated world and you could just go out and do your thing."
"The game gives you brief glimpses of the sim aspects..."
"Join your squadron, weave between asteroids, fly through Imperial dockyards."
"War Thunder is a fantastic, highly detailed, and immersive war game."
"War Thunder perfectly captures the scale and sensation of fierce battles using military equipment."
"I want to have as realistic and a save as we can at this stage now that let's put the sliders on."
"Act out scenarios where you're successfully negotiating deals or presenting pitches."
"Some games have a myriad of mechanics that all work in harmony to almost reach a level of simulation in terms of translating exactly what the player wants to do on the screen."
"Sometimes in video games, you don't want to be an action hero or a super criminal... you just want to experience a simulation of something in the real world."
"PC Building Simulator... has a bit of a tycoon mode... you have to diagnose the problems and fix them or build them exactly what they want."
"House Flipper... simulates flipping a house and selling property for a profit... clean up a space and completely modify it..."
"We're simulating a battle between multiple warriors."
"Now what I just need to do is iterate and have the Warriors fight against each other."
"Bethesda games are almost like one big simulation."
"Microsoft Flight Simulator: it's simply relaxing and fascinating to fly around and take in the graphics and atmosphere."
"The red pill represents reality as it is... the blue as a separate reality in which neo stays in the simulation."
"Recently, scientists and researchers have modeled how a nuclear war would escalate if Russia launched a nuclear attack on Western Powers."
"Planet Zoo: full detailed control of designing your zoo down to every little detail."
"In the biggest social experiment ever done, we gathered 3,000 players and put them on a replica map of the Earth to simulate civilization."
"I was able to dial it in to get well what I thought was a close feeling you get from a real collection on a car."
"I'm all about simulation and realism, and as you said, Q1, Q2, Q3 is the same format as real life, and these drivers really have to perform in every session."
"Unleash your imagination, build, automate, and customize every detail of your farm."
"Paralives: allowing players to live different virtual lives and build homes to stage them."
"Whoever controls the narrative controls ultimately the political outcome."
"It's like the simulation is just spawning in new species like Pokemon."
"It's a serious project when you're building a mock to play in a mock."
"Just sort of building up a civilization then destroying it."
"What if trading was a video game and there was a cheat code for this game that would help you predict exactly where markets are going to go with a high degree of accuracy?"
"This simulation would just not be possible using feedback forces."
"It's the closest thing you're gonna get to a simulator experience on a console."
"Flip Fluids... it's flip fluids everyone knows that flip fluids is like the best fluid simulation add-on."
"Gran Turismo is one where I'll say you feel like you're actually there, like you feel like you're in the car actually driving which is more than I can say for like even most VR games."
"Even a simulation on an alien supercomputer would be compatible with data."
"The Sim that they are playing is actually the real world London set in 2099."
"Here's the opening sequence, you see the F-14 rolling down the runway."
"BeamNG has pushed soft body modeling to levels many of us thought we wouldn't see realized in our lifetimes."
"Hyper-reality is more real than real." - Jean Baudrillard
"The cockpits have been carefully done with photo mapping, everything looks so real."
"Gran Turismo was focused on delivering an experience that was closer to a simulation than the more traditional console racing games had been in the past."
"It's almost closer to a life simulation game than an open-world action game."
"FIFA's a game where you control one of eleven players in a game and the rest of it is AI controlled."
"Sims can get drunk... It's kind of hilarious."
"It kind of makes the world like a video game as well, the weather thing's interesting as well."
"The whole thing makes you feel like you're in the cockpit of an out of control airplane."
"This game is a FedEx simulator, sure. But if you've ever..."
"If you don't know the depth of you, you won't understand the depth of your simulation."
"Kerbal Space Program allows you to run trials and error. It's a very good way of learning."
"This build is going to be able to dribble at the highest level, pass like no other, and hit shots like your Stephen Curry."
"Infinite resources... simulate an infinite number of infinite universes without problems."
"Somebody please start a petition for EA to make it so that you can actually simulate games between South American clubs. That just seems like an obvious thing that should be in the game."
"In extreme mode, it's about steady and stable driving, not crazy maneuvers."
"Unleash your most violent gladiatorial fantasies in Gorn, a ridiculously violent VR gladiator simulator."
"DRIVE Sim is easing pain points and opening up new possibilities for intelligent vehicles."
"This ocean, even if it's not the real ocean, is so in depth."
"It's real and there's trees in the background, there's there's a lot of stuff that would be I think pretty difficult to try to fake."
"That really communicates the feeling of what it's like to fly to the lunar operation command."
"I love Stitch Fix because they know what you're gonna like."
"Planet Zoo... involves building habitats, managing the workings of the zoo, and dealing with animals that the developers described as thinking feeling individuals with personalities of their own."
"F1 22: The ultimate immersive F1 experience."
"It's a simulation. It always has to go this way."
"Our souls are actually developing skills here and in a safe way because it's just a simulation."
"Anxiety reduction simulator, just a game that seems like you're doing something that's not really as long as they don't have dangers in it."
"Researchers asked ChatGPT to impersonate supporters of various political parties and positions."
"Welcome to game dev tycoon in this business simulation you have been transported back in time to start your very own game development company."
"Cliff Richards Rock and racing, the racing simulation game for the places to five catering to everybody everybody is rockin and racing needs is almost done."
"If you're looking for a spaceship building simulator with the potential to experience massive thousand-player battles, Eve Online might be the game for you."
"Event 201 eerily predicted the reality of the pandemic we're facing."
"The AI clans will dynamically grow and have children."
"The Ember court is basically a party planner simulator once a week you get to put on a party for a number of invited guests and you want to make sure they have as good a time as possible."
"We're creating fire, look at that, that's insane, it's actual flint and steel from Minecraft in real life."
"It's the closest thing to playing DND that you can get in a video game."
"I love simulation games like this so much, it's combining my love for games with F1, it's amazing."
"Sniping in Escape from Tarkov adds realism not in the mechanical operation of a rifle, but in the stress of operating that rifle under pressure."
"Everything is coming together in this season, boys, so let us simulate to the end and see if these Colorado Avalanche can win their first Presidents Trophy."
"Things like your boats just magically vanishing when you get out of them."
"There's no way of knowing you're in a simulation unless the people doing the simulation mess up or intentionally let you know."
"I don't usually have my own Sims die from it, and I do leave the setting on because I hate to say it, but I think it's kind of funny."
"This is super powerful because you know now you have essentially a neural network simulator that can simulate different Futures based on different actions."
"I was trying to make the house cost exactly a million simoleons."
"Gran Turismo 7 straddles a line between accessibility and physics depth."
"These features enable complex grid-based simulations and solvers."
"Cars will behave differently on tarmac dirt deep dirt gravel deep gravel and grass."
"I really enjoyed simulated Universe, I think it's a great game mode."
"This rebuild is not even a rebuild at all, it's just simulate and they're gonna win all the games."
"If they do not actually feel emotions like a living creature, they sure do simulate them."
"At its core, Ace Combat delivers what no other game on the market does: a flight simulator that gives you the joy of piloting a billion-dollar piece of technology while aiming to shoot down other billion-dollar pieces of technology."
"Object-oriented programming is basically trying to simulate real-world objects or concepts in code."
"Where do you drive them? Well, once again thanks to modders nearly the full 2022 IndyCar calendar is available to drive."
"The AI in iRacing is, I'm gonna say it, the best offline AI in any racing sim of all time."
"It's like playing a video game, absolutely love it."
"So for this Geraldo test, I have to start at round one because the thing is I need to simulate getting the max amount of turrets which can only really been be done if I start from round one."
"And they created this card game called Figgie to simulate elements of markets and trading."
"Because Outer Wilds is a game about simulation and about truth in systems."
"You get to take a look at your followed citizens, so you can follow these people for their entire life."
"Gaijin has probably made one of the best mainstream simulators I have ever played."
"Trade on the simulator. Don't just say, 'Hey, I just joined TTG, I'm ready to start making money.'"
"It's very smooth, creates the illusion of running for sure."
"Attractiveness alert! Wow, what a sim! Don Lothario just stopped what they were thinking about for a moment and found themselves staring at Zoe Patel."
"Physics-based simulations are nice playground resorts to explore a variety of interesting ideas."
"I wonder if it could generate shadows and highlights in the same way that they're doing it."
"We're playing in the flash of World War III right now."
"I can never imagine doing regular Sim birth ever again."
"When you play dbd, you're satisfying a primal desire for threat simulation."
"Bernard King... the most legendary player of this entire simulation."
"A strategy game about transportation, building factories, and mining in infinite voxel landscapes."
"We cannot simulate the effect of a complex process without the complexity of the process itself."
"It's hard to believe but what you're seeing right now is not real life footage from a camera it's actually gameplay from an Unreal Engine 5 video."