
Walking Quotes

There are 912 quotes

"Taking a walk where you're just letting your mind go is very powerful."
"So how important is the hour a day of walking? I think it's very important."
"We're very happy to have you join us on one of our walking tours today. Manhattan is the ultimate walking city."
"Walking maybe walk 15 minutes after a meal especially if a high carb meal and even walking for two minutes every half hour has been shown to statistically significantly reduce insulin and glucose levels throughout the day."
"There's very few problems that are made worse by taking a walk."
"A simple walk is just so profound and so meaningful to them; it's a meditation in motion."
"Some people have pets, so part of their daily routine might be to take the dog for a walk."
"Never trust ideas you haven't had while walking."
"You walk everywhere... People really underestimate how much you walk in Japan."
"Physical activity...was never called exercise, but they did a lot of walking."
"The human condition involves a continual to and fro between the body and the mind, and walking is beneficial to both."
"That makes you want to walk. That is visual interest."
"It's like you're walking on turf. This is actually very comfortable."
"Go for a walk. Seriously, turn off the news, turn off Twitter, go for a walk."
"Walking is probably the most underrated Fitness modality out there, period."
"So when I go out for my walk, come back, and probably by the end of the day."
"Walking around Boston feels like you're just going to bump into history around every corner."
"In conclusion I recommend walking and working it worked well for me and made me much healthier it didn't hurt my eyes and I can still work frankly this is the only way I could make myself work it's a personality thing"
"Walking frees you from the flow of thoughts, allowing ideas to bubble up."
"An adventure is about walking." - Ken Sugimori
"Don't underestimate what walks can do for you."
"I kind of forgot about it, I don't know if it was because I was walking on it or..."
"Their number one way of staying in shape was by walking."
"It's an invitation to keep walking. That's the best thing, you can walk everywhere."
"Going for a walk after a meal can help regulate digestion and glucose levels."
"Walking is the clear winner for maximum weight loss."
"We always have our best talks when we're walking."
"Even walking is so good for your mental health, like just being out in the fresh air."
"You need to be getting 10,000 steps in a day, it's good for your health."
"Grab a little three pound hand weight and go for a good forty-minute walk every day."
"Some of the best things that you can do to relieve any anxiety that you're dealing with or pent up stress: go take a [expletive] walk, man."
"Walking is highly underrated... it has been a game changer for me."
"The person that loves to walk will walk further than the person that loves the destination."
"Walking is the most underrated form of exercise on the planet."
"If we can just get you to walk a little bit more through your day and I can get you to pick up the barbell every once in a while and do a few movements like we are winning."
"Strangers don't stay strangers long on a walk, because a walk, long or short, is a shared experience."
"There's nothing quite like walking beneath the canopy."
"People think they need to run to get lean, but walking is the secret weapon."
"If you're overweight, you can get lean so easily with walking."
"It's so nice to walk around the floor today because it's super windy."
"Walking is probably the best thing you could possibly do when you're in New York City."
"Walking is more about mental health than anything else because I'm really bad at relaxing. I'm really bad at not being busy."
"Walking isn't just a little important, it's vitally important."
"All truly great thoughts are conceived while walking."
"Walking 10,000 steps a day lowers the risk of Dementia by about 50 percent."
"Walking is still the greatest thing ever invented for humans."
"Walking can be a tremendously constructive activity, strengthening, stretching. It can provide a lot of your exercise needs if it's done well."
"Any problem that you have can be solved after a long walk."
"There is great value in traveling a few miles on your own feet, taking in the subtle oft overlooked details not seen from a car."
"I take walks in the day because I've now associated movement with a clear mind."
"Walking won't build core muscle, but it facilitates a particular type of muscle mass building."
"We do a lot of walking... in Paris, it would be very normal probably between 15 to 20,000 steps per day without noticing."
"I've said it before, and I'll say it again, I love my evening walks; it's such a great time for me to stretch my legs and to get to know the area around us."
"I've never had a tennis shoe more comfortable for walking than these."
"Walking is probably one of the most underrated workouts."
"These boots are made for walking."
"When you walk in mules, you walk a bit differently - it's very sexy to me."
"It's not that pronation is bad, we have to do it. It's our first opportunity for shock absorption when we walk."
"Walking is so much more of a human experience."
"Good travel means you're going to have to walk."
"Walking at a steady pace stimulates brain activity and burns calories, making you a smarter, fitter, less stressed worker."
"Walking is a motor skill we gain through repeated practice."
"It's a privilege to get outside and take a walk, and I think we forget that."
"He adored walking. There was a rumor that he had met a beautiful Jewish on a walk and a romance had sprung up."
"We're walking everywhere tonight."
"Walking has really become a form of Mental Health and a form of meditation for me."
"New York is so beautiful for just walking."
"When you distribute weight on your hips, it can make a tremendous difference on the longevity of walking around."
"I think if you just as you said even just walking right an hour a day that's a huge health benefit compared to not moving day in day out."
"Walking is wonderful. I encourage every older adult to walk regularly."
"I think you should skip more instead of walking. Skip, it'll make you happier."
"These shoes feel like you're walking on clouds."
"We're on foot, we're committed to being on foot and that's miles and miles of walking right now."
"Walking is a great form of exercise."
"Lord God in heaven we want to give you praise and thanks for everything you've done for us today."
"You just did three miles, huh? How good is that? Are you walking strong?"
"Best thing in the world to get addicted to, a good walking program."
"Walking is supposed to have a lot of arm movement and rotation in the abdomen."
"Walking lowers the risk for diabetes, heart attack, and stroke."
"The best way to get around Amsterdam is just on foot."
"Let's just walk, ain't no pace, if I love go away, you're the one I would chase."
"Walking after years of trying to run. It's literally life-changing in terms of mental and physical health."
"Afterward Chu walked down the street with the money he received."
"Madrid is a city to walk, you will not get tired doing it."
"That is the power of walking, New York."
"Walking is known to help us ulate our blood sugar and I've noticed on days where I'm walking around a city my blood sugar is super stable it doesn't drop or Spike too much and it just feels good."
"Walking is effectively falling forward, but your feet catch yourself each time."
"Africa is a land of huge horizons, and it's only on foot that you get the most honest perspective."
"It feels like I'm walking on a cloud."
"My bonus tip for unique things to do in Rome is to walk around some of the prettiest streets in the city."
"Walking is such a part of the complete experience."
"I just laughed as maniacally as I could muster (imagine Vizzini from 'The Princess Bride'), & kept walking."
"Boosted walking: it's like a run but it's gentle."
"The best thing you could do is get a good healthy walk in your day."
"This resort is pretty pleasant to walk around. Now it is a nicer day. It's like 70 degrees, probably, and sunny."
"It's a beautiful walk, and I am a walker."
"It's okay to stop and walk. Running became so much more enjoyable and accessible the day I realized I could stop and walk for a bit."
"I'm a big walker, like, I love going out walking. I think that's really underrated."
"I'm finally glad there's a name for it: hover strolling."
"On a ship you do a lot of walking in port, on excursions, you do a lot of walking."
"I want to make a tiny icon with a sneaker to mark going on walks and runs. The dumbbell isn't really relevant here."
"We've just been busy, busy girls. We've done a lot of walking."
"I love that they went off market too. Like the idea of walking for dollars and kind of using that time with your better half to not only, you know, walk, get some exercise, some fresh air, but also look for deals. I love it!"
"It's a pretty Long Beach, good for walks."
"Wear comfy shoes because you're going to be doing a lot of walking, and you'll thank me later."
"I'm so happy that I discovered walking."
"First we'd walk through the rain and get sopping wet."
"They were so comfortable I still wear them especially when I go out on a walk they're just really really comfortable it's like I'm walking on a cloud."
"I'm realizing walking is one of the best ways to clear your mind."
"The thing I love about Asia is that you walk so much that all the food you eat just gets digested so fast."
"Man was meant to walk this way, but in sand, but not on asphalt."
"The number four mistake that people make when they're trying to lose weight using walking is that they think that's the only workout now that they need. No, I don't even think of walking as my workout. I think of it as like my life force."
"Walking is a huge, huge time for creativity. I think walking and showers are underrated."
"Walking is the best thing in the world. I mean when you want to lose weight or something, don't you see that as a sign of love and appreciation and assistance?"
"The man who loves walking will go further than the man who loves the destination."
"So gonna just get used to kind of stuff that does rock, so when you're walking you're kind of like heel to toe, yeah, that's kind of good."
"You will walk in favor all the days of your life."
"Walking. So bring some walking shoes like Martin and I because yeah, we're trying to stick to our budget, so every dollar counts."
"Having the right pair of shoes could save or break your walk."
"I love taking my feet everywhere, and have always been an advocate of walking and exploring autonomously."
"Walking bold not hiding the light."
"...as we're walking around here really walking among some history."
"I found what I can only describe as the glory of walking, the feel of being completely isolated in nature."
"I feel like I've changed my tune a lot on how important and how beneficial walking is."
"Look at these palm trees, okay, we're walking."
"Walking is a big big big big part of that and you need to know when to walk when to run."
"Walking is a meditation in and of itself. They've done studies about how walking reduces anxiety, how it reduces depression."
"according to Harvard walking 21 minutes a day can cut your risk of heart disease by 30 percent."
"I feel like I always underestimate how much getting outside in fresh air and walking improves my mental health so much."
"Having that low impact option to just walk has been incredible for our little fitness journey."
"It's the best place to walk and have a good conversation."
"We could always do public transportation or honestly call a ride share but it's nice walking it honestly is"
"It's not talking about how we walk, it's talking about where we walk."
"Walking is definitely an underrated form of exercise and it's really really good for you."
"Everything in Dublin's so close, so if you like walking, that's what we do which we love. It's, uh, it's brilliant."
"What's the best time of day to walk? The time you're doing it. That's the best time."
"The walking helps you recover, yes you. Yes, your energy returns not because you're not puffed out anymore. It's nothing to do with your huffing and puffing, it's to do with your mitochondria being able to release the energy in the muscles for you to keep going."
"That's how you walk, yeah, good golf."
"We mostly walk out with the ability to think, which is eternal."
"Walking, typically really really good for your back."
"Walking is the key exercise for improved Health."
"New York City is the best city in the United States when it comes to walking and transit for sure by far."
"I'm still the biggest fan of walking."
"We're designed to walk. We're not born to run."
"You really can't beat walking along the beach."
"I love doing little walks like this, just linking together a few locations and trying to see whether they did in fact link together."
"Walking is the most basic thing you can do, anybody can do it. It is the number one health hack out there."
"Walking is a key part, there's no point running all of it."
"Walking has long been a source of inspiration and creativity to writers, many such as William Wordsworth and Walt Whitman extol the virtues of walking in the countryside."
"It's like walking, you don't think about it, you just do it."
"Walking makes anecdotally everyone I know who's gotten into the Habit, especially walking outside, swears it's changed who they are."
"You can walk to work, church, and carry groceries home. It's been a blessing."
"Walking is the most underrated form of exercise and movement, I think in the world."
"Having both of those options is so helpful, again, because when you're just walking that much, I mean, my husband and I are healthy active people, but we don't typically walk 20 miles every single day for 7 days straight."
"I think we just have to walk and see what we see," Robert suggested.
"Walking is a powerful tool to combat depression, anxiety, feeling stuck, feeling helpless, and even feeling shut down."
"Walking is one of the most effective types of things to regulate the mind and the body."
"The In-Shape status of the citizens of France is directly correlated to how much they walk. It's a walkable City and there are some walkable cities in America like New York City. It's a walkable City when you have good public transportation it makes the world of a difference."
"I love walk, I love just self-care in general."
"A city that gets a bad rap these days but be serious this is generally a really good walking environment."
"Walking is the way to do a pilgrimage. It's the pace of conversation, prayer, and being in touch with God's world."
"But I know when I walk I seem to access all sorts of levels of processes taking place under hedges or the memories of people who I've never known and their memories that aren't mine and yet they seem so tangible everywhere there's a sense of loss."
"Walking keeps you motivated, it keeps you feeling good. It's very good for you. We love it."
"That is a lot of walking, 20,000 steps."
"There's really no getting around the fact that you're going to be walking a lot if you're on the strip."
"The brain itself is not thinking about walking. There's a subsystem that's taking care of all that. It's thinking about the end task that I need to get there, and then the legs just kind of start moving."
"If it doesn't roll, it ain't a stroll."
"Walking is something that I feel like I'm going to use as like a cool down, de-stress tool."
"Walkers will experience really the full range of Irish culture in a way that is very difficult to do otherwise."
"Here at the end of the night when you're tired, it doesn't feel like a long walk. I mean it's very convenient."
"The walking is more important than the talking."
"When in doubt, walk it out, my friends."
"Walking is one of the most perfect exercises in the world."
"Walking was how I got to know San Francisco."
"Walking can be very, very beneficial."
"The joy of walking is obviously the countryside, the fresh air, the feeling of well-being, and the friendships that we've made through doing it."
"I appreciate you. Keep doing your walks, bro. I'm serious. It's awesome."
"Your feet will teach you. It's like you don't need to be taught to walk."
"My workout is walking the whole time, figuring out what spot you're gonna eat at."
"We've lived here for three years and we walk all the time, but we've explored a new route."
"Walking is good, please walk. Walking is good."
"Everyone's so excited to see kind of like a new thing, walking. So that's what I like a lot."
"Walking is one of the most natural exercises that we can engage in."
"Walking is so vastly underrated as a health, mental, and social intervention."
"We look upon walking as a lazy form of exercise."
"Walking is underestimated as a social phenomenon, and the profit we get from it is maximized when we do it together."
"Japan has one of the highest degrees of walking and daily steps out of any other culture."
"Every step they take, they're kind of activating these muscles, and so I've not seen anyone... and then you'll just see people randomly, like, they'll see you on the street... and they're like, 'My feet, they don't hurt anymore!'"
"Master striking that heel when you're walking."
"I'm so bored Chelsea, at least you can walk."
"The gravity on our planet is so strong that everybody there must bend over and walk four-legged."
"Walking is one of the best forms of exercise really that you can do forever."
"It's a great place to walk around and get some fresh air."
"Perfect area to walk around and get your exercise."
"So what about us? Walk like Jesus. If you say you abide in him and it's true, then walk like he walked."
"What one mile distance will you never tire of walking fantastic question and i would say it's the mile over one of the flats i do never tire of walking i've walked it so many times and i will never get tired of it."
"What's the longest and most interesting walk you've done from london without relying on public transport mentioned it before i walked from my front door to hartford and hartfordshire um and i think that's my longest walk that i've recorded 32 miles."
"Let's walk to the ground which is literally across the road."
"So if you want to walk, you can go ahead and do so."
"If you're not sweating when you go walking, you ain't walking fast enough."