
Vegetables Quotes

There are 613 quotes

"Folks who ate two or more servings of green leafy vegetables each day had brains that were about 11 years younger."
"Every serving of vegetables that you have in a day correlated with a one-third reduction in waist circumference."
"Consumption of green leafy vegetables seems to be very helpful, and it's like unanimous results that you see across different studies."
"Attaching trellises to raised beds offers a simple system for growing a variety of vegetables."
"If you're trying to re-establish balance or feed the beneficial bacteria more, you want to eat things like leafy green vegetables, non-starchy vegetables, things with lots of fiber."
"The key with sweating down your leeks: you're not sautéing them, you're not aggressively cooking them on high heat...we don't want any brown color, we just want to melt them down so they're tender and delicious."
"I think vegetables are good for you. I think that they're tasty. I think that they're satisfying. There's a lot to like about vegetables."
"Many, many vegetables end up fresher, inverted commas, by being frozen the moment they're picked."
"The freshness of the pumpkin and yet it remains crisp and refreshing."
"Green leafy vegetables... packed with vitamin C."
"While baby carrots are a type of carrot that's harvested before reaching maturity, they grow in inconsistent sizes and shapes and aren't usually what you buy when planning a dip-fest."
"It's important to eat a vegetable-rich diet."
"Vegetable tier list: Potatoes are a free S tier. Everyone likes potatoes."
"Root vegetables such as carrot, turnips, and the dreaded swede were staple foods."
"The right answer is always going to be green vegetables."
"If you're hungry, eat! Keep serving yourself the same way and eat your veggies first."
"Incorporate more of these veggies in your diet, you're going to be able to control your diabetes a lot more easily."
"Adding in more veggies all around... you're really going to eliminate those cravings for sugar, those cravings for fat, those cravings for just not so healthy foods and overall hunger cravings in general."
"Half of your plate should be some kind of veggie you love."
"Fill half of your plate with some kind of veggie you love."
"Never ever get rid of that. It's like the perfect thing to cook your vegetables in to make them taste like meat. If you don't like vegetables, just cook them in duck fat and you will like vegetables, I promise."
"Artichokes are high in magnesium and vitamin A, vitamin C, and very, very rich in fiber."
"Vegetables are so important to a healthy well-balanced diet. Now that you have some new recipes, try eating more vegetables."
"Consuming green leafy vegetables helps to normalize bowel movements and is beneficial for weight loss."
"Green peppers and onions have got to be the best vegetables to go with eggs many ways."
"Ratatouille, a delicious way to eat vegetables."
"We can influence estrogen metabolism with a bunch of phytonutrients... like your cruciferous vegetables broccoli cauliflower cabbage kale."
"I love creating and I love the process of seeing something come to fruition."
"I have to have certain vegetables and the vegetable that I've stuck on is broccoli."
"Dark leafy greens... most nutrient-dense foods."
"The vegetables want to be eaten. Don't let them down."
"Broccoli picks up every juice, all the juices and stuff and it takes on that flavor that'll make it so good."
"Sweet potatoes and squash: the nutritious duo."
"I find that roasting veggies often brings out the most sweetness in them."
"Veggies are even more delicious when you add some flavor."
"Finally, it comes from green plants... if a woman wants calcium then she should have big plates of broccoli and kale."
"Our skin responds incredibly well to leafy greens and just vegetables in general."
"I've got green beans as my vegetable with my sheet pan dinners."
"I mean, some people could aim to eat a little healthier, 90% of Americans and 95% of Australians don't eat enough vegetables every day."
"Vegetables are very important. You need to eat them because if you don't, you will die."
"So most green leafy vegetables, we don't think of vegetables having fat in it but they do..."
"Getting more veggies and the good stuff into diet."
"Green leafy vegetables restore cellular health."
"The vegetables want to be eaten. That's why they're here. They're delicious, they're nutritious, and they deserve to be eaten!"
"Each eat your vegetables, okay? It's important to stay healthy overall."
"Aubergines aka eggplant peppers they all go really nice to making a vegetable pasta."
"Everyone really should be striving to eat five cups of vegetables in a day, with four of them being leafy greens."
"We keep our root veggies in a crate, so then it's a little bit decorative and rustic but also really functional."
"Cucumbers are Michelle's favorite vegetable, which I think is actually technically a fruit."
"Cucumbers are one of the most prolific vegetables you can grow."
"So, next time someone tells you to eat your vegetables, let them know it might not be as healthy as they think."
"Having really good calcium in your soil means that once you harvest your vegetables, they'll rot less quickly."
"Once vegetables start producing fruit, more calcium is required in the plant to do that properly."
"Folar feeding is so critical during those months when you're growing your tomatoes and other vegetables."
"There's no such thing as a baby carrot; the cute little carrots they sell at supermarkets are actually regular carrots that have been shaved down to this baby size."
"I use my fruits as my sugar, and my veggies as my medicine."
"Every vegetable tastes better when it's been roasted."
"Cauliflower all over your cutting board and then you're breaking the beautiful florets, we don't want to do that."
"Legumes and vegetables have been connected to lower LDL."
"I filled half my plate up with broccoli so I can get tons of veggies in."
"...eating really healthy, a lot of antioxidants, a lot of green leafy vegetables..."
"It is easy to grow vegetables. It's literally pots, soil, seeds, and then you need to water them and give them light."
"Hey kids, how about eating vegetables and then they were like how dare you."
"Broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, radishes, and cabbage, this group of vegetables is known for containing sulfurane, a compound with potential anti-cancer properties."
"It's like a guilt-free pizza you can eat as much as you want and it's full of veggies and it's so delicious."
"Steaming vegetables - don't boil your vegetables in water."
"Vegetables like zucchini, slic thin, because it adds a mouthfeel that's reminiscent of pasta."
"Number two is cruciferous vegetables, you know broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, they can be made in all so many ways but healthy and associated with weight loss."
"Raw vegetables have the most consistent and powerful association with the reduction of cancers of all types."
"The best source of calcium is low oxalate dark green leafy vegetables. All dark green leafy vegetables, with the exception of beet greens, spinach, and Swiss chard, are the best sources of calcium."
"What are the top six vegetables? They are kale, Swiss Chard, spinach, arugula, beet greens, and beets."
"Any and all vegetables count, so go for a wide variety next time you're in the grocery store."
"Powdered vegetables: a strategic approach to ensuring essential nutrients are readily available in any situation."
"I would rather have this from my garden than any fresh vegetable store."
"I have business here. Mrs. Lucas rang up my mama this morning and said she had a good many vegetable marrows."
"Green leafy vegetables are your friend."
"You're getting all these benefits with all these vegetables that are growing here that you can grow."
"Roasting vegetables—a great way to intensify the flavor of farm-fresh picked vegetables."
"The vegetables are really the main thing of this recipe."
"It's really easy to pack all these veggies and have it ready to go."
"Never underestimate just regular vegetables with a little bit of olive oil, salt, and pepper because it tastes so good."
"If you're worried about stringy vegetables, just grind them up."
"Always start with your hot veggies."
"Broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables have something in them called sulforaphane."
"Green vegetables have the highest nutrient density by far, nothing was close to them."
"...I could find that I could eat plenty of vegetables and feel satisfied..."
"Vegetables are key to so many recipes from breakfast to lunch to dinner."
"I don't really do like all my shopping at the farmers market but I get like certain vegetables and fruit I specifically love."
"The best part of a soup for me are the veggies."
"Make vegetables the star of your meal."
"Fruits and vegetables offer a comprehensive package containing various vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, and likely other compounds awaiting Discovery."
"I just love adding peas and spinach to pasta dishes because they're very nutritious and delish and just easy to add in as well."
"...a pole bean is the equivalent of an indeterminate tomato whereas a bush bean is the equivalent of a determinate variety."
"I love cabbage. I love green cabbage. A few people have asked questions like, 'Can I use napa cabbage? Can I use savoy cabbage? Can I use red cabbage?' And the answer to all of those is yes."
"And these are sugar snap peas or they just call them snap peas, and that's right here when you look at the label snap peas just like that I mean they're awesome."
"Adeline's garden is cranking with both peas and beans, I love growing pole beans, something I don't do enough."
"Learning to roast vegetables will transform your life."
"This might seem very, very basic to many of you, but indeed if you follow these steps, you will have perfectly beautiful crispy vegetables."
"These are some of my favorite steam in the bag veggies...really easy veggie side."
"All cruciferous vegetables significantly help reduce liver fat."
"Choose vegetables, eat more real foods, and your body will thank you."
"There's something so fresh about a garden green bean."
"Calorie density is the big secret, but vegetables are like the little secret of the big secret, right?"
"Find ways to love them, like I dip mine in ranch and cheese sauce, so, and you do, you would develop a love for vegetables."
"Eat more greens. Greens are like the best thing you can eat, period."
"I want you guys to juice a lot of those vegetables in your juices. These properties of the antioxidants are not only beneficial for us, but also will help your juices store longer."
"People who consumed two or more vegetable servings per day had a statistically significant decreased rate of cognitive decline."
"The orthodontic Luga Harvester is your go-to helper, rocking a cutting and threshing system that lets the machine cut the vegetables from the stock and cleanly separate them from the leaves."
"I'm going to make my myself some dinner I'm going to do a noodle stir fry with a bunch of veggies from the garden."
"Greens are the healthiest greens in the UK I have seen, and that's gospel."
"It's amazing how vegetable consumption is just so linked to weight loss."
"Healthy green vegetables can help you to lower your cholesterol."
"Get some really fresh and delicious brussels sprouts."
"Peas provide important health benefits."
"Radishes come in a variety of colors."
"Broccoli is one of my favorite vegetables to grow and eat."
"Brussels sprouts are low in calories but high in many nutrients."
"I've never eaten a garden salad ever in my life, vegetables can go to hell."
"Enjoy them. Sweet potatoes are great. Enjoy them."
"Who are you talking to? You can't be talking to me. Now I'm talking to you, you [ __ ] green bean. When I stand up, I'm gonna destroy you. I hate vegetables anyway, and you're out here looking like a watermelon."
"Cabbage is a nutritious crop which contains vitamin C and fiber and also prevents constipation."
"If you want to lose weight faster, bump up the non-starchy green-yellow vegetables."
"I cooked with a lot of vegetables at home so I am feeling pretty comfortable that I'll be able to pull something up."
"It always amazes me when the harvest starts coming in just how gorgeous homegrown veggies can be and how quickly they can grow."
"This is what makes gardening so exciting the end result with these gorgeous vegetables."
"Artichoke hearts are very rich in vitamins and minerals."
"Look at all these beautiful green vegetables; this is going to be so healthy."
"I like the Amtrak meals and all, but gotta have your vegetables."
"It's more important to eat your fruits and vegetables than worry about whether you're getting organic or not because there is a significant benefit in terms of that."
"I've never actually baked broccoli in the oven."
"Vegetables are great. Grilled vegetables are insanely great."
"Consume plenty of organic cruciferous vegetables daily to reduce inflammation in the liver and promote its natural healing."
"Forget traditional carrots, leeks and potatoes. Vegetables today are getting a modern makeover thanks to breeding methods which mix two different plants to produce something completely new, known as a 'hybrid'."
"The Romans held a great affection for vegetables and cultivated them in their Gardens."
"The more veg you can put in, the more refreshing it is."
"I happen to have a few veggies so I threw that in there."
"Now I like to shout, hurray, hurrah for broccoli."
"Lean into the bitter. Enjoy these cruciferous vegetables. They are so good for us and they are packed with fiber."
"Vegetables, you really don't need to track. Limitless vegetables."
"I was reminded of my love for some fruits and vegetables that I had totally neglected or basically forgotten about over the years."
"Growing leafy greens in your vegetable garden is a wonderful use of space and maximizing production for your garden."
"Nice healthy delicious veggie meal."
"Vegetables are roots and leaves, while fruits have flowers and a pit or seeds."
"There's a lot of blush sprout on this board."
"Help us, Super Potato! Super Potato! Super Potato! By the power of vegetables, I am here!"
"Stir-frying really gives an added dimension to everyday vegetables."
"Fruits and vegetables dramatically decrease our risk of certain cancers, especially lung cancer and colon cancer."
"I love to cook cabbage or lettuce, for example: a salad, and I love to cook lettuce or romaine or cabbage."
"Roasted vegetables are really high in carotenoids."
"Vegetables make you grow strong and healthy, packed with vitamins and nutrients. Don't forget to eat your vegetables, kiddos."
"I eat vegetables pretty much every day."
"Veggies make everything taste better."
"...this is about enjoying vegetables to the fullest and enjoying all their flavor."
"Firm cucumbers that have no blemishes or soft spots are the best ones."
"Pick only green lettuce with no holes or brown edges."
"Look what we've got there. We've got very little meat and a whole lot of vegetables. And that's the way nutritionally you should be eating."
"Veggies by the metric system: delicious dimension."
"...show me an overweight person and I'll show you someone unwilling to eat enough raw salad and steamed vegetables."
"...common veg, are really tasty, pea-flavored plant."
"Listen, I hope this soap gives you a whole new appreciation for Brussels sprouts."
"Juicing is getting more of the vegetables in you, some of the most nutrient-dense and calorie-poor foods on the entire planet."
"People always tell me the vegetables are boring. I think they're fantastic."
"Just try green beans because it might go further with the kids, and some kids do like greens, some of them like cabbage, but I know most kids do love green beans."
"The most popular vegetable out there by a huge margin is the French fry."
"I actually like broccoli, you know, steamed broccoli is really good."
"I love vegetables so having vegetables certainly wasn't a problem for me."
"...one of the all-time secrets for cooking flavorful vegetables."
"Green, leafy vegetables are full of essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients, and they are also low in glycemic index."
"Even if you're not plant-based still load up on vegetables eat meals that are just veggies too your body is definitely okay with it."
"What kind of fruits and vegetables? Whole fresh ripe raw organic plants."
"Eat more fruits and vegetables. If we eat more fruits and vegetables, we're going in the right direction."
"It has eight vegetables in it and has 49 calories."
"I used to hate carrots, but now I find it so delicious."
"Greens right here will do your body good."
"Now I kind of see shallots as posh onions, you know onions in a three-piece suit if you will."
"The more vegetables and fruit that's brought into the household, the healthier they're gonna get used to eating."
"I love rice dishes when you add meat with veggies in it; it looks so good."
"Greens are one of the most accessible, cheap and effective means of trying to improve our overall health particularly with brain health."
"Salt pulls water out of vegetables and makes it easier to get the vegetables submerged under their own juices."
"An oven roasting is a lovely way to prepare vegetables because it leaves you free to go away and do other things."
"Once you boil this for about 4 minutes, the color will be vibrant, it'll still be crispy but tender."
"The humble spud has been the most popular veg in British kitchens for years."
"Once I really focused on getting lots of vegetables every single day, I was able to maintain."
"Beta-carotene predicts longer telomeres and can be found in leafy green vegetables as well as yellow and orange fruits and vegetables."
"I just want your plate to have more vegetables than fruit, and you can do it."
"The bag of spinach stays crisp, it's honestly the best tip of all time."
"The more green vegetables I eat, the healthier I am."
"Virtually every vegetable has fiber."
"Eat green vegetables with your first meal of the day."
"Carbohydrates from vegetables was actually associated with lower risk all-cause mortality."
"Don't worry about your fruit or your veggies."
"I wanted something really comforting and filling that also happens to have a lot of vegetables in it."
"Juicing simply is the best way to concentrate the beneficial... especially the green vegetables, which are the healthiest foods on the entire planet."
"This is one of the best ways to eat your vegetables that I could think of on earth, and this is vegan."
"Make sure you have plenty of vegetables around; it's easier, plenty and ease and access is critical."
"The more vegetables you eat, the better you do, but raw are more powerful in terms of cancer prevention than cooked."
"As good as celery is, hey, romaine lettuce is great, kale is great, cucumbers are great, and you know, arugula is great."
"That's how you make it a meal, you go ahead and get your veggie skewer with that delicious meat."
"Eat the nutrition pyramid: more vegetables, fruits, and beans."
"Broccoli, my personal favorite vegetable."