
Persuasion Quotes

There are 6900 quotes

"Am I demonstrating bold enthusiasm? If you want to persuade and influence other people, it's the only question I'm going to ask."
"Knowing the tactics of persuasion is the best defense against manipulation, empowering us to engage critically with the information that shapes our worldviews."
"Let the other person feel that the idea is his or hers."
"Win people into your way of thinking... not by manipulating, but by exploring what other people are doing in their ways of thinking."
"The goal in the culture war is not to defeat people that disagree with you; it's to convince them to come to your side."
"We can't make enemies of fellow Americans; we have to convince them."
"If you repeat something enough, people will start to believe it's true."
"12 Angry Men... nothing else I've ever seen or read in my life has explained this concept to me so well."
"Just give me a solid argument... My opinion can be changed, it's happened many times in the past."
"My favorite thing is for people to greet whatever content I'm creating with immediate pessimism and then get won over."
"I try to take a more conversational stance where it's, 'How can I inch this person over to our position?'"
"We have to figure out a way to do this together, and we have to figure a way to actually persuade our fellow Americans."
"I think it takes a while for people to change their views because they're usually waiting for somebody to sell them something. But once they've bought it, it takes a long time to buy into something else."
"You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink; you can show a person the truth but you can't make them think."
"Let's reason together. You cannot erase truth with a lie."
"When people ask me what would change my mind, my answer has been the same for years: I don't know what would change my mind, but if there's a god, that god absolutely knows what would change my mind."
"You cannot convince someone to take medicine who does not believe they are sick."
"Convince people about climate change not by the moral argument, but by providing market solutions that taste better."
"This documentary is one of the most pointed documentaries I've ever seen as it's produced with the intention of changing your mind."
"If you really want to make a good faith like convincing compelling argument that you're going to change, start there."
"You don't beat an idea by destroying the people who believe it; you beat it with a better idea."
"It's easier to catch more flies with honey than it is with vinegar."
"So no matter how strong your arguments are, it’s probably worth picking your battles."
"Don’t get too discouraged when you can’t change the other person’s mind—we’re just wired that way."
"If you want to persuade someone, the basic rule is talk to the elephant first."
"Real leadership is about persuasion, it's about movement, it's about bringing people around to your point of view."
"We need to lean away from the cliff and we need to convince the majority of the country to lean with us."
"Pressure-free persuasion is about delivering value, teaching, helping, and solving problems."
"The biggest challenge in being both a professional scientist and a science communicator is persuading people that what you think you know about a subject is not actually what we think is true."
"If you want to convince people, start with an open, honest conversation."
"Play to people's fantasies. People tend to avoid truth as it is often unattractive and harsh."
"I would much prefer if I saw a cover letter that was like, 'Hey, I'm going to be honest, I don't have the experience needed for the role, but here are the reasons why I think you should hire me anyway.'"
"Stop asking for permission... if you could just make the thing and then show to people why it's good, people are a lot more easily convinced."
"The core fundamental fact, the consistency in their approaches to persuasion being non-violence."
"You win through your words, never through an argument. If your position cannot withstand vigorous debate, then you need a better position."
"You have to believe yourself first and it's so much easier to convince other people once you believe yourself."
"If you don't value logic, there's no logical argument you can give someone to say that they should value it. If someone doesn't value evidence, there's no evidence you could give them to say that they should value it."
"Certain politicians and pundits will be as callous as possible in order to appeal to the 'I just say it how it is' crowd."
"No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot."
"When you don't have credibility, people won't listen to your arguments, no matter how clever they are."
"Whether you wanna win over a customer service rep or maybe a new client or even a significant other, being able to influence another person, of course in an honest, ethical way, is a key to success."
"Absolutely nothing, but if you refuse this one versus one, I'll tell Melanie that you're a big baby."
"It's hard to convince someone that they're wrong about something, so it's important to get accurate information out there in the first place."
"Persuasion isn't about getting people to do what they don't want to do; it's about giving them a reason to do what they do want to do."
"If you wish people to believe the truth about vaccines, make the argument."
"A persuasive speaker is someone who enrolls them in a new belief."
"Persuasion is more powerful than punishment."
"There's really only one thing that makes money in this world, and that is persuasion."
"Persuade yourself that you as a human are the most valuable product."
"Persuasion is essentially it's an emotional thing. I'm interested in the psychology of persuasion."
"The most important skill... is your ability to persuade."
"I have a background as a trained hypnotist and I've been studying persuasion in all its forms for decades."
"Brainwashing or coercive persuasion continues to be active and to develop even a century later."
"The quickest way to anybody's heart is always through the table."
"Be like water, and you will have tremendous success in persuasion, sales, closing, and negotiation."
"Sales, in the modern world, is can you get people to listen to your side of the story."
"You can never change someone's mind in an argument with just reasoning and logic."
"The only way you'll ever change someone's mind is by first speaking to their intuitions and affections."
"Rhetoric is the faculty of discovering, in any particular case, all of the available means of persuasion."
"A person's life persuades better than their word."
"By vilifying meat eaters, you're ensuring that they're never going to try vegan food because they're going to associate vegan food with someone who's just crying on YouTube."
"There's no substitute for individual conversation because that's how people are actually convinced."
"You can't reason somebody out of a position they got to through emotion."
"The subconscious has a distinct distaste for compulsion and responds to persuasion rather than to command."
"Instead of saying, 'Hey, you should subscribe because it's free,' how about, '99.9% of house fires happen to people who aren't subscribed.'"
"Don't give me adjectives, just give me facts and lead me to where you want me to go."
"It was a master class in politics but more importantly a master class in how you can get your opponents to stand up and agree with you right there in real time."
"The solution for the most part is peaceful, persuasive, and non-violent resistance."
"Insulting someone not only doesn't strengthen your points but actually makes them look weaker."
"The God hypothesis is now a more persuasive and respectable hypothesis than at any time in the last 100 years."
"I know it's natural for people to rush to validate their snap judgments about things. It's kind of the thing I was banking on to get people to pay attention to what I had to say."
"Whatever you say, say it with authority, and people will believe you."
"Mark Twain said it's easier to fool people than to convince them they've been fooled."
"If the only way you can convince people is through selfish means, then maybe it just shows that we're just people."
"That's right is a magical phrase in negotiation."
"Never let your offer speak for itself... tell the story that goes with it."
"Changing minds is more likely through friendly relationships than through antagonism."
"It's easier to fool people than to convince them they've been fooled."
"It's easier to fool somebody than it is to convince them that they've been fooled."
"A person who wins a debate is often the person who is more charismatic or is a better communicator, not necessarily the one with the right answers."
"Influence is not coercive; power is coercive. Influence is merely trying to persuade, to share ideas freely without imposition."
"I've never convinced anybody to get vaccinated by saying, 'You moral idiot. You want to infect the children, don't you?'"
"And the way to actually change someone's mind is to be very clear that you understand what the opposing point is, articulate it as intelligently as you can."
"If you can figure out a way to convince them to stop doing that, then I think we'll have unity."
"We're citizens, and what distinguishes us as human beings from animals is that we can engage in open persuasion and discourse."
"What distinguishes us as human beings from animals is that we can engage in open persuasion and discourse."
"My job isn't actually to make someone be convinced; it's to present a reasonable case. Your job is to get convinced by reasonable cases."
"You can't convince someone of a fact unless you also care about their feelings."
"You do get more flies with honey than vinegar."
"Many of them not all can be convinced, they can be reasoned with."
"I know what it's like to be told something and really believe it to be true and what it takes to be convinced otherwise."
"I don't want people to agree with me; I'm not out to try to get everybody to think like me. I want people to think about it."
"I'm convinced Sharp could convince a dog that it doesn't know how to bark."
"If you're dealing with somebody who cares about you in any capacity... the most valuable tool that you have to convince them of any position is the empathy they hold for you."
"Sometimes you got to make them laugh to have them listen."
"When you can't make them see the light, make them feel the heat."
"I stand before you today in my underwear, asking for your ear so that I may attempt to, through it, persuade you that the message of 'The Matrix Resurrections' is widely misunderstood."
"The most important thing now is to convince people of the premise [that free will doesn't exist]."
"I believe that when she's trying to sell an answer, something that she's not so sure of, she gives us those confirmation glances."
"Eloquent listening means being willing to open your mind to the possibility that you might be persuaded."
"Don't try to convince, have conviction. And it's very different."
"You can't rationally convince somebody to fall in love with you or with your ideas, but you can fascinate them."
"The obligation to persuade... It's the only way because the only other option is violence."
"I believe in the power of persuasion. I think people, especially young people, are hungry to be led."
"Just value evidence. It's actually not that easy to persuade some people that evidence is even worth valuing, but try to persuade people that the truth is not only useful but wonderful, glorious."
"I think it's far more interesting to formulate an idea and then be able to convince other people that it just might be true."
"You catch more bees with honey than with vinegar."
"Persuasion is the umbrella under which everything from marketing to sales to propaganda to hypnosis falls under."
"Words come before violence. Instead of threatening everyone they come across, they should try to win them over with words."
"We have a cerebral gospel... but show a Jewish person one miracle, and it settles the argument."
"Once in a blue moon you come across a case so convincing that it might completely change your belief system. This is one of those cases."
"We can't beat them by insulting them... the only way is to... be a pinnacle of what you believe in."
"He's willing to say he's wrong and be persuaded. That's what we need, that attitude to say, 'Look, I can be convinced. Let's have this conversation.'"
"The majority of voters are commonsensical. If you can explain to them that it is in their best interest to do X, Y, Z, they will."
"In order to be persuasive, you have to be credible; in order to be credible, you have to be believable; in order to be believable, you have to tell the truth."
"Please read this out loud so my friend Jason will donate as well. Give in to the peer pressure, Jason."
"Do not win your argument through your words. Win your argument through your actions."
"The best way to get your point across is to be as respectful as possible, because then nobody can say anything and they'll just have to read your facts."
"My evidence is the book. Read the book. If it makes sense to you, if it strikes a chord, if it rings true, it is true."
"It's unlikely that you're going to change the mind of the person you're actually talking to during the course of a single conversation."
"During World War II, a U.S marine convinced 1300 Japanese soldiers to surrender."
"One of the best ways to persuade people is to show them that you understand their problems because if you understand the problems and that you're an expert, it shows that you're an expert on solution."
"It's the person choosing to do something and knowing they could talk their way out of it."
"Notice how it's so natural to say I was manipulated when I'm trying to sell this idea to you."
"Stick to the substance, know your facts, and when you're gonna throw a punch make sure you throw a good punch, that's the knockout."
"That's fine, those people are not being are not persuadable."
"They're your neighbors who need to be convinced."
"Connect emotionally, use empathy to win people over."
"The art of persuasion is not trying to convince someone in one conversation. It's building up a case, and then finally there's a piece of evidence that breaks the camel's back."
"Your film can grab me by the scruff of the neck and shout me down about how the natural order makes us all equal."
"You attract more flies with honey than you do with vinegar."
"Scolding people doesn't generally bring them around."
"Now is your time to win hearts and minds, especially because the legislation is open to conversion."
"When you have passion for anything and you have the facts on your side, I think it's relatively easy to speak from the heart."
"You can lead a horse to water but you can't always make him drink."
"Learning to connect with them is about learning what not to say and what to say to help get them to say yes to you."
"She convinces her brothers that meeting the mages is for the best."
"Ethos, pathos, and logos are the three main modes of persuasion."
"Personal stories are often the most effective ways to approach people."
"We'd do well to keep some rational perspective and demand facts, rather than allow ourselves to be seduced by heroic, fear-based rhetoric."
"Once you get a taste, you tell me don't leave."
"I tried to talk my way out of it...I can do it."
"He represents such an incredible threat to Emma’s ideals."
"Fortunately, Emma's able to convince him that he was really wrong and he wasn't doing the right thing."
"Life is sales in general, right? You have to be able to make people understand the way you think."
"We need better arguments to go with our facts."
"The first thing you have to do in order to change anyone's opinion is have rapport."
"It's easier to fool someone than to convince them that they've been fooled."
"People are more likely to change their minds if they feel as if they're being heard."
"Is there the possibility to get your average American to look at our arguments and be like, 'you know what that Byron dude is right.'"
"God never appeals to us through force or coercion, but only through truth and love."
"Give her a chance." - Jerry's argument to Judge Palmieri
"It's impossible to convince everyone to switch defaults."
"If your point of view is reasonable and backed by facts, you're more likely to convince somebody."
"The number of people whose minds will be changed by facts is not large."
"It's imperative that the 12 people assigned to choose your fate like and trust you."
"It's easier to fool a man than it is to convince him that he has been fooled."
"Persuasion is the only way out of our current predicament."
"The worst person I know just made a really good point."
"I'm about to see if I can sell to you real quick."
"This documentary is unironically such a good argument for our side of things."
"I didn't vote for Trump in 2016. I voted for him in 2020. I'll vote for him again... we're trying to convince people, you know if Elon Musk is now on the side of free speech, we've got to keep the pressure up."
"The best way to do Dawah as a Christian would be to use the Bible to persuade other people of Christianity."
"If someone asks you what it is, articulate it. If you can't, you're not gonna get them to get on your side."
"First, get people's attention and get them interested so you can deliver better arguments later."
"If you want to compel people to be a part of your cause, you need to convince them, not terrorize them." - Patrick Moore
"Thinking makes you act effectively in the world; thinking makes you win the battles you undertake."
"You never talk anyone into anything, they talk themselves into it."
"Arguing the facts isn't actually how you change their minds. It's giving them the better narrative."
"Selling has nothing to do with persuading. It's not our job to talk people into things. Selling is about determining a fit between the buyer's needs and the seller's supply."
"We need to persuade people about the importance of truth." - Emphasizing the value of truth in democracy.
"So basically, you need to be convinced yourself first. If you aren't convinced yourself first, you won't be able to convince anyone, let alone your parents."
"Ultimately it's going to be who has that stronger case to present to the jury."
"If you can make somebody laugh, you can damn near make them do anything."
"It's a tool for people that want to red pill people around them without jamming it down their throat."
"But, wow, I mean, how do you get that many people to get up and leave their home and move into the middle of nowhere? What persuasive powers that must have required."
"Dunking on someone isn't how you change their mind."
"Come to the dark side, it's fun, we have cookies."
"People care about emotional pulls far more than they care about facts."
"People want to be led, they want to be seduced."
"You change more with humor than with force. You change more by informing people."
"If you just chill, you might actually win the hearts and minds of the people." - Tim Pool
"After all my logic and my theory, I add a twist, so you ignorant ones still hear me or not?"
"I'm not going to appeal to your emotions; I'm going to appeal to your intelligence."
"An appeal towards normalcy is still mostly the most effective way of galvanizing people towards our side."
"The goal of advocacy is to win people over to your side."
"Charlie worked hard to persuade JP Morgan to see Frank like she did."
"People listen to good arguments; they don't listen to being told what to do and being lectured."
"Win people's minds with facts, with truth, share your opinion."
"Argue in favor... use the values you know they already have."
"And it's amazing how little things like that can really cue a jury in to being like, 'okay this guy is for real, I trust him.'"
"You get more flies with honey than you do with vinegar."
"Be a little bit more open-minded, you [ __ ] idiot."
"The government shouldn't scare people back; they should woo people back."
"He has a way of convincing people. That's just how it is."
"It's only going to make it more... on our side."
"In a free society, you have to convince the public of your legitimacy. You have to win them over with reason. Democracy is always a voluntary arrangement."
"If you don't think there's effective rhetorical value to be derived from this, then you're delusional."
"You cannot just convince people with facts alone; it has to be relatable, tangible, and engaging."
"You will never convince me. There is nobody on planet earth that will ever convince me when you look at that baby and you tell me she has behavioral issues. No she don't, no she didn't."