
Greeting Quotes

There are 15969 quotes

"Hello everybody, hello Twitch, how you doing?"
"Happy Saturday! I hope everybody's doing good."
"Her neon vest was a happy splash of color, and her smile was a warm hello for the sleepy children ambling to school."
"Happy Sunday to you. Hope you're all doing well, hope you're in good spirits and in good health."
"All right, hello my beautiful lovelies, welcome back to my channel."
"Feels so good to be alive, baby. Can I get a hello there?"
"Happy holidays and lots of love from Colombia."
"Good morning, good afternoon, and good evening wherever you are and whatever you're doing, I hope you're having a fantastic day today."
"Legends, I hope that you're having a fantastic day and so far a fantastic week."
"Hope you're having a wonderful day. If you're not watching it then, that's also fine. Hope you're having a great day, a fantastic day."
"First of all, how y'all doing? I hope you're having a great evening."
"I hope everybody is having a good night tonight."
"Thank you very, very much for joining me. How are you keeping on this fine day? I hope you're doing well."
"Happy Mother's Day to everybody. I hope you guys had an amazing Mother's Day."
"Hello and welcome my radiantly beautiful people, how you doing today?"
"Hello, beautiful human beings of the Internet."
"Hello valued viewers, I hope you're doing very well."
"Good morning, Mr. Toby Dog. How are you doing?"
"I want to make sure that you all have a wonderful long weekend."
"I hope that you are having a great day today."
"In case I don't see you: good afternoon, good evening, and good night."
"Hello, my beautiful friends. How are you all doing? I hope you're all doing really well."
"All right, hello world, it's Raj. Good to see you guys, good to see everybody today."
"Feels so good to be alive, baby. Can I get a Hello?"
"Happy Friday! If you're watching this during the weekend, happy weekend. If it's a Monday, happy Monday. It doesn't even matter, welcome to the video."
"I would just like to wish you all a wonderful holiday period."
"What up AOK Mafia, it's your boy Artie Kicks, just like that we back with another one."
"You don't know how happy that just made me feel, seeing you at the doorway."
"Welcome back to Board AF. It is very good to see you and a happy spooky season to you."
"Don't underestimate the power of a handshake or a hello."
"Good morning, good afternoon, and good evening, bald and beautiful listeners."
"Assalamu alaikum. For those people now, I wish you peace, you wish it back upon me."
"We greet our beloved brothers and sisters, friends and our enemies. We're glad to bring you the best thing that is on the table."
"Thank you guys so much for watching. I hope you're having a lovely morning, afternoon, evening, wherever you're at in the world."
"Good evening, Internet world and universe, this is Orash and welcome back to the Drawing Matrix."
"Good morning everybody, or good afternoon, or good night, whenever you're watching this."
"Hello there beautiful, how are you doing today? You were looking stunning as always."
"It's not actually Thanksgiving, guys, but by the time you're hearing this, it is Thanksgiving. So, happy Thanksgiving."
"Welcome to Freddy, I always like to be greeted by a hearty laugh and a smile."
"Great fun hello to Daniel Morad, sadly not racing with us this weekend. Hope to see you and the team back soon."
"I hope you all are having an amazing day... I hope everybody is doing great."
"Hope you guys are doing well out there in the world."
"I missed all of you so much! I hope everybody's super well. Good morning, Max! What's good? Good to see you, Rudy. Great to see everybody!"
"It's an amazing Monday, my beautiful friends."
"Good morning freedom-loving people from all over the globe."
"I hope you have a wonderful, beautiful, safe, and amazing day."
"Good morning, good afternoon, and good evening, whatever part of the world you're in. Friday came so quick, and my goodness!"
"I hope you guys are having an absolutely fantastic day."
"We do always greet you in the name of the Lord Jesus."
"Holy smokes, the gang is all here together, welcome! No, you guys, you and we have a bunch of survivors here."
"Good morning, game birds. I hate you. Well, I love you actually."
"Oh, shindigs, good morning Mr. Diggs, oh yeah."
"Enjoy the couple of days of 2017, or if you're watching this in the future, hey."
"Welcome to my spiritual dojo, namaste friends."
"Hello, welcome! First of all, first and foremost, candle of the day, it's the classic champagne toast, it's the best."
"Good morning, everybody, welcome into Morning Invest. It is St. Patrick's Day, so top of the morning to you."
"It's like the map itself is saying, 'Welcome back, old friend.'"
"Hello everyone, I'm just a positive force, just a positive guy for this world, yeah, welcome."
"Happy holidays from all of us here at Team Four Star."
"When you say, 'Yo, bro, what's up?' That should make their whole day."
"Don't forget to drink your water mind your business and be safe out here it's your boy little finesse jiggy hippie i'ma see all y'all when i see y'all peace."
"Good whatever time of day it is to all of you watching around the world."
"I hope you all are having a fantastic and wonderful day."
"Happy early Father's Day to all the fathers out there."
"Hello, everyone. Hi, hello, Father Christmas!"
"Cheers to all of you for joining, it's a beautiful day."
"It costs no money to smile, it costs no money to say hi."
"Home is where the heart is, absolutely. Hola familia, saludos."
"Thank you so much and have a great evening or great morning depending on where you're at. All right, bye-bye folks."
"Oh, hey honey, I hope your trip was good. And look at little JJ, how's my sweet little bunny?"
"Good morning peaches, I'm not quite sure what the time is now."
"Hey, relax, relax, relax, you know, this, sit down, hey what's up scouts how you doing?"
"Welcome to Empire of Sin, the pleasure is all mine." - Al Capone
"I hope you guys are having a wonderful lovely fantastic day."
"Welcome to the show, thank you for having me."
"Welcome to Pod Save America. I'm John Favro."
"Sending you all so much love. Good morning, good night, wherever you are."
"It's always so nice seeing you Eloise, you never fail to put a smile on my face. Cute."
"Gwendolyn answered the door with a prim smile."
"Let's freaking go baby! What is up everybody?"
"He's just like, 'What's up, Tobin?' It's awesome."
"Alright go ahead." "YouTube! How the f*** are you doing? Merry Christmas! From Nadeshot, grandfather."
"Happy September, but hopefully you're having an incredible week."
"Welcome, welcome, welcome, a million welcomes to everybody! This one's for you, taste of the Rocky Mountains."
"Happy Friday, everyone! Here we are, sorry, hello!"
"Welcome to Houston Texas and it's 207 in the afternoon."
"Everybody that comes up to us says Salam alayum. It's so nice."
"I hope you guys have a fantastic rest of your day, and bye bye."
"Grace and peace family. I Salam alaikum Shalom my ID Hotel namaste free the land beloved."
"How are you supposed to greet your coworkers in the morning if you don't finger gun?"
"Good morning, hope you're having an amazing day." - Mark Wiens
"Happy Christmas to all of you watching! It is a time of great cheer."
"Say hi to everybody, say hi to the folks at home."
"Welcome aboard, Josh. It's business as usual."
"How are you doing girls? Oh, you know, I was on the way home, I was in the area, I just wanted to come say hello, that's it, that is all."
"Welcome beautiful stars, thank you so much for your presence here today."
"Good evening my friends, I hope all of you are having an awesome fantastic day."
"Good morning everyone, I hope you're all really, really well."
"Good morning everybody on this January 15th Saturday."
"Cheers for watching as usual. Have a great day!"
"Welcome and friends far and wide across expansion Earth."
"Hello from London, hello Bernardo, it's good to have you here, big fan of your content."
"Thank you guys for watching, I hope you have a wonderful morning, noon, or whatever time it is for you."
"What's good everybody, hope you all are doing fantastic!"
"Thanks for watching everyone. And stay positive! Peace. Bye!"
"We want our program to greet the user as the very first thing."
"Good morning or whatever time of day it is where you are. Good, that all right, let's do it!"
"Welcome back, it's a beautiful day to be alive."
"Earlier this year, Costco's peanut butter chocolate pie became viral on social media."
"How do you utilize space? Hello, how are ya."
"What's up guys? It's your boy, Bert Kreischer."
"Good morning, guys! Hope you're all doing well."
"Good night to those they're gonna sleep and have a great day for those in daytime right now."
"I'm about to wake up, so how's your guys's day?"
"Good afternoon, big brown breakdown listeners! Brownies, brown o's, brown eyes, whatever you want to refer to ourselves as."
"Welcome to the server, boys. Welcome, welcome, welcome."
"Why don't I just say, 'Hey, hey, you inward?'"
"Welcome, welcome, welcome! It's so good to see you lanards. It's been a week, it's been a week."
"Hope you guys are all having an amazing day; it's Monday, welcome to the stream everyone!"
"Welcome to New Vegas, allow me to introduce myself."
"Welcome everybody, we are on a very special day today."
"Happy Mother's Day to all you moms out there."
"Good morning, hope you guys are having a great day."
"Good morning, hope you're having an amazing day."
"Good morning, good afternoon, good night from the 85 South Show."
"Welcome to classicfirearms.com. We'll see you next time."
"Don't be afraid to say hello, now come on, don't be afraid to say hi to me."
"Let's wave our hands and sing a big hello to all our friends watching today. Hi everybody!"
"Merry Christmas holiday you old time period winter merry winter everyone"
"I hope you're having a fantastic, amazing day."
"Yo yo what's up, Busta fam? If you're new here, I'm Easy Bust. If you've been around, I appreciate you."
"Okay beautiful, let's make sure everybody is getting in."
"I hope you guys are having a lovely morning or an evening."
"Hey Dave, they're all saying hey Dave, Dave, Dave."
"Good evening everyone... I love it I love it I love it."
"Welcome back... moving impervious slow down."
"It's the biggest open world we've ever built... Hi Mexico!"
"What's up ladies and gentlemen, nice opening!"
"Thank you so much for watching, if you're new here, welcome."
"Bulls were 69 and 13... Hi, Lamelo. Hi, Zion."
"Good morning, Vehicle Virgins family! I hope you are having a fantastic day."
"Hello Mary, you didn't think I would forget about you, did you? Have a seat."
"Hi, Queen Anna. How are you? Great, actually, never been better."
"Amazing to see you all, thank you and welcome indeed!"
"I saw every single video macing hello my love's and welcome back to my channel or welcome to my channel if you are new hi hello."
"Hope you are having a lovely morning, afternoon, or evening, wherever you are in the world."
"Good morning, good afternoon, or good evening, and welcome back to another video."
"Good morning guys, welcome to my morning routine!"
"Enjoy your evening, daytime, morning, middle of the night, I don't know, whatever time it is enjoy it."
"You'll have a super fantastic awesome splinter amazing day."
"I hope you're all having a great day."
"Welcome back to a little place we call Earth."
"Guys, I hope you guys are having a good day."
"The shout is hi have a good day, and that's really wholesome."
"Remember we're all in the middle of a lockdown and the only way that we should greet that is by saying good."
"Yay! Have a wonderful day or night or evening or afternoon or whatever time it is for you!"
"Hello love, been a while... not long enough."
"Hope everyone's having an amazing day wherever you are, whoever you are."
"I look forward to seeing you all in the next one."
"Wow, how long I've been waiting for this. Hello, hello! Is your name JJ? Congratulations!"
"Happy Birthday to everybody today whether their birthday is in November October January it don't matter."
"Good morning, good afternoon, good evening to everyone, wherever you may be."
"Hello elune hello green dragons hello emerald dream."
"What's up everybody, we are back at it today."
"Happy May Day, everyone! You all have a great rest of your May Day and we will see you next time. Happy meal!"
"Greetings, sir, and welcome back to From the Depths!"
"Y'all are my babies so good morning good morning good morning."
"Good evening, good morning, good afternoon to everyone who's watching from all over the world."
"Stay safe and you know, wishing everybody well."
"Top of the morning to you, top of the muffin!"
"So happy Easter everyone, thank you so much for joining me. You've got Mary Burke live in person."
"Happy Easter to everyone. Enjoy, thank you for being here, happy, happy, happy Easter to everyone."
"I hope you guys have a fantastic day... except you, Jimmy."
"Good morning, Voltsie, you're looking sharp."
"Hope everyone's having a great weekend or great week depending on when you watch this."
"I'm gels from fitment industries I'm Steve from German industries and we'll see you later peace."
"So, whether or not your world has a day-night cycle — good morning, good afternoon, and get yourself home already!"
"How are you doing today? I'm doing excellent man, it's great to talk to you again."
"I hope you all have yourselves a fantastic day."
"Happy May the fourth, may the fourth be with you!"
"Hope you guys are having an awesome day so far."
"Good morning, if you guys are watching this in the morning time."
"Loving peace, how y'all doin'? You know, love and peace."
"Good morning to the best robloxers on the internet!"
"Happy birthday Wesley amazing happy birthday to you bro."
"I'm with my family with Mimi and my parents in the back. Hello! Say hi, Dad!"
"Hello there you extraordinarily gorgeous person you."
"Yo, what's up everyone? Welcome to the stream!"
"Thank you so much for being here today, I hope you're having a fabulous day or night wherever you are in the world."
"Have a fantastic day folks and I will get you guys next time nicely to our next adventure."
"I hope you have a wonderful, beautiful, safe, and amazing day. Goodbye, everybody!"
"Hope you guys are having a lovely wonderful fantastic day."
"Let's make it over there, oh, Merry Christmas."
"It's great to have you with us." - "It's great to have you with us."
"It's a beautiful Monday, I hope you had an amazing weekend."
"Hey, good evening everybody. I hope you're having a beautiful evening."
"Oh yeah, that's right, gross. Gross. Hello, how are you?"
"I certainly do hope that you guys are having a fantastic day!"
"Happy 4th of July everybody! I will see you on Monday."
"I look forward to seeing you in the next one!"