
Stagnation Quotes

There are 962 quotes

"If you're not changing, then what are you doing? That means you stopped growing as a human."
"You're not going to evolve if you continue thinking the same way."
"We have to deal with our habits because they keep us stuck."
"If you feel stuck, your natural energy is depleted."
"This concept of being stuck and really self-sabotaging ourselves... it doesn't have to be this way. It can't change overnight; there's no quick fix solution to this."
"Change is scary, she says, and if you're not changing and growing, then you're dying."
"If you're an industry leader and you're not growing and developing, you're dying."
"The challenge is that sometimes people get stuck and they stop moving forward."
"I'm terrified of taking risks to the point where I'm not achieving anything in my life."
"When you're doing the same things, the same way, over and over, the comfort zone itself begins to shrink."
"Keep pushing forward. Barnacles only grow on a docked ship."
"Comfort brings stagnation. The biggest thing is, if you're very comfortable, you probably don't make stuff that's very entertaining."
"I don't think inequality is our biggest problem; I think our biggest problem is stagnation."
"Your person wants to be successful; they feel so stagnant."
"Life's always going to throw triggers at you, and you get to choose what happens in that gap."
"We don't soar to the level of our goals and dreams; we stay stuck at the level of our self-worth."
"It's useless. There's honestly no forward motion with that. There's zero."
"Human beings are designed to grow... when you stop growing, what do you feel? Stuck."
"But it gets bad because it's comfortability, and then the more you stay in that setting, you feel like you're not doing anything."
"Your comfort zone is a great place but nothing ever grows there."
"Doing things changes things. Doing nothing keeps things exactly as they are."
"Grieving is another good example of this emotional processing thing where, like, some people don't grieve, and then they stay stuck."
"It's the people serving us in Washington are stuck; they are kind of trapped."
"The average earnings for everybody who drew a salary in America in 1979 was $46,000... almost 40 years later, $48,000. A $2,000 increase over 40 years."
"Unwillingness to change and just being okay with stagnation is a huge deal breaker for me."
"The stigma with companies is success centered around growth, and stagnation is death."
"The present is less certain; times kept moving, but the land and its people are stranded in the rhythms of long and quiet lives in a vast and quiet place."
"I just keep talking about getting better, but actually, the gap keeps getting bigger because they're going like that and we're flatlining."
"The MCU's villains are becoming a little stagnant and repetitive at this point."
"A lack of change in innovation... people are probably just getting bored of the same old format."
"Never stop learning new things, or you'll just turn into a potato."
"You have a general stagnation... it makes really bad use of the technologies."
"Success without happiness is basically stagnation."
"If we concede our dreams, we will wander in a wilderness of stagnation."
"It really seems as though Just Cause has hit a bit of a wall in terms of improvement and refinement. It's time for a reinvention."
"The growth is healthy because the alternative to growth is no growth."
"The only thing that is more terrifying than change is for things to not change."
"Ordinary people stay stuck because they blame external conditions."
"We're back where we have been for the last eight years." - "We're back where we have been for the last eight years."
"Nothing seems to ever change for black Americans."
"Windows itself I think will continue the way many corporations do because there's no real Trailblazer there's no leader in in the Microsoft space that is improving."
"It's time to walk away from anything in your life that has left you feeling stagnant."
"The day you become content is the day you die."
"The root is what is it in your life, why aren't you moving forward in life?"
"If you're becoming larger but staying in the same place, then that holds back your growth."
"Bitcoin and Ethereum institutional demand has flatlined."
"Nothing more horrible than a person who has stopped learning."
"Investment in facilities is dragging us back."
"There's a risk in not taking a risk. It's called stagnancy."
"If you're not growing then you're deteriorating."
"Those who fear change live a life that's crackled."
"Are you in a situation where nothing's changing, nothing's moving forward? It's time for you to take that leap of faith."
"Open worlds are getting more and more stagnant, they can be executed so well that it feels good even though there are inherent downsides."
"No one has any incentive to change their behavior, is called the Nash Equilibrium."
"If you don't want change, you won't stay the same."
"If you ain't growing, you're staying the same."
"Once you get a clear identity, you can't just stay stuck there."
"You don't change, Luke, you stagnate. You say you listen to criticism but then continue going on with the same things you've always done."
"Modern culture is stagnant, man. They keep regurgitating the same stuff and injecting whiteness into it. It's garbage."
"Career tanks have a very, very hard time climbing the guild ladder because it's all rooted in complacency."
"If you keep blindly following what everybody else does, you're going to keep falling further and further behind without even noticing it happening."
"Wages have been stagnant and the price of basic middle-class goods like housing and healthcare have gone through the roof."
"When you're at the bottom of these channels, right, that's where a lot of the biggest opportunities lie."
"Perfection is a limitation because there's no evolution, there's no growth in perfection. It's stagnant, it's dead."
"We're constantly putting band-aids on things... I don't think America is really interested in real progress."
"It's easy to fall into habit, comfortable habit that's not moving it forward."
"Your person is definitely feeling stuck on this."
"Utopia, if it's ever established, will die, will stagnate. Whereas what I'm talking about is an evolving culture or an emergent culture."
"It's actually much better to have growth and change rather than sit in a little bubble of stagnant pond water that just gets all stanky and gets the algae on it."
"Glock stopped innovating about 30 years ago 25 30 years ago and they're just riding on the coattails of their original success."
"Persona 5's crew, the Phantom Thieves, are great... but the story moved on from their arcs so long ago, it's like their shadows."
"You stay where you are, you don't progress and that is death."
"Stagnation in the environment begs for a change; it's just a question of when."
"People want to see the character grow and move on and become someone more than he is, not stay in the exact same place he's been in since 2005."
"It's like you're sick of being stuck and stagnant in a situation."
"You're stuck, you're staying in the same place and you think that it's fine but it's not bringing you anything emotionally so that's obviously stupid."
"Progression purgatory: no one improves, no one declines."
"If we fundamentally lose our imagination right... if they can't come up with new ideas and we fundamentally stall out when it comes to imagination to creativity."
"Nothing's going to happen, you know, nothing can happen that's going to be major news because the only thing we're waiting for is a sale of the club and it's not happening."
"Stagnation is losing because wishing is a sealed fate because immobility is regret."
"Stillness and stagnation are not the same thing."
"They're stuck with this toxic energy... that's what's keeping them stalled."
"On balance every Mexico harder than the rest of Latin America... Mexico made no progress whatsoever."
"If you don't see no progress off you in the exact same position you were three years ago, it's done, like come on, like, yeah, you're not making no progress."
"In a war of attrition, lack of progress often stems from poor tactics and bureaucracy."
"You gotta move some, you gotta move the ball in a new direction, you can't just stay stagnant and stuck."
"Every single month that you stay stuck, every single month you stay underrated is another month where you're losing out."
"If you're not moving forward, you're going backwards."
"No reason to believe things will be different next week."
"As long as you stay the way you are, you're not going to deserve any type of change."
"Remember change without change we'd be stuck in the same mud forever."
"If you're not growing and evolving, you're dead. You might as well be dead."
"Magnifico represents the great problem of something being stuck in the past and refusing to change."
"No one wants what they worked hard for to become stagnant because of someone else."
"The stock price can never move again for the next 10 years."
"What is going on, I mean my main feeling about all of this was not really anger or sort of personal disappointment, it was more sort of frustration that the country is back to square one."
"Fear of the unknown keeps many in a painful state."
"They built nothing real, they just stagnated."
"Mitch's subscribers plateaued at 6 million and then began to regress back into the 5 millions where they remain to this day."
"The Flash is a show that just fundamentally refuses to evolve."
"The myth of prosperity: working harder to stay in the same place."
"The tide has always been lifted and our boat ain't never lifted with the tide."
"Maybe the biggest thing to take away from sequelitis is that by ignoring dissenting opinion, we encourage stagnation."
"Walking in fear and faithlessness will always keep you coming back to the same spot."
"If you're in a spot you don't want to be in right now guess what if you don't actually take action towards changing that right now it'll keep you there for a long long time."
"No change plus no change will equal no change."
"There could be stagnation going on in your love life... inner growth going on expansion..."
"And here we are almost two decades later and it seems like nothing has changed."
"If you don't grow, however, your results will stop there."
"Stagnation leads to death, which also includes your thinking."
"If you feel comfortable with where you are right now, you will stop growing."
"If you're not learning and getting better, then you're getting stuck where you're at."
"If you're not pouring, you're probably stagnant."
"You're definitely protected with the hangman here, you're not moving, that's why that's what's frustrating this person."
"Traditional banking as we know it has been old and has not changed for the past decade."
"Until you truly, honestly, deeply forgive, you're gonna be stuck in this energy."
"We don't do better, we've never done better."
"Honestly y'all could start repackaging and just keep the same formula and just change the packaging up because everything is very stagnant."
"If you're not growing, you're dying, that's the way life works."
"When you stop growing, you are moving backward."
"There's no moving on, I'm just going to be stuck in a bitter world."
"Embarrassing is still being in the same place in 10 years when you had this opportunity in your hands."
"Change is impossible when regulation is the only thing we've ever known."
"Absolute certitude is a sign of psychological death."
"Despite the going getting tough, I never got going. I just kind of stagnated a little bit."
"Stagnancy is as repulsive as momentum is attractive."
"To be totally comfortable where we already are would actually be the truest hell of stagnation."
"When you lack accountability, it keeps you stagnant, it keeps you stuck, it keeps you in the same cycle."
"I always tell my friends that if you're not learning, if you're not working to improve yourself, you're not making progress, and you're just really stuck where you are."
"It's like putting up a sail. You're in a boat, you're rowing at seven knots, the wind is blowing against you seven knots, you're not going anywhere."
"Conformism keeps us stuck in shallow cycles."
"They resisted change, resisting the evolution process, resisting death, not transformation."
"If we have what we believe to be the perfect version of this thing, then we're killing it."
"It's been stagnant in some way and so now you have some time to really reflect."
"When human beings don't move out of that comfort zone, that's when you get bored and you stagnate."
"In change there is pain, but there is no pain like staying the same."
"Being committed to comfort causes a plateau regarding expansion. It causes stuckness where there is no change or movement, it causes stagnation."
"PC gaming has, in that respect, stagnated, which is weird."
"Unless you get very lucky, you're just kind of in the same loop."
"There's not a lot of forward momentum, so this means that this is a time for reinforcing what we already have, reflecting on what we've already created."
"Take the risk because if we don't do something, then we just stay at the same place."
"It was purgatory. Rock-paper-scissors-purgatory."
"If you're not improving, you're actually losing. If you're not getting better, you're flat, you're dying."
"Their fear is that they're gonna stay stuck in this energy when it comes to you guys."
"Until things actually change, nothing will change."
"Relationships are part of progression, if you're not willing to progress, if you're not willing to move forward, if you're willing to just constantly be stagnant and be in a place of comfort, well, it leads to problems."
"You want to move, I do see you stuck now actually in your head about the situation."
"If you're not progressing, you're by default regressing."
"The worst thing you can do is just be stagnant and working a job and not trying to figure it out."
"The journey so far of the proposed Heathrow expansion has been long, confusing, and stagnant."
"You don't want to be that person that is stuck being the same old person for all your life and not great at all."
"It's chaos, but it's just no progress from either side."
"If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always got."
"You don't ever want to let the product stay the same otherwise people say yeah yeah we've seen these features before but this time will be different it never is."
"All politics is local... you care about what's happened to you and your family, and you're seeing this sense of stagnation." - Kent Walker
"Someone is feeling emotionally stagnant or someone refuses to grow, maybe stuck in a cycle, an emotional cycle not mastering the emotions."
"My biggest fear is me being exactly where I am right now."
"Regardless of how long you've been natural but it's it's been such a long journey and my hair still say it still stops around my shoulder has been for the past 20 years or so."
"It is like never growing ripe, never being harvested."
"We have failed to recognize that we are at a technological plateau and the trees are more bare than we would like to think."
"A body of water that has an inlet but no outlet becomes stagnant."
"Once you start seeing other people rise, and you're stuck as an addict, you're stuck."
"You gotta keep moving forward. Or else you can get stuck exactly where you are."
"Things change and grow; things can't remain stagnant."
"Smartphone innovation has plateaued over the last few years."
"Wages haven't grown fast enough to keep up with the higher cost of living."
"Bureaucracy kills, bureaucracy drives out good people, drives out innovation."
"Complacency is a close cousin of slow death."
"Without emotions, progress remains stagnant."
"This is what happens when you don't innovate."
"Any group of people, any organization that isn't challenged on a regular basis generally stagnates and becomes useless."
"You get too comfortable being that [__]."
"People want to use excuses to stay stuck."
"Running in circles, we never had time to live it."
"The company had stagnated having spent the past decade unable to truly return to the era before the death of Walt Disney."
"This Bankai enables Hisagi to create a world of stagnation where nobody can die."
"Our stagnation is a byproduct of us standing in our own way, choosing not to grow."
"Do I want to grow, or is stagnation okay with me?"
"Someone feels stuck now, stuck in some type of facade, illusion, masquerade where someone was pretending to be unaware, blinded, clueless to their manipulation."
"Stagnation is a fate arguably worse than cancellation for a show like Doctor Who."
"It's not until the pain of change outweighs the irritation of being stuck that you will move."
"The difference between success and stagnation is action."
"There are those places that seem stuck in time either due to abandonment or neglect or indeed a host of many other reasons."
"A boat rots when you keep it in the same place for too long."
"You're stuck, you're like a fly in molasses, and 2021 was your wake-up call."
"Nothing changes until you change."
"There's a resentment, especially because this person feels like they got left behind."
"If nothing changes, nothing changes."
"It's like you're stuck in the sand and instead of getting out... you're just gunning it with gas and the car is just sinking."
"It's been nothing but Side Quests for 3 years and I have no idea why more people don't have a problem with that."
"There's no progression. He doesn't grow or develop...zero progress has actually been made."
"This connection is stagnant until something within one or both of you changes."
"If you're feeling stagnant, make the change now."
"Everything is fluid, and when it's stagnant, it's not in flow."
"Someone is definitely bound, stuck, stagnated, blinded to their own denial."
"If you're not moving forward, you're stuck in damn reverse, and if you don't agree with that, I'll put you in a hearse."
"It creates humans who are essentially husks, humans who never grow, who never evolve."
"People almost don't even want you to change, people almost want you to stay how you are."
"I felt like I was kind of plateauing. I felt like making money for them, I was plateauing."