
Discernment Quotes

There are 7279 quotes

"The trick with the modern world is to take out the good bits and spit out the bad bits."
"Being able to discern what actually matters is the ultimate optimizer."
"Solid food is for mature people whose minds have been trained by practice to know the difference between good and evil."
"Learning to not participate in things just because it's available to you."
"We do have to kind of continue with the work of philosophy and the work of virtue and the work of discerning truth from falsehood."
"The blessing of the block: what seems like an opportunity can really be a trap."
"A wise use of discernment helps us to be truthful, clear, and accurate in our perception."
"Discernment shatters illusions and gets to the truth of a matter."
"Every good and perfect gift comes from God, and if this isn't from God, it's not good."
"There is a difference, a meaningful difference, between good and bad faith criticism, and that distinguishing between the two is necessary if you want to improve."
"The electorate is in a way they are, I think, way more able to sort of weed out the noise and get to the heart of the matter."
"Therefore give to your servant an understanding heart to judge your people, that I might discern between good and evil."
"The art of knowing is knowing what to ignore."
"Being trained in righteousness equips us with the ability to discern between both good and evil."
"Discernment is the 2023 key if we are going to create freedom and sovereignty in 2024 and beyond."
"It behooves you as a woman to know how to comb through and identify the real from the fake, the complete from the incomplete, how to identify a real man, a solid man, a quality man."
"I think women should be more discerning when deciding which man to date."
"We have to discern between people who are mimicking power, uh, greatness for power, and greatness. That's a great question. By paying careful attention, by listening, and by talking about it."
"Ask God to give you the spirit of discernment. That's what you really need."
"The reason God is giving you strength for your next season is so that you can be in a position to discern and hear correctly and shut out the noise of your dilemma because you realize your dilemma has an expiration date, but your God is permanent."
"When a woman has a written vision for her life, she can easily discern who fits into her life and who does not."
"I'm going to trust my own eyes and my own heart to distinguish the truth from the lies."
"Prayer wasn't enough when it comes down to choosing people. You better get some power, discern people, discern the spirit world, and hear God's voice."
"They may remain as a timeless example of the need for careful discernment when it comes to telling the difference between what could be the truth and what is the truth."
"Heavenly Father, we ask that you send the Holy Spirit down upon us to open our minds and hearts to be able to have the wisdom to discern good from bad, to know right from wrong, and to carry it out in our lives."
"It's time to get back to the Bible... The 66 books of the Bible are packed with discernment."
"Everybody talking about Jesus doesn't have the ability to discern the Jesus of their conversation."
"Beware of false prophets, teachers who come to you dressed as sheep, appearing gentle and innocent but inwardly are ravenous wolves; by their fruit, you will recognize them."
"Beware of false prophets which come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly they are ravening wolves."
"Understanding a biblical view of sexuality allows us to discern what is good, what should I approve, what should not prove, what should I affirm, what should not affirm."
"Do not quench the Spirit. Do not despise prophetic utterances. Test everything; retain what is good."
"You must know truth and be able to discern the difference between truth and a lie. That's essential."
"Don't be so desperate for an encounter with God that you throw discernment out the door."
"One of the devil's greatest tricks is deception, and one of the church's greatest needs is discernment."
"Because, this gift of discernment, which you're entitled to if you're a Believer in the Messiah, will sharpen all the other gifts."
"Test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world."
"Teach me good discernment and knowledge, for I believe in Your commandments."
"A discerning spirit doesn't just stop with what they see and what they hear or what they feel at the moment."
"It is a dangerous thing to live today with no discerning spirit."
"The basis of all discernment is the Word of God."
"The natural man does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned."
"You develop a discerning spirit by practice."
"Discernment is not that my belly feels good or my, you know, I or my the rest of my bowel system feels good. That's not discernment. Discernment is in your spirit."
"Believe that right now, it is pivotal that with everything that is going on, we need the gift of discernment."
"If you can't discern the light of God from the light of Satan, you will call the light of Satan the light of God."
"Do with the truth what we need to do, apply it to our lives, and then reject that which is false."
"Faith is only valid and healthy and right when it's in the right things."
"Don't force things if they're not feeling right."
"We have to be sharpened by the Lord and learn to recognize the work of the enemy and how to triumph over his attacks against the mind."
"It's all about discernment; it's all about understanding what's really going on."
"Don't feel obligated to do all the things... A lot of the advice you're going to get is bad, a lot of it's just plain wrong, but a lot of it can be good advice if you know how to apply the advice to your circumstances."
"Be discerning, be picky, and through that care, through that attention, great things can happen."
"It's hard to sift through all the noise... but I think when you do it successfully, it goes a long way."
"God gives you a sense of discernment and the first things he gives you is an understanding of who you are as a spiritual man."
"God's will is no secret; all you got to do is know how to discern His will by applying basic principles to your life."
"How do we know what is for us? How do we know what is from Heaven?"
"Listening with your wallet means you know somebody's trying to sell you something, and you're real skeptical and you use discernment."
"Be careful, my friend, not everyone is as they seem."
"Listen not to the competing voices of the world but to that one voice that matters."
"Separating useful criticism from the not useful criticism is a big part of what I do."
"Prove all things; hold fast that which is good."
"Thank God for the Holy Spirit that doesn't just empower me, but gives me discernment."
"The first thing that you need during the Great Awakening is discernment."
"As always, take what resonates and don't let the rest take from you."
"Your intuition will tell you when something isn't right."
"Making decisions and discernment is crucial for moving forward."
"Don't listen to the person blowing all the smoke; look at the situation from afar."
"Not everything old is bad, and not everything new is good."
"The fact that so many wise people, so many leaders in this country have bought into that narrative and caved to that social pressure, rather than saying, 'You know what, that's not the narrative, there's not the two options,' is really discernment."
"Over the years, we as a group have grown somewhat more sophisticated. We have seen more frauds, we have seen more genuine remarkably important breakthroughs in research."
"Discerning God's will means learning to listen to God's voice in our hearts and then following it."
"Knowing the difference between when you know and when you don't know."
"Being able to discern between those who are bad faith actors and those who are genuinely concerned is crucial."
"Prophecy helps us increase our discernment about what's going on to prevent us from being deceived."
"Love smart, so make sure you're choosing the right ones. Love smart, not dumb."
"Avoid the irreverent babble and contradictions of what is falsely called knowledge."
"I'd rather have real people who see through bullshit rock with me then have a bunch of fake-ass followers."
"When you fruit inspect, there is no way for you to be fooled consistently."
"Be careful who you look up to because you cannot pick and choose the parts of people that you look up to."
"Choose only that which resonates with your heart, and leave the rest without judgment."
"Our attention currency is valuable. We shouldn't feel the need to settle for something that took millions of dollars to make just because it was given to us."
"Just because it feels good doesn't mean that it's actually good for you."
"It's very important to be careful and to be discerning about where you get your inspiration and how your inspiration makes you feel."
"My final piece of advice for coronavirus is don't listen to politicians, listen to scientists."
"Real discernment isn't just calling something satanic. Real discernment is actually discerning what's going on."
"Nothing will come of this situation. It will help you exercise your discernment, and no matter what decision you make, just know that you can do no wrong."
"Unless you've spent a lifetime getting to know the voice and the character... the enemy is going to play you for the fool every single time."
"Queen of swords: speaking truth, discerning dishonesty."
"Test all things, hold fast what is good." - 1 Thessalonians 5:21
"How do you know when something's a PR trick versus when it's not? Experience, all these years of experience."
"We really have to be able to discern who gets a voice and what they're able to say."
"I think we have to be very attentive to who we make the arbiter of the truth."
"Test all things and hold fast to that which is good."
"Let's be smarter, let's be more wise. If it's not glorifying God, cut it off."
"Tripping yourself when things are going well is self-sabotage. Embrace success, but with discernment."
"You've got some divine, god-given, blessed gifts here to help you discern a situation."
"So whose job is it to filter out the noise from the signal, the good from the bad?"
"This is all false light and works of the enemy."
"You have to be able to discern the BS from the real."
"Discernment is the ability to judge well, and it's critical in dating."
"Engaging in spiritual warfare with discernment and authority brings about transformation."
"All money ain't good money and all fans are not good fans."
"Use your discernment so that you can make the right decisions for the right reasons and receive the right blessings."
"You have to learn where the valuable feedback might be coming from and not just think everybody's out to get you."
"Not all opinions are equal... not all opinions are deserving of our time and consideration."
"I believe that we must be informed like the sons of Issachar to know the times and the seasons."
"Run from any church that denies Christ and his powers, or doesn't believe in the death and resurrection of Jesus."
"Some things are easily discerned as objectively true."
"You're fine, you just have to be more discerning in your taste."
"If you listen to the news you're gonna be deceived but listen to the right news don't listen to the ones that have an agenda."
"You need to hear God when you begin to hear multiple voices come down. None of them is God."
"If you check it, you will find out there's nothing wrong. Not every good thing is God."
"A man's prayer life is dead when your discernment is dead."
"You are developing the skill to distinguish love from fear."
"If someone is saying that they're nice and you look at their actions and they're clearly not, you don't have the ability to play stupid."
"Trust yourself, ignore things that don't make sense."
"The government has just started winnowing out separating the wheat from the chaff."
"Take the messages as they resonate, drop the ones that do not."
"Being a little bit more discerning in your yeses and your no's."
"Being more discerning and setting some parameters for yourself."
"Practice discernment around this time, Taurus, because it is really clearly asking you to focus on communication."
"A society that's not even able to discern fact from fiction, because you have a former American president throwing fuel on that fire."
"So, this is why you are starting to become discerning, and you're starting to choose who and what type of energy gets to be around you."
"You need to discern if this person is as interested in you as you think you're interested in them."
"Deception will be so great that even the elect could be deceived."
"Test all things, hold fast that which is good."
"Masterful individuals draw fine distinctions."
"Personal development and spirituality require distinctions."
"Hold on to that which is good, examine everything."
"Be your own person, use your own discernment."
"Remember that the most important voice to heed is your own; it's your inner knowing bolstered by discernment that will guide you forward."
"It's something about them you're yearning over, but you know they're a player."
"The more you know Him, the more you'll be able to detect when what you are hearing or sensing is not from God."
"There's a difference between something being concerning and something being sufficient to establish a guilty verdict."
"A wise woman never believes everything a man says. She will ask God to reveal the man's heart beneath the man's words."
"The true born again follower of Jesus Christ will not be led astray into false religions."
"It's okay to be discerning, be finicky especially when you're seated at life's banquet. Not all is what it seems and not all should be consumed with equal energy."
"Not all thoughts are yours and you shouldn't listen to them."
"The good spirit will make you uncomfortable, unhappy; the bad spirit will make you comfortable and happy."
"Believers must discern these spirits and deal with them."
"Thank you for being unafraid, looking at your own flaws and your own fallibility, your willingness to discern and discriminate the truth from the fiction."
"It's very hard for people to separate signal from noise in our complex diets."
"The key is to distinguish between people giving you honest criticism and people just looking to tear you down."
"We need to be able to discern and use the gift to discern when God is moving."
"Personal Bible study equips us to discern Truth for ourselves, ensuring that we develop a solid foundation rooted in God's word."
"I wear this mask to help people... I'm not some naive socialite you can sweet-talk... I know a liar when I see one."
"In an age of misinformation, clickbait, polarized politics, discernment becomes our most valuable asset."
"Trust your instincts to discern the truth of the situation."
"Do you need a burning bush like Moses to get the clue that somebody's not for you?"
"Don't despise prophecies, but test everything."
"Our true nature is discernment, which leads to evolution."
"Seek inner guidance before proceeding... use discernment and trust your gut instincts."
"Be very picky and choosy who you hand your cup to."
"I'm the gatekeeper, yep. I can smell it from a mile away."
"Man's most valuable trait is a judicious sense of what not to believe."
"Understanding the times, understanding the political climate, understanding how to discern."
"It may be an amazing opportunity but not our amazing opportunity."
"Some situations and people really aren't worth the second chance."
"Please use discernment. Only take what resonates and leave what does not."
"The longer you walk with God, the more discernment He blesses you with."
"Your job is not to be a human lie detector. Your job is to see if what they're saying aligns with the kind of person you're seeing in front of you."
"I can't overlook those things and judge that fruit in any other way than bad."
"Cut through the BS and see through people's lies."
"You guys like know how to use discernment, like if this person starts acting funny, you know to cut them off again."
"His sheep hear his voice. So there's something wrong when the church starts acting like the world."
"You have the right to have this level of discernment in who you want."
"You got to have that discernment to know when to kind of be open and flexible to whenever that person chooses to come into your life."
"Discernment is knowing the difference between right and almost right."
"You just have to make sure that you allow the right person in."
"Not everybody in your corner needs to be in your circle."
"I'm starting to see that I don't need the full picture because what I can see is already completely unacceptable."
"Don't believe everything you see or everything you eat."
"It's a difficult time to discern the truth and a lot of people struggled that Tony."
"We want to create healthy conversations where we are discerning."
"My sheep hear my voice and the strangers they will not follow."
"Who's right and who's lying, that's your job."
"There's both truth and nonsense in every text. Everything should be discerned."
"My giving now is on a whole 'nother level. I know who to help as opposed to just... and there's different ways of that."
"You shouldn't be worried about if someone's trying to take something from you that's not discernment, that's actually operating in fear."
"I know good when I see it, and I know evil when I see it."
"I stand with people who are able to tell BS from their own BS and don't fall for every single thing."
"Always use discernment in life; only take what resonates, leave what does not."
"This is the time to be wise and use your discernment."
"You're developing the skill to distinguish love from fear and truth from illusion."
"People have to be really discerning and look for sources, and not always just focus on whatever they would have reinforced what they already think."
"Test the spirits to see whether they are from God."
"The most important truths often are, but you must learn to discern for yourself."
"From can to want. Just because you can, it's not a good enough reason to do something. Even when it means having more. Be discerning. Choose it because you want it, do it because you want to."
"The Church is guided by the Holy Spirit in discerning such things."
"We're affecting the earth with the way we're treating our animals."
"It's not about fear-mongering, it's about having discernment."
"The more diamonds you guys see, the more you'll be able to tell the difference."
"Discernment isn't vague, it's sharp, pointed, and specific."
"Anytime you're signing off on their bad behavior, justification. Anytime you're saying 'wow, that does seem really hard,' empathy. Understand the difference so you don't get fully pulled under that bus."
"Overflow with love, real knowledge, and discernment."
"Neptune in the ninth house makes you spiritually inclined, but be wary of following false prophets or misinformation, as boundaries may blur."
"Unless you depend on God's Holy Spirit, there's almost zero chance of discerning what is true and what is faking."
"Trust your intuition; you're a human lie detector right now."
"If you are filled with God, you will be able to discern His voice."
"You can smell a lie 10,000 miles away across the world over the seas."