
Caution Quotes

There are 44769 quotes

"If it seems too good to be true, folks, probably is."
"You can never do a good deal with a bad partner."
"The louder you are, the more targets you've got."
"When it comes to pain pills, you need to be very, very careful."
"The Gang Lifestyle is nothing to glamorize or glorify."
"You never know who you might meet and be rude to in life that later on down the road, they might be the bridge to somebody else."
"Don't rush into buying something too quickly."
"Play my cards right, it takes one false move and you'll be gone, but maybe it's all right."
"The moment that somebody starts telling you that God is acting through them, you better look out."
"You can mess around with a lot of things, but not the taxman."
"It's insane when I was researching the IRS. That is the number one thing: you can mess around with a lot of things, but not the taxman."
"If we don't create mechanisms to guide humanity into leveraging the positive elements of that, we're headed for a bumpy ride."
"If you super empower people to come into office to be immune forever, you may find that you're living in a dictatorship someday."
"I'm glad I found fame later on, but still, you know, they say be careful what you wish for."
"In other words, there’s no need to go chasin’ waterfalls…and more remote areas can stick to the rivers and the lakes that they’re used to."
"Those who guard their lips preserve their lives, but those who speak rashly will come to ruin."
"You can never count your chickens before they hatch."
"I believe that you are making a huge mistake of historic proportions."
"When it comes to safety, you never cut corners."
"AI may very well destroy us, but I love it. I absolutely adore it."
"I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but the market will crash again."
"Be fearful when people are greedy and be greedy when others are fearful."
"If you buy today, you're likely buying at the peak of a massive bubble that's going to see a big drop in prices in the coming years."
"Confidence they tend to go off the rails, so it's good to know what you don't know."
"Do not be deterred by the thorn amidst the roses. It's a reminder that, sure, there are bad things that could happen...but is it worth it? Absolutely."
"Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should."
"Pick a go/no-go point and abort if you're not going fast enough to do the takeoff."
"Don't break down a fence until you know why it's been put up."
"He that keepeth his mouth keepeth his life: but he that openeth wide his lips shall have destruction."
"Usado is in a permanent state of disbelief as every fiber of his being is telling him to stay away from this insane person."
"The future has eyes. We know every move you're about to make."
"Please be careful with your spending; it's very dangerous and can lead you down a very slippery slope very quickly."
"There's more red flags than a bullfight going off in my head when I hear that story for the first time."
"I'm really leery of letting people vent because a lot of times, it just seems to be a spiral that just spirals out of control."
"Facing the rhinoceros, which is known as the tank of the natural world, the lion must be wary."
"Don't let your mouth write a check that your [behind] can't cash."
"All progress demands sacrifice but never risk sacrificing everything for progress."
"Think before you do anything else next time."
"A stranger is a stranger, and who do we never talk to? Strangers."
"The internet is full of bad people who can do bad things to you."
"You don't get a childhood back. It's this is it. You know, that's it for children."
"As much as I like to think I'm a hopeless romantic, the red flags are really red flagging if you're getting married after only knowing this person for three months."
"The amount of risks we have in the system, the amount of potential problems we have, is definitely greater today."
"Every power the government takes it will ultimately abuse to the maximum extent possible."
"Anytime you combine a poorly understood topic with a strong human desire, you've got a recipe for scams."
"A couple of cases today are going to be many, many cases tomorrow."
"The historical record cautions strongly against prematurely loosening policy."
"Don't overdo it. This can be a slip disc or a pulled muscle. So easy does it."
"Be careful, the devil is always in the details."
"Even if somebody's trying to do the right thing, it doesn't mean you should trust them."
"Never co-sign. Never tell them what's in the Bible. Listen, never co-sign."
"The key to success here is patience. Rushing in like a bull in a china shop will only lead to disaster."
"Any community, when taken to extremes, can be dangerous."
"It's far too easy to live crunchy and then, without even realizing it, fall into a cycle or loop that's all too cult-like."
"Don't be a social media physician; don't base your idea of reality on what other people say."
"You have to be right 100% of the time. You can't even be wrong once."
"This was a surprise because it is making me re-evaluate. I need to be careful about making these blanket statements."
"Don't just put your name on anything because it's your brand ultimately too, and you need to make sure that you're involved."
"Don't allow them to do certain things to me because it's going to be a part of the DNA of the show. Once they do it to me, they're going to do it to you too."
"I'm worried about you, Edgar. I've seen far too many players who couldn't handle the lifestyle, the fame, the pressure."
"It's a good thing, but you really have to keep it ethical."
"Be very leery of people who are inflexible. If you know people that literally won't change their position when presented with facts, run away from those people."
"Exploring the alienated planet with caution and curiosity."
"I'm not blase about the dangers of technology. It's been a double-edged sword ever since we picked up a stick to reach a higher branch."
"It's not getting any easier or safer out there, so being vigilant is extremely important."
"This could open up Pandora's box if we're not careful."
"Guard your heart, for out of it flow the issues of life."
"Don't destroy a bridge over which you yourself will have to cross one day."
"Don't jump from you see somebody across the room... to making investment sexually, emotionally, and otherwise."
"Moving too fast is a really interesting point. When someone gets really radically into you very quickly... that can be a little unnerving and something to watch out for."
"Be careful of people who say the right thing for the wrong reason."
"You got to be careful what you say about people. That's something I learned."
"Just because something's human doesn't mean it's good."
"I dare say Junior trying to get inside but he'll be reminded by Simple not to go chasing waterfalls. Please stick to the rivers and the lakes that you're used to."
"Turns out, this thing was nothing more than a glorified piece of spyware."
"You're short-circuiting the process and you have to be careful about that because the process teaches you things you wouldn't otherwise understand."
"Be careful. If you're gonna do it, do it, but you gotta be good."
"Don't get yourself killed over some pride, man."
"I'm sending you out like sheep among wolves; therefore, be shrewd as snakes and innocent as doves."
"The Stonefoot Catacombs... it's a pretty good one. It teaches that the slow and cautious approach is often the best one in these games."
"You've got to be very careful which philosophies of people you buy into."
"Nostalgia is kind of like fire, okay? And it can be kind of like playing with fire. So fire can, it can warm you up, but you, I feel like you can get lost in it too, staring too long at the fire or getting too close, you can get burned."
"The government that is big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take away everything you have."
"The man widely seen as the Godfather of artificial intelligence...warned of the dangers of AI."
"People who have a predisposition to psychosis, those people should really avoid the use of psilocybin and other psychedelics entirely."
"We have to be really smart. We have to get this right."
"Once bitten, twice shy; 15 times bitten, traumatized. Is my audio good before I continue?"
"This is going to be, and I really believe this, the most important election in the history of our country. Don't let them take it away from you."
"I am fearful that we are running headlong into a great harm thoughtlessly."
"They're heavy, and they put one above the other and carry it back carefully, ever so carefully, because if one tumbles, it'll all come crashing down."
"Bottom line is, don't get taken advantage of. Don't join an organization that could care less about you."
"With respect to money, friends, and family, be very careful."
"The truth of the matter is that where you choose to fish for your men is filled with a bunch of piranhas."
"If you don't know who the fool in the game is, it's probably you."
"You're quite a kind soul, just be careful not to spill any tea on your unique outfit there."
"I think at some point, as they're shuttering the windows and the doors, they're going to be like, oh, we should've seen them coming."
"With artificial intelligence, we are summoning the demon."
"I think it's gonna destroy the entire world or just at least like, like people. I think are just gonna be messed up."
"It's important to be careful about responsibility and blame."
"Philanthropy is not inherently bad; it's just dangerous and it potentially normalizes a lot of really destructive social tendencies."
"Adventurers often let their guard down when they think they are close to their goal."
"The crazy you can see is not the crazy you have to worry about."
"It's best to heed the warnings and steer clear of the real-life Conjuring house, leaving its mysteries undisturbed in the shadows where they belong."
"Always remember to pay attention to small details."
"It's time to learn how money works, to understand what went wrong with FTX, and understand how you can personally tell when someone you think you can trust on the Internet is telling you to do something that is not in your best interest."
"We need to be really careful about how we market and advertise these algorithms."
"Treat every snake as a deadly snake in Australia, especially if you don't know what you're doing."
"You've got to get real careful about what you believe because from your beliefs is what you're asking for."
"Debt is a trap that holds us back from living the life that we truly want."
"Be fearful when others are greedy and greedy only when others are fearful."
"Do your research if you're going to get them done."
"Nobody has crypto advice that's good unless it says don't invest."
"When people do abdicate their responsibility en masse, things turn into hell very, very rapidly."
"Don't put your life savings into anything. Never, under any circumstances, do that because it is risky."
"We're only going to see the long-term impact of our relationship with these mobile devices and technology in general continue to manifest in malignant ways."
"You have to be smart with your moves too. You've got to be intelligent."
"An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth can get us into a dangerously vicious cycle."
"Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me."
"This game is not suitable for children or those who are easily disturbed."
"I'm not a confident swimmer, and that's why there are a few key safety tips you have to follow."
"If you're not careful, you'll become the very thing you despise the most."
"If you have a belief and you're trying to implement it into policy... just be very careful with what it is that you're doing."
"Some anxiety makes sense. It keeps us being careful... It can be absolutely fine."
"Curiosity without discretion is a dangerous thing."
"You're better off wondering and guessing because curiosity without discretion is a dangerous thing."
"I've never put money into something I don't fully understand."
"There's no need to be paranoid, but it's not paranoia to say that there are a lot of identity thieves out there in cyberspace."
"Lack of self-control is something which we shouldn't take lightly."
"Not everyone's who they pretend to be; some are wolves in sheep's clothing."
"We're going into the biggest crash in world history."
"Whenever we forget the cross, we're in trouble."
"Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour."
"The heart... will lead you right away from your legacy because you're frustrated, you're in your feelings. And when the Bible tells you, do not trust your feelings, they're a roller coaster."
"We're in a terribly dangerous situation that isn't obviously dangerous."
"This is not the time to be aggressive; now is the time to just dollar cost average, be well diversified, buy your favorite stocks when they get cheap."
"Be careful that you don't become that which you fear."
"The magic is recognizing, 'Oh, I could go wrong,' as much as it all feels right."
"Be goal-oriented... Be very, very careful about what you set as your goal, because you can take yourself down some horrifying paths. But once you have a goal that's honorable and exciting to you... you're seeking truth, you're trying to get better."
"Before you ever do anything... you need to see outright evidence and facts because this could have easily been avoided."
"It is haunting, it really is, and it's just another illustration: You can never trust people you meet online."
"Don't traumatize your children for the LOLs."
"Just because there hasn't been a nuclear war before, it doesn't mean there can't be a nuclear war now."
"When people show you their true colors, believe them the first time."
"Beware the bearers of false gifts and their broken promises."
"It's better to be safe and do everything right, then go quickly and then have a mistake."
"Be fearful when people are greedy and be greedy when people are fearful."
"Be wary of Chesterton's fence: do not remove a fence until you understand why it was put up in the first place."
"Please stay safe wherever you are; nothing is set in stone."
"We don't know how bad things can get, but based on what we do, we know they can get far worse than we ever want to touch."
"Wolves in sheep's clothing look like sheep; they don't look like wolves."
"Keep your friends close; keep your enemies closer."
"Right now is just a very scary time to be a home buyer in general because of all these uncertainties."
"When you put something on the internet, it's there forever. Someone screenshotted it somewhere, right? Or archived it somewhere. So think about everything as being written in stone."
"There's a rightful reason to be anxious about the future in many cases."
"The only red flag that I'm hearing... that sounds a little concerning."
"We must guard against the acquisition of unwanted influence by the military-industrial complex."
"Beware of people who are already in relationships who have feelings for you."
"Beware of false prophets, teachers who come to you dressed as sheep, appearing gentle and innocent but inwardly are ravenous wolves; by their fruit, you will recognize them."
"Just because you can doesn't mean you should."
"I got out of there before I could get abducted."
"This is why it's important to read before you touch things."
"When you have a vacuum that runs that deep, that is when poison begins to fill the void."
"You got scammed, brother. You got freaking scammed."
"Overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer."
"You should respect the power of the truck, the venom of the snake, and the danger of a fire, respect it, but don't be afraid."
"Be wary. Triumphant pride precipitates a dizzying fall."
"Being single sucks... but being married to the wrong person is a type of hell no one should have to go through."
"Let he who thinks he stands, take heed lest he falls."
"Don't get too comfortable, a lot of us have to learn the hard way the importance of investing."
"It's a reminder to everybody: don't ever volunteer information to the police."
"Pay attention. You do need to save for a rainy day."
"The dead won't bother you. It's the living you got to worry about."
"But guys, beware, there is a great evil among us."
"The way I see it, this $10,000 should not be the reason that you go and buy a home."
"If you feel like somebody in your life is that perfect and that you feel like they're a mirror for everything you need, you should be very cautious with that."
"Never ever buy a property that you cannot rent out."
"Everyone says it can't happen here until it happens here."
"Think before you act. Make sure you really stick to that plan."
"Love of the Prophet SAW is a very slippery slope...it's very easy to exaggerate that love."
"The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist."
"Chernobyl is a lesson in how our hubris makes us forget to treat nuclear technology with the respect it deserves."
"We're still very early and beware of who you listen to. Don't listen to fools and tools."
"We must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex."
"If you're saying 'good, they deserve it', be careful. What you should be saying is, it's a good thing that they're going through this for their growth."
"Beware of false prophets which come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly they are ravening wolves."
"I've always tried to avoid commenting on just photographs because things are not always as they seem."
"When things get nasty, I grab all the cash I can from all the places I can."
"Take your time, do your research, and absorb it before you put your money in. Go slow before you go fast."
"Keep your hands out of your wallet or your purse."
"We're walking into what I believe is going to be the greatest rug pull in American history."
"It's better for you to be prepared for the worst, and even if nothing bad happens, well, you're just prepared."
"We'd better tell the future in stories, because the more we tell it in equations, the more dangerous it is definitely going to be."
"Let's not take our eye off the ball just because the numbers are flattening."
"You just lived way too high, a risk profile out of this planet."
"Moral of the story: do your research before committing to anything permanent, especially with your body."
"Be cautious of simple solutions to complex problems."
"Just listen to us; you really don't want to pick that up."
"He's been driving so erratically, safety is first obviously."
"Don't comment on anything until you have all the facts. It's okay to say 'I don't know.'"
"The biggest message here is to do your research, and if you have an inkling of concern and if you see some red flags, then do explore that more."