
Co-creation Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"Your mind doesn't learn based on consumption; it learns through creation or co-creation."
"You are a creator; you are here to co-create with the fundamental harmony of the universe."
"The most important spiritual lesson is you are part of that co-creation."
"As our consciousness expands, and we have more understanding of how to use our co-creative consciousness, then physically, the physical part starts to catch up."
"Understanding the power of co-creative consciousness and we get a real understanding of what it is to be one."
"God by his grace has chosen to partner with you and me in co-creating the life he ordains for us."
"You have so much power that you're allowed to co-create."
"Following your gut, following your intuition, and saying yes to things, it's called co-creating with the universe for a reason."
"Read Write Own offers a vision for the internet where people can own, co-create, and profit from the platforms they use."
"The very energy of creation itself, using you and me as co-creators."
"You are going to spend the rest of your life becoming that person that is a co-creator with God."
"We can build a nation that's not about empires and sequestration of power and wealth and resources, but about co-creation."
"We can start doing it by just being a co-creative society again, connecting humans to be co-creative rather than consumptive."
"Live life more vulnerably, and you can co-create the experience you have."
"A writer only begins a book; a reader finishes it."
"Enjoy your coffee and co-create with me, the universe."
"With clear intent, I co-create my life with the support of the universe. Within and without, I experience more joy, more abundance, and more ease. With universal love surrounding me, life becomes a miracle I always knew it could be."
"Co-create your own reality, co-create heaven on earth."
"The transformation that you came here to do, for yourself personally and collectively, to generate the new energies, to co-create together upon the planet."
"We are conscious co-creators here who are...it's our job...to raise the consciousness of the entire planet."
"Astrology is the pattern, it's the sheet of music, but the co-creation of what actually happens is down to our individual and collective frequencies."
"We have to accept, dear one, like it or not, that we are co-creating our realities."
"You become a co-creator. You tap into the data and the information and the potential of the godness."
"The right to the city is a call to action to reclaim the city as a co-created space for a transformed, renewed, and self-managed urban life."
"We manifest our reality, our material reality. We are co-creators of it."
"Awaken to yourself as a co-creator of that future fulfilled."
"We are divine beings of infinite potential, co-creators of our reality."
"You're a co-creator of this relationship experience you're currently in."
"You are an immaculate and perfect creator of our shared reality."
"Life happens for you not to you and you are actively and presently co-creating the next step of this journey."
"We're co-creating this experience together through our desires, our hearts, our dreams."
"You won't be alone for long, co-creating powerfully with spirit."
"Microsoft Teams will bring this type of value to any group conversation."
"You are a powerful being who is even now helping to co-create the world we live in!"
"Talking about co-creation in India for a global market."
"Own your right as the co-creator of your reality."
"When you learn how to create, because we're co-creators."
"We are co-creators and we can actually do a little something about it."
"Our co-creative consciousness is what is going to do it."
"We are creating it in every moment... as co-creators stepping into our path."
"We are all creating our own universes our own realities that aren't competing with one another if anything we are co-creating and we are collaborating with one another in that individual creation process."
"Values aren't arbitrary... people don't create values, they discover them... or maybe they co-create them."
"You are a powerful co-creator of your reality."
"You have all the time in the world to co-create the life you desire. Miracles are here right now and always show up when you need them."
"That's where I think we have like the whole with three experience the real-world 3 experience where you don't just wait for a product to be done and use it you actually participate in building."
"Life happens for you, not to you. You are a participant and co-creator, not someone that's receiving energy that you don't want."
"Keep going forward, what we're co-creating is coming into our reality."
"It's not about the man leading the process, ladies, it's about co-creating a relationship together."
"Your new beginning is going to require you to co-create."
"Life is a co-creative thing, leave room for the universe to do the rest."
"You're not doing this alone, you're co-creating."
"Co-create a relationship together. That's the relationship that has a greater chance for success."
"You're either a co-creator or part of the collective."
"When it comes to pursuing a woman, she will take it as being something of value, if it is something that she works together with you to co-create."
"You have the power to co-create with the universe."
"You are now co-creating your life, living life on purpose, not waiting for things to happen."
"Life is not something that happens to you, it's something that you co-create."
"Co-create with spirit, embracing personal transformation that brings messages forward into our lives."
"You listen to us, you believe in what we do, you value what we do, and then you did this. You built it for us."
"We need each other in order to co-create the best possible experiences on this planet."
"We are all co-creators in that new paradigm, in that new future."
"Life isn't happening to you, you are co-creating it. You have the power to determine what you want."
"You have a lot to offer, it's like the way the universe looks at you as well or that you co-create with the universe."
"Humans are the co-creators of our reality, but we don't know it."
"It's almost like if you were to imagine... we are the co-creators of our reality but we don't know it."
"Recognize that your fate or your fortune is kind of a bit out of your hands. It's almost like releasing to spirit, to your co-creator, to recognize that you and the co-creator are actually designing your reality."
"You're co-creating your own reality, and that gives you enormous power, direction, and will to make your dreams come true."
"Choice is how we participate in co-creation, it's our constant active life ingredient."
"We are powerful co-creators when we have a say in how these energies are unfolding."
"You are a powerful spiritual being and that you have the opportunity and potential to co-create with spirit to allow spirit to create with and through you to bring the blessings of infinite possibility into your life."
"You are a co-creator with God, and God is creating through you."
"We co-create the reality around us through our thoughts and actions."
"They don't like the world that they're creating without you."
"Life isn't happening to you, you're co-creating life."
"Keep in mind that you're infinite beings, and you have infinite power to co-create with the universe."
"Because we are creating it right now ourselves. Yes, we are co-creating it together and therein lies the response ability, responding and being able to respond to what is needed now."
"I want you to imagine that for a moment what if the universe was co-creating with you."
"Reality is what we're experiencing here right now. It is real, it's manifested. But this can be a paradise if we're co-creating it."
"The Great Awakening is occurring and the more you stay in a conscious space of 'I'm a co-creator and everything is going according to the light plan,' these things always backfire for them."
"This is your opportunity to co-create your financial future."
"Love cannot be held back. It breaks through everything."
"Don't ever seek a relationship where you can't co-create a relationship together."
"We're not users, we're not consumers, we're co-creators in this."
"My hope is that we can truly do a step into a new dialogue and co-creation."
"See the Opus... Behold The Beauty... look in the direction from which the images flow... continue to evolve and... co-manifesting."
"God is your homie, okay? We're the co-creators of the universe, but we also were created from God and God wants something with the best for us."
"You have all the magic within you. You are a co-creator."
"I'm not a victim of this reality, I'm a co-creator."
"We are co-creating the absolute best life hand in hand with the universe."
"Surrendering to our highest joy and good lifts up the vibration of our minds because that's what we create with. It says, 'You know what? I'm ready to co-create like heaven on earth kind of creation.'"
"That's the way I would see it. It's that we are, you know, in every aspect, we are moderators, modulators of consciousness, yeah. We are microcosmic, co-creative consciousness."
"By listening, you aren't just passively listening but actually co-creating all of this information."
"We are co-creators of our reality, shaping the course of human history and the fate of all life on Earth."
"Realize you're not a victim of the energies around you but a co-creator of the energies you wish to see in your reality."
"You are master co-creators of your reality; you have to believe it."
"We hold the collective realities and can collapse and co-create them from within."
"You can be a co-creator of your own reality."
"Thank you so much for sharing your energy with the reading today, know that by listening to this reading you aren't just a passive listener but actually a co-creator."
"Angels are ready to fully support you in this endeavor so that you can co-create with the universe a life you love."
"You are co-creating with the universe, able to create your path."
"We are not victims of circumstance; we are co-creators of our own reality."
"You have the power to create stillness and to co-create the future that you want."
"Life does not just happen. We're not victims of life, we're co-creators."
"The universe will do its part but you have to do yours as well."
"We are co-creators of our own reality, every decision we make, every step that we take, is adding up to bake our tomorrow."
"Someone is a master manifestor because someone is very perseverant, someone is confident, someone is co-creating with the universe."
"Life is a game of imagination, and you are the co-creator."
"Every day in every way we are co-creating the next step of our lives."
"You co-create with the universe and this is good karma playing out in your life."
"Things don't just happen to me; I'm co-creating this with my thoughts, with my intention."
"Your future is not set. Your future is open to be formed by you. Your future light cone can be co-created."
"We are the children of light from a kingdom of light, born to create and co-create the future."
"The understanding of God as light, love, and law will replace a biospiritual ecology where we know we are co-creators."
"You co-created with the universe."
"If you're loving them and they're loving you, you create love."
"If you can co-create stuff... you can create tremendous win-wins."
"Create a big bold vision of the future that you want humanity to co-create."
"You co-creating, putting in the work with the universe."
"Living a life of magic and purpose is about recognizing that you are a co-creator of your reality."
"We have a co-creation program that people can sign up and be one of our co-creators."
"You're going to be safe to continue to co-create with the Divine because you're in alignment."
"There's a cocreation happening between you and the universe."
"Human beings are capable of co-creating with the rest of the universe."
"As we awaken to the true nature of our being, we become a conscious participant in this grand unfolding, co-creating a new reality based on the principles of love, wisdom, and unity."
"Co-create; the universe is working together with you."
"How can we start to in our awe of the beauty within start to align ourselves with that to become co-creators rather than consumers?"
"You cannot accept the doctrine of co-creation and blame at the same time."
"Co-create with the universe: 'The universe is supporting you in what you want to do. Your spirit guides are helping you along the way.'"
"You are a powerful co-creator here."
"Co-creating with the universe is a process."
"You escaped The Matrix, you are co-creating with the Divine."
"Your role as the co-creator of your reality. You dance with the divine matrix of which you are a part of."
"Life doesn't just happen to you. You co-create it with the universe."
"We realize our capacity to be co-creators with Cosmic consciousness."
"You're definitely co-creating with the universe at this time."
"We're designed to co-create the future as a visible representation of darkness becoming light."
"The earth has been waiting for us to interface, to begin to work together to create the future."
"When you are in the grid, God's grid, and you are co-creating with God, this is when you are tapping into the field of God's infinite knowledge."
"You are worthy enough of this always. Your soul came here to do this, to co-create with like-minded individuals."
"It's basically you declaring your free will of what you want the outcome to be. It's you deciding and co-creating with God versus being disempowered."
"You are co-creating with the universe. Let Spirit be your guide."
"Put out your thoughts, put out what you want, and allow the universe to co-create with you."
"We're co-creating with the Universe."
"The future is not set in stone and can often be modified by our own actions, inactions, or sincere prayers. We can never control things completely, but we can at least have some influence by stepping into our role as co-creator of our life, if we choose."
"Reality is a collective co-creation. There's no such thing as some people controlling the world and little old me here is powerless."
"The universe is always manifesting and co-creating with you."
"Week four, we're deepening into our vision and becoming a co-creator of that vision."
"I am co-creating my Divine inheritance."
"You're meant to co-create with the divine, part of co-creation with the divine is understanding that you need to be the one to physically manifest what the divine is trying to create through you."
"Every time I run through the list of everything he's co-created, my mind's just like, 'how the hell, man?'"
"You are the magician of your life, you are the sorcerer. Anything you desire, you can co-create with the universe."
"There's something about your energy being aligned and that you're able to co-create."
"The task is for you to follow the rules because God does those rules and insofar as God does those rules and you do those rules, you are co-creators of the perfect world."
"We co-create everything we go through."
"Co-create with others and learn from them. Your connections are leading to healthier relationships."
"I'm always co-creating with God because in my little limited puny little brain I can't see all the possibilities."
"You're immersed in it. You are a co-star; it can only happen with you."
"You're co-creating. Everything is happening according to the divine plan the universe has for you."
"Your lover is a co-creator with an entire life experience independent of you."
"Leave the canvas open to co-create with the universe of what you're wanting to, but also staying open to receive, no matter what it may be."
"Recognize that you are a Divine co-creator with the universe itself."
"We actually get to surf the wave to co-create the Future."
"Co-create with spirit, co-create with Source even more so."
"Your energy can bring in all you desire; the universe is waiting for you to cocreate with it."
"You're listening this in as much as I'm talking this in. That's how much of a co-creation this is."
"As we create the future, as we engineer the future world, it's not here yet. We still have the chance to shape it and co-create it."
"Positive change, wishes coming true, co-creating."
"Respect and care for our environment lets us be co-creators with God the Creator."
"You are the magician. You are co-creating with the universe."
"Human beings you and I we have the challenge of being co-creators with God and ultimately discovering the meaning of our existence in our true identity."
"We were made partners with God in the creation of this world."
"You are seen as someone who loves to co-create the world with everybody else, someone who likes to go on journeys with everybody else."
"We have the notion that the creation is a process in which we're engaging. We are co-creators with God in this process. There's a mutuality about it which will make new relationships, renew them all the time. This is an ongoing process."
"When you're in this euphoric, fully alive condition, you're more likely to have an intuitive connection to the universe's direction as you co-create the reality of your dreams."
"We have to co-create the full spectrum of life."
"We are all co-creators with the Lord Jesus Christ."
"They see you as someone that could be a part of their family, someone that they can co-create with."
"We are not victims but co-creating with reality."
"We really are co-creating our life by consciously creating relationships to ourselves and the world around us."
"Not redemption, but evolution. Not salvation, but co-creation."
"The future we co-create is always our choice."
"When you vibrate at a high frequency, you become a co-creator with the universe."
"Crowd work comedy... it's a co-creation of comedy which I think is beautiful."
"...constantly co-creating through a process of causation, which we call karma."
"Entertaining positive pictures while relaxed is to do your duty as a co-creator."
"Community over everything... build a community day one... distribution... referral Network... co-creating the product... feedback... real insights... develop the product... outside the building... belong... co-create... Raving fans."
"You're creating something but you're also letting the person who experiences it... be a part of it."
"It's always the collective we're co-creating our future."
"This moment that never existed before will never exist again, and that we will create together."
"By listening to this reading, you aren't just a passive listener, but you are actually co-creating the reading along with me."
"Mastery of manifestation and co-creation signifies a level of spiritual maturity where there is no struggle or strain in achieving your desires."
"Gratitude goes to enthusiasm, where you realize your primary role as a co-creator."
"We are all co-creators here, and I am so grateful for this beautiful community we're creating together."
"Life is going to be much better for everybody when we're all creating or co-creating the world that we all live in."
"We work collaboratively across disciplines and across sectors—academic, industry, government, and communities—as co-creators."
"Much better approach is to understand nature, work with nature, and co-create with nature."
"Believing you're a co-creator affirms your power."
"I'm here to advocate for a co-creative process where there's a mutual partnership with one another."
"I am the co-creator of my life and feel grateful and blessed I have made that discovery."
"We co-create the world comes into being out of this encounter between us and something."