
Envy Quotes

There are 2637 quotes

"Envy is one of the strongest human emotions."
"Success that does instigate envy within them, but it's also this fire, this passion."
"Sa, which literally translates to 'when my cousin buys land, I get a stomach ache,' and it means I'm envious of someone else's success and what they have."
"If you're surrounded by people who are more successful than you, instead of envying them, maybe you could interpret it as, 'Hey, this is a great sign because this means more success and more happiness is coming my way now that I'm able to surround myself and attract these people into my life.'"
"Narcissism comes through the lens of envy, and envy is destructive and wants to bring others down."
"Pathological Envy is engendered by the realization of some lack, deficiency, or inadequacy in oneself."
"Envy provokes misery, and misery loves company."
"Belisarius, the general who conquered the world for Emperor Justinian, was blinded and stripped of his assets by his envious peers."
"A sound heart is life to the body, but envy is rottenness to the bone."
"Envy and comparison are the thief of your joy."
"Envy is a reaction to lacking something... jealousy is a reaction to the threat of losing something or someone."
"Don't long for anything you don't have that someone else has because that's idolatry."
"Life is so different when you are good in social situations, and you become that guy who you've always been somewhat envious of."
"Social media are constructed around envy, pathological envy."
"To me, I've certainly experienced envy... but what I learned... is that sharing and sending a lot of love and promoting others is better for everybody, including for yourself."
"Envy is the thief of joy. Let other people's success and energy fuel your own creativity."
"It's like that kid in your high school who was the captain of the football team, and also he was really attractive, and then you got to graduation, and turned out he was the valedictorian too, and you were so annoyed and infuriated because he could do everything, and you were just that weirdo who wore white t-shirts under regular t-shirts."
"Remember, the grass is always greener. Don't get too caught up in those thoughts."
"Not everyone is always happy for someone's success."
"Winning isn't always going to be cheered on, some people are cheering on your demise."
"Don't even listen to him. He's just jealous because he didn't make it to the NFL."
"For he was aware that the chief priests had handed Him over because of envy."
"The process of growing up remains a very difficult and painful one, which makes it rather hard to really be envious of youth."
"Every time a friend succeeds, I die a little." - Gore Vidal
"This person envies you for how strong you are."
"I really do envy... people who are completely able to constitute their sense of self and identity... completely outside of what they're producing."
"For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice."
"I think the concept of envy is one of the ugliest things that humans do."
"The way envy corrupts your mind... it's the reason it's a deadly sin."
"I'm jealous of his vibe... Jeff Goldblum, in his advanced age, achieving iconic status where you can kind of say anything that you want."
"We live in a day and time where people will just hate you because they know you're blessed."
"Addressing the problematic aspects of envy and covetousness sheds light on the importance of contentment and personal ethics."
"The grass is always greener on the other side, after you thank you, you fight this."
"Human intelligence certainly has a lot of things we envy; it's also got a lot of problems too."
"You could admire someone, but you never want what somebody else may have because you never know how they got it."
"Stick around if you want to be jealous of what we're about to eat."
"It is not the envy only of a 60-something person for a 20-something person. It is also really a sense of looking at people who have the life in front of them, who have prospects which my generation could have only dreamt of."
"Envy is the motivation to destroy or attack what someone else has because you don't feel you can get it for yourself."
"If the Kings and the Royals knew of the pleasure that we are in, they would send their armies to fight us with their swords and take it from us."
"A lot of far-left politics is animated by envy."
"I thought if I had it, I'd finally be special like my sisters. When I wore it, all I cared about was what it would do for me, not what I could do for you."
"Celebrate their happiness, don't be jealous of it. This is your turn for some good stuff to come through."
"Schadenfreude is its own reward, worth losing assets to ensure the winner is taken down a peg."
"For about a third of people, it's not enough that they succeed; others should also fail."
"Your spirit is so wonderful that you make some folks mad just by showing up."
"Salieri declares him his enemy, an enemy who unjustly endowed a lesser man with the talents that he believed that he deserved."
"They wanted to see you succeed, but when you started to do better than them, that's when the energy started to switch."
"Why can't we just enjoy what we have while we always looking at what somebody else has?"
"It's cynical, it's vicious, it promotes envy."
"My friend's furious that I got it, but you know what? Am I gonna die? So far, it's like four or five days and I feel fine."
"Admire other people, don't envy them, it makes you happier."
"It's not useful to be envious of people... Your adventure is enough. It's plenty, it's more than you can ever fully realize."
"Many times people will bully you for the exact skills, talents, and gifts that they wish they had."
"Your enemies are jealous of you over how much people like you and how influential you are."
"It's so easy to hate on somebody who's successful."
"Socialism is a philosophy for productive and envious people."
"Socialism is a philosophy for the envious and the most unproductive people."
"It's about hating the guy who's achieving something and successful, tearing him down when in reality what we should be doing is lifting everybody up."
"Success breeds contempt. Look at Cain and Abel. Cain killed his brother simply because his offering was a more excellent sacrifice than his."
"Always watch people's reaction when you tell them good news. They are not happy with the success of anyone."
"Raven literally being the witch we all wish we were right now."
"I'm sorry that people are so jealous of me but I can't help it that I'm popular."
"I'm really jealous of myself right now because I'd like to have those in my sneaker cases not in the 20 sneaker collection section of my studio."
"Instagram is just an amazing jealousy machine."
"When you envy someone else who rides high, know everything can change with the spin of the wheel that propels you to the same dizzying heights."
"If you love yourself, you don't have time to envy somebody else."
"Every single one of you is holding on for dear life to Miles's bronze golden titties and each of you will stab a friend in the back to hold on. That is what I believe."
"An epic view, my God, why can't my enemy do stuff like this? It's so original."
"Enjoy what you have, stop looking at what everybody else got."
"They're always going to be jealous of the chosen ones."
"You have haters who were in school with you and they mad because they was in that third grade class with you but they don't have the same hustle as you you know they hate you for no reason they hate you for your success."
"Certain people can't even stand to be in your energy because you're shining so bright."
"It's kind of like putting RGB lighting on your ram. It doesn't make the computer go faster, but boy does it make the other boys jealous."
"Misery loves company... when you shine bright, you're going to have haters."
"Pay close attention to people who don't clap when you win."
"These people are blinded by your blessings, your divine inheritance."
"These people are jealous because they cannot stop you."
"You need to honor your own health and release envy. Trust your path."
"And of course, if you really like the Shure MV7, you can go ahead and grab one and make all of your friends emvious."
"I honestly think we should build up some form of piston bolt type thing. I mean, I'm so envious of the I craft server because they just whiz around."
"When you pray for success, we don't pray for envy, we don't pray for jealousy, we don't pray for entitlement."
"Envy is deeply, deeply human and nobody wants to talk about it."
"There's a lot of people they don't like that you're doing good, and so what they'll do is they might not say anything when you're doing great, when you're doing big things, but they just wait."
"The people around you are oppressing you because they see the blessings in you."
"Envious people don't want you to have it jealous people can't stand that you have it."
"It pisses me off that they're like my age and they're just absolutely [ __ ] killing it at being filmmakers."
"You can never envy someone who has more than you if you don't work harder than them."
"Your heart is pure, and they're jealous of that."
"Even their jealousy couldn't dim your light."
"Every person out there doing something successful has got people hating on them."
"You are the copy chief at one of the top 25 ad agencies in the country. You're not even 30. I'm jealous."
"You will never be able to enjoy what's on your plate as long as you're looking and trying to take off somebody else's."
"Prepare to be even more envious. Credits roll and the manager takes out a Hollywood director's chair."
"Success has enemies... everybody's listening."
"Silence is important here. You have people that are envying you, envying your success..."
"It's a beautiful moment, you know, I'm kind of jealous that it didn't happen to me."
"Envy says a lot more about the person that feels it than the person it's directed towards."
"Envy in some shape or form does not have to last forever."
"Success, when you don't make moves and when you don't climb up the ladder, everybody loves you because you're not competition. When you become competition, people start..."
"I need this for the house ah man I'm jealous of this guy's in this game."
"Everybody outside the United States envies these great, well, what do you call a civilizational gold?"
"They'd rather see the boat sink than see you sailing."
"Haters don't really hate you, they hate themselves because you are a reflection of what they wish to be."
"If you spend your whole life saying 'why don't I have what they have?' you'll never have anything."
"Envy is wanting what someone else has and not feeling like you deserve it."
"Leftism is envy... the creed of ignorance and the gospel of envy."
"I feel like people hate on people that are winning. If you're winning and happy, they're like, 'I should keep winning.'"
"Your success becomes a trigger to someone else's insecurities."
"Whatever you're doing, it's causing a lot of jealousy, okay? Like, it just is. So, I feel like they see that you're happy, you're doing good, you're, you know, where you're going. You're following your north node."
"Be aware if you get successful you'll have people that are very upset that you're successful."
"Nobody likes to think that somebody that they're close with is better than them. You just don't want to. You can't handle it."
"They admire you and envy you all at the same time."
"James Harden jealous he want that type of deal. I already got that."
"Success leaves clues, and people are always going to try to take away from it."
"One of the main reasons why people will begin to hate on you when you are trying to become successful is simply because they do not have a vision for themselves."
"They ghosting you because you got this success thing going on."
"I am now jealous of anyone I recommend this book to, because they get to read it for the first time."
"The more you let go of your jealousy of others and other success, the more room you have in your own life to focus really just on making yourself the best musician and best human you can be."
"If travis takes nicer vacations than you that's not for a future storm damn you could get the knife did you just hand it over."
"They don't want to see you become successful without them."
"They don't want to see you win or become successful, all right?"
"Why your friends and family and partner don't want to see you become successful or win."
"People would wish they could be you; jealousy sparks when they can't access your energy."
"Honestly, it's just because they're so upset that they really can't be you. That's what they would like to be, is they would kind of like to be you."
"The idea of comparing and like, 'this guy's got this and they got that,' and it's easy to get lost in that."
"I've never been more jealous of someone in my entire life because she was just playing Mario at Chili's."
"How can you not have that in your setup bro? That is the biggest flex of all time!"
"Being envied is preferable to being treated with indifference, the narcissist would rather be feared or hated than forgotten."
"They see success in you and they're even jealous of your success."
"Jealousy opens up your life to tormenting spirits, my child. Learn to celebrate others' success."
"Some of you achieving stuff that people get jealous of because they're not achieving it themselves. They'll hate on you."
"I pray you guys all experience a love so deep the ocean would be jealous."
"Success irritates some people in life, people. It really does, because sometimes people don't like the fact that you're doing something they can't. That's life."
"If you see somebody get a breakthrough that you are praying for, even if you have to force yourself, force yourself celebrate it."
"Most of the time, I don't care. In fact, it's actually a badge of honor because it means that when you get big, you get a lot of people who envy it and don't like it."
"I see you manifesting a life where you do very little but you make maximum. Being that person that people envy because you have that gift of manifestation."
"Success and competence are things to be aspired to, not to be envied or punished."
"You can't have any success without jealousy, envy, or entitlement."
"That's internationally the weasel is still a great eye catcher today, other nations envious having this vehicle because there just isn't anything comparable in the whole world."
"Now they gotta watch your success while they live in poverty and failure."
"The writing style is absolutely gorgeous and this is one of those books where it describes people reading books and it makes you jealous that they're reading a book that doesn't exist because it makes it sound so good."
"Celebrate others' victories instead of being jealous against them."
"The only difference between you and someone you envy is that you settled for less."
"Oh my god, this is the most jealous I've been of Kylie! Her two-a-days I've seen, and we love, it's getting outside."
"She just fell in love with the lifestyle and wanted to take journeys. She was a free spirit, everybody was jealous, everyone was like we want to do that too."
"There is something about God blessing you that agitates haters. The moment God begins to bless you, your enemies will multiply geometrically."
"My dream is to have an apartment that has these top like floor-to-ceiling windows... I'm jealous..."
"Destiny is taking you on different paths. Some envy what you have."
"I envy old people, I never thought that was possible."
"I would never be able to justify that on bath bombs I don't think but if you were lucky enough to get that under your Christmas tree this year I envy you very very much."
"I'm jealous, I would actually like that name."
"Everybody's not going to be happy for your blessings, especially when you have people... who have no goals, have no ambitions."
"This is a treasure that I think a lot of people are envious of, a signed Fellwar Stone from The Dark."
"Accept envy as a badge of honor. Don't be naive."
"People hate greatness, they gotta try to take down the leader."
"That's pretty awesome man... And I'm a little bit jealous about that."
"It's funny because now the other guy really wants to experience this kind of glamour thing."
"They like the idea of being with someone who's so good that others will envy them for it."
"In the Greco-Roman world, the evil eye is intimately tied to envy."
"You might feel threatened by something that's better than you, but there's a part of them that might be insanely good."
"You could just seem like you have infinite lightning finger power, which is awesome. Everybody's gonna be so jealous."
"So, when they see another cat out here shining, these out here hating mad and made."
"Holy crap this is the classic mentality of if I can't have something no one else can have it either."
"Eureka! To those of you who have never seen the show, I feel both sorry and envy you."
"Your elevation is playing on their self-esteem."
"You're guaranteed success; they might be jealous."
"Some of us look at other people's lives, we look at the blessings in other people's lives and we say, 'I'd like to have that', but we don't want to do what it takes to actually get that."
"Emma Chamberlain doesn't deserve all the hate she gets. People are just jealous."
"Communism is the politicization of jealousy and envy and greed."
"Being jealous indicates that we are not satisfied with what God has for us."
"Don't be jealous of nobody just don't it's not worth it."
"Oh my days, yo guys, do you wish you had this house? Come on, this is what I would take baths in."
"That's a better car than I got, how do I hack it?"
"With all these amazing abilities, you might be sitting there feeling jealous of the animal kingdom and all its wonders."
"I wish I had Wendy's voice or Leslie's voice. They sound beautiful."
"Don't envy any man that is the greatest lesson we learn from this."
"There's something about me that makes you wanna one-up me, why envy a person?"
"When the big dogs come and they get the recognition and the attention that they deserve, why do people get mad?"
"Christine has something to be envied by Robin: Independence and self-worth."
"They hate how happy you are. You know, that makes me think that they watch you, probably because you seem like unbothered by the situation or somewhat happy to a degree."
"It's not a liberal position to believe that a person's rights cease to exist based solely on the belief of another person."
"Most of us learn these hard lessons at some point and I actually am jealous other people who never had to."
"If the world would see the happiness and joy that priests have, they would be jealous."
"You're just jealous that you have to deal with LA and all that smog."
"Interracial policing, right? As I mentioned, envy is understandable, jealousy is understandable. Even that policing, I get, and we have to actively work against our instincts to police."
"The test of jealousy: Can you celebrate others who are being blessed in the way you want to be blessed?"
"Envy and schadenfreude is always relative to our own personal status."
"This one's doing an RTLS and transporter one did a drone ship landing and I'm jealous because RTLS is probably the one of the coolest rocket-related things I can think of."
"Have you ever noticed that envious people tend to take unique joy in the suffering or pain of others?"
"Top ten, you top ten and you know it, and they know it and they hate enough for you."
"Envious people tend to be unhappy, which is perhaps particularly why they find happiness in the misfortunes of others."
"I just have to tell you I hate you, you look so good."
"If somebody has like something I want or somebody's gone somewhere I want to go it makes you work harder"
"Success always comes with the jealousy... and the envy and then the violence."
"You haven't come this far just to come this far and hold back your happiness in fear of other people's Envy."
"Stop being jealous of other people that have things you don't have. There's got to be a reason you don't have it. I am convinced if I don't have it, that means God knew I couldn't handle it."
"What Critical Role has is so special. Even I sometimes am envious about it."
"You're going to have people hating on your success too."
"If you're successful, somebody will hate because they're not successful."
"I very rarely get jealous, but I'm a little jelly right here. This is so extraordinary."