
Behavior Patterns Quotes

There are 97 quotes

"We seem to learn something from every crisis, and this one, we didn't learn anything. We tripled down on what caused the crisis."
"The key to a happier life, the key to a more successful life, is to evaluate our patterns and when we see them happening, begin to step outside of them and create new ones that serve us."
"Every human being almost runs like a software program in their mind, and they run these patterns of behavior, patterns of thoughts, patterns of words, patterns of performance."
"Powerful social dynamics...were related entirely to use patterns."
"It shows imagine that part of what morality is, it's morality is precisely that pattern of behavior that serves to keep repeated interactions going."
"Freud observed that when people hit an insuperable obstacle in the development of their personality, they tended to retain the patterns of behavior that characterized their age at the time of impediment."
"If you have people in your life that are stuck, they probably don't believe that their behavior can change."
"You're not broken. You have patterns of thinking and patterns of behavior that are broken for where you are and where you want to go in life."
"The definition of insanity is repeating the same patterns and expecting a different result."
"You're addicted to your default because you've been this for so long."
"Everyone has a default. Whatever that default is, you're addicted to it, and you will always find a way back to it."
"People are very susceptible to the patterns they build for themselves."
"You're programmed to do what you're doing. Yeah, and until you change the program, nothing's gonna change."
"What makes me sad is that this is a pattern of behavior that can really destroy people's lives."
"Men always come back. They may not come back for the right reasons, but they always come back."
"Our thinking patterns influence procrastination tendencies."
"One of the definitions of madness is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting a different result."
"This guy has a pattern of behavior. That is who he is."
"The definition of insanity is doing the exact same [ __ ] theme over and over again expected [ __ ] to change that is crazy."
"Gabby does this thing a lot where she like apologizes and then a couple of months later backtracks."
"When you're just sort of patient and calm no big deal I'm doing fine how are you you are actually continuing to not follow suit you are actually continuing to interrupt that pattern."
"The inconsistencies are consistent with you, pal."
"Awareness is key, understanding those patterns, the thoughts, the beliefs, right those pulls of to act in that codependent way."
"Difficult, toxic people are equal opportunity offenders."
"What's the definition of insanity? To do what you've always done and expect different results."
"All addictions work until they stop working."
"Be very careful of repeating patterns and overthinking things."
"You're just like him. Everything you're doing is just making it worse."
"It's this messed up cycle of self-sabotage where just because you're feeling kind of crackers because you're feeling kind of guilty you keep doing things that make you feel more that way."
"You're a mystery to yourself... you have patterns of behavior and you're not even understanding that."
"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."
"Insanity is doing the same thing in the same way expecting a different outcome."
"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results."
"Connect to your 'why' for each goal; understanding why it matters fuels motivation."
"If all you ever do is what you've always done, then all you're gonna get is what you've always got."
"I admire and respect him greatly for making a tough decision."
"The cooling off period distinguishes a serial killer."
"Are you doing the same thing over and over again hoping for a different result?"
"If you do the same thing over and over again expecting a different result, you are insane."
"When bad [__] happens to bad people, they use it as an excuse to keep being bad."
"Find the pattern, don't repeat the pattern, do something different."
"Familiarity can keep you stuck in predictable cycles."
"Cheaters tend to cheat on the people who they cheat with originally."
"If you have a well-established pattern of behavior then it's on you to prove that you've changed."
"Cheating in the past doesn't mean cheating in the future. Cheating online doesn't mean cheating at home."
"This period is liberating in a sense. You are realizing that this pattern of behavior isn't something that you concocted. You're not evil, you're not cruel."
"If you did it once at your big age, you'll do it again."
"If you keep doing what you've always done, you're gonna continue to get what you've always got."
"Someone who is toxic will constantly be chasing after you because they're chasing the chaotic turmoil behavior that's all they know for themselves."
"Recognize the pattern of quitting or giving up, transmute it, and make it more productive energy moving forward."
"If you're always in crisis response mode where you just this is the dialectic you're talking about if they're always do doing doing and not reflecting then you're gonna keep reproducing the same actions and that's the trap."
"If you do what you always did, you're going to get what you always got."
"If we always do what we always did, we'll always get what we always got."
"Evolve or repeat. Remember what we said about Einstein's theory? I think it was Einstein. You keep doing the same thing and expecting a different result. That's insanity."
"Once he gets in that mode, it's like a Snowball Effect."
"The definition of insanity is trying the same thing over and over hoping for a different result."
"I believe in past patterns of behavior, not what they say."
"He's done this for six years, the exact same step-by-step playbook."
"If they'll do it with you, they'll do it to you."
"Kids don't come up with 'don't be nasty' over a one-time thing, this is a pattern."
"If you always do what you always did, you're always going to get the same outcome."
"If you keep watching the stupid memories of what you did, you're actually rehearsing it to do it again in the future."
"Definition of insanity is repeating the same thing and expecting different results."
"Noticing your past track record with impulse buying can help you see patterns of behavior."
"Malignant narcissism is where we see patterns like coercive control, financial control, exploitation, and isolation."
"A shift in social dynamics often manifests as a decreased tolerance for drama and unconscious behavior in social interactions."
"He kind of consistently gets caught in these feedback loops you know where he does this like his resolve was was crazy."
"...if you're just abusive to women 95% of the time and then be slightly nice to them 5% of the time, they will fucking come and that is a description of how you inscribe Stockholm syndrome on someone."
"Wow, there's a pattern of behavior I'm doing right here. I'm not going to judge yet. I'm self-aware, detached, and compassionate."
"It wasn't about the kitten. What this was about was a trap called negative suggestion that we all fall prey to."
"We replicate what our parents did or we overcompensate for what they did not do."
"What you celebrate gets repeated."
"These patterns of behavior are not only significant, they're extremely useful."
"They say the definition of madness is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting a different result."
"Our childhood programming becomes our habits of perception and behavior."
"I've seen some situations where the guy has an exact pattern."
"We wonder how the fish will change their pattern and how we will adapt."
"Great whites demonstrate learning behaviors such as remembering hunting grounds and recognizing patterns in prey behavior."
"When we become trapped in obsessive compulsive self-centered routines, endless loops that lead nowhere but to mental, spiritual, and emotional decay."
"There's two kinds of people: those who repeat the patterns and those who go a different way."
"Attitudes are patterns of thinking formed over a long period of time."
"The definition of insanity is when we keep doing the same thing again and again and expect different results."
"You're not broken if you criticize yourself, you have a pattern that is broken."
"Toxic people tend to ping-pong between the bad and the good."
"One of those patterns of behavior was their preparation for the day when they will be 'successful'."
"I'm always very conscious and trying to be self-aware that I don't want to replace one negative behavior pattern and disguise it with something that can be dressed up as positive."
"We've come to understand that certain types of soils tend to behave in certain ways."
"The definition of insanity is when you expect different results but you're doing the same things."
"Madness is doing the same and expecting other results."
"Samskara is a habitual loop, a pattern something that we do over and over again so much that it's unconscious."
"Interpersonal coherence means that we would expect how the criminal interacts with the victim is the same kind of behavior they'll show to other people in their lives."
"I don't believe people, I believe patterns."
"Habits are just patterns, it's all that they are."