
Schizophrenia Quotes

There are 119 quotes

"Clozapine is routinely regarded as the single most effective agent that we have in the fight against schizophrenia."
"Medications can be very helpful, very very helpful if not necessary for folks who struggle with schizophrenia."
"Cannabis use is likely to increase the risk of developing schizophrenia, other psychoses, and social anxiety disorders."
"A Beautiful Mind is kind of one of the first things that people think about when they hear schizophrenia because it's a really well-known film."
"People with schizophrenia... are experiencing a very different reality from what outside observers may be experiencing."
"Seeing things that aren't there, hearing sounds that were never made, believing things that are not true yet being certain of them, being unable to control one's movements, having conversations with people who don't exist — as it turns out, a list of symptoms of a person with schizophrenia has a suspicious overlap with a person asleep and dreaming."
"Schizophrenia is characterized by delusions, disorientation, paranoia, and hallucinations, with auditory hallucinations being most common."
"How accurate are these depictions? How does someone watching a movie with a character who is said to have schizophrenia know if the disorder is being depicted accurately?"
"Living with schizophrenia and what it's like to be taking antipsychotics is something many people are curious about, whether they're thinking about trying an antipsychotic or just want to know more."
"Many people with schizophrenia are able to enjoy life and function within their families and communities with treatment."
"People suffering from schizophrenia lose contact with reality. Their interpretation of reality differs from the norm; it changes the way they see the world and the way they feel, think, and act."
"I really will not rest until anyone who has schizophrenia anywhere, worldwide is not afraid to say the words 'I have schizophrenia.'"
"Schizophrenia is not a death sentence. It really isn't. You could have a beautiful, wonderful, fulfilling life and still happen to have the diagnosis of schizophrenia."
"I wasn't diagnosed until I was about 21, but now I've kind of really embraced the diagnosis."
"It's possible to manage your symptoms and to live a full and meaningful life even if you are living with an illness like schizophrenia."
"Patients with schizophrenia: More likely to be victims than perpetrators of violence."
"I hope they think that schizophrenia isn't scary."
"Mind-altering cat parasite linked to schizophrenia in largest study ever."
"Schizophrenia: no one cause, biological, environmental, genetic factors."
"I want to say this real quick, and I'm gonna say it loud so all the people in the back hear it too: just because a person has schizophrenia does not mean that they are going to kill you."
"People in developing countries cope better with schizophrenia than their wealthier counterparts."
"There's a real connection between schizophrenia with some people that maybe are predisposed to schizophrenia."
"The good guys get schizophrenia too, and the majority of them are good guys."
"There is this notion of focusing on freedom, which is an important idea of course in our country, but what's maybe not appreciated is how free one isn't when you're being affected by schizophrenia."
"Schizophrenia can be a terrible illness but people can still find pleasure and meaning despite all it throws at them."
"He was schizophrenic and had been diagnosed at a young age."
"It's a very brave thing to do on your parts because especially given your condition of schizophrenia, it's not easy to differentiate reality from a delusion."
"Schizoaffective disorder is when you have full-blown schizophrenia and full-blown bipolar."
"Thank you so much Matthew for joining us today and sharing more about the future of medications used to treat schizophrenia."
"...de-prescribing is good patient-centered care and the patient should have a voice even if the patient is schizophrenic."
"Clozapine: Treatment-resistant schizophrenia's lifeline."
"People with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder... their brains are in fact malfunctioning."
"So I am using the ketogenic diet as a treatment tool in people with schizophrenia, absolutely."
"I would love to hear from you, our audience as well. Do you have experience trying the ketogenic diet as an intervention for schizophrenia? Please share with us in the comments below. We would love to hear from you."
"Individuals with schizophrenia might have paranoid delusions"
"Instead of going to a prison and doing prison time, Vincent Lee was actually sent to a psychiatric hospital to deal with his schizophrenia."
"But overall broadly auditory hallucinations are an important element you can get hallucinations in any cognitive area or in any sensory area in schizophrenia but the visual is the kind of least prevalent."
"Schizophrenia is particularly devastating because it strikes someone when they're young and it robs people of their full potential in life."
"It actually suggests schizophrenia could be reversible and it offers us hope."
"It's a breakthrough because none of the medicines we use today to treat people with schizophrenia actually target the immune system."
"Low vitamin D was linked to increased risk of schizophrenia."
"Schizophrenia is an inner reality where the person who suffers from it has lost contact with the outside world."
"It's been a while since people have recognized that schizophrenia is a disease of the brain."
"People with schizophrenia are often some of our most marginalized and misunderstood community members."
"Schizophrenia and other forms of psychosis are often portrayed by the media and in the movies in ways that increase and exacerbate the stigma associated with mental illness."
"Schizophrenia me when my meds, therapy, and self-care are on point: Hey."
"But schizophrenia does involve kind of a split, but it's a different kind of split."
"The dominant paradigm is that schizophrenia is a genetic, biologically driven brain disease."
"No two people with schizophrenia are quite the same, everyone is different."
"I'm now going to read some of the responses that you or audience provided about things that you're grateful for as a result of your schizophrenia."
"The fear of inheriting schizophrenia haunted him."
"Schizophrenia tends to run in families and if one twin has it there's something like a 70 or 80 chance that the other one will have it as well because it's not one inherited gene it's just like a cluster of genes."
"We are learning about how molecular insults lead to prefrontal dysfunction in schizophrenia which may identify new strategies to protect these vital circuits."
"It's so valuable because we're at long last learning enough about the circuit afflicted in schizophrenia that we can start to have rational drug development."
"What we're learning is that a variety of molecules that normally serve to strengthen prefrontal connections and protect them from stress are genetically weakened or have reduced expression in schizophrenia."
"I've been with my boyfriend for going on three years, and have known that he is schizophrenic for the past two. He kept information about it to himself up until we moved in together, and a new hallucination gives me the creeps."
"There was a film made about Nash called 'A Beautiful Mind' released in 2001 and starring Russell Crowe that skews Nash's history and battle with schizophrenia, but nonetheless, it provided Nash positive attention."
"Schizophrenia tries to live with you for the rest of your life."
"Nash was diagnosed with schizophrenia around the age of 30 after his delusions began to gradually take over his life."
"Schizophrenia can be blunted, their feelings, but they still have feelings."
"I feel like the luckiest person with schizophrenia."
"CBT will not eliminate someone's delusions and hallucinations but medications combined with CBT will help the patient deal with the symptoms more effectively."
"Abnormalities in this pathway are associated with both schizophrenia and addiction."
"My hope for people with schizophrenia is that they find at least one person in their lives who will listen to them, respect their opinion, and lead them to the table, lead them to treatment."
"No single best medication for schizophrenia; treatment is personalized based on individual factors."
"Tips for supporting someone with schizophrenia: empathy, patience, encouragement."
"There are profound political aspects to schizophrenia."
"Schizophrenic deterritorialization leads to the rhizomatic proliferation of the same, to accumulation of the positive."
"It is a Swiss psychiatrist, Eugène Bleuler, who named the disease as schizophrenia in 1908."
"According to the Global Burden of Disease, 20 million people worldwide were affected by schizophrenia in 2017."
"It would be best to identify and treat the disease as early as possible."
"I love people, and I took care of a schizophrenic woman; nobody could work with her, but when I was around, she laughed and she opened up."
"Schizophrenia is a psychotic disorder; psychosis is a condition in which the patient has experiences and/or beliefs that do not have basis in reality."
"I now think of myself as a person; yes, I have schizophrenia, yes, it affects my life, but I'm much more than the diagnosis."
"There's more to the schizophrenic than just the delusions, there's more to the terrorist than the act which they did."
"Schizophrenia is an illness. It's a total picture."
"Romantic relationships are possible for people living with schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder and people living with the illness are fully capable of engaging in meaningful and fulfilling relationships."
"New drugs are being developed to improve cognition in schizophrenic patients."
"It's for the treatment of schizophrenia or as an adjunct, an add-on medicine for people who have treatment-resistant depression."
"My central goals in writing my story are twofold: to give hope to those who suffer from schizophrenia and understanding to those who don't."
"People with schizophrenia or like mental illness are more likely to be the victims of violence."
"Hidden Valley Road: Inside the Mind of an American Family by Robert Kolker... it's about the changing understanding of schizophrenia and mental health in general over time."
"Schizophrenia impacts roughly 23 million people worldwide."
"By blocking the serotonin 2A receptors, you're going to decrease the hallucinations that are occurring in schizophrenic patients."
"There is no cure for schizophrenia, but the symptoms can be managed effectively."
"Schizophrenia represents one of the few conditions in life for which aging is an advantage."
"The end goal of this course is to perform inter-network functional connectivity analysis of the default mode network in individuals with schizophrenia and compare them to control."
"Schizophrenia is a psychological disorder in which the ability to function is impaired by severely distorted beliefs, perceptions, and thought processes."
"Schizophrenia is characterized by delusions and hallucinations."
"The way that schizophrenia presents in Western North America isn't the same; hallucinations are often very different."
"Schizophrenia is a very established, highly genetic mental health condition; it is epigenetic in nature."
"The way that schizophrenia emerges across society is varied by the society that they live in, even though schizophrenia itself is a legitimate condition."
"Positive symptoms include behaviors or sensations that are not normally present. Examples include hallucinations, delusions, and catatonia."
"People who are living with schizophrenia are people first and foremost, just like anyone else."
"Yes, someone who's living with schizophrenia can live a normal life."
"Schizophrenia is characterized by major disturbances in thought, perception, emotion, and behavior."
"Schizophrenia is... characterized by a break or disconnection from reality."
"Not everyone who has a traumatic brain injury develops schizophrenia."
"Schizophrenia is a highly inherited condition."
"I have schizophrenia and really bad insomnia."
"Schizophrenia is really unpredictable."
"I'm Charlie, and I have schizophrenia."
"In schizophrenia, what we really have are auditory hallucinations."
"...people who are born blind who are congenitally blind do not experience schizophrenia. That's a mystery."
"Cerebrolysin may be an effective add-on treatment for schizophrenics."
"My schizophrenia, or Mr. White as I call him, provided me strangely specific insight on other people, which allowed me to become a successful detective."
"Schizophrenia is the most common psychotic disorder affecting about one percent of the population at some point in their lifetime."