
Botany Quotes

There are 1097 quotes

"Tea all comes from one plant, Camellia sinensis, the tea plant."
"The angle between leaves...minimizes how much one leaf blocks out the next, allowing every leaf optimal exposure to sunlight and rainwater."
"Giraffes are ruminants and spend most of their day browsing on leaves, flowers, and fruits from trees, particularly favoring the acacia tree."
"Famed for their ability to provide much-needed shade in the dense jungles of its native habitat, the silk cotton tree is culturally revered by many indigenous Caribbean societies."
"Botany of India is the richest heritage, one of the most significant treasures of India... This civilization has been its knowledge of plants, the taxonomy, the classification, the understanding of these plants, how to use them, where to use them."
"A very deep scientific understanding of botany is a very Indian thing."
"Your beans and your pea family are what we call self-pollinating."
"Terpenes are just the essential oils from the plant so when you extract it like as Abdullah mentioned you can you can separate them out."
"The ancestor of the domestic apple grows wild in the Qin Shin Mountains of Kazakhstan."
"The appreciation of tropical ornamentals are what makes this whole recent time so fascinating to me."
"I think it's still very rare... if we saw more mature specimens... people would absolutely start buying this plant."
"Inside every berry are thousands of tiny calcium oxalate crystals."
"The veins of the Banana Leaf keep from all of the juices merging together."
"There's a lot going on in the plant world that we maybe don't know about."
"Epiphytic plants actually developing more of these succulent leaves."
"It's vastly easier to identify plants when they're flowering so start with the ones that are doing that."
"Squash says what kind of plant he is and what his purpose is at the same time."
"Vining varieties of philodendron such as the philodendron scandins are typically less likely to have been hybridized and are instead usually just classified as variegated forms of the same species."
"Technically speaking, all tea comes from the same plant."
"The 19 types of berries which are native to America."
"An interesting thing, the only apple that was native to America before Europeans settled was the crab apple."
"The wax grows on the trees to protect the leaf from the intense Sun."
"A banana 'tree' is actually a type of herb plant. That's right, herb. Like oregano or basil."
"Plants attract pollinators with perfect temperatures."
"These cerissa trees they always start off quite slow growing until you get the roots established."
"All of these structures combined form an orchid."
"If you remove all of the leaves, the orchid will not be able to produce enough energy."
"The passion fruit gets its name from one of the many different species of passion flower."
"The durian is known as the king of fruits in certain areas due to its massive size, powerful odor, and thorn-covered rind."
"The fruit of the morinda citrifolia tree, native to Southeast Asia and Australasia, is used to make noni juice."
"More than 90% of the mass of trees comes directly out of the air."
"We collect plants now. We have somewhere between two and three thousand varieties and species of plants."
"Of all the places that they trial plants, Michigan is like the first place that they trial a plant."
"All roses are edible. Wild roses have five petals. Apples and blackberries are actually part of the rose family."
"Increased CO2 is fertilizing plants, this is a very important part of our existence here on Earth." - Dr. Stanley Goldenberg
"There's this interesting dynamic that happens with plant growth."
"Plants live in two worlds: above ground and below ground."
"Phloem and sap and sugar is actually pushed around in a tree."
"Plants want to grow, and that's the best point right there."
"Succulents are the coolest plants because they self-propagate, they just make it happen."
"Knowing flower structures can make the world a lot more exciting."
"Understanding flower morphology helps understand evolutionary relationships."
"Monocots have parts in multiples of three, eudicots in multiples of four or five."
"This is Kew Gardens, internationally renowned for its world-class collection of plants and its magnificent greenhouses."
"Histidine is just one example of an amazing botanical that exists in nature."
"Learn about plants' ecology, evolution, and adaptation to their environment."
"Plants like to work together, and there can be synergy in combining them together."
"Just the concept, I mean, just the idea that plants have self-defense chemicals in them. Once somebody hears that sentence, I think it can kick-start a chain of events."
"A very bold and ambitious new flower type that looks kinda alien."
"The variegation on this plant... literally the most beautiful Lily white variegation."
"Roots are absolutely critical to the health of a plant."
"If someone grows really fast in a short amount of time, that's the easiest way to recognize a plant."
"Plants are essentially the ultimate way to turn air into food."
"So find a plant you think is weird and get to sectioning ask questions and poke around for the answer."
"The critically endangered Wollemi Pines line stretches back an incredible 200 million years."
"An oak tree is way more closely related to a pumpkin than they are to pine trees."
"Angiosperms are now the most diverse and dominant group of land plants."
"A pumpkin is a fruit because it has seeds."
"Plants aren't just food; they underpin our medicines, our building materials, our ecosystems. Without plants, there is no life."
"I've always loved the organization of plants, not only structurally and physically but also the classification and evolution in that corner of life, the plant kingdom."
"Why do leaves change color in the fall?... it reveals the yellows and the oranges, the carotenoids and the flavonoids."
"Everyone at school is showing off their plans for a botany project."
"Sweet potatoes are not potatoes at all; they're actually the tuber from a morning glory vine."
"I'm the greatest botanist on this planet."
"Learning some of these unfamiliar terms will help you enjoy plants more."
"Moving up to the leaves, this is where a lot of the identification will take place."
"Keep in mind that the fruit is the swollen ovary, and keying out fruit types is actually pretty fun."
"If the fleshy fruit has a seed that is not enclosed in a hard covering, then it's a berry."
"A greater part of what we're doing now is to observe the plant's intelligence."
"The one thing more valuable than a compass right now is knowledge of botany and environmental science."
"Why do plants produce these things that have these effects on our minds? How did that... isn't that amazing?"
"The rapidity with which the Russian thistle has spread both in infesting new territory and in thoroughly covering that already infested far exceeds that of any weed known in America."
"Fungi are vital to living plants."
"These metrics have quite a bit to do with plants because we want to accurately diagnose subtle differences in color of plants."
"Now, what's interesting about Miscanthus is that it does have a lot of variation as far as color, texture, and height."
"The remarkable feats of gardening expertise combined with the wonders of botany have given birth to extraordinary size and weights in the plant kingdom."
"Patterns Method of Plant Identification: related plants have similar characteristics for identification and often have similar uses."
"Identifying plant families makes it possible to study that plant family for your particular area."
"Our lateral meristems are responsible for the increase in the girth of the plant, especially in our woody plants."
"The structure of the stem: the xylem is always going to be pointed towards the inside of the stem, the phloem is always on the outside of the stem."
"Did you know that this is what a potato plant looks like?"
"Pineapples are not a single fruit but a group of berries that have fused together."
"All citrus families are descended from three main types: pomelo, citron, and mandarin."
"It's wild. They're so massive. This tower of a cactus that Brian was standing next to is a Mexican giant cardon and it's the largest species of cactus in the world."
"Lamb's quarter is a nutrient accumulator."
"I am the greatest botanist on this planet."
"It doesn't exist naturally. Corn is entirely a man-made phenomenon."
"There are no natural populations of corn. If we weren't here to plant, water, fertilize, and harvest it, corn would disappear from the planet within a few years."
"Chemical defense responses some plants can make antibacterial chemicals plants can make poisons in plant tissue and may be in berries to deter herbivores from eating them."
"Cuttings make cloned plants by growing a new plant from a part of the original plant."
"The largest living thing on Earth is a giant sequoia named General Sherman."
"The transition from gymnosperms to flowering plants was without exaggeration one of the most important leaps in the history of plant life."
"The South Carolina Botanical Garden, open to the general public 365 days of the year."
"Dragon Blood trees have a red sap inside of them."
"Did you know that all parts of the dandelion are edible from the roots to the flower?"
"Honey locust is probably my favorite nitrogen-fixing tree, not because it's the best, 'cause it isn't."
"There's a hydrangea for everyone out there."
"The root systems of the prairie plants will grow up to 15 feet deep."
"To me, a thug is white snake root. So, to me, that's that is the worst thug. It's native and it's a terrible thug."
"There is Viburnum prunifolium, which is a real beauty."
"This is a dracina umbriculifra and for years it was said to be extinct only in botanical gardens or in private collections."
"The Monkey puzzle tree is as fascinating as it is unusual."
"The Baob tree is often referred to as the tree of life."
"Some plants are just really good at replenishing the nectar really fast on their flowers."
"This Royal Fern is looking great, we have it's setting its spores right now so that's what these brown things are, there's nothing wrong with the plant, this is how it propagates itself."
"A group of plants arose that could stay out of water their entire lives."
"Xylem is water conduction, xeric landscaping, that helps me out."
"These vascular tissues are really important in terms of maintaining the integrity of a plant's ability to access light."
"What's ancient or what preceded those fancy stomata are these simple pore openings along the trunks of trees."
"Plants need water and oxygen from the soil."
"Adventitious roots are simply roots that arise from any part of the plant other than the seed embryo."
"The buildup of callus is the first visible sign that the cutting is developing normally."
"Propagation of plants simply means making more plants."
"You're actually growing a living museum, you're growing a plant that someone somewhere has given you the seeds to and maybe you know a little bit about that person."
"Palms do not form rings of xylem tissue at all."
"Xylem tissue supports the weight of the tree and stores carbohydrate reserves."
"What's speaking to us right now is the beautiful Wild Rose The multi-fora Rose they're in bloom right now."
"These tall plants are a Martian type of maple."
"The average avocado tree in spring usually makes about a million flowers."
"...we haven't even made it that far, we started over there and we probably have traveled like 20 feet and we've already found five plants to talk about..."
"The Martian soil lacked a lot of the nutrients needed to support healthy plant growth."
"Dragon fruit are actually epiphytic night-blooming cacti and they're very drought tolerant once established. This plant would survive here on just rainfall alone, but it would never flower fruit."
"Remarkable preservation: from prickly pear fruit to Cholla buds with flowers."
"I love to find new plants. It makes my day."
"This is a coffee tree here if you've never seen one."
"The first part of the leaf is the waxy cuticle on top, this isn't actually a living tissue, it's a layer of wax that prevents water loss from the plant."
"Seed formation involves fertilization and the formation of a seed coat."
"They're not from the same family, what they are is all queasiness poisonous plants."
"Possibly Sweden's most celebrated scientist is Carl Linnaeus, who was born in the countryside of a small island in southern Sweden in 1707."
"Germination is when the seeds go from dormancy to active growth and begin the life cycle."
"I'm obedient. Plants don't piss. Say it with me: CH do photosynthesis. Plants don't piss."
"Coffee beans are the seeds of a coffee cherry."
"Plants do things we just completely had no idea that they were doing."
"So plants can transpire water and they can photosynthesize, that's how the climate basically gets regulated."
"The inflorescence of this allium is one of the more striking without being too bombastic without being too showy or garish."
"In the early spring is when you get the fertile shoot, it's also known as the male shoot and it's usually a tan color and it doesn't get leaves like the female shoot does or the non-fertile shoot."
"That's super cool, how plants are able to transport its water against gravity."
"Angiosperms have managed to diversify and adapt to nearly every terrestrial environment."
"The world's biggest potted plant: the Cedar of Lebanon."
"The sandbox tree: considered one of the most dangerous plants on Earth."
"These are also known as 'wild type' plants."
"Polyembryonic varieties are the ones that grow true to seed, the monoembryonic varieties do not."
"Muhlenbergia capillaris, also known as pink muhly grass, is one that when it does take stage, everyone takes notice as these inflorescence that are soft, airy, and pink float above the grass."
"Flowers use their pretty colors and smells to attract animals which help make new plants."
"If you have a female tree with a male pollinator tree nearby, you will get fruit."
"The plants chemicals in this do have psychedelic properties."
"One of the most distinctive parts of mahonia are the leaves."
"Even the barrel cactus get really beautiful yellow straw flowers all around the top of the plant."
"The witch Umina is responsible for founding the department of botany."
"Dahlias were originally domesticated by the Aztecs."
"Plants are the machines that pull carbon out of the atmosphere and pump it into the ground."
"Tomatoes are self-pollinating, but can also be pollinated by insects and birds, or even by hand."
"You can have your leaves attached to any part of the branches, especially on the ends of the branches."
"Plants like the Venus flytrap and the pitcher plant are known as carnivorous plants."
"It's a mutation of Hass, you know maybe the same genetics or maybe something else in it that mutated so it can bloom more than once a year."
"Flowers inducing hunger hormones is very funny to me... I wonder if it has something to do with spreading seeds."
"This is a dogwood, these are the leaves right there for the dogwood, um the dogwood leaves on top of them have like a waxy coating so from a distance you can usually tell a dogwood from other species."
"When you get the right plants and the right biology plants cooperate with each other they don't compete."
"...each plant actually has one or several of these small tubers."
"I just noticed I don't hear a whole lot of people talking about this plant, but it is a really cool one. It's one of my favorites of my collection."
"If you had two inflorescences coming from the same plant at the same time, for example, if this magnificum had another one of these guys and this one was male and the other one was female, I could self-pollinate them. I can literally just rub them together and it'll pollinate."
"Plants cannot eat [organic materials] directly, guys. Plants do not have a mouth, they cannot shoot that out, they cannot digest it like we do our food."
"Leaves are the part of the plant where sunlight can hit."
"Flowers are the colorful part of a plant that humans are very attracted to."
"This new stock is what I typically see on prayer plants."
"This is a Night Bloomer. So here we are at 8:30 in the morning and it usually starts blooming around 8 or 9 o'clock at night."
"I think this is probably Big Ear Lambs Ear."
"The next plant I want to talk about is this guy."
"Roots play really critical functions for plants."
"Plants are unlike humans or animals where the embryo has almost all of the features of the adult."
"Each banana plant bears fruit only once and is then replaced by a new sucker plant."
"These first leaves are the cotyledons, that's what comes out after it breaks open its shell now it starts to grow its true leaves."
"Realistically, lemons are actually kind of a master of genetic engineering. Limes are really like that's the native fruit and then they were like selectively bred into being yellow. Why would you want yellow limes?"
"It's a lot of different leaf shapes. It's pretty full."
"Attaching plants: the king of attaching plants would be the anubias."
"Plants aren't trying to kill you. Well, they're doing a pretty lousy job of killing us, aren't they?"
"Plants can't be defenseless because they're always being attacked by animals."
"Plants come from little itty bitty baby seeds."
"This is a blue rose it is one of the rarest flowers in existence and it is made exclusively by genetically modifying white roses inserting genes taken from panzers into roses to make their pigment blue."
"So your Sprouts, like these are the Sprouts and when they are thirsty, they create a lot of little root hairs called suya hairs."
"Eventually, she was made Doctor Kate Barker, and awarded her PhD in Botany and Plant Science."
"Water moves vertically from the roots to the leaves through adhesion to the walls of plant vasculature and cohesion to other water molecules."
"Vegetables are roots and leaves, while fruits have flowers and a pit or seeds."
"Plants eat carbon. They inhale carbon dioxide and they exhale oxygen. That's how the whole thing works, right?"
"Truffles are from a genus of fungal species known as tuber that grow around the base of trees, healthy living trees. This is really different from other mushrooms we eat that grow through dead wood and leaves and such."
"Wow, I'm loving this. Here's a plant that, when it's fully grown, it's a shrub, really. It's called a Pink Crappy Miracle, and the common name for it is Juno Rose."
"when we have a better understanding of its history and the plant's active constituents we can truly appreciate this tree and enjoy the benefits of its beautiful flowers and tasty fruits"
"Plants absorb microbes whole and extract nutrients from their cells."
"Plants are actually growing in an atmosphere that looks like that they know through all those signals what's going on around them."
"If fat plant is producing a fair bit of sugar, up to and over half of it can be pushed out of the root tips. That's microbe food."
"It's the most fascinating, most interesting plant...it's probably the most useful single plant on Earth."
"If it's pollen from a female plant right on another female plant, it only has the possibility of creating seeds that will also create female plants."
"All of a sudden, the plants are now absorbing the majority of their nutrients in the form of microbial metabolites."
"We actually named this Lady Bird Johnson bluebonnet."
"I consider that really a forest understory plant."
"Flowers are fun to look at and they usually smell great. But they actually have a really important job. They use their pretty colors and smells to attract animals, which help make new plants."
"Jefferson was sort of a seedy missionary of the plant world. He said the greatest service which can be rendered any country is to add a useful plant to its culture."
"Crocuses are obviously a very short stemmed flower."
"We had some botanists, Wilford Hess, Daniel Fairbank, John Welch, Jonathan Driggs talked to us about 'Botanical Aspects of Olive Culture Relevant to Jacob 5.'"
"And that's really her mission: to make us stop what we're doing and look at plants for the amazing miracle each one really is."