
Dissatisfaction Quotes

There are 2785 quotes

"Desire for more, dissatisfaction, can actually be a beautiful thing."
"Dissatisfaction, craving, that's what actually causes you to go and create success."
"Stay dissatisfied, and I'm sure that you will start to build more success than ever."
"Your thoughts create your reality. Yet you still live a life that you dread."
"Most people are not that happy with their body, not that happy with their sex life, and not happy with how much they can't make what they want happen in their career."
"Social media has allowed people to have access they never had before, making it seem like there's always something better out there."
"I was tired of my ordinary life and passive self."
"If you're dissatisfied, you're in the wrong job or the wrong relationship...be clear about your desires, get passionate about your life."
"Most people... just want is for their lives to work, and if politics isn't doing that for them, they're gonna get pissed."
"The only two minutes of entertainment I got out of the entire night."
"Fans of the source material are rarely happy with the way an adaptation turns out, and most of the time, that disappointment is justified."
"Fans leaving the track confused, fans watching at home confused, everyone frustrated."
"The quickest path to become miserable at doing something you love is to make it your job."
"Not getting what you want will make you very unhappy, but there's one thing that will make you even unhappier than not getting what you want: getting what you want."
"The market system can theoretically give us everything we want and still leave us unsatisfied."
"The American dream happened to me... and I really, really liked it, loved it for about six months, and then I walked in my house and went, 'Oh man, this is not fixing this problem that I have.'"
"You're going to be up against the fact that the description of three generations was very hand-wavy and unsatisfactory."
"Greatness is born hungry, and it's never satisfied."
"Capitalism is a machine that requires people to be miserable and unfulfilled, all the while selling you the cure to the disease it created."
"Cultivate profound dissatisfaction with your work... the work is the only thing that matters."
"I'm so over Trump and his rhetoric and his tweets. I'm ready to see somebody else in there."
"I just feel like it's not all put together, and I want justice, one way or another."
"Part of the reason for the appeal of drugs is that people aren't excited by life."
"You owe it to yourself to do something differently if you're not getting what you want."
"I did not get my SpaghettiOs, I got spaghetti. I want the press to know this."
"The difference between good enough and awesome is so big. Good enough sucks."
"Recently, I got this letter... 'I'm married to a great woman, I have two young kids that I adore, and I enjoy good health. And yet, I'm just not as happy as I think I should be. To be honest, I'm often restless, often bored, often very unsatisfied with my life.'"
"The wife is always searching for something more, something more intense, more satisfying, something ideal."
"Blissful dissatisfaction is the formula for happiness and fulfillment."
"Being dissatisfied is a good thing. It's a necessary thing. We were given that emotion to be able to use it for good."
"After retiring, I think I kind of went down in the toilet... I might have been a bit miserable at work, but at least I was happy hustling."
"If you're really not liking something at all, you do not have to accept that as your future."
"Our current success is the best reason to change. We have to be permanently dissatisfied in order to get better and better and keep ahead of the competition."
"46% of people, close to half the country, says that they're not either one of the two choices we have."
"America needs a new direction. We cannot be satisfied with what we've been doing for the last eight years."
"You develop an instant global consciousness, a people orientation, an intense dissatisfaction with the state of the world, and a compulsion to do something about it."
"What would you think about a person who was very, very wealthy and yet was always complaining about not having enough?"
"The fact of the matter is that Reforged is a disaster."
"I hated what I saw in the mirror enough to make a change."
"This world is just so desperately fucking boring."
"The system isn't working and I want to know why."
"The schooling system wasn't giving me enough to work with, to learn from."
"The problem with social justice is, in the desire to please everybody, you end up pleasing nobody."
"I do feel dissatisfied with the idea that the physical world is all we have."
"Dissatisfaction is an innate part of our psychology. There's no amount of money or success or love that you're ever gonna achieve where you're like, 'Cool, I'm done. I got it.'"
"We are in the most safest, the best time to have ever existed, and yet the majority of us are unhappy, depressed, and anxious."
"You don't have to take this crap. You don't have to sit back and relax. You can actually try changing it."
"Idea of what we thought happiness was is just not possible. It's not attainable. That's why people feel unsatisfied."
"Americans are fed up and tired of having their government turn their back on them."
"That might have been the worst burger I've ever eaten."
"There's nothing that makes me angrier than a dirty colony."
"Everybody's dissatisfied with the current system."
"None of our wishes were respected or upheld."
"Yo, this axe is mad dull, I ain't going to lie."
"This is an illness of our culture, driven by dissatisfaction and depression."
"Honestly even the side characters barely get anything there doesn't feel like there's a great awesome resolution the Lopez's don't really get much."
"We never feel truly satisfied, we never feel truly fulfilled, and that's a sad place to be because that's not the way we should be living."
"Honestly this game plays tragic its disrespectfully bad it's disgustingly bad actually it's just not on."
"This isn't working, and it's time we woke up."
"We all know something's wrong. They don't represent us anymore."
"Maybe this was a mistake, I preferred the nice one."
"There is a time when the operation of the Machine becomes so odious and makes you so sick at heart that you just can't do it anymore." - The Squatch
"As much as I'm giving ADCs right now about being bad, their role is the shittiest role right now."
"Nothing material can do to satisfy you. It's like drinking salt water."
"There is no way the developers honestly finish this up and said to themselves job well done."
"When you try to cater to everybody, you end up pleasing nobody."
"Is this the best we got? Is this really the best we can do?"
"It's part of a wider shift of young people being dissatisfied with neoliberalism and wanting social change."
"Advanced Warfare, man, this was like for me... I still remember trying to do some S&D like game battles on Advanced Warfare and I'll never forget how much I didn't like it."
"People expect to have things that they expect, and I'm sorry if you don't like it."
"What happens once you achieve that status, that power? Whether it's wealth or sexual dominance, how do you change? Are you satisfied? No, you just run into reality and want to chase more."
"Are you unhappy with where America is headed? I am, and if you are as well, then I'm the candidate for change."
"People are hungry, tired of getting fed rubbish garbage."
"Happy with it? Hell no, but you know what? Whatever, I did it anyway."
"I feel like currently they don't have a lot of good stuff like yeah there's not that's really anything that takes me they're all good they have it..."
"56 percent said they would be dissatisfied or angry if Trump returned to the White House in 2024."
"But still, the act of doing so really does suck."
"We hate what's just happening right now in our country."
"I'm straight up not having a good time right now."
"Shout out to Comcast being the [ __ ] worst."
"We need some new [__]. We're tired of y'all."
"The Germans are right there, this simply won't do, this will not do, this won't do it all, Charles!"
"No matter how much you've already paid, you're always one purchase away from being content."
"I will never be buying from Daily Harvest, both because of the effects... but also just the overall way that Daily Harvest has handled this whole situation. I am not a fan."
"There's no confidence whatsoever in VAR at the moment, none whatsoever."
"This club is taking the absolute mickey now."
"I don't give a fuck what anyone says, they don't deserve this win."
"There's literally 90 percent of the country up for grabs and they're being forced to make this decision that actually doesn't satisfy their palette because that's the only thing that's out there."
"We were unhappy with your way of handling this from the beginning and now we're asking you to resign failing which we'll kick you out."
"I'm no longer watching like I don't even want to say what I'm about to say because there's no way to say it nice."
"These people hate their lives... it's just virtue signaling."
"At no point during this fight did I think, 'This is cool.'"
"Some people in the west are starting to sense that this is going wrong."
"It shouldn't have to come to that, but this whole situation just did not sit right with my soul."
"It just felt like a weird year where I haven't necessarily just been excited about what's upcoming because they have been few and far between."
"This is like complaining at a restaurant for crap food and then instead of them refunding you, you give them a tip."
"It seems to me that it's not only like an incompetence, you're not even trying."
"No one likes this, no one's happy about this, I'm not happy about it, and I hope it changes."
"None of what happened in New South Wales regarding these factional games impressed the public one little bit."
"It's not fun because it's like this Goofy story people like you we're genuinely happy that they went to jail."
"It legitimately sucks. It's why I wanted to put a stop to it."
"People just want change. People were not happy with the system that we've got now, and if there is an option for something to be different, they'll go, 'Well, what's the worst that can happen?'"
"Hopefully this wasn't a long contract, I'm sure as [__] not watching Facebook streams."
"Any great creative person is never happy. If they're happy, they're the wrong creative person."
"Finding the actual compromise is always going to make some people unhappy."
"Your only power is recognizing this is what's on offer and actually it's not enough for me. I want better. I deserve better."
"Something has to change. What I am doing is not working."
"The least satisfied with their purchase tend to complain the most."
"I just couldn't make it happen so I wound up defaulting to like a comfort zone which is not what I wanted to do here."
"Why do they tease us with stuff that's LIKE badges and partners, but not quite?"
"The public was disgusted. They were not happy with this situation."
"This is your brilliant idea? You want us to move into these boxes? Hold on a second, I'm not waiting. I'm out of here!"
"I want to get off Jive because I don't think that my sales are matching my popularity."
"Daniel's Father David Robinson was not too happy with that conclusion or with the Buckeye Police Department and their response to his son's Disappearance in general."
"There is a feeling that status quo politics just is not working... people are tired of it."
"I'm gonna tell you something, God gonna tell you, 'Wow, what'd you do, dry-ass sandwiches?'"
"Why did Donald Trump get elected?... This system isn't working for me."
"You turned around and saw the other two and you said, you know what, there has to be better. There has to be more."
"Those stories are heartbreaking and Javid's answer wholly unsatisfactory."
"Just wanting change, rich people want it, poor people want it, everybody wants change. Our country is really doing poorly."
"But mama, that was not it, I'll say that much."
"It's time for us to stop making do with crap."
"All because people aren't happy about something doesn't inherently mean that it's bad."
"If you don't get there, you're dissatisfied because you didn't get there, and if you do get there, then you're sort of like, 'Oh now what?'"
"I just don't really get what happened here. I mean, I'm not expecting you to reinvent the wheel but at least make it look new."
"You don't have to go with the status quo, if you didn't like last year and if you didn't like the year before that, then change it."
"Envy, resentment, and hunger for that matter are not satiated by the downfall of the old regime."
"Your life's not working, your relationships suck."
"I don't blame her at all for being unhappy with that."
"You're gonna give them more money but like right it's just like what."
"They are treating you like dog crap yeah it's crazy it's crazy."
"I'm just not fulfilled at all, you know, I'm smashing all my targets, I'm doing really well, this is what I wanted to do but it just wasn't for me."
"There's an argument that Democrats don't want to win, that they're satisfied by either corporate party being in charge."
"These players are shambles, they are charlatans, and this has all been created by the football club."
"Depression is nothing more than dissatisfaction with life."
"I think just everything about this sucks all these actions will tell."
"Big mouth, you're not happy? I'm [expletive] happy. You can get out, go on, you can get out. [Expletive] yourself! You can't get out of my [expletive] kitchen!"
"It's the worst movie I've seen this year. Like just so lazy and and it's like a total waste of time."
"There's going to be a lot of really unhappy fan bases."
"I can't believe that after learning all these things... they gave him a plea deal."
"I mean honestly look at that plate... it's disgusting pinwheel."
"Progressives are very upset about the paid leave issue."
"Are we supposed to just sit here and let this [ __ ] continue? Are we supposed to trust the process because this is no process?"
"You need to, something needs to happen blood, you get me, in this [ __ ], um, for me a lot was wrong with today."
"Dissatisfaction is the mother of ambition, and the coal that fuels the fire."
"The Canadian population is not happy with the Chinese Communist Party."
"I think it matters that people are pissed off."
"You've literally put a bad taste in my mouth and I don't like it."
"We're no longer going to just be okay with it because that's been the pattern."
"He broke the emergency glass and said, they're not working for you."
"That movie didn't quite click for me, though, to be honest with you."
"They can just sell and that way is the lottery thing as well where you don't get what you want. Do I buy another box of this to try and get the things I want?"
"This is very emblematic of the utter state of the Western woman: rejecting the natural order of things and wanting more, yet ending up empty."
"It's just baffling how they've treated some of their most beloved titles..."
"I hate that you trying to minimize it's like oh you're quibbling over these little story details the plot the structure that complete framework of the movie does not work."
"I understood that I can't get better until I've acknowledged where I am and I really don't like where I am."
"45 million Man spent on that bread, and he can't get a game blood. What kind of is this, swear down fam, honestly?"
"We're not wearing those, those Jock shoes y'all giving us now."
"Nothing is ever enough, trust me on this one."
"Feminism just got in there because women generally were not happy with the way they were being treated."
"If you feel kind of dull and like look things aren't satisfying you that's actually a good sign and it's gonna cause you to start asking the question of well, What will satisfy me?"
"Making a movie unsatisfying just for the sake of being unsatisfying is... surprisingly pretty unsatisfying."
"Disappointing is worse than pissing them off."
"The sad thing about this is that it's better than any other gladiator timepiece I have."
"If I go to fucking Domino's and order a large pepperoni pizza and you bring me a medium cheese pizza with two slices missing and tell me you ran out of dough alright we ran out of pepperonis I don't give a fuck."
"70 to 80 percent of Americans are dissatisfied with their standard of living."
"It is shambolic and everyone affected deserved better than that."
"I've always had the mindset, like, I've never been content."
"It doesn't really feel like justice to me fully."
"Hyper competitiveness stems from discontentment."
"He was furious with the state of their country."
"It sucks at any time anyone's not treated well on a platform."
"Cobweb kind of pisses me off because it is so close to being perfectly amazing but it just gets a little bit too messy along the way."
"There's a lot of weird small stuff like this that might make up for it but it still feels a little lacking."
"Playing Superman 64 is like strangling yourself; it's not easy, and you probably don't want to."
"You sound like a bunch of whiners who are never happy."
"I decided I hated myself and wanted to be miserable every week."
"I'm really tired of watching the US health system's failed response to this pandemic."
"Even if you like the fact that he did, he only gave you one month."
"You can't just try and appease us like this."
"I have a huge issue with a two-party system inherently because I don't really enjoy how either party handles anything anymore."
"It's a school that barracks has turned back into a school the worst day ever."
"FIFA at the end of the day is always gonna be a bad game."
"The best part about this ride is leaving it."
"The MMO genre in a nutshell: always waiting, never being truly satisfied."
"I don't like it here, and that's just the facts."
"It's just not satisfying to the people who are convinced that they have the right answer."
"Opportunity is an invitation to your next and it's often announced by a sense of dissatisfaction, frustration, and pain."
"They're tired of seeing other people have emotional fulfillment and connections."
"We all know they're crap, like we all understand that Biden was our tenth choice."
"People are desperately and deeply unhappy with what's going on in the world."
"I don't feel like we did nothing like as far as like the db room."
"Nothing about this sounds awesome. That's not a world that I'd like to live in."
"That is lame, we're gonna have to do something new."
"This is great and they're kind of upset because they had no power, that's okay though."
"Redfall is very very not good but Golem is just very very bad."
"To stay despite being displeased isn't necessarily a sign of disgruntled fans, it's also an indication of fan dedication."
"All in all, I think this was quite a success. I'm sad that I couldn't find answers to everything," Josh concluded.
"There is no ending of this show that makes me feel good about having watched this show."
"Once a man or woman's mind has been expanded with an ideal concept or experience, it could never be satisfied to going back to where it was."