
Divine Intervention Quotes

There are 8935 quotes

"I believe that God always puts us in rooms that we're not qualified for so that He can show up."
"If somebody recently did you dirty, they left your life, they ghosted you, or they did all of the above, consider yourself lucky because that's divine intervention."
"It was a moment where I wasn't sure if it was going to be okay, but God always shows up."
"For Allah, all things are possible... This is a test, and ask Allah to help you. Allah can change their heart."
"When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears and delivers them out of their troubles."
"When he said it is finished, the veil separating God from man tore from top to bottom so that we could have intimate relationship with the God of the universe."
"I was saved by an act of divine sovereignty."
"Then God remembered Noah and every living thing, and all the animals that were with him in the ark."
"Your guidance is divinely guided; you are being divinely guided."
"Fear not; stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord."
"We're just going to trust that, you know, faith will happen, you know God's already gone ahead and worked it out for us."
"When you put your mind on Jesus, God will open up the heavens in your life."
"God has done great things for us, whereof we are glad."
"No matter how far they are, God can touch their hearts, God can bring them back to the center of His will through the power of prayer."
"In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps."
"The uniqueness of the Christian God is that He doesn't ask people to work for Him; He works for them."
"The battle is the Lord's, and He will give all of you into our hands."
"Prayer is the nerve that moves the hand of God."
"We may make our plans, but God has the last word."
"We fasted and petitioned our God about this, and he answered our prayer."
"If you and I just became genuine people of seeking forgiveness, then those problems would start getting solved by divine intervention."
"Allah will open up the sky for you and it'll start pouring...everything held from the treasures of Allah that you haven't been getting because you haven't been seeking forgiveness is going to open up."
"Whatever this blessing is, it's a gift from God. It's a gift from your angels, your ancestors."
"The two spiritual weapons of our times of mankind are Mary and Divine Jesus, the Divine Mercy."
"The spirit of life from God entered that clay body, and the most wonderful transformation took place."
"This year has been outrageous, masterfully crafted by the divine mind to awaken us."
"Your job is to believe. God's job is the outcome."
"Nothing happens when I speak, but when God speaks, worlds come into existence."
"We're spared the crushing sadness of God finding the cold body of his beloved Otaku in the snow after they got separated in a chase, which is nice, I guess."
"You've been given an upgrade... You as a spiritual being have gotten a software update from God, which has enhanced your gifts."
"Lord Jesus, I give you honor and praise. If it is your will, may you perform a miraculous healing in my life."
"I'm talking about the kind of greatness that attracts heaven's resources because I'm trying to do something that's bigger than me."
"With Divine Intervention, you've got a 10% chance of calling God and having them show up and kick ass."
"When you come into alignment, God is going to do something amazing in your life."
"Even God himself does not impose himself upon our will."
"A shift is a move that causes you to go from one place to another over a small amount of time but it produces what I like to call a divine leap over your dilemma."
"The wheel of fortune plays a major part in the lives of your average Riojan. They do not believe this is mere chance; they believe the gods act to bring down the mighty and raise up the meek."
"Faith is when you step out of that ring out into the darkness and then the light moves."
"There is a divine detour happening in your life."
"When Heaven invades Earth, whenever God is going to do a miracle, he suspends time or he turns it back, or he supernaturally accelerates it forward."
"They plan, but Allah also plans, and indeed, Allah is the best of all planners."
"When God speaks, laymen pick up their bed and start walking."
"I just feel the Holy Spirit said today, I'm going to give people rest."
"Prayer is really earthly license for heavenly interference."
"Prayer opens up the gates of heaven and closes the gates of hell."
"Prayer invokes the supernatural power of God."
"When God saw what they did, how they turned from their evil ways, God changed His mind about the calamity that He had said He would bring upon them, and He did not do it."
"God is gonna act up in your life. The people are gonna say it's you doing it, but they don't know that the force behind you is God doing the work."
"The angel walked in to his night... The angel is getting ready to walk into your night."
"God will use anything, but it doesn't mean it's his first choice."
"The anointing for divine intervention... I declare, days of divine intervention."
"God will allow certain things to happen in your life to put you in a situation where can't nobody get you out but Him."
"One word from God will shift your whole life."
"The world is so thirsty right now, and God is pouring the water of His spirit upon anyone who is willing to drink."
"I had an experience with God. He brought me through something that I know I couldn't have gotten through on my own."
"Nebuchadnezzar spoke, saying, 'Blessed be the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, who sent His Angel and delivered His servants who trusted in Him.'"
"At night, as your followers sleep, you'll be able to influence them through nighttime visions and dreams."
"Cease from your sins and forget your iniquities, never to commit them again, so God will lead you forth and deliver you from all tribulation."
"God showing up and talking to everyone right now would be stronger evidence than any manuscript."
"When you rest, God works. When you work, God rests."
"God's way is not 'don't just stand there, do something'; it's 'stand still and see the salvation of the Lord'."
"We are bestowing upon you this miraculous healing, this divine intervention, so that you can see the power that you have."
"God can sometimes use rejection in our lives to direct us to a certain path."
"Holy Spirit, have your way. I pray tonight Holy Spirit that you would begin to touch your people."
"We are entering into a supernatural season of great suddenlies."
"Before the outpouring, there must be a deliverance that takes place so that the heavens can release the purity of what God wants to do without any hindrance."
"Every now and then God visits us, and when He visits us, He turns our fear, removes our doubt."
"Whatever you have in life, you got there because God made it happen, not you."
"Something good is going to happen to you today, and that favor will go ahead of you and divinely arrange things before you get there."
"The Bible is bookmarked by God coming down launching it, Jesus coming down, and finishing the Bible. It's like no other book in the world."
"Allah wanted to show Pharaoh and his military what they were scared of all along."
"Is there anybody in here that knows we serve a God that will get you out of a mess that you got yourself into?"
"God is about to reverse the curse in your life."
"They need to know that I love them, and I want to answer their prayers."
"There is no length that you [God] will not go to, no depth that you will not reach down to lift us from, that there is no height that you cannot bring us to."
"There are people that have been demonically charged that have been sent on assignment and they tried to do harm, but the angels of the Lord stepped in."
"Let me tell you this, do you know why God seems to show up for people at their last point? That's when they've given up on all the options."
"Life arising is not just an odds game, but an intentional act by a creative god."
"I just feel like God's hand was in that. It's a reminder of the unseen forces and faith that guide us through tough times."
"We plan the way we want to live, but only God makes us able to live it."
"The beautiful thing is when you acknowledge that fear is there, then God can act."
"God says sometimes I demand of people a physical act of obedience before I release spiritual reward."
"Heaven is working behind the scenes to help you, even if you don't see results yet."
"God will use science, technology, politicians, people, preachers; He'll use it all. But what we need is divine intervention right now."
"Instead, Allah speaks to the fire itself and says, 'Be cool and peaceful on Ibrahim.'"
"This is the Lord's doing; it's marvelous in our eyes. Life don't slow it down, and not even death can stop the momentum of God's divine word being preached."
"I believe in God and I do believe that he's always making things work out the way they should for me."
"If someone left your life... know that was divine intervention because this person was not doing wonders for your aura."
"God speaks to us no matter what ailments we have, no matter how devastating those seasons of life are."
"God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we may ask or think."
"God is about to put you in a new circle of people."
"If he did it for that one man, won't he do it for you?"
"Our God is a god of restoration. He doesn't just bring you out of your struggle; he restores to you what was lost."
"In one day, God can change your story; in one day, God can change the story of your family members."
"The fact that I'm even alive to tell the tale must be a sign that the gods were watching over me."
"Not by might, not by power, but by my spirit says the Lord."
"Every person who you have breathed the breath of life into is here in this earth on purpose."
"Things can be both fact and myth when you consider the time-breaking occurrences of dragon breaks and the machinations of gods and beings far beyond mortal comprehension."
"The evidence infers that God has acted in the world to raise Jesus from the dead."
"Jesus was made manifest to destroy the works of the devil."
"When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Lord shall lift up a standard against him."
"God gave Solomon in a dream wisdom, knowledge, and understanding."
"If God were to make a sign of His intervention in the world, it'd have to be different from the natural world around us."
"Beerus arrives on Earth, and Battle of Gods also goes similarly to normal, up until the ritual where they realize they need an extra Saiyan."
"If you have eyes to see, you will see this: that God is doing something so special in this house."
"When this wave hits, you will see injustice washed away, flipped over, and you will see justice meted out to My children that have been treated with gross injustice."
"Every life interruption is a divine intervention. It's God saying, okay, I'm getting ready to strengthen you."
"We can know one thing: God is at work making all things work together for His good."
"I believe by the power of the Holy Spirit, by the anointing of God, that tonight, people are going to be delivered."
"He's working all things together for your good."
"Then they cried unto the Lord in their trouble, and he saved them out of their distresses."
"Prayer results in the working of God in a supernatural, unexplainable way."
"If God is in your plan, it's going to work out because He's the plan maker, and He has all power to make all the plans work out perfectly."
"God, if He started the work in you, He's going to finish it."
"God opened my eyes to a fresh new visitation. I want Jesus in my business, my home, I want Him fresh."
"The Lord of hosts will utilize all of his resources to save you."
"Whatever has to be done in our lives for us to love You more than anything, do it."
"He who started a good work in us will see it through to the end."
"Sometimes, God removes certain people because He's preparing something better or different or to our advantage."
"We need to turn from the things that we have been doing and turn to God because it really is going to take divine intervention."
"This illumination of conscience will be truly a gift from Heaven, a last chance for mankind to see the state of its own souls exactly as God sees it."
"This experience could only have come from God, and humanity will have a major surge of conversion throughout."
"And the Lord thundered in the heavens, he gave his voice; hailstones and fire."
"God is encouraging you: I factored in everything that would look like a failure. I saw it when I called you."
"God will orchestrate these signs in the heavens to announce that he will now intervene in human affairs."
"Fate thinks about how, in this world, there are halves and there are Have Nots. What separates them are the special powers bestowed by the gods: their skills."
"God is always in the mix...the infinite eternal love of God always...uses that freedom to bring us closer to him."
"Why would the gods send a warning if we can't heed it and change what's to come?"
"This accident is God saying I'm about to hand you the world... just know at any given time I can take it away from you."
"The unexpected. I don't know who this is for, I don't know what this is about, but God said He's going to do the unexpected."
"Sometimes it's about Him finally wanting His daughter's eyes to be open so that when He shows up, they're sensitive enough to see Him."
"You will also decree a thing, and it will be established for you; And light will shine on your ways." - Job 22:28
"God doesn't just expose our deeds, God heals us and gives us something infinitely better."
"I continued to bless the Lord of glory who has wrought great and glorious wonders, to show the greatness of His work to the angels, and to spirits, and to men."
"I declare and I decree that today as we call upon your name, you are changing our lives, you are changing our situations for the glory of your name."
"If God were to grant me my health, I'd immediately wish to be the most beautiful maiden in the world, happy and healthy, on condition that he would love me above all others, all his life and mine."
"Psalm 34 verse 17 which says, 'When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles.'"
"If divine intervention and synchronicity exist, spirit and matter cannot be separate."
"The devil's trembling already because what you are going to accomplish this year, it's going to be by the mighty hand of God."
"God is... like a surgeon; he can orchestrate the tiniest details of circumstances."
"I'll put my money where my mouth is; I'll put my power where my mouth is. If God says it, He's gonna perform it."
"The most amazing thing God did for us today was wake us up."
"The Kingdom of God is doing what Jesus did. It's the rule and reign of God coming on Earth."
"Did all of this happen as a result of massive geological events triggered by nothing more than nature? Or were the earthquakes, the volcanoes, and the tsunamis caused by divine intervention when God decided to free a nation from slavery and forge a new covenant with humanity?"
"What can we do? Stand up, speak out, and pray that God will bless America again."
"I waited patiently for the Lord; and He inclined unto me, and heard my cry."
"What if I told you that sometimes when God wants to take you to the next level, He first removes some people from your life?"
"Believe me when I tell you that unless some people are removed from your life, you may never fully find rest in certain areas."
"When the situation looks impossible, that is the setup for God to move."
"The righteous cry, and the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles."
"In the midst of peace, what God gives comes by itself."
"In Ephesians 3:20, we are reminded that God wants to do abundantly above and beyond all that we could ever ask or think."
"Prayer is giving heaven earthly license to interfere."
"A fasted life attracts divine intervention even for a nation."
"The Lord hears and delivers the cries of the righteous."
"The reason it's in the Bible is because Jehovah gave him evidence."
"The promises of the New Testament are for today, and God works in a magnificent and powerful way to those who, by His grace, believe Him."
"God works because God has ordained to work, and to take the weakest of men to do the greatest of things."
"When God wants to bless you, how does he do it? He sends people into your life. And when the devil wants to destroy you, how does he do it? He sends people too."
"Everything that God revealed about himself is that I am a God that moves on your behalf."
"Only one encounter with favor was worth a lifetime of labor."
"God will open up your door that door can be locked and sealed for years, but when you stand in front of it, it will open up."
"God is creating something new. Genesis 1:1. Something new is happening; it's a global reset, a heavenly convergence, and God is going to win in what he's doing."
"I specifically see keys; they've been used to unlock and to lock portals, but now the Lord is saying there's going to be much unlocking."
"There will be a debt-free thing that God will do to make your transportation easier."
"We sinners are like diamonds that have fallen into the muck... God came down into the muck of sin and death and brought the diamond up and polished it off."
"The best day of your life is when God interferes with your life."
"God, I ask that you would breathe in this room and that you would send a word that changes our mind about what's possible."
"The last sign that Jesus will come, and He's coming soon, will be the global outpouring of the Spirit."
"'In a little while I will once more shake the heavens and the earth, the sea and the dry land. I will shake all nations, and what is desired by all nations will come, and I will fill this house with glory,' says the Lord Almighty."
"Behold the Lord heard the prayers of his people...for this purpose have I come to convince you of the power and authority of God."
"Mary told Saint Dominic that in order to overcome the devil, he needed to fight fire with fire, and she said the Rosary is divine fire."
"The answer to your greatest prayer request is hidden in vessels of clay and is hidden in the mysteries of the kingdom."
"Just look at us as, you know, God's response to a deficiency in the body."
"God is going to step into the place that you're at, and He is going to deliver you with a mighty hand."
"God's taking you to the edge of the Red Sea so that when the waters part, you'll know it was Him."
"I think people are meant to meet. Sometimes where God puts people in a place for you to see them."
"I'm just so thankful that there's a God in heaven that made that happen for me. So, thank you, Jesus."
"Your word says a thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand, but it shall not come near you."
"This poor man cried, and the Lord heard him, and saved him out of all his troubles."
"In all your ways know and acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight and smooth, removing obstacles that block your way."
"There are momentous miracles in the demonstration of His faithfulness."
"God can take anybody that's a nobody that nobody knows about and in a moment's time, he can elevate you, expose you, uncover you to the world, and release the power of God that's in you."
"He was not killed, he was not crucified. Before they can get hold of him and kill him and crucify him, God protected Jesus and uplifted Jesus to Himself."
"The appearance of God refers to His personal arrival on earth to do His work with His own identity and disposition and in His inherent method."
"It's like God was extending his love, his mercy, his grace over me and said, 'Daughter, I hear you. I've been trying to get your attention, but you haven't listened to me. Now, are you ready? I am real.' And I said, 'God, yes, I'm ready. I'm ready. Help me.'"
"The timing of the typhoons was so impeccable from a Japanese perspective that many suspected a higher power may have been involved, which is why the great typhoons of 1274 and 1281 came to be known as the divine winds, or in Japanese, the kamikaze."
"For those who don’t understand the fortunes of war think the outcome depends on strength alone… But you, I think, know that although it’s men who do the fighting, it is God who judges the contest."
"With God's help, he can do it, but I see death and destruction here."
"Peter called his great victory at Poltava a divine miracle, as he finally managed to defeat the most formidable army in Europe."
"In all things, God works for the good of those who love Him."
"You're used to being in the back, comfortable with being in the back. But God is getting ready to take you to the next level."
"Faith is what allows God to work it together for good."
"I saw the hand of God. I saw what I needed to see that day. We saw a miracle. No doubt."
"It is the unexplained moments that God can grant to us that serve as a beacon of light."
"The Lord sent me here to tell you, you're going to have to trust Him."
"The truth is like a divine intervention. Here's the opportunity you've always waited for."
"If a mechanic took 47 years to work on your car and it was still broken, would you hire him for another four years?"
"Faith doesn't deny facts, faith believes God to change them."
"God wants you in heaven and God will go to extraordinary lengths to ensure you go to heaven."