
Hypnosis Quotes

There are 202 quotes

"Using a specific form of hypnosis, people can achieve complete and total cessation of cigarette smoking through one single hypnosis session."
"Hypnosis is simply a heightened state of focus and awareness where your focus becomes so shifted into a particular suggestion, belief, or idea you actually begin to experience it, even though the idea may or may not be real."
"Hypnosis is like meditation but with utilization; the point of meditation is often just to get this really relaxed and zen-like state and then be relaxed for a little bit and leave. Hypnosis utilizes a similar meditative state but then you do something with that state."
"Hypnosis is literally just the idea of shifting your belief and becoming open to the experience that you will create for yourself."
"Hypnosis can be used beyond entertainment but can be used to help people to change their life."
"Every single person should [get hypnotized]... It's awesome, makes you feel peaceful."
"Anybody that's ready, that's open, that wants to be hypnotized can be. It's not mind control; it's actually learning how you can gain more control over your own mind."
"When I reach 5, you'll wake up and come out of trance, just feeling so refreshed and rejuvenated, awake and alert."
"If you do not want to be hypnotized, that's totally okay. It's not mind control."
"Instead of trying to make yourself be hypnotized, allow yourself to be open to the experience."
"Imagine taking a step down that staircase, signifying to yourself that you're going deeper into relaxation."
"Hypnosis has actually been medically known to help change the way the brain works in a positive way when motives are correct and especially when the technique is done correctly."
"I have created this sleep hypnosis session to help you discover your powerful unconscious mind's abilities to quickly create your better healing relief."
"Hypnosis is a state of highly focused attention." - Dr. David Spiegel
"Hypnosis gives you access to more of your mind, your potential, your gifts."
"Hypnosis is actually a gift because it gives you access to more of yourself."
"The importance of rapport cannot be overstated—it does 90% of the hypnosis work for you."
"Hypnosis is all about collaboration; it's important to build a genuine connection with the person you're hypnotizing."
"Hypnosis is a great way to meet people and blow minds."
"You could literally use hypnosis for anything that you can imagine."
"Hypnosis has nothing to do with demonology; it's a natural function of the brain."
"Hypnosis is incredibly safe; it's a collaborative experience, not mind control."
"Hypnosis is the language of your subconscious; it allows for deeper communication."
"Mastering hypnosis brings the game to a whole other level."
"People don't understand that what makes hypnosis powerful is powerful words, but they've got to be super powerful, really dynamic, incredibly relevant, and absolutely up to date."
"Hypnosis is how the mind naturally works to the point that what you believe what you focus on tends to be what you feel and what you experience."
"Hypnosis is a very natural state of being. We go in and out of hypnosis about a thousand times a day."
"With hypnosis, you can quit smoking, lose weight, or change behaviors."
"Hypnosis involves an altered state of consciousness, enabling positive changes or addressing specific issues."
"Hypnosis: making people more suggestible, but also prone to forming false memories."
"Hypnosis has demonstrated effectiveness in addressing conditions such as depression, anxiety, PTSD, IBS, and pain management."
"Clients who received CBT in combination with hypnosis reported a 70% greater improvement than clients who received CBT on their own."
"Past life regression is basically when somebody is able to remember experiences from a past life usually through the process of hypnosis."
"The best thing I ever learned from hypnosis was the idea that all conversation, all communication is kind of hypnotic."
"I am astounded by this because I thought the whole thing was just Marxism and it's not. Apparently, there's hypnosis involved."
"Become hypnotized to create a positive change in your life."
"Hypnosis is not about being asleep, it's not about being out of control, it's about one thing: are you able to receive suggestions to let them in? Yes, you are."
"Hypnosis is a very odd state of mind... where you both have heightened states of focus and relaxation at the same time."
"Hypnosis can't make anybody do anything that isn't within them to do."
"Learning number one in hypnosis: You can focus your attention anywhere you like."
"Notice how you can still focus on that spot with your eyes closed. It's almost as if you have x-ray vision."
"As it begins to move off towards the horizon lazily and leisurely, drifting through the sky, you can cast anything either known or unknown keeping you from success into the cloud."
"Does hypnosis take us to truth? I think it does to a large extent."
"Human brain waves listen Theta and actually Delta and Theta is [ __ ] dealing with programming and hypnosis."
"An overwhelming fear hit them, and they were paralyzed almost like in a hypnotic state."
"Hypnosis works more on people who are open and intuitive."
"Hypnosis doesn't send you to sleep, it certainly wakes you up."
"That's cool with the crowd like completely hypnotized."
"You can hypnotize people into good things or into [__]."
"In hypnosis, you turn off the part of the brain that keeps you stuck in the old ways you've been doing things."
"You're not going under anything... you're in a form of hypnosis."
"I'm watching it, my friend Riley goes up, who I'm like, 'Well if he gets hypnotized I believe it because he won't...'"
"...then in a moment, I'm going to count from one up to three and on the count of three, you can open your eyes and come back to the room."
"Psilocybin and LSD-like states are similar to hypnosis in that they're focused."
"I promise you my friends, that by the end of this trick, you will definitely be asleep."
"You cannot be hypnotized into doing anything that you wouldn't otherwise already do."
"You don't have to go outside and get hypnotized by some weirdo and turned into a woman."
"Gwen breaks free from his hypnosis and manages to put an end to his Madness."
"He saw in hypnosis how plastic, how changeable people were."
"He thought people could change any time in life and that hypnosis was a terrific tool to change them."
"In hypnosis you could change perception to the extent that it seemed real but your brain was acting as though it were real."
"In hypnosis, we focus attention a lot."
"Just as people allowed to sleep will naturally grow through phases of sleep, letting someone spend some time in trance will also encourage a deepening of that trance." - Matt Terrell
"Water will find its way down the mountainside if allowed to do so. Likewise, taking someone in and out of mini trance many times simply by using conversational hypnosis means that when they do go into hypnosis proper, they tend to go deeper." - Matt Terrell
"We can have direct suggestions embedded within permissive frameworks." - Matt Terrell
"As you breathe out, notice how much deeper into lovely hypnotic trance you can go." - Matt Terrell
"We tell a client a story which really absorbs them within the story, and tell another story, then another, each level of a story corresponding to a deeper level of trance quite naturally without us having to overtly suggest." - Matt Terrell
"Ultimately, deepening hypnosis can be done artfully and, in fact, it needs to be done in this way." - Matt Terrell
"If we understand the components of trance induction, then we can tailor an induction to suit the needs of the unique client in front of us." - Matt Terrell
"All hypnosis is self-hypnosis. You are always in complete control."
"I want them to feel as if we're simply having a conversation, part of which may have involved them relaxing deeper than ever before." - Matt Terrell
"So, hypnosis can put people in this sort of endorphin-like state that can be super useful for pain management. Okay? So there are uses for the hypnotic state for that. But for major behavior change on things that you're struggling with, I don't think so."
"So all hypnosis is, is going from one belief to another. If I believe I'm gonna have an amazing day, I'm gonna have an amazing day."
"The power of suggestion is very part of the whole hypnosis body of literature that if you have an authority figure you believe in and you give a powerful suggestions that something's going to happen the mind has an expectation set that is now primed for resolving whatever."
"There's a lot of interesting research showing the potential benefits of hypnosis for pain relief during labor, and it's worth exploring further."
"Learning about hypnosis and its potential benefits for pain relief during labor can empower individuals to make informed choices about their childbirth experience."
"There are a lot of limitations to the studies on hypnosis for childbirth, but the available evidence suggests that it may be beneficial and has no adverse effects."
"Overall, hypnosis has been recognized as an effective tool for treating different types of acute pain, depression, anxiety, nausea, and chronic pain."
"Somebody is utilizing hypnosis, some type of regression."
"Hypnosis doesn't send you to sleep, it wakes you up to your phenomenal potential."
"In a few moments, I will ask you to open your eyes as you continue to remain in a deep state of hypnosis."
"Reverie.com is a self-hypnosis app."
"Hypnosis brings together relaxed and focused states."
"There was a study in 2017 which supported the special state idea."
"Hypnosis can be very useful in a forensic context."
"Under hypnosis, Tyler vividly recalled flying over San Diego. He was struck by the certainty that he knew how to pilot an airplane."
"Hypnosis is like three-tiered. It's not a thing; it's the way things happen. Hypnosis is a syndrome, just like fibromyalgia is a syndrome. They're not things; they're syndromes."
"When it came out about I've been hypnotized not to feel pain. Chris you can't hypnotize a chin."
"Smash the thumbs up button for good luck so Matt can get de-hypnotized. I need my husband back."
"Trance words engage the imagination and bypass the critical left brain."
"Hypnosis is a social phenomenon where the individual takes on the role of a hypnotic subject."
"I think there's a level of mass hypnosis that happens when you get tens of thousands of people all doing the same chant or singing the same song."
"Hypnotism is a lot of nonsense." "No, it isn't. Hypnotists have helped lots of people with lots of things."
"From now on, whenever you have trouble going to sleep at night, I'm going to give you a post-hypnotic suggestion. All you have to do is say to yourself, 'Nighty nights, Snooky yams,' and whenever you say that to yourself, you go to sleep at night with no problems."
"Okay, well I guess we're gonna find out if he's hypnotized or not."
"In hypnosis, hypnosis is a state of intense inward focus."
"Human beings are hypnotizable because we have the ability to shift our awareness, our Consciousness."
"Past life regression is a method that uses hypnosis to recover what practitioners believe are memories of past lives or incarnations."
"Hypnosis can be very useful in a forensic context to assist Witnesses or victims in recollecting memory they may not originally have provided in the investigation."
"I think we are all hypnotized now we don't know it."
"Hypnosis is just a belief that you hold on to. If you believe that you can't get hypnotized, you're just hypnotizing yourself to think that you can't get hypnotized."
"Hypnosis is a phenomenon that actually is just as unique as the air you breathe, it's all around us."
"Hypnosis has been around for a very long time and I'll tell you if you learn how to self-hypnotize you will absolutely feel better about yourself."
"Can hypnosis help with relationships? Absolutely yes."
"Going deeper and deeper down, all the way down, so you can just let go now into a sound and restful sleep."
"It's a group trance--it's a form of group hypnosis."
"Hypnosis isn't a thing, it's a set of procedures that are used."
"It's so easy to drift deeper and deeper down now, into that blissful, dreamy state."
"Whenever you hear me mention the word 'relax', all unnecessary movements and activities of your body, brain, and mind will cease immediately."
"It's as if I were hypnotized," Klaus finished.
"Hypnosis is an efficacious yet precarious methodology and should not be assayed by neophytes."
"It's a proven fact, a scientific fact, that any normal person can be hypnotized at one time or another."
"The power that is in healing can come from the individual's personal perception, and hypnosis allows you to open up to that."
"I think you can hypnotize somebody to quit smoking, lose weight, but it takes sessions."
"You can't make someone do under hypnosis what he wouldn't do while awake."
"Whether you think you can or can't be hypnotized, either way, you're correct."
"What a very good afternoon, my name is Christopher Cross, I am the world's fastest hypnotist."
"Everybody can be hypnotized; everybody has an imagination."
"Hypnosis isn't making you do something against your control; it's you allowing your mind to experience something in a different way."
"In hypnosis... you create the experience even though it's not really there; your mind actually makes it real."
"It's not that you can't be hypnotized or that it doesn't work, but you just have to let yourself have the experience."
"Hypnosis shows you the power of your mind."
"I'm so happy that I went for hypnosis; I feel so relaxed, I don't need a cigarette."
"Every breath you take will take you deeper, more and more relaxed."
"Nearly everyone can be hypnotized."
"Hypnosis is a completely natural state that we all go into and out of every single day."
"I call hypnosis meditation with a goal."
"Hypnosis has a 90.6% success rate for smoking cessation according to a University of Washington School of Medicine study."
"People let down their psychological defenses during hypnosis and, therefore, don't lie."
"In the decades since 1960, the use of forensic hypnosis has proven to be unreliable."
"This hypnosis is going to improve your trading confidence, focus, and accuracy."
"Hypnosis is really just sustained focus."
"On three, wide awake, fully alert."
"Hypnosis and therapy are powerful tools in the right hands."
"Her ability is called Kanzen Saimin, complete hypnosis. It can make you perceive an ant as an elephant or a swamp as a field of flowers."
"The way that hypnosis happens is you usually do like a past life regression and then you meet up with your higher self."
"My goal is to show you how you can tap into this new fun state, use your mind in a new and different way, and have fun experiencing hypnosis."
"I was introduced to hypnosis and that's how I was able to control my emotions."
"It's not a joke, dog, hypnosis is real."
"Hypnosis at its core is simply about understanding that at our nature, we are wired to experience what we believe."
"Hypnosis is not about somebody else controlling your mind, but hypnosis is about understanding that your mind has a tendency to control you."
"The entire passage, short though it is, is so unexpected in this context that I honestly believe it to reflect the experience of being hypnotized."
"My job is to first hypnotize them to the point where they really know that they can actually do this for real."
"The most important thing with hypnosis is gaining the cooperation of the unconscious mind."
"You wouldn't do something under hypnosis that you wouldn't do while fully conscious."
"I'm really loving this career pivot to hypnotist."
"Hypnosis is not about being asleep; it's about waking up to your potential."
"And sleep, deeper and deeper, let's act, sit along yourself, relax even more."
"All hypnosis is, is using the part of your mind that you use every night when you sleep."
"Hypnosis is kind of similar to meditation; the difference is hypnosis is meditation with utilization suggestions."
"The version of events told whilst on hypnosis are to be taken with a pinch of salt."
"The more you hear my voice, the deeper it takes you, always staying balanced and safe on your feet, but letting yourself get even more relaxed."
"Anytime you hear me say the word 'sleep' again, you simply just go right back down to this amazing state of relaxation and focus."
"You can only hypnotize the willing."
"Surprising yourself perhaps just how quickly, easily, and efficiently you can achieve this deep, healing, wonderful, comfortable state of hypnosis just by deciding you want to go there."
"Relax, let go, listen to the sound of my voice."
"Hypnosis isn't about a matter of helping you to take back control parts of your life that may have seemed beyond your control before."
"Just let those eyes open and close right back down and go much deeper."
"Hypnosis is amazing, it's fascinating, certainly interesting to watch."
"He puts people under this spell, and they all go dozy and daft and start doing stupid things."
"If you think that you can't be hypnotized, I have really good news for you: you can, and you are, and you do every day all on your own."
"There are many ways of curing phobias; traditional means can take many months, but with hypnosis, the same result can be achieved in minutes."
"When you're hypnotized, you throw open the gateway to a greater consciousness."
"Hypnosis... it's very natural, and everyone can and is hypnotized on their own several times a day without my help."
"One of the most important practical applications of hypnosis is in pain control."
"Enter the professor's dark world of hypnosis and come face to face with what lies beyond."