
Information Overload Quotes

There are 447 quotes

"We're so bombarded with information in the modern day that what you would read in a newspaper in one day today is the amount of information that someone would have received in their lifetime a hundred years ago."
"In the age of information abundance, we all face an existential crisis of choosing what matters."
"A wealth of information creates a poverty of attention."
"They basically just ground up the entire Internet into a slurry."
"An excess of data, contained within our pockets and accessed within seconds, has led to information overload with the lines between fact and fiction becoming ever harder to ascertain."
"More information does not equal a more informed population."
"We are getting more and more information, and it is affecting our understanding and therefore our strategies."
"The human brain is not designed to consume the entire world's news, 24 hours a day, in real time, fed into our brains."
"Our brains are just going, 'This is too much,' and it's just fried."
"There is so much information out here about personal finance, but there's also such a lack of common understanding about those subjects."
"Less is better. You don't realize that. I know you're getting a whole bunch of information that convinces you the more you do the better the results, but it's not true."
"We live in a bizarre, nonlinear world with a kind of profusion, a superfluous surplus of information that makes anybody's brain short-circuit."
"You overcome that tidal wave of information by studying the polar opposite."
"Focus. The biggest problem that a new investor has is that they get inundated with too much information."
"Excessive accumulation of information is making you poor; overconsumption always leads to disease."
"We're entering a new Dark Ages, where the last one was a lack of information and this one is a fire hose of information."
"The Internet is the world's biggest library; the problem is all the books are scattered on the floor."
"We live in an age of being overwhelmed with information but not necessarily the truth."
"It's the thing of knowledge. Now that we know too much, we get to pick sides."
"For most of history, information was rare... Now it's the other way around. We are flooded by enormous amounts of information that we cannot handle."
"It's hard to sift through all the noise... but I think when you do it successfully, it goes a long way."
"Every minute, we absorb the total experience of a human being in the 18th century."
"Drowning in information but starved for wisdom."
"The bigger risk to me is not that they will believe all the nonsense, it's that they will stop believing anything they see, including legitimate photographs from photojournalists."
"In an environment where bullsh*t rains, and there's too much information to absorb, people favor debate not discourse."
"There's a lot of confusion out there right now."
"I really believe we weren't made to see all of this stuff and to know what like 200 people are doing every single day."
"Our job is to find a few intelligent things to do, not keep up with every damn thing in the world."
"We've never had so much information in front of us and known so little of what to do with it."
"We are in an unprecedented era of information overload."
"Some of you all are swimming in an ocean of information and drowning in ignorance."
"We're all suffering from information overload or data glut, and the good news is there might be an easy solution to that, and that's using our eyes more. So visualizing information so we can see the patterns and connections that matter."
"Too much information kills information. We need to really make choices in order to know for sure what is a fact and what is just imaginary or invention."
"We're entering a period where it's like, we can call it the light ages, where there's so much information we're blinded by it."
"We have more information than ever before, but with the lack of a narrative to identify with, we only become more lost in the midst of this information."
"The amount of information published has doubled every year since [2002], and it looked like a tidal wave."
"There's so much information it's really hard to know what to believe, what not to believe."
"Get off of social media, stop watching the news, and just start talking to people."
"Welcome to the internet, a little bit of everything all of the time."
"Flood the people with news, give them so much news they can't remember what was going on yesterday, let alone this morning."
"There's so much information that we ignore all the time, and when you become more mindful, you can increase your awareness of that thing."
"Where do I begin? There's a lot of videos here."
"In a world of too much information, you are able to cut through to what you need and stand out."
"The world wide web is stuffed like a thanksgiving turkey, full of an endless buffet of distractions."
"There's just too much information and I know somebody of the uh Pinker School of philosophy the Steven Pinker School of philosophy will say well you just have more access to information that means more things are happening and well this is true."
"The overabundance of information is not necessarily a blessing. It's also a curse."
"Games through a lot of information at us, but scenes like elevator rides force you to stop and consider everything you've been doing."
"We're in an interesting time, there's so much information available to everybody, but it's never more important that we become more discerning about the sources of the information that we consume."
"Trusting yourself can help because you can get bombarded with so much information."
"I was glued to my phone, I can't stop refreshing my computer."
"The time is now. We have so much information right at our fingertips and I just feel like we're more stupid than ever. So we gotta write this ship, man."
"I know I've been doing these like every two days but let's be honest there's about a week's worth of news every single day right now."
"I feel like I've been drinking from an informational fire hose all day."
"First, it's overwhelming when you do research. There's gonna be unlimited ways to do this."
"It's very hard for people to separate signal from noise in our complex diets."
"There just seemed to be like so much to watch and so much information getting thrown at you but also nothing at the same time because nothing happened."
"This overabundance of information, of access, of cheap goods...heavily contributes to that same erosion of mental health."
"Ultimately, people surmised that Shannon wasn't going to respond, implicitly accepting responsibility for her behavior."
"Despite there being an extraordinary amount of information, I'm not going to cover most of it."
"It's hard to know what's true and it's hard to know who to trust."
"In the age of information, simple [ __ ] becomes really complicated when everyone is incentivized to hop on social media."
"We're no longer in an information society, we're drowning in information, starving for wisdom."
"Constant information out there and it's fascinating it is absolutely fascinating."
"Take everything that you're being told with a pinch of salt... it's a Minefield we're just trying to sift through it."
"Every bit of information we've ever created, every book, every film, the entire contents of the internet amounts to pretty much nothing when compared with the information content of nature."
"Let's get stuck straight into it and try to answer as many questions as I can before this turns into a super duper duper long video that nobody wants to pay attention to."
"It's really hard to find the video because there are a million of them."
"If you're still here, kudos to you, seriously, that was a ton of information."
"Sometimes with all the references and name drops coming in so fast it can get overwhelming."
"We live in abundance, yes. We have access to more entertainment, more information, more choices than we can even comprehend. But is it a good thing? Is the internet making us unhappy?"
"We live in very interesting times where there is an overabundance of information."
"We have so much information we don't know what to do with."
"There's this pressure cooker of information that's just gonna blow."
"When people get inundated with the same thing over and over again, they go insane."
"If you let too much information in if you let too many people's opinions in you'll be destroyed."
"The more info that we get, the more options we get, the more knowledge we get, and the much higher chance of evolving to a level that perhaps would be unreachable any other way."
"Investigative reporting now needs to be about breaking through the noise of electronic information in a climate thick with propaganda, conspiracy thinking, and half-truths."
"Numbers are too loud, screaming. It's like you can't ignore it at some point in time."
"Reddit is like hitting a reference point in Wikipedia at every single scroll."
"Without trust, more data doesn't make us more informed but more confused."
"Billions of King Louis asking trillions of questions in hundreds of languages, expecting someone to give them an answer in under one second."
"There's a lot of superficial information out there on the web. I know that it's confusing, I know that it's hard to sift through because you don't know who's reliable."
"I feel like society, although information is way more accessible than ever, is getting so much dumber."
"Trusting your gut sounds very alluring and sexy, but people who use that kinda judgement when they're processing through too much information tend not to do as well."
"When the average person is flooded with endless information, they become easily fooled into believing anything at all."
"Too much information is both a blessing and a curse."
"In an age of information overload the resolution to the debate over white clots may just be a piece of a much larger puzzle in understanding and combating the covid-19 pandemic."
"Orwell feared those who would deprive us of information, Huxley feared those who would give us so much information that we would be reduced to passivity and egoism."
"So that’s about it, I know it’s a long video and I know I threw a lot of information out there."
"Stop googling it's just there's too much information out there and well sure yeah you can for sure try to figure out your health issues by yourself but at the same time it's very good to see naturopath and try to get your issues done naturally."
"Information is key to how we survive and thrive, but there's a breaking point and there's all sorts of consequences."
"Life was not meant to be lived within a constant flow of information."
"An avalanche of information is going to come out."
"There's so much info to cover, so much stuff that has never before been known to the public."
"I know it's a little bit of a longer one... we actually covered a ton of information."
"Our lives begin to end on the day that we stop talking about things that matter."
"This country is drowning in information and starving for understanding."
"This is only the beginning; if you think this is a lot of information, this is nothing compared to what is coming."
"There's just so much information they throw at you in this 60 to 100 hour game."
"Don't let your fear overwhelm you, you're going to receive a lot of information, but trust that it will work."
"The notion somehow that the glut of information that is now available to us yields knowledge is completely crazy."
"There's a ton to cover. I just had to take a second to let all this sink in."
"Don't cut yourself off from a lot of information... protect yourself mentally."
"Let's not give into the lie that having all the facts will keep us safe."
"It's like we're getting all of the answers all at once now, and it's just overwhelming and super satisfying."
"It's like a garden hose filled with data that they're shoving down your throat."
"We're living in a unique moment where a deluge of information can be instantly summoned up in just a click, sifting through it all to find the truth."
"The primary purpose of the news in the current era is to make it harder for you to make decisions."
"This is my intervention for a generation that I think has more information than ever before but are seemingly less informed."
"Prioritize your intuition and discretion in navigating endless information on the internet."
"There's so much information out here that was not available in the past before. I mean, it's mind-boggling the amount of information that's available all over the Internet."
"There is so much of this stuff out there... thousands and thousands of papers."
"George Orwell thought the problem in the future was going to be that a few people would possess all the information."
"There's way too much information and not enough knowledge."
"The man listening to all these explanations was getting a bit overwhelmed as he never heard of such a spell."
"That dump of data and information is the disclosure. It is everything."
"It's getting late and there's just so much information... hope you're having a great weekend."
"If more information were the answer, we'd all be billionaires with six-pack abs."
"In the modern age, we can get all this information. The problem is what do you do with it and how do you interpret it?"
"99% of people don't do anything about the free information."
"It's so hard these days to like figure out what's true and what's not true man, it's insane you know."
"To change the perception of reality... that despite of the abundance of information no one is able to come to sensible conclusions."
"Reality is inside the skull. Our sense of reality is to a large extent debatably subjective and individual."
"It's quite dangerous to do that because if you look to somebody purely based on their knowledge they'll never be a person who knows more than the internet than a the most powerful super computer but what's really lacking is wisdom."
"It's easier to get information for sure, but there's a lot of different things - everything around us affects who we become."
"You can easily fall down the rabbit hole and never come back."
"We got more knowledge than we know what to do with."
"The overarching problem is that we need better mental firewalls for the information constantly coming at us. Critical and first principles thinking should be a required course in middle school."
"Information is bad because it floods your head... makes you start to overthink things."
"You never had so much access to so much information with so little idea what the hell is going on."
"It's weird thinking back, this part of the year is a mangled haze of information, trying to piece all of it together again has actually been a bit of a struggle."
"There's too much information... we don't have enough information."
"Don't try and grab every single piece of information you see because we'll all go mad."
"And that's a lot of information, I know y'all. Some of y'all right now is like, 'Yo, this is the information I needed!'"
"We do not want to become lost in a maze of technical information."
"You all have received a huge amount of information tonight but with that you've received an impartation."
"Wow, we've covered a ton of stuff. Seriously, it's a lot to take in for sure."
"There's too much information and it's completely irrational to think that individuals are going to be able to sort through all that information."
"We're already questioning every piece of information that comes at us."
"The nursery school is about 420 slides of information and not only am I talking but I'm showing you at the same time."
"The answers all of us seek can't be found on the very same platforms that are contributing to our anxiety."
"As we barrel through history with oceans of information yet barely a drop of wisdom, we have to understand how we lost our self."
"If you consume too much of one type of news you just can't see the world clearly anymore."
"The information that we consume in a day is what most people consumed in a lifetime just 100 years ago."
"I'm not reading all this, bro, I'm not reading all this."
"The media runs everything. They talk for half an hour about 'what if' scenarios."
"I'm not gonna remember all this but it's good for me to read it all."
"It's unlikely in a very strong seasonal period such as November and December to see these crashes."
"If we truly embrace confusion, we'd be immune to the effects of mindless information on the internet."
"We just have so much information and our intuition is lost."
"I personally like it it has been a bit more simplified I feel like it used to be kind of cluttered with information that we don't necessarily need."
"Keeping up with current situations can be a lot and digging up on historical information isn't much easier."
"Hit that like if you didn't get buried completely in crazy information."
"There are endless rabbit holes to wander down, so much information, answers to questions you haven't even asked yet."
"There's no one answer; you're evaluating a lot of information."
"We got a whole lot going on all over the internets all over mainstream media social media everywhere and boy oh boy."
"Overwhelmed by the abundance of information, the protagonist exclaimed, 'It's too much for me to handle!'"
"How in the world can everyday people make sense of this?"
"All of this is alleged and I don't know nothing and I'm confused just like y'all confused because we all confused and none of us know what's going on."
"You have way more information than you need... It's more now like making a documentary film."
"We have just so much data, and it's so fascinating."
"We're drowning in information but starving for wisdom."
"There's just too much information out there."
"There is a lot of information out there on this case and on this investigation."
"In a world saturated with information, capturing and maintaining people's attention has become a significant challenge."
"I'm sort of always amazed at how many words there are on the internet and yet how much it seems like people are starving for good words."
"The reason that I can even compete with a Kyper is that those guys overanalyze they get so much information overload."
"We've reached this critical mass when it comes to oversaturation of information, oversaturation of social media."
"In a world where there's too much information coming in, the answer cannot be to choke it off... let ideas battle out."
"Our brains weren't evolved to have access to so much material all at once."
"It's okay to be scared and it's okay to not fully know what's going on there's so much different information coming out from every outlet from every person and I'm truly so confused all the time."
"Information overwhelm is a real thing so take it one step at a time, just work them into your daily or weekly rhythms until they become second nature."
"It's just funny to think because I feel like we're just consuming so much of our brains capacity with social media nowadays and other people's lives other people's opinions products and whatever."
"We are living in an era of information overload."
"That was a lot of information to digest in a very short amount of time."
"So hopefully you guys found this video helpful, it was kind of just an overview but with a ton of new information for a lot of you I'm sure."
"It's just so insane how much information is on the internet."
"But I just want to caution you when you're starting to Google and you start to feel anxious, turn it off."
"But who knows, anyway, there's lots of information out there."
"We're inundated by this sea of information right now."
"I think that's the beauty of not spending too much time trying to feed information, you know what I'm saying? Because like some movies, they'll throw it in your face."
"...all this other stuff just read through."
"Generation X was a generation that realized that 200 channels is the perfect amount of information for the human brain to process without imploding on itself."
"I don't envy people going out through the world trying to figure out their information from Google because there is so much mess."
"We are drowning in information while starving for wisdom."
"...just pages containing text and a few images... They take up too much space. They take away attention from the main thing that you want to get through."
"There's only so much information I can gather and we get so overwhelmed with the amount of information."
"I flew through it it was so fast paced so much happened in such a short amount of time but it didn't feel like kind of like an overload of information it felt perfectly paced."
"In the age of digital marketing, it is very easy to get lost in the sea of information."
"Fives could get lost in all that heavy information and research."
"The will rogers phenomenon: the delusion that more information guarantees better decisions."
"There's so much information out there. Somehow we all raised healthy kids with far less knowledge back in the day, and everyone was fine."
"The downside of having so much information available to us at all times is that it enables mindless scrolling to become a regular habit."
"Not be overwhelmed with all of the information I give you, I give you all that so that you can use it as a reference."
"Dissemination of information is insane."
"There's too much information there's so tools that are people are being bombarded why I don't I don't think the human brain is actually able to tolerate or compensate for the bombardment of information that we are on the receiving end."
"...a piercing light of Truth in a sea of too much information and many illusions..."
"Help your clients avoid obsessive thinking, and I actually recommend to many people that they avoid the news, they avoid internet research if it triggers their fear or hopelessness."
"I am curious to see how that's gonna evolve because the plethora of information that AI can Surface to you in a very personalized manner in matter of seconds is far stronger than any human or even content management system can do at the moment."