
Effortlessness Quotes

There are 991 quotes

"If you find the right person, it doesn't feel like effort."
"The best relationships are the ones where you can be yourself, without constantly working for laughter."
"This consciousness is effortless. Knowledge requires effort, but consciousness, what effort does it require to be conscious? None."
"Everything happens effortlessly by synchronicity, and then we experience a higher degree of peace."
"Manifestation comes easy for you guys, so if you guys have been struggling with it, let go of trying so hard. This is something that's natural for you guys."
"We know when we are aligned when the process of manifestation feels effortless and joyous."
"The word 'effort' is not intended to convey the idea of strain. All studied meditation should be without strain or tension."
"It's not that they'll enjoy a joke and let it come tumbling down and crash, no, so that thing which they have made effortless, equally we can make it effortless."
"I am finding myself effortlessly achieving my desires."
"You can shift your own energetic frequency so that you become irresistible to your soulmate and they are drawn into your life effortlessly."
"Relationships should not be work; you should be in them because it's what you want and because you enjoy it."
"Everything that's truly meant for you, you don't have to force."
"Proverbs 10 verse 22 says that your blessings bring wealth without painful toil."
"This money is coming in while I'm asleep, and I'm not doing the work to generate that money on a day-to-day basis."
"Plant a good seed in the right spot and it will grow without further coaxing."
"You want things to be completely effortless in your life... just flows, there's no resistance."
"It's amazing how much more is just trying to happen for you if you would stop the effort, if you would stop the force, if you would stop trying so hard, and you would allow yourself to just let go."
"When your vibration is in alignment with the order you are placing with the universe, things will come to you automatically without much effort."
"The Spirit alone gives eternal life. Human effort accomplishes nothing."
"It's like having a friend who has a pool. Yeah, right? Like, I assume there's a lot of work going into it, but when I go over, I just get to swim and have a great time."
"It doesn't take any effort to be nice and show some respect."
"You just feel the effortlessness with which this does deliver its performance."
"There's a luxuriousness, an effortlessness in the way this goes about things."
"Sprezzatura is an Italian term and means as much as casual elegance that looks effortless and nonchalant."
"The master does nothing yet leaves nothing undone."
"Don't force it, if it doesn't fit, it doesn't work."
"Saitama saves a small boy's life by effortlessly moving a tree."
"The blessing of the Lord brings wealth without pain or toil."
"The audience does not put a premium on how long it took you to do it."
"Easy Victory coming in. This is so simple, doesn't get better than this."
"Remember, it doesn't take any time out of your day to be nice to other people."
"Your money gets to grow completely tax-free."
"You could safely spend four percent of your portfolio every single year without running out of money."
"A guy who is searching will never need you to go extra."
"An uplifting of heart and soul is what we would have you attain rather than an effort of the outer mind."
"The most perfect way to attain happiness is to stop trying to be happy."
"Christianity isn't about trying harder it's about surrender."
"Emma Chamberlain is a style icon without really trying to be."
"Relinquishing doership is the way to make life effortless."
"If you are meant to be with someone, you shouldn't have to chase them. It should be something that's so easy and it just happens and it feels natural."
"Everything he did on the pitch was clever and effortless."
"There are small elements of the rule of call that require no sacrifice at all."
"There will come a day when it all works out, and you didn't even have to try."
"Magnus Carlsen's degree of ease makes it seem effortless. He's operating on another wavelength."
"We are saved by grace through faith, not by our own works."
"Sephiroth showed no signs of physical exertion in Advent Children."
"Greatness is doing something tremendously hard with the simplest of ease."
"It's not going to feel like the work that you've known. It will feel so easy you're almost not going to want to ever even ask for money for it."
"My favorite kind of actors are the ones who make things look effortless."
"When the right one comes along, you'll know it. You won't have to fight for it."
"Looks incredibly fashionable with no effort."
"It's all music, you're supposed to be dancing."
"Once you let go and you're not trying hard, that's when you get all the bullseyes."
"Love isn't something that you should have to fight for."
"Bring forth success from a place of flow rather than force."
"When you're in love, you don't need to keep score, things just build themselves almost out of thin air."
"None of that appears to be a chore for him. It happens in a very natural way."
"You want it to feel like it all just naturally happened on its own."
"Eventually, it becomes organic and natural, and at times effortless."
"Effortless, making the difficult look easy." - Commentary on Kevin Ferroz's riding style
"Something that, with zero effort, leads to a 25 to 35% performance uplift."
"Imagine getting the best workout of your life without breaking a sweat."
"Passive income is income that you don't have to do anything for."
"Effortless love is coming on in here for you."
"You don't got to push, man, that fall straight down." - Chaz
"Let it come to you. When you find yourself overly aggressive, overly attached, overly striding, needing and scratching and clawing for something, back off."
"Love is not to be chased, to be worked for, to be earned."
"You don't have to do anything to be his friend."
"She's so calm and collected, and her vocal control is so natural that it kind of feels like she's not even trying."
"You don't even have to try anymore, you're just doing it by doing you."
"It was so cool to get this unearthed after so many years and without having to jump through hoops for the upload."
"Business was always fun and always felt effortless... it should feel easy and obvious."
"I just started paying attention to my attention... what feels effortless to me."
"The experience of life that I want is more of the unfolding of things that feel effortless."
"It's just effortless in his driving, he makes it look so easy."
"Now I have 61 gold on this account for not having done anything."
"The less you try, the easier things are going to come to you."
"When it comes to two people coming together, I don't think that you should have to really force that connection."
"Passive income is income that requires little to no effort to earn."
"Crash is a marvel of game art and technical design but perhaps his greatest trick is this: it seems so effortless that it is sometimes unremarkable."
"Whatever God designed you for will be effortless to you, it will be what He created you to do."
"Angelina Jolie could roll out of the house in nothing but chapstick and look fantastic."
"This one for some reason I'm not having any troubles. Maybe it's because it's more fun."
"When you live in your life purpose, it won't take any effort for you to do what you want to do. It will seem, you assumed it would."
"I never want to feel like I'm working for God's favor if I don't have to."
"It's easier to move things ahead, it's easier to really trust that what is coming together is supported by the universe and there's energy behind it that could even feel more effortless."
"You want to be seen as great without with effortlessly. Yeah, great so you want to be like, 'Oh, you want to see my audition?' and someone sees it and you want to feel like everyone's like 'That's amazing.'"
"Maybe that's the secret to life. Maybe you just don't gotta try so hard, you know?"
"He's just so confident in his skills. He's like what do I make? I don't care, this is easy to me."
"Effortless effort is the maxim for all spiritual progress, which is the prerequisite of all earthly achievement."
"I've got so many ideas for stuff I want to do anyways hardcore plans is we're finishing that."
"Life is gonna give you what you need and you actually don't need to try."
"She's not breaking a sweat. That's true control."
"No sacrifice where love comes. Everything you do out of love works out well."
"Maintaining an image requires effort. Being yourself is effortless."
"Don't exert yourself, no extra effort is needed at this point. Be content and let things happen naturally."
"So tech, so smooth, he makes it look effortless."
"It always was about ease and grace and never trying too hard."
"Dudes who are confident and tough and high testosterone don't need to try as hard."
"It's all kind of just falling into place and I didn't have to do anything."
"I just I really really love the vibe of this I love how it looks like you didn't try but somehow you still look put together."
"He makes it look so easy, which makes it so inviting."
"When you talk about guys that just look pretty when they're throwing the football, the way that thing comes out of his hand is effortless."
"Gracefulness, conservation of energy, getting the same thing done but with so much less energy expenditure."
"I am constantly finding them without really trying very hard, there's just deals out there."
"Genius requires from the observer standpoint a certain absence of effort, there is an effortlessness to it."
"Go out there and win it, lightwork in my sleep is what I do."
"You're drawing it to you with little effort, visualizing what you truly desire and allowing it to come."
"It's really not often you see someone do so much work to make sure it didn't look like they did much work at all."
"I think it's fair to say Ed Shaw could do it with minimal effort."
"Things that are meant for you are always naturally going to come to you; you don't have to force it."
"Intuition should be natural; never force it."
"Your financial foundation is strong allowing you to manifest abundance and prosperity effortlessly."
"You don't have to do anything different to find this partner, to find this mate."
"Love is not to be chased, to be worked for, to be earned, it's not to be bought or paid for."
"Clairvoyance is more accurate than knowledge and faster than effort."
"Building social leverage and digital leverage, when you build it, it feels effortless, literally effortless."
"The Earth is going through this transition right now where effort doesn't work anymore."
"Most people's gardens are bare dirt waiting for seeds, but mine is already in full swing and I haven't even had to lift a finger."
"Silk immediately looks expensive, chic, polished, and wealthy without even trying too hard."
"Trust that you are coming into a time period of effortlessness."
"It's not that hard, no, it's really not."
"You try so hard, but when you're just this natural, you don't have to."
"I feel really nice and quite glamorous without trying very hard."
"My goal for what I do is to make it look easy. You don't want to watch someone struggling on stage."
"There's an effortlessness and ease, a quiet sophistication that we all want to emulate."
"I got this without breaking a sweat."
"Great action, as Zen points out, is effortless."
"The secret to inner peace and outer success doesn't lie in the force of effort, but in the graceful art of letting things unfold."
"Life becomes like the ocean, it is effortless for life to be there."
"The best things are kind of effortless aren't they."
"You are not going to have to force anything in your life."
"You look so effortless. Your grace is just mesmerizing."
"Stop trying so hard. Slow down enough to be able to receive."
"Look at the slowness here, that to me is like Tristan Tanner effortless, absolutely Tristan Tanner power level."
"Maybe there is a way to make it easy. It's not talent, but maybe it doesn't have to be such a hard, long slog."
"You want to be able to make the biggest sound in the most efficient way with the least effort."
"That's what I want to see, I don't want to have to work for it."
"If you can play difficult stuff effortlessly, then you can play easy stuff really effortlessly."
"Let's strive for that seamless, effortless look."
"He didn't even look like he was breaking a sweat doing it."
"I'm telling you guys, it's going to be so effortless this year but with a little bit of 2016 hints."
"Smart casual to me is all about effortless, nonchalant, relaxed outfit, something that is really put together but without really trying too hard."
"They represent a departure from that, they don't feel like they're having to put in all the effort, all the work, you know, in those early stages of getting to know someone."
"I didn't have to motivate myself to do it. I was just drawn to it and it felt effortless."
"Make your accomplishments seem effortless."
"Surrender to effortlessness, go with the flow instead of forcing the river."
"When somebody does something that's really, really hard and makes it look effortless, that just means they're just good."
"You don't have to make it work, it's already working for you."
"Men are obsessed with it, but it's not trying too hard."
"Effortless look, it looks like I just kind of threw some pieces together but of course y'all know it took some thought."
"Your vibration has risen so much that life becomes effortless."
"She makes it look effortless, which makes her such a diamond in the rough."
"I love how effortless everything is here."
"Let your glow do the heavy lifting. By embodying universal love energy, you can exert less effort in life."
"The thing about his break is he makes it look so effortless even though I know that many, many hours and hours have gone into training it."
"Your wish will soon come true in a very lucky way that's also what I'm getting, in a way where it feels very effortless."
"You're on the right track, so this path for you is going to be in a really effortless way."
"At the heart of both Wu Wayi and the Flow State lies the concept of effortlessness."
"There's something about people that are so good at something that they make it look effortless."
"It makes a massive difference when I can just fly up it rather than struggle up it."
"Things are progressing effortlessly."
"You don't have to try too hard either. I want to tell you that magic I was talking about in the beginning with the golden rose. Yeah, it's like a workhorse for you. It's doing some of the hard work for you."
"Drake doesn't ruin it, you know what I'm saying? He kind of knows how to fall into the correct pocket on this song and kind of make it feel effortless."
"Style is about surviving and making the challenging look effortless."
"That's the weird thing about awakening. You're like, 'What do you mean, I don't have to do anything?' The effort is just gone, it's completely effortless."
"Effortless instantaneous. That's why it is the shortcut."
"Brilliant takes little effort and delivers fantastic results."
"It's just that really effortless look."
"Light work no reaction. Light work no reaction."
"This doesn't feel like it's hard work, it feels like it's natural."
"If it's not easy and effortless, you're either doing it wrong or doing it with the wrong people."
"It really doesn't have to be super hard."
"Successes are going to be effortless for you. Just ride the wave."
"It just seems like the exact opposite of the original movie, even the Two Towers, everything in it feels effortless."
"He makes everything look effortless with that neutral expression he has on his face 99% of the time."
"If you find it easy and you are not trying and focusing and forcing anything then you are doing it correctly."
"When you have that perfect nine iron, it feels like nothing happened, you know? Because it's effortless."
"You will never have to force something that is truly meant to be."
"Effortless progress in all conditions."
"Eventually, a push will be as effortless as the thought required to dream it up."
"It's always just enough, it never comes across as obnoxious or trying too hard."
"The whole idea is effortless, so you don't have to worry too much about perfection."
"Anytime you see anybody doing anything great, it always looks like they're barely doing anything, you ever notice that?"
"They make it look effortless, oh totally."
"That's what I love about these days the looks are so effortless but they don't look like they're basic like if that makes any sense."
"It just feels like very effortless to me."
"One day Hank, this is a dream come true. All the sanctimony without all the effort."
"We need elegant, easy looks. Looks that say, 'This looks great, but I haven't put a lot of effort into it.'"
"You look very polished and put together with minimal effort."
"The old money style is not about doing all the things and putting all the things on there it's very effortless."
"It's not a lot of work, it's so easy."
"So smooth makes it look effortless."
"She makes it look so easy. She's explosive, dynamic, and she does it with a smile."
"I love a good simple yet effortless look."
"There's such an effortlessness in creating these shapes. It looks like he's barely trying, in the greatest way possible."
"In fact, they’re so good at their jobs that they survive exclusively on their ill-gotten gains without putting any effort into getting their own food."
"Effortless is such an IT girl attribute."
"I kind of agree, for some reason the look that kids are going for nowadays, like I don't think it's nowadays, I think it's always been cool to look like you're not trying."
"There's something almost effortless about it."