
Scarcity Quotes

There are 1558 quotes

"Human nature places more value on things that are less available."
"When people feel like something is only going to be available to them at a limited time, they are totally drawn to it."
"The world is always desperately short of people who can think and speak."
"I don't have any coins. Okay, wait. I still have five stars."
"Economics is about the allocation of scarce resources."
"Economics is the study of how humans make choices under the condition of scarcity."
"You have to change what you see every day because if you were brought up the way I was brought up, you didn't look for prosperity, you looked for scarcity."
"Microeconomics is all about scarcity. It's all about how individuals and firms make decisions given that we live in a world of scarcity."
"Economics is called the dismal science because we are not about everyone having everything. We're always the people who say, no, you can't have everything. You have to make a trade-off."
"It is the mechanism of scarcity that increases profits."
"Economics is driven by scarcity and technology creates abundance."
"The notion that something that is scarce is going to finally be allocated to those with the most money is morally and ethically unacceptable."
"There will never be more than 21 million Bitcoin."
"People have one of two attitudes towards life: they either believe that opportunities and happiness are abundant, or they believe in scarcity."
"Protein is very scarce...ancestrally, protein was more scarce, so eggs and meat and things of that sort."
"When something is limited, we want it more. That limited can be limited in time, limited in number. It's particularly valuable if it's just limited."
"That's the thing about these wagons, man, it's hard to find parts for them."
"So many of these stories were only published in limited quantities, and the vast majority have become big collector's items for their scarcity."
"Bitcoin changes the equation... it's a technological construct that has ubiquitous global scarcity."
"Bitcoin is absolutely scarce, so it's better than gold in that respect."
"The elimination of scarcity changes the essential incentives toward problem solving in general."
"The real problem, the place that I think we should stand, is that race becomes an issue when the structures that are supposed to cause us to cohere as a multiracial society breakdown as a result of artificial scarcity."
"Scarcity is the most important law in economics, in that no one can have all that they want."
"To survive, everyone must convert their work into assets that are scarce, desirable, portable, durable, and maintainable."
"Everything in the world is based on scarcity, whether it's a Gucci purse or a Bitcoin."
"The reason why things are gold that have value is because gold is finite and that is why it is valuable."
"Bitcoin is a path-dependent, one-time invention; its critical breakthrough is the discovery of absolute scarcity, a monetary property never before and never again achievable by mankind."
"The discovery of zero was special as it represents absolute nothingness; similarly, the discovery of absolute scarcity in money is special."
"The more appropriate meaning is more a scarcity of anxiety, want, and need."
"Economics is the study of how to allocate resources in a world in which not everyone gets what they want."
"Equity, the idea of equity, rejects this model of scarcity."
"Any decision made in fear, scarcity, and lack, understand where she went."
"Economics is the science of scarcity. Scarcity is the idea that we have unlimited wants and limited resources."
"Economics is how we deal with the idea that we can't have everything and we're forced to make choices."
"I think a lot of the scarcity is artificial and I think when you have scarcity, you're able to have control over populations."
"Everything in the world has always been relatively scarce... but with Bitcoin, we have perfected that property of scarcity."
"The root of all evil in the world is scarcity."
"The idea of using a deserted island as a way of demonstrating scarcity in its simplest form isn't new... It's a good analogy."
"Make sure you get yours fast because they will sell out fast."
"The platform has food, an immense amount, but closer inspection, you can see it's half-eaten."
"These are all non-fungible, a lot of these once they're gone, they're gone."
"Bitcoin is scarce. Bitcoin is the first provably scarce object. There will only ever be 21 million bitcoins ever."
"The vast majority of coins are not locked, which is why the payouts for locking are so high. Only 10% of coins are locked, which is why stakers are making an average of around 40%."
"I think there's a reason for that well first they fall into the category of hard assets real things governments can't make more of."
"Job openings for franchise producers are very limited."
"The most glaring and obvious theme throughout wano is that of hunger."
"The supply of gold is limited... the biggest difference between gold and the US dollar is that unlike US dollars or any other fiat currency on the planet, the supply of gold is limited."
"As with any market, when there's scarcity, people come in and buy at a faster pace."
"Diamonds are going to be a precious resource from now on."
"It gives an increased sense of scarcity because there's only a limited amount and it makes you feel exclusive."
"The idea that if a store markets something as going out of stock or only being offered for a limited time, that people will naturally want to capitalize on it, even if it's something that they don't actually need."
"I'm always when I go through life I'm looking for leaders because I think that leadership everything Rises and falls on leadership and quite frankly I think leaders are hard to find."
"When you guys are out shopping you really right this second need to get as much as humanly possible because what's gonna happen is the shelves will be empty before you know it."
"Our food supply chain may be left with too few supplies to attend to consumer demand."
"NFTs are all one-of-ones, so there is a scarcity aspect to them driving demand up."
"Even if you had all the money in the world today and you tried to buy all the bitcoin in existence, you could only buy less than 18% of it. So that can't happen."
"Democracy is a man's scarcity born of filth and fire."
"We're starving, our food's gone, I haven't seen my family."
"If you want something, the lesser there is of something, the more valuable it becomes."
"Anyone can spin up a cryptocurrency now that Satoshi Nakamoto figured out how to do it, but they're really only a handful of cryptocurrencies that are truly scarce."
"Water is going to be worth substantially more than gold in a crisis situation."
"Dungeon of the Endless does a great job of keeping things scarce."
"Material abundance has never eliminated perceived scarcity."
"We are now at an end of abundance, and it's your moral obligation to embrace this end of abundance."
"Gucci is like that cake. Once you think there's enough to go around, then you'll have a taste. And then you want more. And then you'll want the whole thing for yourself."
"In 2021 the graphics card is now on the endangered species list."
"Could it be that the scarcity and rarity of bitcoin is creating such FOMO in the market?"
"Bitcoin is already deflationary, and with miners borrowing fiat, it's even more scarce."
"It's all about scarcity—deflationary assets go up in value, benefiting those who hold them."
"That feeling of being diminished... ultimately, that is coming from this feeling of scarcity."
"The scarcity mindset and how it affects our life, our views on the world, the way that we do things, and our relationships with others."
"That's the whole virtue of Bitcoin - it's absolutely scarce."
"Some of us are so used to scarcity that abundance doesn't even feel normal to us."
"So good McLaren dealers are out there unfortunately there just aren't enough McLaren dealers."
"Men can't miss what they haven't lost, and they don't value something that's too available."
"Scarcity creates value. Being mysterious, unpredictable, and challenging to figure out causes women to become more interested in you, curious about you, value you more, respect you more, chase you more, and generally like you more."
"Ethereum essentially will become even more scarce than Bitcoin."
"Money is not abstract nor is it some item of precious scarcity."
"The supply is only 8,888 white tokens, and that's why people are very much FOMOing."
"There's an incredible amount of unnecessary scarcity in this land of abundance."
"Scarcity and decentralization is key in the success of a nation or a collapse of a nation if we're not able to adapt to those things."
"As the reward gets smaller, the price of Bitcoin tends to kind of go upward as it becomes rarer."
"Imagine if we got to a world where all the Bitcoin was dry and it's very difficult to find them. I wonder how high Bitcoin's price would be."
"It's a mindset of scarcity versus a mindset of abundance and unfortunately scarcity is winning in this country."
"There's only going to be 21 million Bitcoin and there's X number of millionaires in the world, therefore there's not enough Bitcoin to go around for every millionaire to own one Bitcoin."
"Scarcity creates value, and that's the beauty of what no contact does."
"Scarcity is one of the number one ways in the world in all of branding to create brand value."
"Good luck getting the 3080 because they sold out in seconds."
"The scarcity is already there when you talk about grayscale is going to own one out of every 10 bitcoin by next year."
"Scarcity means there's not enough for everyone, so we have to figure out the best way to allocate our scarce resources."
"Look at capitalism, has empty shelves. I thought it was only socialism that did that."
"We're in the middle of a natural disaster, socialism has empty shelves on a daily basis."
"The Russians are running out of equipment, they're running out of men, they're running out of ammunition."
"Acknowledging the lack, acknowledging the scarcity mindset is the key."
"Scarcity: people tend to give more value to things that are in limited availability."
"By walking away or giving the impression I'm walking away, that creates urgency and scarcity."
"Bitcoin is a great store of value. It is very scarce, there is only 21 million Bitcoin available that is pre-programmed into the code."
"Springs are like petroleum. You can always build a chocolate factory. But Springs you have, or you don't have." - Helmut Maucher
"God is not making any more of it, so why not captivate as much of it as we can?"
"This is a zero-sum game. There's only so many slots at these schools."
"Essentially, dollars are becoming more scarce."
"People will be fighting over Satoshis in a couple of years for sure."
"This story to me at least creates an interesting dynamic with the scarce elements of sonic lore."
"Everything is so much more beautiful when you don't have an endless bowl of grapes but you just have those three frozen ones."
"There's no more expensive commodity in the world than time."
"Create urgency by limiting course availability. Scarcity drives sales. It's about 'why now?'"
"When something becomes more scarce relatively speaking, it becomes more valuable compared to everything else."
"Sanity seems to be in short supply these days."
"If you see something that you really, really want especially if it's a hundred years of Wonder merchandise item go ahead and buy it when you see it because that stuff can sell out."
"Life is limited, but that doesn't make it meaningless. Things go up in value when they're limited, right?"
"I think it's actually good to experience the scarcity because what you find at the end of it is that you weren't scarce."
"Land is the only thing ain't nobody making no more of."
"Bitcoin has a finite amount. There's only 21 million Bitcoin."
"There's something beautiful about the demand from scarcity."
"Understand that you are also creating Demand by scarcity."
"If you buy it, it becomes scarce, something happens that's going to go up in value."
"Withholding the supply made diamonds valuable."
"Bitcoin is so amazing because it's so hard and they can't create more of it unlike this debt they can create more of the whole time."
"Life's abundance is revealed when faced with scarcity."
"The positional scarcity is real and it's hard, you know, the league winners are the ones that the running backs have finished the season with 20-plus fantasy points."
"People want scarcity, and I think that's the beauty of NFTs."
"It was pretty cool when people were doing tricks with them. They were so hard to find at first."
"Once the herd starts running for the stuff, it starts getting unavailable very, very quickly."
"So if you want to preserve value, then you would want to put that value into the form of scarcity."
"There's a lot of money out there seeking scarcity at the moment that doesn't want to involve itself in scarcity determined by social emotional consensus."
"Brilliant thinking is rare but courage is even shorter supply than genius."
"It's like a wasteland, like when you go to the grocery market at 11 p.m. and they haven't restocked it yet."
"You may struggle to find this traditional dessert at stores this fall."
"Suddenly your problems become strengths and your scarcity becomes plenty."
"Low hanging fruit is not gone but it's very small."
"Bitcoin is something that is by definition scarce and limited, confined in its quantity, mathematically defined by formula, there's a finite Supply."
"For me, the finite of Bitcoin, the 21 million Is the key to the whole topic."
"Defense blueprint laid out, materials scarce."
"That's when you start seeing the breakdown... We're only three meals away from a revolution."
"Running out of a commodity doesn't matter until it matters and then it matters a lot."
"Scarcity is a key factor in the value of NFTs."
"Cryptocurrency is the new gold. Blockchain gives us the first way in human history to have something provably scarce online."
"Bitcoin is not tech, it's the hardest and most scarce asset we have."
"What you saw in Emerald Vale is happening all across the colony. Food shortages, lack of supplies, and basic necessities. We are dying."
"He's not even gonna come to that, use it, that's rare, use what, whatever, your card."
"The best solution to the everything shortage is to have a policy to make more of just about everything."
"The amount of Bitcoin that's not moving is only increasing and therefore it's becoming scarcer."
"Eventually everything is gonna be rare because they're gonna stop making it."
"Let's say and I just feel like the descriptions of these people and what they're going through and them you know running out of food and them questioning."
"Bitcoin...there can only be 21 million...no more than 21 million ever."
"You guys be on the site on time, a lot of these items like there hasn't been a big women's especially athlete launch in a while so I feel like a lot of these items are going to sell out quickly."
"If you guys can find an on ryu, buy them because they are not going to be in stock much longer."
"I walked to a convenience store because I was running out of food and I waited in line to buy a can of green beans that was five years expired."
"Courage and moral clarity are in short supply."
"The leverage point in the Russia-Ukraine war is the scarcity of supply."
"Bitcoin is digital gold, digital real estate, because it's finite and it follows a protocol."
"When people are deprived of food, ethics and morality go out the window."
"Common sense and self-awareness guys, it's in short demand."
"They make the best marble statues in my past, they just don't make a lot of them."
"Start grabbing whatever you can find, because you might not ever come across it again."
"When we don't have the things we're accustomed to, we start to appreciate them more."
"Bitcoin is scarce; there's 21 million, and there'll never be more."
"We had only one bicycle, we're pushing it around."
"Meanwhile, Fox running a headline: 'There's a nationwide Santa shortage.'"
"You have been victimized, but you're not a victim. Victimhood is not your identity."
"Crypto offers something different, something that has actual scarcity or rarity, something that has a total cap."
"Scarcity is what drives value, and so if you have limited edition releases that are limited to only twenty-five hundred, five thousand, or even less on a print run, those immediately will have value."
"Abundance doesn't make something more valuable. It is the opposite."
"Some things are better farmed, some things are better scavenged for, and some things you cannot farm."
"This ammo shortage is going to keep going it's going to last a long time don't get your hopes up and stop listening to people saying it's going to just last till January or it's going to end in the summer."
"They overpay because that's what happens when you have something that's in limited supply."
"Is the repeated scarcity of Nintendo's products unnatural scarcity or is it artificially created to manipulate the consumer base?"
"If you don't question, you have a scarcity mindset."
"There's no political Capital left in Washington DC necessarily."
"High value men are rare. Beautiful women are common."
"Our whole system today is based on the idea of scarcity, but the opposite is true."
"Hit the link in the description to be the first in line, because we only have a limited amount of each."
"There's very few retrievable corpses or bodies associated with UFOs."
"There's literally only one left. This was so lucky."
"Starving people are dangerous, so food gets pushed out there really hard... They're even just saying it now that this shortage is just permanent basically at this point."
"Bitcoin is hard money because nobody can just make more of it at a lower cost."
"The truth is the truth, you look around, it's not an embarrassment of riches."
"People go a little crazy when they think that something they want is rare or scarce."
"Scarcity is how we perceive value; that's the only thing that gives anything value."
"The smartest thing you can do is prepare for this... otherwise you will end up fighting someone in a supermarket over the last can of beans."
"Time is the most valuable and the most scarce asset, that's absolutely the right, Kelly."
"Bitcoin liquid supply is vanishing from the exchanges. You all know what that means."
"Scarcity is what adds value to things and a list of Standards tells you what performances are rare and what performance is a run-of-the-mill."
"The stock to flow model quantifies Bitcoin's scarcity. It measures scarcity directly, like gold."
"Stock to flow works because it measures scarcity directly. The scarcer something is, the more valuable it should be."
"I'm gonna be hard pressed to find a project like this anytime soon."
"What defines a culture in many ways is not what it has in abundance, which does surely shape them, but also what they have very little of."
"Even on a desert planet, like Arrakis in Frank Herbert’s Dune Novels, where water is so scarce they recycle their dead, they still have air to breathe freely."
"We're gonna need boron, which she doesn't have, okay, that's a good start."
"Prices went up proportionally to the scarcity."
"Imagine today in 2020 how many of those 70 cents are just completely locked up in collections never to see the light of day again."
"There's just not a lot of it to consume and that really holds the whole thing back."
"High demand and low supply can create an infinite upside, and I'm not kidding when I say that."
"No matter what the few little whales are doing, Bitcoin is scarce, and that's the bottom line."
"Avocado, they're too expensive and going extinct."
"I think with Ethereum becoming deflationary now Ethereum technically could become even more scarce than Bitcoin."
"What are they trying to feed and then if they don't get it, how much lower do they go?"
"Bitcoin is a finite asset, mined and extracted, and roughly 18 million of the available 21 million bitcoin units have emerged."
"Nintendo's first-party releases may have been in short supply in '89, but with games like this on offer, we barely even noticed."
"The best stuff gets picked over very, very quick."