
Participation Quotes

There are 8608 quotes

"We are generally better at recalling distinct, unusual events and also events that require active involvement."
"Fifty percent of success is just showing up."
"Remember, none of this is possible without you."
"A big part of life is simply just showing up."
"Consciousness is what engenders reality itself, and that we partake in that."
"Your participation is actually an expression of your faith."
"Democracy is a daily practice... it's required of us to engage with it."
"Thank you for joining us guys, we really appreciate it."
"This makes us an active participant in the storytelling process, and not just a passive viewer."
"I feel very, very blessed to be a part of it."
"Don't let life pass you by; be among it and live."
"Good principals spend very little time in their office... they should be involved in the educational process."
"This is democracy—300 million people in this country. We're the ones who are going to vote. There's no other people that are going to save us; it's just us."
"You can’t stop putting yourself out into the world, you just can’t, otherwise the world loses two people over their death, not one."
"The magic obviously is in the people who show up."
"YouGov allows me to take short surveys on things like politics, entertainment, products, and brands in exchange for gift cards from Amazon, Nike, or iTunes, for example, or even cash via PayPal."
"Every one of you has your part in that future."
"You've got to participate in your own rescue."
"We need cultural participation, not just cultural commentary."
"It's not the only thing you should do, never leave the power of your vote on the table."
"The most pure and beautiful experience is being part of something like this at the very beginning."
"Do not count yourself out before putting yourself in the game first."
"Whenever I notice something good, true, or beautiful, I'm participating in something of God's being."
"We all can play a role in the future of health and medicine."
"The life we experience is not a coincidence or an accident, but we are participating and creating it."
"Imagine if you also get to vote on minimum wage or legalizing marijuana nationally... I'm actually affecting the world around me."
"I want to have a direct say; I want all of us to have a direct say."
"We're always looking for participants for our studies."
"People should have a degree of control over and participation in their lives."
"Evolution is going to be a participatory process. We have to participate."
"The most important office in a democracy is not president or prime minister or chancellor or governor or mayor, it's citizen."
"What I believe in now is personal Awakening and participating where possible in The Awakening of others."
"Email me right now, we're filling these spots."
"This great dance of Shiva... you're not an aloof spectator watching this dance; you're part of the cosmos."
"Think about it, we have this amazing community, but it's only amazing because of all of us."
"In the dance of democracy, we all have a part to play, a rhythm to follow, and a voice to be heard."
"It's true in life too, you just have to show up."
"Everyone should have the chance to participate in sports, but they need to compete where it's most fair."
"Thank you for the feedback and thank you for the participation in helping us develop this season."
"To take a photograph is to participate in another person's (or thing's) mortality, vulnerability, mutability."
"We need to be clear that we are all participants in perpetuating sexism until we change our minds and hearts."
"The ultimate goal of the council's liturgical reform is the inner life-changing participation of the faithful in every aspect of the liturgical life."
"You start to practice saying, 'I don't want to check inside of me first to see what I want and what I don't want. I want to pay attention to what the universe is creating in front of me...and let me see how I can participate in that, be part of that, instead of interfering with it with my desires and my fears.'"
"Liturgy is not about participation; it's about a certain kind of participation. There's only one person who knows whether or not each participant in the mass, including the lay and the celebrant, is actually participating and it has nothing to do with the volume of their voice."
"It's the most amazing thing to be a part of."
"It was one of the most amazing experiences ever."
"Thank you to each and every one of you for being a part of this with us because, without you, none of this would be possible."
"Democracy decisions are made by people who show up."
"History being written in real time, and it's great that people continue to engage in it, pay attention to it, and sometimes even help with it."
"We are surrounded every day of our lives by infinite games; we are all unwitting players in these infinite games."
"I always do wonder that about these... I'm having a good time, and actually, I really do enjoy it."
"We all have a role to play, we all have a part."
"I really hope that all of y'all, no matter if you are a creator or just somebody, anyone that can help, you know, share or help out with us, please, please, as always, I couldn't do this without y'all."
"The ultimate goal isn't just to watch things happen or to wonder what happened, but to be part of it, to make things happen."
"Follow your passion because there's really no area that's not going to be affected or that isn't a part of this story."
"It's a beautiful feeling to know that we were part of this just a little thing that others wanted to get in on."
"The economy is not something outside of us; it's actually us, we're all participating in that."
"You couldn't be in William's view a member of the royal family dipping in and out. You are either in, or you are out."
"I dare you in your kitchen, wherever you are, just sing: You're amazing God, we're in awe of You."
"Socialism doesn't mean uniformity; it means everyone has a stake and a say in their work."
"Don't forget there are awesome prizes available all season long for the biggest winners, so don't forget to get your picks in."
"They are loud; we must be louder. They vote; we must vote more."
"Empowerment is shifting from 'the world is happening to me' to 'now I'm online, I'm a participant.'"
"Every single vote is an amazing piece of participating in democracy and it should matter."
"Tokenization changes everything. We can all participate."
"You have an important part to play because you're still here; you're still on the Earth."
"Our universe is a universe of connectedness, and we actually participate in the operation of it."
"Miracles don't happen to us; they happen by means of us."
"I just hope that me being here encourages more women to be a part of this."
"Everybody plays a part, and sometimes because we worship celebrity in America, we put celebrities on a pedestal they may or may not deserve to be on."
"I've got enough time to participate; I don't really have time to watch it."
"Voting is more like washing your car or ironing your clothes. It's part of the thing you do to make stuff work."
"It's the kind of thing that everyone can do. You don't have to be a rock star to be able to come for the ride and participate."
"Citizen engagement, citizen participation means more than just voting."
"Society is something you participate in, you take things from society, receive certain rights...and you give certain things in return."
"This is one of the obligations of being an American, this is the part of the democratic experiment."
"Revolution means to turn forward... we are in a revolution we are revolving whether you're doing it or not."
"It feels like you're a part of a community because you are."
"It's quite exciting and a pleasure to be a part of it."
"Vote for uncorrupted Democrats. The fight starts now, it starts today, and it starts with you."
"Space-time is the arena for everything that happens in the universe, but it's more than just an arena; it's a participant in reality's grand play."
"You don't just have to be a coder, but you also don't have to just be a consumer. You can be a creator."
"We don't have to sit back and just be guinea pigs; we too can be part of the solution."
"We're invited to be part of this new tree of life, participating in the life-giving work He started."
"Thank you to everybody who participated in the survey. The feedback is being considered and evaluated to figure out what changes we should make, if any."
"I want to thank you all for participating. The feedback was great, positive and negative."
"I want to remind you that while I am the one leading this session, the effectiveness of it depends largely on your participation. So any success you have during this session is something that you should feel very proud of. You should feel brave and smart and strong because you are."
"The American people are not going to sit home for the next year. It's not going to happen."
"Finding a way to participate in a society which doesn't seem to have been built with you in mind is never easy, but you can't prove that a success paradigm doesn't exist for yourself."
"Politics is not a spectator sport; it is a participation sport. If you're not at the table, you're on the menu."
"I believe in maximizing participation as much as possible."
"We will never have perfect politics but we have to understand the need to get involved in the game."
"It's way better to do it badly than not to do it at all."
"Weaponize your curiosity. Become an active participant in trying to discover the nature of reality."
"It's easy enough to say that we all have a role in making the system better."
"And anyone can be a part of that or, at the very least, anyone can be there to watch it happen."
"Nothing says democracy like a little direct action."
"It's kind of hard to fight a war if no one is willing to fight it."
"Participation in class is part of your grade."
"It's the first time I'm voting. I realize how it's important to vote and have your voice and your opinion to be heard."
"The real award for participating is that you actually did something. Succeed or fail, it's more than zero."
"Everyone and anyone can participate no matter what size, gender, race."
"Everybody is going to be needed on the field. Everybody needs to be; you can't sit in the stands."
"If more people had come, it would have been a better party."
"All you need is a cup, mug, glass, stein, chalice, tankard, thermos, flask, vessel of any kind, fill it with your favorite liquid...and join me now for the unparalleled pleasure of the dopamine hit of the day...it's called the simultaneous sip."
"Grow a pair. You have to have testicular fortitude to say, 'I have a say in this pattern of ideas. I should also contribute.'"
"People don't really want something valuable for nothing; they want to contribute their part."
"You have to educate people who are ready to participate and to make decisions and to take responsibility."
"The most powerful thing you can do as a creator is to encourage participation with the audience so that they start projecting what they want to see onto the experience."
"It means the world to us that you would be a part no matter where you're watching from."
"Democracy is messy... But the journey is worthwhile, and it goes beyond casting a ballot."
"This doesn't feel good. Yeah, I don't think I want to be part of this anymore."
"It's about taking part, it's about being there, it's about getting out the house and doing things with your mates."
"No matter which way you slice it, you have to participate in the stock market."
"The position we find ourselves in is if you want to enjoy or participate in ordinary life you're going to have to take new measures."
"You're not gonna keep me or guilt me into not being a part of it."
"Huge turnout for early voting today in four states, people waiting online for hours to cast their ballots in person."
"We're either going to be those that hasten it or those who delay it."
"We need everyone to do their part. So speak up, speak out, get engaged, vote, vote, vote."
"They want you to be in the fray, actually participating in the gunfight."
"We don't have the luxury of sitting out the election to feel morally pure."
"Cast votes for the desired person you want to be."
"I need you in my life, I want you in my life, and I want to be in your life in some way."
"We're gonna use our own open system and ensure that those systems remain open for anyone to partake in."
"Democracy is not free it's not a free-for-all you gotta work at it."
"I was almost jumping on the phone and saying can I please be in it."
"Let me know in the comments below what you think. Guardian Games is right around the corner, which I'm very excited to jump into."
"A lot of times, if there were loud noises or flashing lights, Nicholas couldn't get himself to participate."
"You need to contribute to that fight, otherwise why are you in the raid?"
"Thank you for joining us during this investigation."
"It's your turn. That's what He's saying. It's your turn to jump in."
"There's no neutrality in this fight; you're either an agent of justice or contributing to the problem."
"We have done regular order, we have had open amendments, and every single member of this chamber has the right, the ability, and the opportunity to be heard on the floor."
"You gotta get involved. You got to vote. You got to participate."
"I hope I inspired someone out there to try out for the show or try out for anything else."
"Bitcoin will happen, but can I influence the rate of change by actively participating?"
"We'll start probably this month once a month taking submissions."
"This is what we need: someone who isn't just part of the Washington machinery but is willing to call it out, shake it up, and put it back on course."
"We need at least 1% of the global population to begin to awaken to this."
"No matter what you do, go out and vote. Make sure your voice is heard."
"Things take time, but like outline the gut reset and is that something that our audience can do, can they follow along?"
"You're just doing the thing, and they're just watching from the sidelines."
"Tricia landed a huge opportunity as one of the main parts of Eminem's 'We Made You' music video."
"We're giving away a thousand V bucks right now, I need everyone to spam done."
"Speak up in your own way, even if it's going online, even if it's attending here, even if it's donating."
"You can't win the argument if you don't make the argument."
"This is what it is now, it's an honor for us to be a part of it absolutely."
"Thank you for having me. It was an absolute pleasure."
"And there’s something really satisfying about participating in a community that feels impactful."
"Everyone was a contributor to this game and everyone bought in."
"Say something, do something, just be a little bit involved."
"I'm so happy to be here with you all doing this."
"This isn't just for you or you this is for everybody and everybody's showing up."
"Prayer is God's way of enlisting you in what He's doing."
"There's no shame in playing the event. It does not matter if you lose."
"I am happy to have the opportunity to be in action tonight on AEW Dark Elevation."
"This event is important not only because it helps spread the word about the problem but it also shows what people can do if they're willing to pitch in."
"Every American is entitled and encouraged to participate in our electoral process."
"If you all subscribed right now, we'd get to 9 million in no time, and you could be a part of it."
"Life is not a kindergarten soccer game where everybody gets to shoot a goal... everybody can be on the pitch and try out for the team."
"The more people that participate, the bigger the spirit. Spirit is a collective."
"Seeing how many people are doing this challenge... makes me really happy."
"This whole thing is about a game. It's a game."
"I like your green eyes and you want to be a part of this intro too, okay."
"We're thrilled to be a part of the rumble Community."
"I don't want to be known as a generation that lost the republic."
"Thank you for joining us on Challenger Approaching."
"It's been a real passion of mine to involve the community as much as possible as early as possible."
"The less attractive you can make these ideas seem, the fewer people will join."
"The brain does a great job making us feel as though our participation in the world around us is instantaneous."
"It just matters that you've showed up for yourself."
"If you would like to join gun owners of California I strongly urge you to do so"
"We're quite happy to be here, looking forward to racing here."
"This is your movement, and we are honored to be a part of it together."
"The only way you're going to get better is to experience it."
"The revival is still going on, so let's lift your hands tonight if you're going to be sowing."
"We have to get everybody who's eligible to vote out there to cast a ballot."
"Some part of me is proud to be part of that Legend."
"Criticism reveals what people actually want to be a part of."
"America is stronger when everyone can contribute, participate, and join in our national revival."
"Most people just choose not to play the game at all."
"You've got to try and stand out at least a little bit or try and contribute to the conversation. That's my best advice for you."
"They have governance rights over this community so they can have a say on how it evolves."
"If there is no justice for me then what's the point of participation?"
"The future will go to those who show up for it."
"As a reviewer, you want to take part in the larger conversations in the world of art."
"I'm hoping that a lot of you want to be in this universe because I do."
"Join us and contribute to helping shape the game."
"So if you want to join the giveaway, you can go to bardobrush.com/giveaway and sign up."
"Every hour you contribute, every precinct you walk, every phone call you make, every postcard you write will determine the outcome of this election."
"We're actually in the playoffs, we get to send the playoffs now."
"Take in some information that'll allow them to tangibly actually interact... as opposed to just be observers."
"When you see articles come out in reference to the planet moving faster... please believe that you're a participant in these events."
"We need to actually stop running away from the culture and start creating culture ourselves."
"Protecting the future is not a spectator sport."
"I wanted everyone to have the opportunity to experience it themselves."
"Vote early, vote however you gotta vote, you make sure you get the votes in."
"You need to let them choose and make them a part of the process."
"The larger number of people that we can involve in the electoral process I think the more robust it would be."